Blaming TOM (please stop)



  • Sjenny5891
    Sjenny5891 Posts: 717 Member
    I'm just as guilty as giving in to cravings, but you should NOT blame your period for your nutritional indiscretions. YOU made the choice to eat whatever you ate, and you make yourself (and all women) sound weak when you blame your body for a choice your mind made. I'm so sick of seeing people make excuses every other day for why they chose to forgo exercise or eat six large pizzas.

    Example: "TOM had me eating cinnamon buns, UGHHH guess I'll start over tomorrow."

    NO. Your period didn't make you do a d*mn thing, except spend $4 on a box of tampons. Stop making women seem pathetic and incapable of rational thought.

    I am the only female in a factory full of men. Today we had our Easter Carryin. The company provided Deli meats and cheese for sandwiches ( approx 275 calories each) Of course the boys brought in Cookies (one was 200 calories each) add the macaroni salad, potato salad, coleslaw.... It is impossible to eat a full meal without blowing the "diet" completely.

    So I chose to bring in a salad, watermelo, carrots, and grapes. And managed to stay onder 550 for the night. :) It's all about choices and finding a healthy alternative.
  • oregonzoo
    oregonzoo Posts: 4,251 Member
    On a serious note, it's kind of pathetic that the OP feels the need to drag women down. As if they're not dragged down enough. Does it really concern you? Is it THAT much of a big deal? Enjoy your salad during your TOM, and other ladies will enjoy their chocolate. At the end of the's none of your damn business.
    This. Some people chose pizza and chocolate, others chose to go on MFP and berate people in a thread.

    Personally given my choice I'll take the person eating what they want and blaming it on their monthly cycle.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    On a serious note, it's kind of pathetic that the OP feels the need to drag women down. As if they're not dragged down enough. Does it really concern you? Is it THAT much of a big deal? Enjoy your salad during your TOM, and other ladies will enjoy their chocolate. At the end of the's none of your damn business.
    This. Some people chose pizza and chocolate, others chose to go on MFP and berate people in a thread.

    Personally given my choice I'll take the person eating what they want and blaming it on their monthly cycle.


    I don't need ANY excuse to enjoy pizza or chocolate!
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    I do not CHOOSE to be in so much pain that mere walking hurts.

    I do not CHOOSE to be so nauseated that mere water makes me feel like throwing up.

    I do not CHOOSE to be so uncomfortably warm that I find myself sweating even sleeping under the sheets.

    I do not CHOOSE to be so shaky that holding a pencil can become problematic.

    I also do not CHOOSE to be so poor that paying for a doctor's visit to discover if there is a way to solve this is nigh impossible.

    Who in their right mind would choose these things? If I could just make all of this go away with willpower and exercise, do you not think I would? Do you think I would not choose to be active and voluntarily continue with my daily activities, no obstacles?

    If choice were the simple problem, I would not CHOOSE any of this. To those who say it's a mere matter of choice, please choke on the entire bottle of Ibprofen I have to gag down every month in order to just sit up in bed.
  • spud_chick
    spud_chick Posts: 2,640 Member
    By the way who bumped this thread. It's like a year old.

    By appearances, that was me,,, my response was the first new one yesterday. But I pinky swear that I saw it in the Recent Posts list, where it caught my eye. Didn't even notice the dates once I started reading. So I apologize to all because this toxic thing should certainly have been left for dead.
  • LadyPakal
    LadyPakal Posts: 256 Member
    Question, does anyone else lose steadily while ON their TOM? This happens to me and I can almost count on it every single month happening.

    Yep, the week I bleed is the week I lose ~3lbs. I think it's my body giving up the fight and dropping some water... I look forward to my TOM.
  • navydentalchic
    navydentalchic Posts: 234 Member
  • Icanhazsugarnow
    Thank you!

    Of course, I feel the same way about anyone posting about anything "causing" them to eat. Oh, a coworker brought home made goodies, so I had to. I went to dinner with friends, so I had to. It was offered to me, so I had to.

    Blah. Unless someone is prying open your mouth and physically shoving the food down your throat, that was a conscious choice you made to eat that food, quit blaming it on everyone else!

    On a side note, where are you finding tampons for $4, they're like $7 here. lol

    Actually there are events that make it impossible for you to say no. Example: When your grandmother or mother buys you fast food and decides to swing by to drop it off. You can't exactly say no. I mean I would feel absolutely guilty if I told them no when they spent money on food for me.
  • crimsoncat
    crimsoncat Posts: 457 Member
    Stupid Tom. I never liked that guy anyways.
  • JeNn45nFiT
    JeNn45nFiT Posts: 125 Member
    I just blame TOM for water weight/bloating....but I do give into craving sometimes - but that is all me! :happy:

    ^^^^This :drinker:
  • MSeel1984
    MSeel1984 Posts: 2,297 Member
    TOM doesn't make me eat chocolate...

