5 Pound a Month 20210 Challenge



    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    Jenn big hugs go out to you. I am beginning unwarranted guilt is a big part of parenthood. We want them to never feel pain and when they do it hurts us too. Whatever happens you are in my prayers. I am a stress eater also and know if I were in your shoes I would be going over my calories for a few days. Take Care! Hope you have a better day today.

    As a daycare provider may I ask what happened at daycare. When I hear these stories I want to know what happened so that if it is a danger I can eliminate from my home to protect the children I will do it>

    Let me start by saying that I don't blame my daycare lady. She has 4 kids of her own, she is a great person a great mother and I still trust her with the most important part of my life -my kids. I truly feel like she loves my son like her own.
    Things just happen. She has 14 kids there with only 2-3 adults. I know that I can't keep my eye on my kids every min of everyday and I only have two kids.
    Well, I guess that he was laying on the ground (he does that as he plays with toy cars, running them on the "road" along the ground) and an older child on a bike was trying to ride past him. He must have put his hand out (maybe to protect this cars? maybe to say "get back I'm playing here" not sure really) and his finger went into the bike sprocket, the part that moves the chain around. The tip was cut off and my daycare lady put it into ice and tried to stop the bleeding while she called me to take him to the ER. I flew out of work (I work at a school, in the front office) even thought I had a line of parents I was helping. I didn't even tell my boss I was leaving early!
    Once in the ER we waited for a long time for the "hand Dr" who told me that it would heal fine, don't touch it until a week later when I was to see my sons Dr. By then the blood dried to his flesh and she couldn't get off the bandage without soaking it in warm water.
    I cleaned it everyday after that and we saw his Dr every week. But then she said it wasn't healing and sent me to see a diff Dr. A ped hand Dr. Who said that the tip was dead and it was just a bio-band-aid at that point. :sick:
    If it falls off on it's own than the finger might re-grow a bit. If not, then he will lose it to the knuckle. :sad:

    Thank you all for your kind words. :heart:
    I did go over board on the snacks last night but I am going to try and stop that and I hope I still at least stay the same as last week.

    Thanks. With kids sometimes its hard to know what could turn into something dangerous. Hope he is doing well.

    I am so impressed you can workout after the kids go to bed. I put my kids to bed and go to my bed instantly.
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    January 1 weight 185.4
    January 8 weight 185
    January 15 weight 182
    January 22 weight 180.6
    January 29 weight 178.6

    2 pounds lost this week. I am very happy with that. Hope everyone has a great Friday and an awesome weekend! Sunday is the end of the month. Have you reached you goal? If not what can you change in February to help you reach your goal?
  • pbenison
    pbenison Posts: 102
    1/1 153.9
    1/8 152.6
    1/15 152.1
    1/22 151.0
    1/29 149.5

    1.5 lbs lost in the past week! Better than last week. That is the up side...down side is I have only lost 4.4 this month and have a little over 1/2 lb to go to reach my 5 lb challenge ugh :ohwell:

    I wish everyone luck with their weigh in and have a wonderful weekend!

  • pbenison
    pbenison Posts: 102
    Oh, and do we weigh in again on the 31st?

    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    1/1 153.9
    1/8 152.6
    1/15 152.1
    1/22 151.0
    1/29 149.5

    1.5 lbs lost in the past week! Better than last week. That is the up side...down side is I have only lost 4.4 this month and have a little over 1/2 lb to go to reach my 5 lb challenge ugh :ohwell:

    I wish everyone luck with their weigh in and have a wonderful weekend!


    4.4 is still a loss.....there are still 2 days left this month:flowerforyou:
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    Oh, and do we weigh in again on the 31st?


    I think we should. I will start a February thread on Monday morning. We are going to get locked soon and a new thread for each month will be great. Plus I can fix 20210 to February 2010. :laugh: :laugh:

  • workingitout
    workingitout Posts: 105 Member
    Happy Friday, everyone. Good job on working so hard at being healthy this week! I weighed in and have lost 10 pounds since I started on Dec 28! I'm so happy and I can't believe how motivated I am now to keep working on losing the other 30 pounds in my goal!

    In an effort not to get discouraged by fluctuations, I've decided to keep working hard for two weeks before I weigh again. It would kill me to have the scale take away my ten pound loss and tell me I've only lost 8 or 9 due to TOM, water or whatever, so I think this is the best way to keep my attitude up. Hopefully when I weigh again in two weeks, it will be a nice little drop!

    Have a great weekend!
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Happy Friday, everyone. Good job on working so hard at being healthy this week! I weighed in and have lost 10 pounds since I started on Dec 28! I'm so happy and I can't believe how motivated I am now to keep working on losing the other 30 pounds in my goal!

    In an effort not to get discouraged by fluctuations, I've decided to keep working hard for two weeks before I weigh again. It would kill me to have the scale take away my ten pound loss and tell me I've only lost 8 or 9 due to TOM, water or whatever, so I think this is the best way to keep my attitude up. Hopefully when I weigh again in two weeks, it will be a nice little drop!

    Have a great weekend!

    10 pounds is fantastic!!! Keep up the awesome work. :bigsmile:
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    I had a HARD last chance workout tonight!
    Did the norm Curves circuit at lunch today, but then after the kids went to bed I did a Jillian DVD for an hour (OMG) then a yoga pm cool down DVD about 28 more mins.
    1 1/2 hours of exercise and I am feeling much better about getting on that scale in the morning. I eat well today also, and didn't eat all my exercise cals.

