What/Who annoys you at the gym



  • ladybug1620
    ladybug1620 Posts: 1,136 Member
    The creep who winks and licks his lips and stares while we're lifting. Then proceeds to follow us to zumba class and stares in the window, leaves, comes back, stares some more. His a** was reported.
  • bexxgirl
    bexxgirl Posts: 260 Member
    Apart from the major one - of deodorant or perfume clogging my lungs, I have a really weird one.

    I get annoyed when people stand around in front of the treadmill I'm on. I always look for one with a clear space in front of it (ie, no bikes or rowing machines in front), so that I can zone out in my brain and visualise stuff I'm running through. Then some knobs come and stand around chatting right in front of where I'm running and man, do I want to yell "get out of my way!", but that would be ridiculous. So I just get annoyed.

    And before you tell me to run outside, a) I live in one of the windiest and most inclement cities in the world and b) my knees are screwed, so I need the treadmill so that I don't bugger my joints up.

    But I do know it's weird.
  • johnnys30
    johnnys30 Posts: 64 Member
    When 1 person is taking up 2 machines... There was a guy switching between back extensions and crunches... pick one and let someone else use the other!

    I do that frequently but when the gym isn't busy and no one has shown any sign of using one of them. I also get the sets done quickly and move on. If someone asks I say go for it as well.
  • Hezzietiger1
    Hezzietiger1 Posts: 1,256 Member
    Guys who look at me like, "what are you doing on our side of the gym".

    People who don't rack their weights

    People who don't wipe down their machines when they are finished.
  • lyndyb88
    lyndyb88 Posts: 123 Member
    girls wearing makeup @ the gym

    Hey just because we lift heavy doesn't mean we can't be cute. :smokin: haters gonna hate :laugh:

    Agreed! I NEVER leave my house without at least some eyeliner on (which btw doesn't smear even if I'm working hard)...there's nothing wrong with wanting to look good even when you look bad (all sweaty I mean)

    My gym pet peeve is when the guys (I say guys because I haven't seen a girl do this yet) sweat all over the machines and can't take 10 seconds to clean them off...there are spray bottles of cleaner ALL over the gym...I really don't want to sit on a bike seat and grab handles that are covered in your sweat
  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    The only thing that bugs me is stuff that actually physically affects me. That pisses me off. For example, the people who apply huge amounts of perfume or cologne right before they get up next to you on the treadmill. It's really hard to run when my lungs are on fire and I can't breathe through your cloud of funk. You can do or wear or say or be whatever you want at the gym, but when it starts to negatively impact others, it's not cool! :explode:

    THIS^^^ in the 7 months I have been going to the gym, there has only been ONE situation like that, but it was BAD. Dumbass was on the treadmill next to me for like 12 minutes, and it was the longest 12 minutes of my life! As soon as he stepped up, my nose and eyes started burning. It was so bad, I asked one of the trainers if she had smelled it ( she was cleaning a treadmill on the other side of him), but she only smelled the cleaner she used :(

    Today I noticed that someone had cologne on, but it was a tiny whiff, just enough to know it smelled good.
  • laurenz2501
    laurenz2501 Posts: 839 Member
    Guys who look at me like, "what are you doing on our side of the gym".

  • LauraMacNCheese
    LauraMacNCheese Posts: 7,198 Member
  • SuperSexyDork
    SuperSexyDork Posts: 1,669 Member
    When 1 person is taking up 2 machines... There was a guy switching between back extensions and crunches... pick one and let someone else use the other!

    I do that frequently but when the gym isn't busy and no one has shown any sign of using one of them. I also get the sets done quickly and move on. If someone asks I say go for it as well.

    I do this too... In fact I switched between back extensions and crunches on Monday. However, I work out around between 9pm and midnight. There is hardly anyone there but if they wanted to use one, I'd sure as hell let them.
  • glad2bjar
    glad2bjar Posts: 13 Member

    YEEEESSSSSS! And then they wanna complain how fat they are. UGH!
  • bethvandenberg
    bethvandenberg Posts: 1,496 Member
    stupid teen age boys who cuss non stop and don't re rack their weights....
  • PsychSmith
    PsychSmith Posts: 5 Member
    I can't stand the women at the gym in full make-up with their hair done who never break a sweat. I guess they're there to pick some one up while I'm there to drop some weight. :-)
  • Jellyphant
    Jellyphant Posts: 1,400 Member
    The creep who winks and licks his lips and stares while we're lifting. Then proceeds to follow us to zumba class and stares in the window, leaves, comes back, stares some more. His a** was reported.
    lol wut. ULTRA creepster.
  • smilesalot1969
    Guys who look at me like, "what are you doing on our side of the gym".


    This!! Girls lift too, get over it.

    Plus the creepers who keep trying to bug me while im working out..i dont CARE about your ex wife or your kids theyre not going to burn calories for me and STOP watching my butt!!!
    People who take up a treadmill wandering along at a snails pace then have the cheek to give us dirty looks if there isn't one free for them when they come in.
  • reka74
    Loud talking (generally)
    Not cleaning equipment after use
    Holding up machines
    Strong perfume smell
    Guys in toooo short pants in yoga class...
  • shellydd
    shellydd Posts: 156 Member
    the guy jogging next to me whose sweat is sloshing all over everywhere, including on my legs.....grosses me out. wear a frikkin' headband!!!
    RUFFSTUFF138 Posts: 2 Member
    When I come home from the gym and find a list about the gym. Dang.

    If you get in the habit of wiping down machines BEFORE and AFTER you use them, you will waste less time being upset about what the guy before you did... An alternate method is if you see someone use a machine and not wipe it down, immediately run up to it and scream "WHY IS THERE SWEAT ON THIS MACHINE!!!" 3 times. Do not do this at the beginning of your workout in case it gets cut short.

    Women should be free to look attractive whenever they feel like it. The opposite is true as well except on Thursdays and Fridays... Gotta finish the week strong.

    Smells are subjective. Unless someone ****s their pants. **** in your pants is not subjective at all. At no time should you scream "WHY IS THERE **** IN MY PANTS!!!" Not even once.

    This morning I dropped my phone twice because my headphone cord got caught up in my workout. Just thought I'd share.

    In all honesty, I get slightly annoyed when I see someone on an elliptical going all out on level 1. Rookie.
  • kimothy38
    kimothy38 Posts: 840 Member
    I go to a really small gym that is used by staff and student at my university. I must be pretty lucky because I don't really experience any of the issues discussed here. The only thing that happened once was this eejit who kept dropping his weights after each set. Seriously, I was lifting heavier weights than him and I didn't have to drop them on the floor to show how staunch I am. Haven't seen him again though.
  • nc90
    nc90 Posts: 83 Member
    Those people who skulk around waiting for a treadmill I'm on and I can feel them constantly checking how long I've been on there to see when it's their turn.

    Honestly, find an elliptical and do a warm up, crunches, I bet you'd burn more calories then straining your eye muscles creepin on my treadmill.
  • mhide
    mhide Posts: 20
    I dislike the man who smells like chicken soup.

    I'd rather smell the chicken soup man than the chicken vinegar one I saw yesterday.