

  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Hello All,

    As some of you know, my exercise of choice has been walking. I always planned to start doing strength training after I got to a size where I felt it would show some results once my rate of loss had slowed from the 8-10 lbs. per month I had been doing. I figured that would be in this new year. I don't have a gym membership, and don't want one, and I didn't want to be overwhelmed with a bunch of weights taking up valuable and limited space.

    I wanted to be able to work on my upper arms, abdominals and back, and thighs. I discovered a simple low tech solution a couple of weeks ago at TJ Maxx. I got something called a Pilates Twist Board. It was only $9.99 and is a twist board that has hand grips attached to resistance bands that are attached to the board. It allows one to exercise the arms, shoulders, back, and there is also a move without the resistance bands to address the thighs.

    I had put off opening the package for the past week or so, but today I did so, and it is pretty easy to use. I like the idea of using it without engaging the resistance bands as it seems to foster moves that will improve balance--something that can only be a good idea. The exercises using the resistance bands feel like they will be very effective. Guess I will find out tomorrow if I overdid it on the first day.:bigsmile:

    For some reason today I was craving carbs, so I had an extra banana and a clementine orange. I also gave in to a 100 cal snack pack of some crackers, and that seemed to solve the problem.

    My days off are over for another week, and I didn't get much accomplished today. I woke up with a scratchy throat, and I still can't decide if it is developing into something or not. The high point of my weekend was meeting Barbie and Jake.

    Hope everyone has a good week.

  • tearose
    tearose Posts: 94
    Just checking in..Doing ok today..I have a general plan im using and staying under my calorie limit so I feel pretty good even though I dont have a specific plan..I think at some point I might change that up because i hear your body gets use to a certain way of eating and when it does your weightloss will slow down..so i don't know if im losing but its much easier for me to fit into my pants..im so happy about that! Hope everyone is doing alright today..tomorrow will be another good day..:heart:
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    So I had a really great week... drank a lot of water, exercised 5 hours, got in all my protein, kept to my calorie goals. And the scale didn't budget at all! :laugh:

    I know intellectually that "being good" doesn't guarantee weight loss. You have to operate at a calorie deficit. And I doubt I did, or at least not a big enough one to make a difference on the scale in just one week. I think it will take a while and I'll have to be back into full workout mode before I see changes on the scale.
  • DebbieW
    DebbieW Posts: 187
    Good morning everyone!

    I have to say that my new favorite thing is to read the posts on this thread with my morning coffee. I find that reading all of your posts inspires me to go and do my morning workout.

    I love to read about everyone's ideas, strategies and tips. I like the idea of caring a "before" picture of yourself. I have one that shocks me every time I see it. How appropriate that in that picture I'm stuffing food into my face. Surely that would be inspiration enough to be more mindful of what I eat.

    Well, I better go and put my "rear in gear" and do my morning workout.

    Have a healthy and happy day everyone!
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: MacMadame, I know the feeling. Work so hard but the numbers are not moving down. Have you measured to see if you have lost inches? I am bad about doing that. I have done it only twice so far. It is past time.

    I was very good yesterday. Did my strength class and did not over eat. Ate very healthy. I feel so thin. Just not having junk in me makes me feel good.
  • zaza54
    zaza54 Posts: 1,475 Member
    Hello everyone. Belated Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!!!
    I have been off mfp for months and it shows!!! Glad to see this thread is still going. You are all so prolific that I barely got thru today's postings. I cna't stay on since the garage door repairman will be here shortly, but I did want to say hi and try to get mtoivated again.
    Barb, please keep us posted on the Pilates Twist Board - may want to get one.
    Mary, I liked reading about your strategies. It does sound like a lot of work, which is one reason it obviously works!
    Repairman just got here. bye for now. have a good day!
  • debieanne
    thank you and if carnival does not mind your welcome to come aboard.. i am so glad they have a walking and joggin track i will be walking love debieanne and family
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Good morning everyone,

    I only got halfway through all the new posts before I noticed it's past time for me to leave for work.

    DebbieW – Thanks for gratz. Yes, it is a wonderful and motivating feeling.

