The Science Behind "Nice" People



  • GorillaEsq
    GorillaEsq Posts: 2,198 Member
    I could easily ask the same of you with regard to your original post. However, you are correct, the law is not my area of expertise, so I won't bother continuing the argument. I would be curious to see an explanation of why, if battery is always illegal, professional boxers, MMA fighters, etc. aren't all arrested when they exit the ring.
    Because that's not battery.
  • VegesaurusRex
    What about mothers? I am certainly not experiencing any personal gain at the moment (1am) as I sit & comfort my sick child.
    Really? I mean, really? As a parent, you are in no way "gaining" from nurturing your sick children?

    Ok... stop for a second. I want you to think about what you said there. Take your emotion out of it. Take your empathy out of it. (I have 4 kids... I get it... but humor me for a second....)

    Price's Evolution of Altruism mathematically proves that altruism is a component of evolutionary development. Which means if you are altruistic, you stand a better chance of surviving and continuing your genetic code.

    If you nurse your children back to good health ....and they grow-up healthy ...and they have healthy, altruistic kids ...and those healthy kids grow-up and have healthy, altruistic kids.... thennnn....

    Ohh... Oohhh.... I think.... I think the light is starting to flicker.... Stay with me..... You can do it...

    So you are GorillaEsq, now. I remember your previous incarnation. You got kicked off the board, right. Gorilla Esq? Wow! You simply gotta let everyone know you are a lawyer, don't you? You must be very insecure. If I remember correctly, you didn't know much about the rules of evidence either.

    Anyway, just remember, King Kong was a sympathetic character. Probably because he didn't go to law school.
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    Well what do you expect? Human beings run on our genetic codes. We're also walking bags of mucous, blood, and feces. Did you really think anyone would thank you for the reminder on this lovely Sunday morning?
  • secrets_out
    secrets_out Posts: 770 Member
    Excuse me but I LOVE your movies Mr. Willis!! But i must inform you that I don't find you big or scary....more of a sweet and cuddly type
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member

    I could easily ask the same of you with regard to your original post. However, you are correct, the law is not my area of expertise, so I won't bother continuing the argument. I would be curious to see an explanation of why, if battery is always illegal, professional boxers, MMA fighters, etc. aren't all arrested when they exit the ring.

    Because battery is without consent. Boxing is consensual. (Though that opens up a can of worms--why is it legal to pound on each other if you both agree for money but not to have sex for money? Neither one is necessarily safe for the people involved.)
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    Also, Gorilla, did you read my response post? Were you talking to me or to someone else?
  • GorillaEsq
    GorillaEsq Posts: 2,198 Member
    I do love the thought of the "big tough guy" philosophizing about how and why is is out there striking fear into everyone's hearts when really just looking like an a**.
    Your screen name is JesusHChris.

    That's the shortest, yet arguably most compelling argument I've made on this string, yet.
  • GorillaEsq
    GorillaEsq Posts: 2,198 Member
    Excuse me but I LOVE your movies Mr. Willis!! But i must inform you that I don't find you big or scary....more of a sweet and cuddly type
    Shhh. They don't need to know that.
  • musiche
    musiche Posts: 214 Member
    I am often asked why I'm "big, mean and scary." More specifically, why do I come-off as "intimidating" and/or "indifferent about other people."

    The short answer... I distrust everyone until they otherwise prove trustworthy (which for most, never happens).

    The longer answer is the Price Equation.

    In 1973, George Price, a Harvard professor, chemist and evolutionary statistician established a mathematical covariance equation that definitively calculates altruism and mutability as conjunctive elements of evolution and natural selection.

    In lay terms... He proved mathematically that people are only altruistic (aka "nice") to survive and serve their own best interests.

    Fundamentally, the algorithm establishes scientific proof that people are only "nice" to serve their own needs of survival and propagate their own genetic code.

    The theory is extremely complicated from a mathematical perspective, however fundamentally, it's easy to understand when one boils-down the premise to the old adage "strength in numbers."

    By working together as a group, human beings are more likely to thrive and subsequently propagate. Being "nice," is attractive to other with whom one would cooperate and/or breed.

    Example: When a woman finds a man attractive, she does so because that male displays physical and/or mental characteristics she would like her offspring to inherit. Thus, in most cases, that female would be "nice" to the potential mate.

    Very rarely would a woman find a man attractive, and commence to beating that male with a stick.

    Thus, thousands of years ago, tribes were formed. They shared food, water, social conventions, and other basic instruments of conveyance. They also bred with each other.

    Tribes became towns... towns became cities... governments... countries.... entire societies... etc.

