

  • HelenDootson
    HelenDootson Posts: 443 Member
    Ok, very behind with this so here goes lots:

    10. Do you count calories? If so, what is your daily limit? - Yes, 1340

    11. Today you will be cooking for your whole family. Find a healthy recipe online that they will also enjoy and show them how tasty healthy food can be! - Almost every night!!

    12. What is your least favorite type of cardio? - Aerobics classes - No co-ordination

    13. What is your favorite type of strength exercise? - Body Pump

    14. What is your least favorite type of strength exercise? - Planks

    15. Write your current weight. Have you lost anything in the past week? If not, what are your plans for this week? - 208, increasing my calories, it is going too quick

    16. Which part of your body do you wish to change the most and why? - Stomach, 2 c-sections leave a mess behind them
  • melaniejo527
    melaniejo527 Posts: 73 Member
    23. How much water do you usually drink in a day?
    I usually drink between 120 and 150 oz of water...

    24. Have you ever had an eating disorder?
    I don't know that I would say it was a full blown eating disorder, but I have made myself throw up in the past when I thought I ate/drank too much.
  • ClementineGeorg
    ClementineGeorg Posts: 505 Member
    40. What is your body frame? Small, large or medium?
    Could quite say what I have behind all this fat. :lol: I did some internet measurements and they say I have a large frame.
  • dancerom
    dancerom Posts: 174 Member
    37. Have you ever purged? If so, how did you feel afterwords?
    No, I was never able to... though I tried... But luckily it didn't work...
  • torrini
    torrini Posts: 78 Member
    I'm gonna do this in my mfp blog! :)
  • ClementineGeorg
    ClementineGeorg Posts: 505 Member
    41. Where are you from? Is your country’s diet healthy or unhealthy in general?
    I'm from Romania.
    The diet here may be considered quite unhealthy, because it's full of carbs and fats... but there are a lot healthy foods also.
  • ClementineGeorg
    ClementineGeorg Posts: 505 Member
    42. How many meals do you usually have a day?
    3 big meals and 2 snacks.
  • dancerom
    dancerom Posts: 174 Member
    38. Have you ever binged? If so, what is your binge food?

    Binging: it depends on definition. I have definitely eaten too much. And I have had moments when I was eating 100 g of chocolate in a few minutes or tahina with honey by the spoon. But it always ended after 600-800cals.
    There were several reasons I realized now. Either not eating enough on a day, so I just needed more food (carbs and fat). Or more Magensium/Potassium (all my binge-foods are rich in that).
    Or it was on days when I already had sugar in the morning. This ends less in a binge than in a eating all day long... And this hast to do with my Insulin Resistance...
    So since I know that, and make good choices and supplement all the mangnesium and stuff I haven't binge-cravings anymore.
  • jimmybro1
    Hmmm not for me!
  • ClementineGeorg
    ClementineGeorg Posts: 505 Member
    43. Write your current weight. Have you lost anything in the past week? If not, what are your plans for this week?
    I'n now 85.9 kg (189.4 lbs). This week I have lost 0.7 kg (1.5 lbs). For the next week I plan to exercise more. I was very sick this week... a terrible cold, my nose running non-stop... I feel so un-toned...
  • dancerom
    dancerom Posts: 174 Member
    39. Try a new veggie today. Learn how to prepare it and enjoy! How was it?
    There was no time for buying or cooking today. But s few days ago I had a special italian spinach. And I also bought parsley root. It's still waiting in my fridge...
  • dancerom
    dancerom Posts: 174 Member
    40. What is your body frame? Small, large or medium?
    They always told me it's large and that I have large/heavy bones. But when I go with the wrist size rule it's small. And that's more what I feel/think.
  • ClementineGeorg
    ClementineGeorg Posts: 505 Member
    44. Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? Does (s)he know about you losing weight? Does (s)he support you?
    I'm single from a couple of month ago.
  • Fat2Fit145
    Fat2Fit145 Posts: 385 Member
    Ok , so i think i missed some days, so imma do a few at once....

    2. Describe your dream/goal body.--- FLATTTT STOMACH, BIG BOOTY AND HIPS....SOOME BOOBS WOULD DO :)

    3. Is your UGW in an unhealthy range of BMI?----YES

    4. Have a vegan day today. No meat, no eggs, no dairy, no animal products whatsoever. Give it a try! ---TOMORROW I WILL.....TRY

    5. What is your favorite healthy food? ----FRUITS.... ANY

    6. What is your favorite unhealthy food?--- FRIED CHICKEN

    7. What is your least favorite healthy food?---BROCCOLI

    8. Write your current weight. Have you lost anything in the past week? If not, what are your plans for this week?---175....GAINED 3 LBS IN THE PAST WEEK....THIS WEEK I PLAN TO WATCH WHAT I EAT!
  • ClementineGeorg
    ClementineGeorg Posts: 505 Member
    45. Do you have a rest day when you don’t work out? Which day is it?
    I don't have a standard rest day.
    I'm quite busy with work and university at the moment and usually if I have homeworks or projects to do, I'll do that, and skip working out a couple of days.
    But when I have a more free schedule I rest in function of workouts I made in the last days (I don't do a specific workout, but many ranging from aerobics, pilates, tae-bo, circuit traning, etc). If I am doing mostly aerobics and pilates I don't get a rest day. But after 3-4 days of intense workouts I would usually rest.
  • ClementineGeorg
    ClementineGeorg Posts: 505 Member
    46. Try changing your routine today. Don’t do the same exercises as the week before, learn a new move to cinch that waiste or to tone those thighs!
    Today I tried a new exercise. Well... not new-new... it's new for the last months.
    It's called walking throught high snows and avoiding at all costs to fall. :))
  • HelpMeBeSkinnyASAP
    I love this ! I am definitely stealing !
  • AnnaNoel_21
    AnnaNoel_21 Posts: 96 Member
  • dancerom
    dancerom Posts: 174 Member
    41. Where are you from? Is your country’s diet healthy or unhealthy in general?

    Switzerland. I think it's generally relatively healthy, as it is a rich country.
    A lot of the typically swiss foods are very calorie dense. But I rarely ate those...
  • ClementineGeorg
    ClementineGeorg Posts: 505 Member
    47. Have you forbidden yourself any type of food?
    No, I have forbidden certain quantities of food.