5 Pound a Month 20210 Challenge



  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    Astrosnider- Looks like we'll weight about the same come July! I like that you have mapped it all out for us!! Thanks WOW 132 by July when I come to the states for my summer vacation would be wonderful. Or should I say WILL BE WONDERFUL. Gotta think positive. We can do it! With all the motivation and assistance from this group and website I know we can totally do it. Phyljen
  • izzypup
    izzypup Posts: 341 Member
    hello everyone... I plan on weighing in tomorrow.... TOM is here! YUK. I am at the age where I never know when it will visit or for how long.... It's been 2.5 months, so is good. I just feel bloated and crappy today. I was at 4lbs but i am afraid if i weigh in i will be wieghing in the bloat factor. I want to see if tomorrow will be better. I am going to make sure I drink all my water today but I don't really have an appetite. Sandy
  • siobhannestor
    Happy Friday, everyone. Good job on working so hard at being healthy this week! I weighed in and have lost 10 pounds since I started on Dec 28! I'm so happy and I can't believe how motivated I am now to keep working on losing the other 30 pounds in my goal!

    In an effort not to get discouraged by fluctuations, I've decided to keep working hard for two weeks before I weigh again. It would kill me to have the scale take away my ten pound loss and tell me I've only lost 8 or 9 due to TOM, water or whatever, so I think this is the best way to keep my attitude up. Hopefully when I weigh again in two weeks, it will be a nice little drop!

    Have a great weekend!

    That is incredible! :drinker: I like your weigh-in plan also! (although I don't think I could be that disciplined)
  • siobhannestor
    1/1 153.9
    1/8 152.6
    1/15 152.1
    1/22 151.0
    1/29 149.5

    1.5 lbs lost in the past week! Better than last week. That is the up side...down side is I have only lost 4.4 this month and have a little over 1/2 lb to go to reach my 5 lb challenge ugh :ohwell:

    I wish everyone luck with their weigh in and have a wonderful weekend!


    Pam, I think this is wonderful! Congratulations!
  • siobhannestor
    hello everyone... I plan on weighing in tomorrow.... TOM is here! YUK. I am at the age where I never know when it will visit or for how long.... It's been 2.5 months, so is good. I just feel bloated and crappy today. I was at 4lbs but i am afraid if i weigh in i will be wieghing in the bloat factor. I want to see if tomorrow will be better. I am going to make sure I drink all my water today but I don't really have an appetite. Sandy

    Sandy, I am so with you on the TOM being unpredictable - thought I was going to get mine this week, but am still waiting... Isn't peri-menopause fun? My favorite aspect is the joy of having wrinkles and pimples at the same time. :noway: Good luck when you do weigh in!
  • siobhannestor
    I DID IT . i lost 2 pounds this first week. So excited and happy that the scales dropped from when i started. Ive worked hard and you have all been a great motivating force! THANKS THANKS. Knowing that I had to report in and knowing that you were all working hard to gives me strength to keep my goals.
    my starting weight was 159.5 and today I weighted 156.8.
    YIPPEE! Finally I'm on a way to a healthier woman.:laugh: phyljen.

    YIPPEE INDEED! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • siobhannestor
    SW: 181
    1/8: 160
    1/15: 155
    1/22: 153
    1/29: 153 :brokenheart:

    Didn't lose this week, but I didn't gain! After the hard week I had I can't say I am shocked. Wednesday night I had a pitty party for one and eat soooo much junk. :explode: But last night I did a great workout and was able to stay under my cals also, so I am back on track. I am going to try and workout both weekend day's this weekend AND eat healthy, so I hope by Mon I will have lost a little bit. I am trying to keep in mind what Jillian said on the biggest loser, the green team wasn't down much because of stress. Wishful thinking??? I hope that might be playing a part. I tried not to weigh everyday this week and I only got on the scale Monday and today. Maybe I should try that again this coming week before I give up and hop on everyday.
    How much do you all get on the scale? Only Friday?

    Total lost for January: 7 lbs :bigsmile:

    Stress can definitely do it! Plus, I think that sometimes the body needs to adjust (I know, it's not scientific but it keeps me going during those times when I don't lose. Thinking of the Biggest Loser, even working out hours everyday, it seems like most of those contestants go back and forth - losing a lot of weight one week, and then much less the next. Don't give up hope! You lost 7 pounds this month! Woo Hoo!!!! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • siobhannestor
    Is today the weigh-in for the 5 pounds a month challenge?
    I'm at 162 today.
    Goal for February: 157
    Goal for March: 152
    Goal for April: 147
    Goal for May: 142
    Goal for June: 137
    Goal for July: 132

    If I could get down to 132 by July I would be delighted. That would be my ultimate goal weight.