    All that said, the core issue remains true to this day... People are "nice," because they "want something from you" and/or it serves their genetic agenda.

    It's been proven, mathematically.

    Something to ponder on your way to Sunday school this morning.

    Keep being awesome.

    For those posting things like, "Well sure, if you look at scientifically..." George Price killed himself two years after this paper was published because he couldn't handle the fact that he eliminated the notion of "humanity," with a proven scientific principle.

    So... You're saying you're not nice because you don't want anything from anyone?

    Not even human contact, affection, the chance for human interaction, sexual gratification, etc..?

    We all want something from someone else. As human beings, we crave a sense of community, we need it. Isolation distorts the mind and changes us into frail beings mentally.

    As 'scientifically proven' as you say this philosophy is, it isn't the entire story of the human element. Altruism in it's purest form does exist. Some people really do want to help people for the sake of helping someone else - because they love the feeling of doing something selfless. Then, you say, that person is getting personal gratification, which mean they are actually getting something from the transaction. But that's just it, no human interaction is ever one-sided. It's always give and take. What you put out in life, you get back. I guess you don't believe in karma.

    I don't understand what exactly you're saying about yourself. You are "big, mean and scary" because you want nothing from your fellow man, and there's the scientific theory to back up your negative persona, so it's justified in your eyes? If you crave a lonely life, then yeah, justify it in whatever way serves you, but what a crappy way to live. How can one be happy like that? I am certain you have people in your life, people you love and care about, and the fact that you're on MFP at all at posting (interacting with others) shows you are a social being who craves human contact. You have those people in your life because you gave them a chance.

    My philosophy, is that I give anyone the benefit of the doubt first off. I will give you the chance to be trusted by me, and once that trust is broken, it's gone. Most people just want a chance, and to be thought of poorly right off the bat only says to them that you are a negative person who probably isn't worth the time and then they don't care what you think of them anyway. You become an afterthought and anyone else with an ounce of optimism will seem more attractive that you. Largely, what you see in people tends to come out, whether there is merit to it or not. People often think "Well, if they already think I'm _____, then I may as well be".

    Everything in life is perspective. Seeing is believing. If you see people as untrustworthy and awful, then that's all you will ever see and that's the reality you will live in. If you don't give life a chance to be something else, then you are doomed to surround yourself with this negative attitude.

    One last thought, the scientist who's work you are basing your attitude on, you said he offed himself after a couple of years because of his shotty beliefs... If you model yourself so much after him, are you destined for the same demise? Perhaps you need some psychological help because, from what you wrote, seems like your life sucks and you feel like you aren't the problem... Everyone else is... And quite frankly, you're wrong.

    Life is what you make of it. Make it better.
  • jesusHchris
    jesusHchris Posts: 1,405 Member
    I do love the thought of the "big tough guy" philosophizing about how and why is is out there striking fear into everyone's hearts when really just looking like an a**.
    Your screen name is JesusHChris.

    That's the shortest, yet arguably most compelling argument I've made on this string, yet.

    I'm not sure what your argument is. Does my screen name validate your constant need to prove yourself, or is it easier just to deflect?
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Actually, he expressed his opinions and you changed what he said to try to make yet another 'I am big and scary' comment. Yes we get it, you are a lawyer, you do martial arts, you are big, you feel the need to equate yourself to a gorilla ad nausea. The scary bit, well, you are entitled to your self-aggrandizing opinions of yourself.
    Thanks. Do I have your permission to continue? Moving forward, I'll email you my string topics in advance for your prior approval before I go off discussing things on the forum.

    Please accept my apologies. How dare I do and say things as though I have the right to do and say things.

    You are very welcome. As you well know, you do not need my permission to post whatever asinine comments you want.

    As for the acceptance of you apology...well, apologies are only good when the person does not intend to do what they are apologizing for again and I am sure you will continue.
  • GorillaEsq
    GorillaEsq Posts: 2,198 Member
    I'm not sure what your argument is. Does my screen name validate your constant need to prove yourself, or is it easier just to deflect?
    You named your MFP account after the son of God, and the subsequent catalyst for one of the largest religions on the planet.

    Yes. Clearly it is my ego that is misguided here.
  • VegesaurusRex
    Not if he consents she's not. There are a number of legal precedents for consenting to assault--professional boxing being the most obvious.
    I can promise you, there are no legal precedents in which someone "consents to assault." Mainly because the legal definition of "assault," is battery, or the threat of battery, without consent.

    The "precedent" you're attempting to quote (badly by the way) is known as "assumption of risk." "Assumption of risk" is a tort defense which prohibits a plaintiff from recovery against a tortfeasor upon the defendant's demonstration that the plaintiff voluntarily and knowingly assumed the risk associated with a dangerous activity that subsequently caused damage or injury.

