Body Envy /rant



  • ihateroses
    ihateroses Posts: 893 Member
    Just remember that there are plenty of people that envy YOU.

    ....or get plastic surgery...that's what 99.9 of K-Pop idols did...
  • Erisad
    Erisad Posts: 1,580
    ive already told you what you need to do to accomplish a hot body.. one is attitude and believing in yourself the other is maintaining your weight and toning and shaping!!! it's very much ahievable but you need to stop wishing you was like someone else because your not your you so you need to deal with it and stop been so negative

    And what if after all that, I'm still not hot? What if I'm just destined for mediocrity? I'm only 32 pounds away from my goal and I'm not too impressed. Those last 32 pounds are gonna have to have a miracle with them to make me bikini ready. Sorry, I'm having a down day. I swear I'm happier most of the time. >.<

    you are hot! it's all in the way you carry yourself, how you walk, talk, attitude is the sexiest of all.. you can have a super hot body but if you dont love yourself your never going to see that and by the sounds of it you dont like yourself or love yourself... you need to be happy with yourself first.. and it is achieveable!!! attitude attitude attitude

    How do you know? I only have pics of my face on this site for a reason. I'm a train wreck from the neck down. I don't like myself, when you're studied like a lab rat through your childhood, forced on medication and constantly being told that something is wrong with you, it's kinda hard to like yourself when you're treated like a freak of nature.
  • got2bstrong
    Attitude is HUGE. Count your blessings when the body envy demons start talking in your head.

    After having my son, I went to see a plastic surgeon about a tummy tuck. (i'm not a big person and I had a HUGE baby, so, he left me with lots of extra skin...) He said 3 things to me that sent me out of there WITHOUT getting a tuck:
    1. "wow, you have some GREAT muscles in here!" (when he was looking at my stomach)
    2. the price... :)
    3. "I have a soccer mom practice"

    I don't want to be part of a cookie cutter soccer mom nipped/tucked population. (ok, some days I think, PLEASE!)

    But it boils down to this:
    I am healthy,

    And I also know one surgery could very well lead to another and then I'd end up like that lion lady.
    Hang in there and be GENTLE with yourself!
  • Erisad
    Erisad Posts: 1,580
    Just remember that there are plenty of people that envy YOU.

    ....or get plastic surgery...that's what 99.9 of K-Pop idols did...

    Yeah, envy the girl with Asperger's who is in debt from a Bachelor's degree that she'll never us, working in a warehouse and doesn't have her license yet at age 23. Who the hell would envy me?

    Honestly, if I could afford it, I would change everything about my body. That is if my bf would approve of it. Without him, I'm pretty much nothing.
  • waronmyfat
    waronmyfat Posts: 322 Member
    ive already told you what you need to do to accomplish a hot body.. one is attitude and believing in yourself the other is maintaining your weight and toning and shaping!!! it's very much ahievable but you need to stop wishing you was like someone else because your not your you so you need to deal with it and stop been so negative

    And what if after all that, I'm still not hot? What if I'm just destined for mediocrity? I'm only 32 pounds away from my goal and I'm not too impressed. Those last 32 pounds are gonna have to have a miracle with them to make me bikini ready. Sorry, I'm having a down day. I swear I'm happier most of the time. >.<

    you are hot! it's all in the way you carry yourself, how you walk, talk, attitude is the sexiest of all.. you can have a super hot body but if you dont love yourself your never going to see that and by the sounds of it you dont like yourself or love yourself... you need to be happy with yourself first.. and it is achieveable!!! attitude attitude attitude

    How do you know? I only have pics of my face on this site for a reason. I'm a train wreck from the neck down. I don't like myself, when you're studied like a lab rat through your childhood, forced on medication and constantly being told that something is wrong with you, it's kinda hard to like yourself when you're treated like a freak of nature.

    How do you know I'm not !! I've got a pretty face but my body isn't nice either but that don't stop me from learning to like myself and bettering myself ... Push through the past because thats what it is past n move forward to the future But you need to like yourself first if your going to see what I see in you and the potential
  • urloved33
    urloved33 Posts: 3,323 Member
    Taking pictures but not being so critical of ourselves helps. I was a body builder and still did not give up looking around and wanting a better look for my body...I know now how distorted that was. I look back at pics now and think...I looked great why didn't I know it (or feel it) Its been a personal issue that I have strived to overcome. Hope you do to. Great work, you look beautiful!
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    I am so glad I have managed to escape this trap.