    Welcome, Astrosnyder!
  • siobhannestor
    Well, I seem to have gained 1.5 pounds since last week, even though I have been working hard to stay within my calorie goals! :sad: So that means that my weight loss for this month is only 6.5 pounds, not 8... But that's still good, right! Watch, when I weigh myself on Monday, I will be back down... Ah well! The one thing that's good about the coming month - I just finished a very demanding 2-month period at work (put in some 16 hour days), where it was difficult to exercise and when I did strength training, etc. would end up doing it at 10 PM which then interfered with sleep. Since things are calming down, it will be easier to exercise on a regular schedule again, and to get my 7.5 hours of sleep, so hopefully that will make the weight loss easier!


    P.S., Jenn, I also have real trouble not weighing myself more often than 1x per week - have been resisting the desire to step on the scale every morning, but still find myself weighing in at least 2x per week...

    P.P.S., Edited to add that on a higher note, I can now wear my size 14 jeans again without bulging over the sides of the waist band - woo hoo! :bigsmile:
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    Thanks Shivaun.
    And AWSOME on the jeans! :happy:
  • pbenison
    pbenison Posts: 102
    Crazy question...Has anybody tried Frenchs French Fried Onions (used in green bean casseroles) as an add on to any food? I bought some the other day on a whim and just opened them. I made homemade chilli today and had 1/2 serving on a hamburger bun (yes should have used my wheat bread :grumble: ) and added 1/2 serving of the onions. I may be weird but it was good (or am I just hungry :laugh: ).

    45 cals, 3.5 fat, 60 sodium, 3 carb, 0 cholest or sugars.

    Your thoughts?
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    Crazy question...Has anybody tried Frenchs French Fried Onions (used in green bean casseroles) as an add on to any food? I bought some the other day on a whim and just opened them. I made homemade chilli today and had 1/2 serving on a hamburger bun (yes should have used my wheat bread :grumble: ) and added 1/2 serving of the onions. I may be weird but it was good (or am I just hungry :laugh: ).

    45 cals, 3.5 fat, 60 sodium, 3 carb, 0 cholest or sugars.

    Your thoughts?

    Only 3.5 calories from fat....that surprises me because they always seem greasy to me. I use them every year at Thanksgiving for the green bean casserole but can imagine they would add a great dimension to chili.

    My daughter and I went out to lunch today...Ruby Tuesday. Thought the fresco chicken would be safe. 857 calories...Are you kidding...came home a got on the exercise bike and rode until HRM said I burned 1000 calories.( I was bad and ate the mashed potatoes...I think that was my downfall. Have a great rest of the day!
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    Good for you! Wow 1000 calories, I have never burned that in a workout! I went on a bike ride with my family and burned 445. But then I eat brownies and now I am over. :explode: I didn't eat dinner yet, so I guess I will be hitting the gym tonight. :ohwell:
  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    I KNOW THIS PROBABLY DIDN'T BURN MANY CALORIES SATURDAY MORNING, but I went for an hour and half CAMEL RIDE out by the pyramids and it was awesome! We had a group of us ladies that live over here and we all decided to go for horse or camel rides. It was so fun. I loved it. I was really late getting into school to get my lesson plans ready for school today. We have school Sunday thru Thursday over here. But all is well. I will be o.k. I HOPE!. With these third graders in my class this year I need to be on my toes ALL THE TIME!. anyway, I got up this morning and swam for an hour at the pool. I usually only do 45 minutes but I pushed on this morning and did an extra 15 minutes. ( I made lemon bars for the family last night and ate a small piece so I figured I better get burning off those extra cals. ) I feel great now but better get off MFP and get ready to greet the little kiddies. Looking forward to a great FEB. starting tomorrow! What happened to January. It sure did fly by. Hope you all had a restful night, mine was not restful at all due to the fact that my daughters friend died yesterday morning as a result of a car accident, and she came by last night about midnight and laid next to me and cried and cried. I felt so bad for her. She is 25 and just got married. Then when she left a dog outside BARKED all night. Truthfully at 4:50 am I was ready to get up and go swimming just to to relax! Phyljen
  • pbenison
    pbenison Posts: 102
    I KNOW THIS PROBABLY DIDN'T BURN MANY CALORIES SATURDAY MORNING, but I went for an hour and half CAMEL RIDE out by the pyramids and it was awesome! We had a group of us ladies that live over here and we all decided to go for horse or camel rides. It was so fun. I loved it. I was really late getting into school to get my lesson plans ready for school today. We have school Sunday thru Thursday over here. But all is well. I will be o.k. I HOPE!. With these third graders in my class this year I need to be on my toes ALL THE TIME!. anyway, I got up this morning and swam for an hour at the pool. I usually only do 45 minutes but I pushed on this morning and did an extra 15 minutes. ( I made lemon bars for the family last night and ate a small piece so I figured I better get burning off those extra cals. ) I feel great now but better get off MFP and get ready to greet the little kiddies. Looking forward to a great FEB. starting tomorrow! What happened to January. It sure did fly by. Hope you all had a restful night, mine was not restful at all due to the fact that my daughters friend died yesterday morning as a result of a car accident, and she came by last night about midnight and laid next to me and cried and cried. I felt so bad for her. She is 25 and just got married. Then when she left a dog outside BARKED all night. Truthfully at 4:50 am I was ready to get up and go swimming just to to relax! Phyljen

    A camel ride?! WOW! How exciting. And to the pyramids? I am jealous! I also teach 3rd graders...gotta love 'em! Good luck with that this week!

