What/Who annoys you at the gym



  • Thewatcher_66
    Thewatcher_66 Posts: 1,643 Member
    can't believe how many people are "annoyed" by girls wearing makeup...honestly, what does it matter what's on a girl's face? we all pay membership fees so we can work out the way we like...i personally put on eyeliner and chapstick when i go, at least making an effort to look decent while i sweat...and that's all a mental thing, i'm not wearing makeup because i'm trying to pick someone up...lame. Sometimes I even have more makeup on, though granted it's usually because i'm coming from work...

    Women wearing makeup generally doesn't bother me. I mean, let's face it. Some of them need it really badly. :)
  • MSeel1984
    MSeel1984 Posts: 2,297 Member
    People who go to the circuit training area to use a machine...then park their rear ends there for 10-20 minutes when they should be ROTATING to the other stations...Ugh. There's a SIGN that says that they will be subject to membership termination if they don't use the circuit according to the rules... I have yet to see that actually happen.

    And people that sit on their cell phones texting or whatever instead of using a machine.
  • healthyCAL
    healthyCAL Posts: 41 Member
    When people ignore the sign requesting people with small children use the "family" locker rooms and thier 5 year old son gets a free show while I am trying to get dressed. Seriously!? Why not pop the kid some popcorn and erect a pole for me? I'll give the little tyke a good show!
  • dickymint678
    dickymint678 Posts: 38 Member
    People who put on aftershave, cologne or perfume before going into the gym for a workout. In particular when they get on a machine next to me when I'm breathing in hard. The vapours taste awful.
  • YoSoyFiesta21
    Unfortunately its all too common and the 3 fitness clubs I belong to... I want to say something, but feel its none of my bidness especially if its a daily thing.
  • wildside79
    The rude c*&%$ who sit on their little machines, pretend to wipe their foreheads every once and while barely moving their legs, and all the while whispering about and judging other people. The big guy slowly shuffling along the track is at least making a start to try to change his life for the better, and at least he won't become an aging, embittered trophy wife to someone who will screw his secretary as soon as you start showing a little grey.

    People that don't use the family room when they should are a close second.
  • projectxreborn
    Well, I kind of had a humbling experience...it was my first day back to the gym after long months
    of slacking off and I was in a really grumpy mood, mad at myself for losing so much time. I had just
    gotten on to the treadmill and was standing on the sides trying to figure out which speed I wanted to
    go, trying to encourage myself I could do it again. A really fit woman was on the treadmill beside me
    and in a super friendly voice, told me the buttons I needed to push to get started. This really bugged
    me because if you are fat people automatically assume you have never been on a treadmill before
    and for another thing, I was not in the mood for phony encouragement from someone who could care
    less. Normally I would never say anything, but just grit my teeth and smile and keep on. But
    I looked at her and very sarcastically said, "I KNOW. (slowly) I HAVE been here before." (Like
    saying, I am not stupid, I can figure it out!)
    She looked at me for a second and went back to her workout and didn't say another word.

    Turns out she was the owner of the gym. And I have since learned that she wasn't being phony.
    She is truly a nice person. I have always hated people judging me because of my weight and then
    I did it to her. I had never been disrespectful like that to anyone before and I still feel bad about it.
    Lesson learned.
  • Iceman1800
    When people ignore the sign requesting people with small children use the "family" locker rooms and thier 5 year old son gets a free show while I am trying to get dressed. Seriously!? Why not pop the kid some popcorn and erect a pole for me? I'll give the little tyke a good show!
    brb ordering a pole.... ;)
  • chivalryder
    chivalryder Posts: 4,391 Member


    COME AT ME!!!
  • bluefox9er
    bluefox9er Posts: 2,917 Member
    mirrors,mirrors,the most god awful music at beyond LOUD and did i say mirrors?
  • msacurrie
    msacurrie Posts: 144 Member
    The music annoys me...it's too quiet to actually enjoy (and sometimes too vulgar for my taste), but when I put on headphones to listen to my own music, sermons, or watch the TV, etc. - it's somehow too loud! haha! I hear the music even through my headphones at highest volume.

    Also, people who don't wash the machines down after use. And when people stand around talking over the equipment you are on (awkward!) or you're trying to get on (take your convo elsewhere please!) haha :)
  • Kelsbellz
    Kelsbellz Posts: 142 Member
    The big muscle heads, maxing out, grunting, and making a scene before they lift - attention seekers...I just have to roll my eyes.
  • KLo924
    KLo924 Posts: 379 Member
    too much perfume (seriously, it's a gym, I'd actually rather smell stinky leather and b.o. )

    A thousand times this!!! Just because you thinks your perfume/cologne smells good doesn't mean everyone else wants to smell it (many of us may even be allergic to it).
  • Sillykitty88
    People who look at you like you are incapable of keeping up with them because you are slightly overweight.
  • ggcat
    ggcat Posts: 313 Member
    I ignore almost all people at the gym :)

    However, my biggest annoyance are the people (woman mostly) that come in with their hair down. I see one girl who where's a baseball cap with her hair (unless it's medically related) I couldn't imagine sweating under all that hair! Also, when they come in and stand on a machine or in front of machine, getting their hair all ready to go up into a bun or a pony tail- what happened to getting ready before your workout- or at least in the lock room!

    I don't know why it bothers me so much- but it does!
  • IamBlackMamba
    The b!tches that give me side eye for working out. I don't hate on your for being there so leave me alone while I'm doing my thing.

    @ggcat, that one gets me too! Who works out with their hair down?
  • mrs_joshica
    mrs_joshica Posts: 275 Member
    Teenagers who are NOT there to work out but hang out, gawkers-who do not have anything better to do than to stare, and show-offs, which I mean, come on now. The biggest things is dirty equipment, YUCK!
  • amymfr
    The guy who is there pretty much every day at the same time I am who sets the treadmill on the highest incline, holds on tight, doesn't pick up his feet hight enough, and slaps them loudly against the front of it every single step. So loud my earbuds can't even drown it out!
  • thoeting
    thoeting Posts: 89 Member
    People that watch me, then want me to train them, as I'm working out
  • Angie_1991
    Angie_1991 Posts: 447 Member
    The lady that spends the first 30-40 minutes in the gym talking. I actually asked once why she would come in at 5 in the morning and not start working out until 5:30. Answer "I'm putting it off because of my bursitis". I would spend the extra 1/2 hr in bed, but that's me.

    This sounds like my neighbor. She goes to the gym early in the morning, but looks like she's never worked out a day in her life.