    Again, none of this has anything to do with the discussion.

    Just out of curiosity, why do you feel the need to argue with me and opine on topics you clearly do not understand?

    I could easily ask the same of you with regard to your original post. However, you are correct, the law is not my area of expertise, so I won't bother continuing the argument. I would be curious to see an explanation of why, if battery is always illegal, professional boxers, MMA fighters, etc. aren't all arrested when they exit the ring.

    Millisent, Bozzo the Lawyer is actually right, but not for the reasons he gives. Battery is a crime because the state has an interest in preventing it. You cannot consent to being murdered or being beaten upon, or a number of other things, because the act of murder or battery is defined in the law (elements of the crime, all of which are accomplished whether consented to or not), and consent is not a defense.
  • secrets_out
    secrets_out Posts: 770 Member
    I am just it science or opinion, why did you post this? What are you hoping people take away from it? I guess my small, simple mind feels that being kind is free, It's easy to do and it sometimes can be the difference in a persons good day and bad day. It's your right to post this and believe it, I'm just curious as to the purpose..
  • Cliffslosinit
    Cliffslosinit Posts: 5,044 Member
    You is kind.
    You is smart.
    You is important.
  • SuperstarDJ
    SuperstarDJ Posts: 441 Member
    That's life: people can and will screw you over. You get over it and move on - be thankful you're not like them.
    So, you're saying, first be a victim, then get over it. And then be thankful you're the victim, and not like them, the aggressor.

    I'm gonna go with "no" on that one. Accepting yourself as the victim, establishes your opponent as the victor.
    No, I don't consider myself a "victim" if somebody screws me over. That's life. If you consider yourself a victim everytime life (or somebody) throws you lemons then you're going to spend your life in self-pitying, "poor me", victim mode. There is nothing quite as miserable or plain boring to be around as someone in that state of mind.
    But to believe everyone you meet is potentially going to screw you over seems very cynical to me and not a very nice world to inhabit.
    I'm curious, on which world do you reside, exactly?
    A world where every single stranger I bump into is not a potential threat. As someone else said here, I am pretty indifferent to strangers until they engage with me. If they are friendly, chatty and respectful I will reciprocate. If they're horrible, I'll just walk away and waste no more energy on them. Simple. What others do is completely out if my control. How I react, however, is completely in my control. I like to think that people are, for the most, ordinary decent folk. I am not naïve enough to believe that everyone is lovely, but unless they very clearly pose a threat to me then, I believe, it's just a nicer world to live in to assume they're OK.
  • GorillaEsq
    GorillaEsq Posts: 2,198 Member
    I am just it science or opinion, why did you post this? What are you hoping people take away from it? I guess my small, simple mind feels that being kind is free, It's easy to do and it sometimes can be the difference in a persons good day and bad day. It's your right to post this and believe it, I'm just curious as to the purpose..
    Actually, it was a follow-up to people from the following string, saying that I'm not "nice." And that that I'm big and scary.
  • jesusHchris
    jesusHchris Posts: 1,405 Member
    I'm not sure what your argument is. Does my screen name validate your constant need to prove yourself, or is it easier just to deflect?
    You named your MFP account after the son of God, and the subsequent catalyst for one of the largest religions on the planet.

    Yes. Clearly it is my ego that is misguided here.

    First of all, if we want to talk about my downfalls we will need to start a new forum group, possibly even an entire new website. Secondly, it's a actually a blasphemous expression misspelled to be a twist on my actual name. We can discuss my need to be clever and lack at succeeding in on the previously mentioned

    And thirdly... Actually, I forgot my third point while coming up with the first two. Honestly, I forget my whole point of posting. I just look for something to argue about.

    Please, go back to explaining how scary you are or whatever it was.
  • opuntia
    opuntia Posts: 860 Member
    I am just it science or opinion, why did you post this?

    To serve his own needs of survival and to propagate his own genetic code, of course, cuz it's been mathematically proven that that's the only reason people do anything! :wink:
  • jadesign19
    jadesign19 Posts: 512 Member
    Big, mean & scary?? :love:

    One of my favorite movie quotes ever is "I want you to be nice, until it's time to not be nice" (Roadhouse - Patrick Swayze mmmmmm)
    That's me - I'm nice at first but I really don't trust anyone and once I'm hurt or pissed off I tend to just cut people off and not look back.

    Me too! I always give the benefit of the doubt. But I learned that once more chances.

    The OP does seem a bit ....scary. So nothing personal ok ;)
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