    On a serious note: My condolences to your friend and her family. She is in my thoughts.
  • pbenison
    pbenison Posts: 102
    Okay...I guess I go first.

    January weigh in:

    January 1 - 153.9
    January 31 - 148.8

    I just did get my 5 lbs: 5.1 lost. In December when I was pumped up, I expected more of a loss by today's date. Now reality has set in. The key to my success is to follow through with my plan of action. Lack of exercise has contributed to the slow weight loss. I have really "stepped up" by getting my 10,000 steps a day (on most days). I am proud of that accomplishment. I need to be more disciplined on my daily exercise routine though. This has been an ongoing goal througout the month of January and now as I enter February, I KNOW I have to hold myself accountable.

    Good luck to all. Have a great Sunday!


    P.S. Is this our ending and beginning weight, or do we do another weigh in tomorrow to start off February?
  • izzypup
    izzypup Posts: 341 Member
    Good morning everyone....Well I did it.... just barely but I did it. I usually weigh in at work because I didn't have a scale at home. Go figure! LOL Now I have one at home. In actuality I am happy to make 5. I have a difficult time loosing weight and it is because I struggle to get my calories in. I am doing better, because of MFP, I am more aware of what I am eating and my calories that I do or don't eat.

    Today I am going to get some swim goggles and cap for the pool. I have a ton of hair and I don't really want to struggle with that while swimming.
    I go back to the foot doc on the 2nd about my foot (plantar facititus) (sp). No factures, no bone spurs, just the muscle alone the bottom of my foot are irritated to the point where about a month ago it hurt so bad that i barely could walk on it. Much much better now. So I am hoping to get back to exercise.

    good question Pam... Do we use our SW or is our new SW in Feb what it is today?

    Take care everyone today.... I love the sun on my face.....
  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    pbenison- we'll have to share teaching ideas also. That's cool that you teach third grade too. Where do you teach?
    Congratulation on the months weight loss. You have done awesome. I have trouble eating all the extra exercise calories that I earn, especially on Sunday. I did an hour of step aerobics after school and now it says I should eat about 1000 more calories. I am not hungry. I just ate dinner. If you have to eat extra calories what foods do you eat? I mean is it better to eat carbs or what? Phyljen
  • pbenison
    pbenison Posts: 102
    pbenison- we'll have to share teaching ideas also. That's cool that you teach third grade too. Where do you teach?
    Congratulation on the months weight loss. You have done awesome. I have trouble eating all the extra exercise calories that I earn, especially on Sunday. I did an hour of step aerobics after school and now it says I should eat about 1000 more calories. I am not hungry. I just ate dinner. If you have to eat extra calories what foods do you eat? I mean is it better to eat carbs or what? Phyljen

    I live in Louisiana, about 70 miles north of New Orleans. I actually have two jobs. My full time job is at my local high school. I am a paraprofessional (teacher's aid) working with the ninth graders who are struggling readers. After severn hours there, I then go to my church where we have a program co-sponsored by our state education board and Catholic Charities called: After School Assembly. At the job (for three hours) I work with third graders, helping them with their homework, preparing them for the standarized test (to be given in the spring), and teaching a supplemental math and reading program. I need all the help I can get to keep them motivated, so I welcome any suggestions!!

    I am also going to school (University of Phoenix) to get my bachelor's to become a certified teacher. My dream (or nightmare :laugh: ) is to teach high school English classes.

    I am not sure about the exercise calories. I wonder about that myself. I will leave that answer or those who know better :bigsmile:

  • pbenison
    pbenison Posts: 102
    Good morning everyone....Well I did it.... just barely but I did it. I usually weigh in at work because I didn't have a scale at home. Go figure! LOL Now I have one at home. In actuality I am happy to make 5. I have a difficult time loosing weight and it is because I struggle to get my calories in. I am doing better, because of MFP, I am more aware of what I am eating and my calories that I do or don't eat.

    Today I am going to get some swim goggles and cap for the pool. I have a ton of hair and I don't really want to struggle with that while swimming.
    I go back to the foot doc on the 2nd about my foot (plantar facititus) (sp). No factures, no bone spurs, just the muscle alone the bottom of my foot are irritated to the point where about a month ago it hurt so bad that i barely could walk on it. Much much better now. So I am hoping to get back to exercise.

    good question Pam... Do we use our SW or is our new SW in Feb what it is today?

    Take care everyone today.... I love the sun on my face.....

    Congratulation! I hoped you enjoyed your swim. I agree that MFP keeps you focused. I have tried to loose weight many times using this site and my weight came back when I left the site because I clamed I was too busy and then I lost my discipline.