    My PERIOD does...

    I mean. Call it what it is.

    Agreed that your period is not an excuse to binge. However, I allow myself some foods depending on what I am craving but still try to stay within my calorie limit. (I don't eat burgers frequently but often crave them during my PERIOD and allow myself to eat it-try to get bison when I can find it since it's a little better for you. Also crave chocolate. Try to do regular portions or smaller portions instead of eating a whole pack of Oreos)

    While I do see your point, there are kinder ways to put it...unless this is a personal rant, in which case, as with a woman during her period, there's no point in trying to rationalize or discuss the topic.

    have a good day.
  • kayemme
    kayemme Posts: 1,782 Member
    NO. Your period didn't make you do a d*mn thing, except spend $4 on a box of tampons. Stop making women seem pathetic and incapable of rational thought.

    my period doesn't even have THAT much control over me.

    eta: what it often does, though, is create many streamlined systems intended to make life easier until i forget about them a couple weeks later.
  • chantelp89
    chantelp89 Posts: 590 Member
    awesome.i agree. isnt it funny how i almost never gain weight on my period?

    I actually lost 1lb
  • Icanhazsugarnow
    My period doesn't make me have cravings. Although I would kill for a milkshake right now. It just usually gives me horrible cramps and makes me incredibly nauseous. I have a low pain tolerance and although I hear chocolate is a natural remedy for that, I usually just steer clear of it.
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    I know this is an old thread, but I'll throw in my 2 cents. I always thought I had cravings until I had a hysterectomy, keeping my ovaries intact, with all the hormones. No more TOM and no more cravings, probably because I didn't know when it would be happening. No more excuses. I did however, still feel like killing people a couple of days per month. haha
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    I do not CHOOSE to be in so much pain that mere walking hurts.

    I do not CHOOSE to be so nauseated that mere water makes me feel like throwing up.

    I do not CHOOSE to be so uncomfortably warm that I find myself sweating even sleeping under the sheets.

    I do not CHOOSE to be so shaky that holding a pencil can become problematic.

    I also do not CHOOSE to be so poor that paying for a doctor's visit to discover if there is a way to solve this is nigh impossible.

    Who in their right mind would choose these things? If I could just make all of this go away with willpower and exercise, do you not think I would? Do you think I would not choose to be active and voluntarily continue with my daily activities, no obstacles?

    If choice were the simple problem, I would not CHOOSE any of this. To those who say it's a mere matter of choice, please choke on the entire bottle of Ibprofen I have to gag down every month in order to just sit up in bed.
    Good luck with it. Peri-menopause is even worse.
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    My second wie tried to use TOM as a legal defense. Didn't work and I am still walking with limp 30 years later.
  • Fox_n_sox
    Fox_n_sox Posts: 283 Member
    TOM makes me angry and moody and yell and scream. I don't care what you all say! TOM makes me eat red meat and chocolate... ( I hate chocolate.....) So there!
  • kooltray87
    kooltray87 Posts: 501 Member
    Maybe its just me but TOM likes to pop up out of no where on me and cause hormonal havoc in my life, and yes before I realize I'm craving EVERYTHING due to TOM I'll find myself in the middle of a Kit-kat or whatever junk I can get my hands on. BUT once I know whats going on with my crazy body I am perfectly able to override primal urges. HOWEVER DON'T UNDERESTIMATE THE INFLUENCE OF HORMONAL CHANGES ON THE BRAIN! thank you...

    PS its currently my TOM......:-P
  • Icanhazsugarnow
    I do not CHOOSE to be in so much pain that mere walking hurts.

    I do not CHOOSE to be so nauseated that mere water makes me feel like throwing up.

    I do not CHOOSE to be so uncomfortably warm that I find myself sweating even sleeping under the sheets.

    I do not CHOOSE to be so shaky that holding a pencil can become problematic.

    I also do not CHOOSE to be so poor that paying for a doctor's visit to discover if there is a way to solve this is nigh impossible.

    Who in their right mind would choose these things? If I could just make all of this go away with willpower and exercise, do you not think I would? Do you think I would not choose to be active and voluntarily continue with my daily activities, no obstacles?

    If choice were the simple problem, I would not CHOOSE any of this. To those who say it's a mere matter of choice, please choke on the entire bottle of Ibprofen I have to gag down every month in order to just sit up in bed.
    Good luck with it. Peri-menopause is even worse.

    I doubt anything could be worse than a period! Ugh.