

  • Fat2Fit145
    Fat2Fit145 Posts: 385 Member
    9. What is your favorite type of cardio? - AEROBICS

    10. Do you count calories? If so, what is your daily limit? -YES, 1200, GETTING SOMEWHAT LAZY IN DOING IT

    11. Today you will be cooking for your whole family. Find a healthy recipe online that they will also enjoy and show them how tasty healthy food can be! ---UMMM MAYBE TOMORROW

    12. What is your least favorite type of cardio? -CIRCUITS

    13. What is your favorite type of strength exercise? -SQUATS

    14. What is your least favorite type of strength exercise? SQUATS

    15. Write your current weight. Have you lost anything in the past week? If not, what are your plans for this week? -NOPE... GAINED ACTUALLY... NO PLANS THIS WEEK... MAYBE NEXT WEEK
  • lseed87
    lseed87 Posts: 1,105 Member
    Also just added this to my blog... I haven't been on the site in a while, usually on the app so haven't updated anything but this will make me keep coming back :D

    9. What is your favorite type of cardio?

    I really enjoy doing Zumba. Today i started Jillian Michael's 30 day shred. I have been feeling unmotivated and kind of put it off for a few days but finally started it. Some moves were easy because of the Zumba classes. Still need to get weights and a yoga mat though since the floor (hardwood) just doesn't cut it.
  • dancerom
    dancerom Posts: 174 Member
    42. How many meals do you usually have a day?

    about 2 real meals and 4 snacks or protein shakes on normal working days:

    First Protein Shake in the morning after bed before my morning workout (Kettlebellswings or Tabata and some stretching)

    Breakfast (11am): Oatmeal with greek yogurt and berries or lentils, eggs and spinach or so

    Lunch (14-15pm): either prepared at home (omelet and veggies or chick peas or whatever) or just some snacking

    Afternoon snacks: coffe with milk, some nuts, 90% chocolate or a green smoothie

    dinner: usually only snacking some cheese, turkey lunch meat cherry tomatoes, hard boiled eggs... (in between or after dance teaching), sometimes some real food after teaching

    before bed snack: another protein shake and depending on hunger and calories some almond butter or tahina

    I have a 1420 net-kcal goal per day and usually some 600-1200 exercising kcals to eat.
  • ClementineGeorg
    ClementineGeorg Posts: 505 Member
    48. Do you reward yourself when you reach your short-term goal? What are your rewards?
    Rewards are usually things for myself, like clothes, electronics, stuffs...
  • ClementineGeorg
    ClementineGeorg Posts: 505 Member
    49. What do you usually have for breakfast?
    - before leaving for work I eat a low fat yogurt (with a slice of pastrami sometimes) or some milk with cereals and fruits (strawberries or dry cramberries or goju berries), around 250 calories
    - after I get to work I eat some breakfast biscuits, around 250 calories again

    - some kind of egg recipie, with bacon and melted cheese and some toast; omlette withmushrooms and ham; homemade BLTs or other sandwiches

    I always aim for a 500 calories breakfast because eating a big breakfast makes my day better. :D
  • dancerom
    dancerom Posts: 174 Member
    43. Write your current weight. Have you lost anything in the past week? If not, what are your plans for this week?
    I was this morning 65.5 kg (144.4lbs).
    That means I lost another 1/2 kg (1 pound).

    That's ok so far. Today it was the first time someone asked me about my weightloss.

    And I will go on.
  • Italiano7
    Italiano7 Posts: 382 Member
    height: 5'6

    I want to lose weight to live a healthy life and to live comfortably.
  • ClementineGeorg
    ClementineGeorg Posts: 505 Member
    50. Write your current weight. Have you lost anything in the past week? If not, what are your plans for this week?
    85.3 kg (188 lbs). I lost 0.6 kg (1.3 lbs) this week. Right on track.
    Next week I am rying to be as good as I can with my diet. I am leaving for Christmas holiday to spend some days with my family... and logging is so hard when I don't do the cooking...
  • katemateg
    katemateg Posts: 334 Member
    48. Do you reward yourself when at a goal? With what?

