Blaming TOM (please stop)



  • Pearlyladybug
    Pearlyladybug Posts: 882 Member
    This thread is pathetic.. gotta love other women judging other people. Who gives a f? You make women look bad all by yourself. Do your own thing and mind your business..

    I'm not even one of those women who turn to chocolate before my period but I thought I would post that there is a link between many women eating a bit more before their period. Some women actually that extra fuel in order to have their periods

  • Pimpmonkey
    Pimpmonkey Posts: 566

    On a side note, where are you finding tampons for $4, they're like $7 here. lol

    that's what I was gonna ask!
  • groversa
    groversa Posts: 450 Member
    I do hate TOM. Believe me, and I do crave things way more than I do normally, but like you said it is just a craving, we still have the choice! I still workout everyday I am on my period too, if I have super bad cramps in the morning, I'll do it at night!
    But that doesn't take away from the fact that he still sucks. :/
  • artickb22
    artickb22 Posts: 411 Member
    hell yea!!! I used to use that as an excuse to not exercise but now find that it may hurt in the begining but my cramps are so much less painful after a good sweat session!! NO EXCUSSES!!!!
  • srey0701
    srey0701 Posts: 196 Member
    When Mary comes all bets are off for me! I will eat larger portions but still manage to keep it clean! Maybe have more fruit, drink lots of water. It's a better time than any to indulge since I'm bloating anyway. I do it because I WANT TO! lol
  • xXxHBICxXx
    xXxHBICxXx Posts: 370 Member
    I don't blame TOM for it all but 2 weeks before I start I swear to GOD I could eat everything in my house, I have to really fight myself not too. But OP is right, we shouldn't blame all of our food issues on TOM, blame your inner fat kid :happy:
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    This thread is pathetic.. gotta love other women judging other people. Who gives a f? You make women look bad all by yourself. Do your own thing and mind your business..

    I'm not even one of those women who turn to chocolate before my period but I thought I would post that there is a link between many women eating a bit more before their period. Some women actually that extra fuel in order to have their periods

    ^^^ This is perfect ^^^

    Why can't some people just STFU about things that do NOT concern their life at all? FFS who cares if someone makes it as an excuse to have that whole pizza/chips/chocolate? Is it going to make YOU get fat? No. SO once again STFU & get over yourselves women. Like really.

    BTW my TOM does not make me buy tampons at all. I refuse to have anything foreign placed up there & as far as I know...I'm not made of cotton. I'll use pads thanks.

    Tampons make me dizzy
  • Dulcemami4ever
    Dulcemami4ever Posts: 344 Member
    Lol this post is great :) I get a lot of cravings when I am TOM'ing out. I never give in and I don't ***** about it either. Just another day at the grind for me.
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member

    NO. Your period didn't make you do a d*mn thing, except spend $4 on a box of tampons. Stop making women seem pathetic and incapable of rational thought.


    Technically, it didn't make you buy tampons/pads either. Societal expectations to not have blood running down your legs/staining your clothes is what makes you buy the tampons/pads/ (Hey, if we're going to be technical, let's get technical!) :smokin:

    Yes, I always eat chocolate for the sake of TOM. :bigsmile:

    MY BODY, MY CHOICE! :tongue:

    then my other obsession is couponing.....

    Mine too :flowerforyou: :drinker:
  • victoriavoodoo
    victoriavoodoo Posts: 343 Member
    Am I the only person who loses on my period? It makes me so nauseous high school gym class used to make me throw up before warmups were done once a month like clockwork.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    This is an old thread. But, I also do not experience food cravings. I just try to eat whatever I can (I do experience nausea).
  • shinesunfish
    shinesunfish Posts: 93 Member
    I was going to write a big ol' article about how everybody's body is different, and PMS, cramping, ovulation, and childbirth are all varying experiences that are ridiculous to attempt to quantify by calling someone weak or a loser for not having the same experience as you. But I think enough people have made that point rather well already. Why do you care if some women need (or think they need) extra fuel during their period? In what way does that make women look weak? This is sort of a crazy topic to me.
  • meeper123
    meeper123 Posts: 3,347 Member
    Lol that is true i am guilty of this as well lol thanks for pointing that out
  • volume77
    volume77 Posts: 670 Member
    does bashing other women make u feel better about yourself???
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    Thank you, finally someone said something.
  • JuniperT
    JuniperT Posts: 394 Member
    The only thing I blame TOM for is making me miserable and somewhat nauseous :grumble: but to be fair, I haven't had the little bugger visit me for 3 years so I'm remembering how fun this really wasn't...ever
  • bunbunzee44
    bunbunzee44 Posts: 592 Member
    To me it's easier to give in while on my period because I get mood swings. But I'm not now, I'm determined. The only thing I do is have a rest day on the worst day of my periods when I'm feeling so sick and painful I don't even want to stand up. But that usually only lasts a day or so :3 Periods are no excuse, but pain is x3
  • krissy_krossy
    krissy_krossy Posts: 307 Member
    My brother in law is named Tom and I couldn't help but picture him stuffing cinnamon rolls down the throats of menstruating women...:laugh:
  • khall86790
    khall86790 Posts: 1,100 Member
    UGH I completely agree. My diet doesn't change at all when I have my period because I don't allow something I deal with every month to control me like that.
    For goodness sake girls, we have been having these things every month for years now at this point, learn to control yourselves!!!

    Please note, when it comes to mood swings or crying though, that can't be helped. :smokin:
  • jaxxie
    jaxxie Posts: 576 Member
    This thread makes me think of one of my favourite quotes:

    "Your body doesn't care if your mind isn't motivated. Results are the same with or without it. JUST SHOW UP!"

    Mostly this and really.......................All I can think of are really bad curse words! You have obviously NEVER had serious issues with what is commonly known as YOUR PERIOD. You don't need to name it or cover it up. We all know it is the devil in disguise. RED! Deal with it. If you don't get cravings....celebrate with a stick of celery. KUDOS. Some of us mortals have to live on the verge of chocolate every now and then. This is why we don't diet! We live life as it should be...with all the ups and downs, temptations and then some.

    Having said that.................MAN I wish I had your self control.