    I am nowhere close to "prefect" and yet I totally dig my less than flat tummy and thigh jiggle. Even if I could, I wouldn't change anything about myself. I think it's sad when women don't just love and embrace themselves. Sure society sets women up to have body issues, but if you realize society does that, you can overcome it within yourself and work to bring change. If you don't, then you're just part of the problem, eh?

    I know society does that, but I still fall for it anyway. Probably because I'm a perfectionist and tend to punish myself when I don't achieve it. As if anything less than perfection is a failure. I know this is not true but this is the perception in my head that I've struggled with for the past 12 years. My bf thinks I'm beautiful as I am and I have no idea who he's looking at as it can't be the same body I'm seeing.

    Don't you see? Because you fall for it -- it can exist in the first place. It's one thing to have a bad day, it' another to actively live your life this way. Nobody is perfect. Everyone you are envying? There is definitely something about them that totally sucks.
  • 1favoredlady
    1favoredlady Posts: 15 Member
    You may want to try practicing NOT comparing yourself to others.

    Sorry to say, but there will ALWAYS be someone hotter than you.

    ... not to mention someone who is NOT hotter than you!! Focus on your best traits..WE ALL have some body part we love
  • MikkLuhnRozzWhuh
    MikkLuhnRozzWhuh Posts: 240 Member
    I am definitely with you in that. It's not just body-envy, but...almost hate sometimes. I sometimes just look at people with MUCH better bodies than me and almost hate them because it's like they have it easy. I know people that try to GAIN weight and complain that they're so skinny and I just...want to wring their necks. I hate being the way that I am and I hate being so...big....
    I totally sympathize. I need to work on this too.
    Good luck. Let me know how things are going :D
  • Erisad
    Erisad Posts: 1,580
    ive already told you what you need to do to accomplish a hot body.. one is attitude and believing in yourself the other is maintaining your weight and toning and shaping!!! it's very much ahievable but you need to stop wishing you was like someone else because your not your you so you need to deal with it and stop been so negative

    And what if after all that, I'm still not hot? What if I'm just destined for mediocrity? I'm only 32 pounds away from my goal and I'm not too impressed. Those last 32 pounds are gonna have to have a miracle with them to make me bikini ready. Sorry, I'm having a down day. I swear I'm happier most of the time. >.<

    you are hot! it's all in the way you carry yourself, how you walk, talk, attitude is the sexiest of all.. you can have a super hot body but if you dont love yourself your never going to see that and by the sounds of it you dont like yourself or love yourself... you need to be happy with yourself first.. and it is achieveable!!! attitude attitude attitude

    How do you know? I only have pics of my face on this site for a reason. I'm a train wreck from the neck down. I don't like myself, when you're studied like a lab rat through your childhood, forced on medication and constantly being told that something is wrong with you, it's kinda hard to like yourself when you're treated like a freak of nature.

    How do you know I'm not !! I've got a pretty face but my body isn't nice either but that don't stop me from learning to like myself and bettering myself ... Push through the past because thats what it is past n move forward to the future But you need to like yourself first if your going to see what I see in you and the potential

    Okay. Thanks. :)
  • MikkLuhnRozzWhuh
    MikkLuhnRozzWhuh Posts: 240 Member
    Taking pictures but not being so critical of ourselves helps. I was a body builder and still did not give up looking around and wanting a better look for my body...I know now how distorted that was. I look back at pics now and think...I looked great why didn't I know it (or feel it) Its been a personal issue that I have strived to overcome. Hope you do to. Great work, you look beautiful!

    And yes, you look amazing... :D
  • Antlady69
    Antlady69 Posts: 204 Member
    I know will never have the body of a beautiful woman, so why should I envy them? Quite to the contrary, I admire them and have pictures of gorgeous women in my background pix / screensaver on the computer. And I'm not even lesbian! :)

    Don't envy them, just accept yourself as you are. You can't change reality, you know, and the reality for you is (according to your own words) that you won't look like a supermodel either. So why waste time bothering about it? The only thing you can do is make the best out of what you got.
  • MikkLuhnRozzWhuh
    MikkLuhnRozzWhuh Posts: 240 Member
    I know will never have the body of a beautiful woman, so why should I envy them? Quite to the contrary, I admire them and have pictures of gorgeous women in my background pix / screensaver on the computer. And I'm not even lesbian! :)

    Don't envy them, just accept yourself as you are. You can't change reality, you know, and the reality for you is (according to your own words) that you won't look like a supermodel either. So why waste time bothering about it? The only thing you can do is make the best out of what you got.

