Body Envy /rant



  • Erisad
    Erisad Posts: 1,580
    you can still be like them.. all you need to do is once you've hit your goal weight.. change your training to maintaining it and shaping and toning.. :) you can do it babe

    I don't think with my Germanic build I can become thin and perfect like the Korean women.

    there are german women who are stunning with beautiful bodies you could be one of them its all your in attitude .. by having that attitude which you said above you won't do it because your not believing in yourself and have already lost the battle... who cares if your bigger bone embrace it and work it to your advantage girl... tone and shape it

    Technically I'm an Irish, Scottish, English and Swedish (the side that I believe I share more of it's traits). I don't know of many large framed petite women with beautiful bodies on TV. I believe I'll hit my goal of 150, I just think it won't be enough to make me look good and I'm not sure if I can be much smaller than that with my bone and muscle structure unless I lose muscle and bone mass. >.<

    Your never going to do it then your attitude stinks and you've already lost because your telling yourself you can't...

    Yes, allow me to change my race and bone structure at will with the power of magic fairy dust, then all my dreams will come true. There's a difference between being negative and being realistic. There's only so much a positive attitude can accomplish.
  • got2bstrong
    I have a horrible time with this!

    I have always struggled with this.

    I am of average size, and I always look at the smaller ones with envy. (most of them.) But I also look at women bigger than me, that are rocking some great girly curves and I have HORRIBLE envy as well. I will never be curvy without injections and/or implants.

    So my new trick when I start feeling jealous is to think about:
    I have my health
    I have my health
    I have my health

    There will ALWAYS be someone prettier, smarter, funnier... whatever.

    I have my health.
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    Remember they have make up artist, lighting specialist, photoshop, video photoshop, money to buy a better body. Ect. I often cant watch a lot of TV or music videos because I become so jealous and hateful of myself. I say listen to the music dont watch it. Dance and try to be grateful for what you have. Not focus on what you dont have. I know this is very hard I struggle with it everday.
  • waronmyfat
    waronmyfat Posts: 322 Member
    {/quote}Yes, allow me to change my race and bone structure at will with the power of magic fairy dust, then all my dreams will come true. There's a difference between being negative and being realistic. There's only so much a positive attitude can accomplish.

    I've already told you what you need to do to achieve this.. and you need to start by changing your attitude and beliving in yourself.. maintain your goal weight, shape and tone and you can do it and get a hot body.. but you have to change your way of thinking you can lead a horse to water but you cant force it to drink... in other words can advise you what to do but only you can follow through with this and do it
  • smilingalltheway
    smilingalltheway Posts: 216 Member
    I think you need to put as much work into loving yourself as you have loseing the weight you have.You have beautiful eyes and a very nicely shaped mouth. You need to look in the mirror every day and tell yourself what you love about yourself. Stop looking outward and start looking inward.. You are an amazing person so be the best you, you can be and love yourself
  • Erisad
    Erisad Posts: 1,580
    ive already told you what you need to do to accomplish a hot body.. one is attitude and believing in yourself the other is maintaining your weight and toning and shaping!!! it's very much ahievable but you need to stop wishing you was like someone else because your not your you so you need to deal with it and stop been so negative

    And what if after all that, I'm still not hot? What if I'm just destined for mediocrity? I'm only 32 pounds away from my goal and I'm not too impressed. Those last 32 pounds are gonna have to have a miracle with them to make me bikini ready. Sorry, I'm having a down day. I swear I'm happier most of the time. >.<
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    I am so glad I have managed to escape this trap.

    I am nowhere close to "prefect" and yet I totally dig my less than flat tummy and thigh jiggle. Even if I could, I wouldn't change anything about myself. I think it's sad when women don't just love and embrace themselves. Sure society sets women up to have body issues, but if you realize society does that, you can overcome it within yourself and work to bring change. If you don't, then you're just part of the problem, eh?
  • Erisad
    Erisad Posts: 1,580
    I have a horrible time with this!

    I have always struggled with this.

    I am of average size, and I always look at the smaller ones with envy. (most of them.) But I also look at women bigger than me, that are rocking some great girly curves and I have HORRIBLE envy as well. I will never be curvy without injections and/or implants.

    So my new trick when I start feeling jealous is to think about:
    I have my health
    I have my health
    I have my health

    There will ALWAYS be someone prettier, smarter, funnier... whatever.

    I have my health.

    I'll have to start doing this. I swear I'm never sick, ever. Best immune system ever. :P
  • Erisad
    Erisad Posts: 1,580
    Remember they have make up artist, lighting specialist, photoshop, video photoshop, money to buy a better body. Ect. I often cant watch a lot of TV or music videos because I become so jealous and hateful of myself. I say listen to the music dont watch it. Dance and try to be grateful for what you have. Not focus on what you dont have. I know this is very hard I struggle with it everday.

    I should have done that today, then I wouldn't have made this thread and would be enjoying the football game. :P
  • med2017
    med2017 Posts: 192 Member
    this. i think i used to spend 3 hours a day just looking at skinny girls. i became obsessed.
  • Erisad
    Erisad Posts: 1,580
    I think you need to put as much work into loving yourself as you have loseing the weight you have.You have beautiful eyes and a very nicely shaped mouth. You need to look in the mirror every day and tell yourself what you love about yourself. Stop looking outward and start looking inward.. You are an amazing person so be the best you, you can be and love yourself

    I'm usually able to do this, I just have those days when my TOM arrives and I feel like **** about everything. *sigh*
  • AnnACnd
    AnnACnd Posts: 72 Member
    Of course I do that all the time, but it's something I'm working on. Why don't we compare ourselves to people larger then ourselves?? Then we'd feel much better than ourselves right. Though this isn't right either. We should compare only to ourselves and be our best! It's rewarding if you can run a bit faster on your next run or say no to that dessert that you usually would take two of ;)
  • Nerdy_Rose
    Nerdy_Rose Posts: 1,277 Member
    Hotness is abut 80% percent attitude. Maybe more.
  • Erisad
    Erisad Posts: 1,580
    I am so glad I have managed to escape this trap.