    Smwert- Welcome and I’m glad you are off to a good start. Yes, it is very important to eat your calories. Too little is not good.

    Cindy – Your house sounds like my house. Any slacking on household chores and the place looks it. Have you heard of Fly Ladies? Some of their ideas really do help. No, I never heard of Dave Ramsey. I will look him up on line. Good luck with the program.

    Mary – Good luck this week getting motivated. I hope last week’s success keeps you going.

    Barb and Barbie – This may sound silly, but your meeting each other and having a wonderful time is motivating for me. It just shows how important friends are whether they are online or in person. Thanks for sharing your stories on your weekend.

    Welcome to everyone new! Prayers and positive thoughts to everyone for making good food and drink choices and finding the time to exercise or at least relax.

  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: I don't see how your ladies manage to read all the posts. I usually reply while at work so my time is very limited. You, Jeannie, are especially good at keeping up with everyone.

    I am very grateful for everyone in the thread. A wonderful group of ladies.:flowerforyou: :heart: :heart: :flowerforyou:

    I need to be getting back to work now. Have a great afternoon, everyone.
  • debieanne
    goo d afternoon taking a break at work here.. i am so glad she has a comp now i am hoping she will use our site. i walk up the stairs instead of the elevator seven flights not to bad it has been getting easier everytime. i rember when i had to stop and couldn t breath. now that was scaring. how is everyone doing hows the water in take i have had two glasses so far 6 oz.. ok have a nice afternoon love debie and family
  • katznketo
    katznketo Posts: 323 Member
    It is 9:40 Calif time. So it's good morning for me. Got the kids off to school, some chores done and sitting down to read you all.

    cindy, Barb, barbie, Louise, wow. there are so many of you I can't keep up. but I love hearing what you are all up to. yesterday, I wrote down what I ate and even though I deterred, I stayed within my limits. It was my first day off all junk and sugar and I went to the bathroom all day long. I don't know why that is.

    But I was down 2 pds today so it's a nice start. I am doing some soup and lean cuisines to get me back into portion sizes. Eggs and veggie omelets for breakfast.

    Louise: Your back pain is awful and I have that too. I went to the book store and found a book on getting rid of back pain. The two things it says are; One is to lay on my stomach and then slowly come up to my elbows. Then after a while raise up to my hands. Each is a process of minutes inbetween. The other thing is that I stand like a ballerina with one foot crossed over to the side of the other foot. I lean down and then do it the other way. I don't know, but since I started this, i have not had to go to the chiropracter. kc
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: i love reading the posts on our thread.....it is so encouraging.....except for our Isagenix business associates, my world is full of people who don't do healthy things for themselves......the nurse at hubby's doctor's appointment said that as part of her weight loss and health program she walks two miles at lunch time and she can't find anyone at her workplace (a big health clinic) who wants to walk with her and she says that many of them are overweight and continue to smoke....my best friend whose 40 pound weight loss inspired me to start my own journey a year ago, has not lost any weight in months and continues to fall away from her healthy eating.........I need all of you to show me the way :bigsmile:
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: hgus:heart::heart: :heart: Barbie
  • arborsong
    :love:KC, you have your hands full with those boys! I admire you. At our age, it's hard to keep up with them even for short periods of time not to mention...all the time! Thanks for the back stretches. I've had 2 back surgeries so I'm good about daily stretching to protect my back from any further damage. I'll try your suggestions.

    :love: Barbie, I hear stories like the ones you just shared and recogize that's the reason our country is so obese.

    Fiddlesticks, my chiro is out sick today, so I'm stuck at home again waiting for him to unstick my SI joint. Tomorrow will be a joyful day!!!

    Did you ever notice that when you can't exercise, you also eat more?!?!?!?!?!?
  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Afternoon everyone;

    ooh, hubby's been cranky today that's such a bummer!

    Speaking of being obese; Just got a new Reader's Digest and the World Health Organization reported in October that more people die from being overweight and obese than from being underweight. There are 1.6 billion overweight & obese people in the world.