    Totally true. How you could actually put this thinking into practice and genuinely believe it, however, is a mystery....soooo difficult.
  • Erisad
    Erisad Posts: 1,580
    I know will never have the body of a beautiful woman, so why should I envy them? Quite to the contrary, I admire them and have pictures of gorgeous women in my background pix / screensaver on the computer. And I'm not even lesbian! :)

    Don't envy them, just accept yourself as you are. You can't change reality, you know, and the reality for you is (according to your own words) that you won't look like a supermodel either. So why waste time bothering about it? The only thing you can do is make the best out of what you got.

    Totally true. How you could actually put this thinking into practice and genuinely believe it, however, is a mystery....soooo difficult.

    Indeed. I can never pull it off genuinely, or at least not for an extended period of time. I go well for a couple weeks and then hormones freak out and I'm balled up in my room crying again. >.<
  • MikkLuhnRozzWhuh
    MikkLuhnRozzWhuh Posts: 240 Member
    I know will never have the body of a beautiful woman, so why should I envy them? Quite to the contrary, I admire them and have pictures of gorgeous women in my background pix / screensaver on the computer. And I'm not even lesbian! :)

    Don't envy them, just accept yourself as you are. You can't change reality, you know, and the reality for you is (according to your own words) that you won't look like a supermodel either. So why waste time bothering about it? The only thing you can do is make the best out of what you got.

    Totally true. How you could actually put this thinking into practice and genuinely believe it, however, is a mystery....soooo difficult.

    Indeed. I can never pull it off genuinely, or at least not for an extended period of time. I go well for a couple weeks and then hormones freak out and I'm balled up in my room crying again. >.<

    Totally. I know exactly how you feel. I admire how well you're doing, though. I just looked at your profile. 50 POUNDS?! Amazing!
  • DawnVanSlim
    DawnVanSlim Posts: 10,471
    Comparison is the thief of joy.
  • shorty35565
    shorty35565 Posts: 1,425 Member
    I do it ALL. THE. TIME. I've lost almost all the weight I wanna lose, mayb another 5-10lbs & I'll b ok weight wise, but my BF is awful *cries* Which is why even kno I've hit my 1st gw of 125 (well I was 125.8 but close enough), I still feel really fat. And my skin elasticity isnt the best apparently either (& I've only lost 59lbs!) I'm afraid that when I finally lose my gut, I'll have awful loose, hanging skin. So when I see amazing lookin ppl, I feel really envious of them because I kno no matter how hard I try, I'll never b able to look like them cuz of my skin.
    Ur not alone & I get told not to compare. I just try not to really look at pictures of people unless they're my friends or 1 of the few ppl who actually inspire (instead of makin me feel depressed) with their pics.
  • MikkLuhnRozzWhuh
    MikkLuhnRozzWhuh Posts: 240 Member
    Comparison is the thief of joy.

    Love this. Totally true. Tell me more...
  • Erisad
    Erisad Posts: 1,580
    I know will never have the body of a beautiful woman, so why should I envy them? Quite to the contrary, I admire them and have pictures of gorgeous women in my background pix / screensaver on the computer. And I'm not even lesbian! :)

    Don't envy them, just accept yourself as you are. You can't change reality, you know, and the reality for you is (according to your own words) that you won't look like a supermodel either. So why waste time bothering about it? The only thing you can do is make the best out of what you got.

    Totally true. How you could actually put this thinking into practice and genuinely believe it, however, is a mystery....soooo difficult.

    Indeed. I can never pull it off genuinely, or at least not for an extended period of time. I go well for a couple weeks and then hormones freak out and I'm balled up in my room crying again. >.<

    Totally. I know exactly how you feel. I admire how well you're doing, though. I just looked at your profile. 50 POUNDS?! Amazing!

    Well, it was 50 when I started here in March, now it's more like 75-78? I started back in May 2010 so this is taking waaaaaaay too long. I should be maintaining by now. I'm not sure. I think I screwed up the math at some point. I think my starting point was 260. Sooo it was 60 in March. I should fix that. D:
  • tysonian
    Probably not but you may be able to Germanically crush one against your forehead if you get too overwhelmed with envy ;)

    To be honest I think it's normal to have some level of "envy", let's remove the term with the negative connotations and say it's normal and healthy to be driven toward achievement, we only depart from the healthy part when our own self worth and happiness is contingent on achieving a goal that is forever a few more feet away.