    I am at goal weight and I love it. It's boosted my confidence enough :love:
  • VeinsAndBones
    VeinsAndBones Posts: 550 Member
    5. I love brussel sprouts ^_^
  • katemateg
    katemateg Posts: 334 Member
    49. What do you eat for breakfast?

    Natural yogurt, ground flax, berries,

    Porridge with berries before a long run

    Orchard muesli with coconut milk

    Marmite/honey/peanut butter/ baked beans on rye toast

    But everyday I have a small glass of oj and a teaspoon of organic Whole Earth peanut butter yum :love:
  • dancerom
    dancerom Posts: 174 Member
    44. Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? Does (s)he know about you losing weight? Does (s)he support you?
    I don't have a partner at the moment.
  • firelle
    firelle Posts: 118 Member
    I'll finally do this =P!

    1. Write your current stats: height, current weight and goal weight. Why are you losing weight?

    Height: 5' 3.5" (YES the half inch is important)
    CW: 168.0 (probably not anymore...)
    GW: 130.0

    Why am I losing weight?
    Because I was born fat, according to my family.
    No, really, because I was unable to breathe just going up stairs and hills, and that's not the life a 20 (now 21) year old should be living. I had exceeded my usual skinny fat (135 with no toning) and just become plain fat. Yep. That's going to disappear now.
  • hifromjamers1984
    hifromjamers1984 Posts: 300 Member
    I'm in!

    1. Current stats....

    Height: 5'5"
    SW: 188.9
    CW: 186.6
    GW: 132

    Why? I became an aunt for the first time this past March and now that Miss Kendall is getting more mobile I want to be a good role model for her. I've also never owned a bikini and as weird as this might sound...I REALLY want to.
  • ClementineGeorg
    ClementineGeorg Posts: 505 Member
    51. Do you have a cheat day?
    No, I try to be always under my calorie goal. If I want to eat a big bad meal, I just eat less on other meals that day and workout until I can fit that in. I also have a low goal (1 pound per week) so I have everyday about 1800 calories at hand so I can eat junk food in little portions rather often. Which I don't.

    I have `cheat days` when I am off visiting my family, because it's nearly impossible to cope with logging family recipies which I don't cook. But this happens 3-4 times a year, for a few days. And I don't overeat simply because I can't log.
  • ClementineGeorg
    ClementineGeorg Posts: 505 Member
    52. What do you enjoy the most in your weight loss? What makes you happier than ever before?
    I enjoy the fact that I don't get tired as easy as before. I hope to enjoy soon a more beautiful body (the first 21 lbs lost... well... I don't see that much of a loss in myself).

    I enjoy the control I have in my body and the fact that I slowly see something changing...
  • dancerom
    dancerom Posts: 174 Member
    45. Do you have a rest day when you don’t work out? Which day is it?
    I try to have one weekend day without too much or with no dancing. Sonetimes it doesn't work because I'm teaching or taking workshops. Then I can really feel my tired muses the next week, while teaching and I have to cut back on training or social dancing.

    And I do 3x Kettlebell plus a rope jump and a push up Tabata. Plus usually 2 days "nothing".
  • ClementineGeorg
    ClementineGeorg Posts: 505 Member
    53. Try to eat nothing but raw food today. No cooking, no baking, no grilling. Eat raw carrots, canned tuna or smoked salmon, maybe even sushi! Just eat fresh, non-termal processed food. It might be weird and unnatural but that’s actually the healthiest way to eat. Enjoy your healthy day!
    I kept to termal processed food at a minimal... but it's winter and cold outhere... gotta have my warm dinner.
  • mommyred35
    mommyred35 Posts: 282 Member
    I might try this
  • dancerom
    dancerom Posts: 174 Member
    46. Try changing your routine today. Don’t do the same exercises as the week before, learn a new move to cinch that waiste or to tone those thighs!
    I changed my routine last week... And I'm gonna stick to that today. There's no time for trying out today. It's the last Thursday that will be as all my Thursday were for 8 years. And then it's gonna change anyhow ;-)