    I really don't want to be one of them. I remember being in my 20's when I had to have a thyroidectomy (due to hyperthyroidism). I know I didn't weigh but about 125 and the intern who came in to do my history made some comment about me being obese! I would love to weigh that now! Having done WW's and getting down to 130, which I was very happy at, I now know that if I don't make counting calories and weighing what I eat then I will steadily gain it back.

    So girls let me encourage you to make this life a journey.

    I'll be back after I exercise;


    Louise: Sorry about your back. You are only wanting to eat more because you are bored and or seeking comfort food. Hang in there.
  • Benson
    Benson Posts: 444
    Happy Tuesday ladies

    I can't believe its only -2 Celcius here today. Same temp as parts of Florida. It makes for a very messy vehicle but I'll take that over -40!!

    Today is day two of my 12 week transformation which is a program running at the wellness centre I joined in October. Yesterday I was at the gym at 6 a.m. for an aerobics class. I am proud of myself - not only for the early hour but mostly for the fact that I overcame a great obstacle by joining in on a fitness class. I am very self conscious and would never join in because of my size. I must say that it felt just awesome to enter my exercise knowing that it was already done. I only enter at work so I was always putting in my "planned" exercise when I got here and often times deleting it the next morning because I just didn't do it:blushing: I intend to do the 6-7 a.m. MWF and a similar class T, Th from 5-6 p.m. Tonight I will also try a Latin Cardio class. Sounds like an instructor from Panama teaching Salsa and Merengue steps. Hope I can keep up!!

    Anyway, thanks again to you people who inspire me to continue on my journey no matter how many pit stops I may make along the way. Logging is key - awareness is key - SUPPORT is key!!

    I got the strangest feeling today - I had to submit my son's application for University - my baby boy?? already?? I believe I am more nervous than him but at least he is attending (fingers crossed that he is accepted) here and can live at home.

    I never respond personally to all but please know that I wish the best for all of you.

    Barbiecat and Barb - Great picture - lucky ducks!! Sounds like it was a great meet-up.

    Have a great day

  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    :flowerforyou: MacMadame, I know the feeling. Work so hard but the numbers are not moving down. Have you measured to see if you have lost inches? I am bad about doing that. I have done it only twice so far. It is past time.
    Well I'm only trying to drop the 3 pounds I picked up over the holidays so I doubt I had a big inches loss either. :happy:

    Since I am not really restricting calories -- just eating what worked for me at a lower weight -- I figure I'll lose 1-2 pounds a month. Then again, my calf has been feeling so much better that I might start running again. That will drop the weight pretty fast!
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Good afternnoon ladies,
    Well I did much better on meals today but have not worked out yet. Kenneth says we will go when he gets home from work. I really need to get back to gym or some form of exercise cause clothes are not as lose as they were. I am not going there again.
    I love the feeing of putting on my clothes and they fit well or even loose. Reading all of your posts really help. Hopefully our lives will get back to normal soon. No school here yesterday and today because of low water pressure and broken pipes. Our area is not used to this weather. Luckily the temps are in the 50's right now and should be nice the next few days at least. Just need to get back in the groove of things and stop making excuses and giving in to my cravings. thanks to all of you because I know if I did not have this site I would have blown it already. Hope you all have a good day.
    Vicki M
  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Just got off the elliptical

    45 minutes 225 calorie burn! Yeah, made my daily goal again. Actually sweating feels pretty good. And so far exercising in the afternoon is working out too. Although I didn't get as much accomplished this morning as I wanted too.

    Now lunch dishes are still staring me in the face so I think I will load my dishwasher and then get in the shower. Then it will be feed "Granny" yet again. She hasn't been "hittin on much" today. The brain cylinders just aren't firing.

    Jeannie: Yes I have heard of the Fly Ladies. I just can't keep up with them. By the way Dave Ramsey is a Texan.

    I'd better go read Mary's poem about doing the dishes again cause I'm really not feeling the urge to do them!

    I'll Check back later.

  • zaza54
    zaza54 Posts: 1,475 Member
  • zaza54
    zaza54 Posts: 1,475 Member