    I am nowhere close to "prefect" and yet I totally dig my less than flat tummy and thigh jiggle. Even if I could, I wouldn't change anything about myself. I think it's sad when women don't just love and embrace themselves. Sure society sets women up to have body issues, but if you realize society does that, you can overcome it within yourself and work to bring change. If you don't, then you're just part of the problem, eh?

    I know society does that, but I still fall for it anyway. Probably because I'm a perfectionist and tend to punish myself when I don't achieve it. As if anything less than perfection is a failure. I know this is not true but this is the perception in my head that I've struggled with for the past 12 years. My bf thinks I'm beautiful as I am and I have no idea who he's looking at as it can't be the same body I'm seeing.
  • altacosturabeth
    altacosturabeth Posts: 62 Member
    Yep, I have major body envy!

    I always used to want bigger boobs but I've come to accept mine now. One thing I really wish I did have was a big butt. And for some reason everyone looks at me funny for saying that! I think it was always just pushed on me that a bigger bum and a bigger chest was more attractive. Sadly I got the small butt gene from my father! At least it's toned and not saggy I guess?

    I did want to have all this crazy plastic surgery like getting fat removed from my stomach and putting it towards a bigger butt and my parents were ready to pay for breast implants for me but finally I've come to realise that I should probably be making my way on the pursuit of happiness, not the pursuit of perfection!
  • waronmyfat
    waronmyfat Posts: 322 Member
    ive already told you what you need to do to accomplish a hot body.. one is attitude and believing in yourself the other is maintaining your weight and toning and shaping!!! it's very much ahievable but you need to stop wishing you was like someone else because your not your you so you need to deal with it and stop been so negative

    And what if after all that, I'm still not hot? What if I'm just destined for mediocrity? I'm only 32 pounds away from my goal and I'm not too impressed. Those last 32 pounds are gonna have to have a miracle with them to make me bikini ready. Sorry, I'm having a down day. I swear I'm happier most of the time. >.<

    you are hot! it's all in the way you carry yourself, how you walk, talk, attitude is the sexiest of all.. you can have a super hot body but if you dont love yourself your never going to see that and by the sounds of it you dont like yourself or love yourself... you need to be happy with yourself first.. and it is achieveable!!! attitude attitude attitude
  • kissedbytheocean
    kissedbytheocean Posts: 131 Member
    ive already told you what you need to do to accomplish a hot body.. one is attitude and believing in yourself the other is maintaining your weight and toning and shaping!!! it's very much ahievable but you need to stop wishing you was like someone else because your not your you so you need to deal with it and stop been so negative

    And what if after all that, I'm still not hot? What if I'm just destined for mediocrity? I'm only 32 pounds away from my goal and I'm not too impressed. Those last 32 pounds are gonna have to have a miracle with them to make me bikini ready. Sorry, I'm having a down day. I swear I'm happier most of the time. >.<

    Everyone is right about attitude. When you start learning to appreciate YOU, you'll feel sexy and beautiful because of the way YOU look. I know that's hard to grasp. My self-esteem is practically non-existent and I sure as hell don't practice what I preach, but I know that it works, because I've seen so many confident women in the world.

    One thing that you have to realize is that the media is full of lies. Look up celebrities without make-up. They have cellulite, wrinkles, and the works just like everyone else. I even saved a picture of a Victoria's Secret model who clearly has cellulite on the back of her legs. And with celebrities (including a lot of K-Pop artists), they're on very restrictive diets. They have to be, because they're in the spotlight. What you see isn't always the truth.

    Like I said, it's hard to accept yourself when you feel so different on the outside than how you feel on the inside. I developed a low self-esteem when I was in elementary school - when I was 10! I was much taller than all the other girls, so I felt like a huge and masculine. I thought I was fat and ugly. Turns out, I wasn't fat or ugly at all. Just tall for my age. My point is, the world is full of distortion, so you have to make a huge effort to step back, see everything for what it is, and accept and love who you are. There's only one of you in this world.
  • karylee44
    i do this ALL the time.. im constantly putting myself down.. im not thin enough, not pretty enough.. etc.

    its a horrible trap..

    i hope one day to just except who i am and get on with it!
  • jayliospecky
    jayliospecky Posts: 25,022 Member
    I've been guilty of comparing myself to others (really, who hasn't?) but for me it's been getting better, not worse, as I get into better shape. I do it less and less.

    I think part of it is habit...if I catch myself comparing myself with others, I force myself to stop it and replace those thoughts with something else. I'm focusing less on how my body looks and starting to really appreciate what I've been able to do with my new level of fitness.

    Having good friends also helps, because we are all very different, and appreciate each other, and we realize that there's no point in comparing ourselves because we all have our strengths and weaknesses, and we're all awesome.

    The comparison game in itself is a no-win situation. I try not to put myself there anymore.

    Edit: I do *like* how my body looks compared to how it used to look, but it's not the main/only thing to me. Just a nice bonus. :happy:
  • Rawr1978
    Rawr1978 Posts: 245 Member
    I'm italian, so i have "curves" in my skeleton. I will never, ever be a skinny girl...but when im at my ideal weight, i have an *kitten* that gets looks. Ok, mainly cause it's still BIG, but hey.
    I see girls at the gym whose bodies i would kill to have, and it'll never happen...but you have your own awesome attributes.