    :flowerforyou: Hope you all have a good weigh in!

    Sounds like you had a great last chance workout. Keep up the great work. :bigsmile:
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    January 1 weight 185.4
    January 8 weight 185
    January 15 weight 182
    January 22 weight 180.6
    January 29 weight 178.6

    2 pounds lost this week. I am very happy with that. Hope everyone has a great Friday and an awesome weekend! Sunday is the end of the month. Have you reached you goal? If not what can you change in February to help you reach your goal?

    That is awesome, keep up the great work. :bigsmile:
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    1/1 153.9
    1/8 152.6
    1/15 152.1
    1/22 151.0
    1/29 149.5

    1.5 lbs lost in the past week! Better than last week. That is the up side...down side is I have only lost 4.4 this month and have a little over 1/2 lb to go to reach my 5 lb challenge ugh :ohwell:

    I wish everyone luck with their weigh in and have a wonderful weekend!


    You are doing great, keep up the good work. :bigsmile:
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Okay here is my weigh in:
    1/2/10 171.0
    1/9/10 168.8
    1/16/10 165.8
    1/23/10 167.0
    1/29/10 168.8

    Well, I have not done so good this month. I am fluctuating quite a bit. I know that, that won't be the case soon. I am starting Insanity on Monday and I know that scale will start going down and continue to go down. Nothing I can do about it now anyway.

    Have a great weekend everybody. :bigsmile:
  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    I DID IT . i lost 2 pounds this first week. So excited and happy that the scales dropped from when i started. Ive worked hard and you have all been a great motivating force! THANKS THANKS. Knowing that I had to report in and knowing that you were all working hard to gives me strength to keep my goals.
    my starting weight was 159.5 and today I weighted 156.8.
    YIPPEE! Finally I'm on a way to a healthier woman.:laugh: phyljen.
  • cct98362
    Wow! Some really encouraging posts today. Great job everyone! This group is really helping me keep to my goals and I appreciate knowing that you are out there. I am back down to 152.8 and my goal for next week is keep that number in the rear view mirror, rather than to keep bouncing up and down around it.

    I was discouraged by weekly weigh ins in the past- although it seems counterintuitive- a daily weigh-in has helped me see that my weight can fluctuate by a pound or two each day depending on hydration. What if your weekly weigh in occurs on one of your hydrated days? Also, I find if my morning number is high it motivates me to pay attention during the day, so that I can stay on track towards my weekly goals.

    Have a great weekend and stay accountable!
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    I DID IT . i lost 2 pounds this first week. So excited and happy that the scales dropped from when i started. Ive worked hard and you have all been a great motivating force! THANKS THANKS. Knowing that I had to report in and knowing that you were all working hard to gives me strength to keep my goals.
    my starting weight was 159.5 and today I weighted 156.8.
    YIPPEE! Finally I'm on a way to a healthier woman.:laugh: phyljen.

    That is awesome, keep up the great work. :bigsmile:
  • pbenison
    pbenison Posts: 102
    January 1 weight 185.4
    January 8 weight 185
    January 15 weight 182
    January 22 weight 180.6
    January 29 weight 178.6

    2 pounds lost this week. I am very happy with that. Hope everyone has a great Friday and an awesome weekend! Sunday is the end of the month. Have you reached you goal? If not what can you change in February to help you reach your goal?

    Two lbs! That is great! :flowerforyou: Keep up the good work!
  • pbenison
    pbenison Posts: 102
    Okay here is my weigh in:
    1/2/10 171.0
    1/9/10 168.8
    1/16/10 165.8
    1/23/10 167.0
    1/29/10 168.8

    Well, I have not done so good this month. I am fluctuating quite a bit. I know that, that won't be the case soon. I am starting Insanity on Monday and I know that scale will start going down and continue to go down. Nothing I can do about it now anyway.

    Have a great weekend everybody. :bigsmile:

    You can do it! Not giving up is the main thing. You are on the right track.

    Good luck! And remember we are here cheeering you on! :flowerforyou:
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Thanx Pbenison, it truely means a lot to hear that. You all are so great. :bigsmile:
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    SW: 181
    1/8: 160
    1/15: 155
    1/22: 153
    1/29: 153 :brokenheart:

    Didn't lose this week, but I didn't gain! After the hard week I had I can't say I am shocked. Wednesday night I had a pitty party for one and eat soooo much junk. :explode: But last night I did a great workout and was able to stay under my cals also, so I am back on track. I am going to try and workout both weekend day's this weekend AND eat healthy, so I hope by Mon I will have lost a little bit. I am trying to keep in mind what Jillian said on the biggest loser, the green team wasn't down much because of stress. Wishful thinking??? I hope that might be playing a part. I tried not to weigh everyday this week and I only got on the scale Monday and today. Maybe I should try that again this coming week before I give up and hop on everyday.
    How much do you all get on the scale? Only Friday?

    Total lost for January: 7 lbs :bigsmile:
  • astrosnider
    astrosnider Posts: 151 Member
    Is today the weigh-in for the 5 pounds a month challenge?
    I'm at 162 today.
    Goal for February: 157
    Goal for March: 152
    Goal for April: 147
    Goal for May: 142
    Goal for June: 137
    Goal for July: 132

    If I could get down to 132 by July I would be delighted. That would be my ultimate goal weight.