

  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: Kathy, congratulations. That is great.:flowerforyou:

    :flowerforyou: Vicki M, sounds like you will be getting a workout just keeping up with all the kids.:laugh:

    Happy birthday Cindy.
  • sheilajane
    sheilajane Posts: 133 Member
    GOOD MORNING LADIES !!! :happy: :happy: I finally lost the last "Christmas" pound so my ticker is right again. Not very happy this morning. :grumble: :grumble: My 18 yr old stepdaughter is coming back from her college break on Sunday. This past month has been so peaceful. Sad to say, we aren't the best of friends and the whole atmosphere in the house changes when she is here. Hopefully, I can disconnect from her attitude and stay focused on my goals. Prayers and advice are welcome......

    :flowerforyou: Suezzzque: congrats on losing those inches !! Maybe I should have started measuring inches instead of just stepping on the scale.......:ohwell: :ohwell: hhhmmm.

    :flowerforyou: Debbie: love the "jeans" story. Feels so good doesn't it ? I have my own story about jeans. Earlier in the year I bagged up 12 pair that were too tight. (who, in their right mind even OWNS 12 pr of jeans, especially ones that don't fit). Anyway, I got them out before Christmas and all but 2 pair were now too big !!! I took them all to Goodwill. In the past I would have hung on to them "just in case", (seriously??) but I figure that just gives me a good excuse to fail.

    :flowerforyou: aisser: 2 lbs lost !! Good for you.....keep it up !!

    :flowerforyou: Cindy: HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY !!! I'll be 55 in March. You ever have those "whose body am I in moments" ? :noway: :noway: I know you are worried about your daughter, but what an admirable decision she has made. That's a testament to what good parents she has.

    :flowerforyou: ZaZa: Willpower is my biggest enemy. I do good all day long. I even do good at dinner.......it's AFTER dinner that kills me. If I could just eat dinner and go to bed, maybe I'd be okay. Those 2 -3 hours later.....UGH.....right before bedtime.

    :flowerforyou: Vickie: 500 calories !! WooHoo !!

    :flowerforyou: Debbieanne: did I misread your post ? You have a recipe for "healthy" mac and cheese ? If so, I want it !

    :flowerforyou: Rebel: I've never been asked if I was pregnant but I do have a funny story. A man was trying to describe someone to me. After going through the hair color, wears glasses, how tall she was.....then he said "and she's about your size, kinda chunky". I had to laugh because he obviously let that slip.

    JAM: Hey 15 minutes on the Wii is better than nothing. I'm struggling right now with trying to convince myself that it's worth getting on the treadmill even if it takes me longer to get ready, than I'm actually on it. Seems like by the time I get dressed, hook up my MP3 player, move the chair so I can open the treadmill I've spent more time than is worth the actual workout. I can't seem to justify all the trouble unless I'm going to spend at least 45 min to an hour on it. It's sort of like getting all bundled up like the kid in the Christmas Story, then only being outside for 5 minutes. Why bother ?

    Barbie: Congrats on your anniversary !! All those years to the SAME man :laugh: :laugh: .......If I add all three of mine together I barely have more than that !!

    :flowerforyou: Shivaun: Good for you not giving in to the emotional eating. That is so hard to do. I think it goes back to my childhood. When I didn't feel good, my mom always said "eat somethiing, you'll feel better". Now I try to convince myself that if I eat something, I may feel better now, but not nearly as BAD as I'll feel tomorrow.

    Have a great day and a wonderful weekend ladies !!!

  • 5010
    5010 Posts: 59
    Found you Barbie what a great group since hitting 50in April and going though the change i have started too gain weight .I am now on Hrt and feel great i feel i can get back to 10 stone again so here i am .
    This is my first day just finding my way around everyone seems so nice and friendly .i shall make sure that i come on site as often as work allows thank you for your support it means a lot Diane
  • doobiedoo
    doobiedoo Posts: 194 Member
    :flowerforyou: For those who use WiiFit, how do you record your time on the exercise log? I've been putting it on 'general aerobics', but I don't know how accurate that is...Thanks for your input! :flowerforyou:
  • zaza54
    zaza54 Posts: 1,475 Member
    Happy Anniversary Barbie!!:flowerforyou: I loved reading yoru post - sounds loverly.

    Happy Birthday Cindy!!:flowerforyou: Sounds like you, too, are having a good day.

    Take care all.
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    I've been doing the vinegar today so I'll see how it works for me.

    :flowerforyou: Happy Birthday Cindy!! What does "doing the vinegar" mean?

    :flowerforyou: Happy Anniversary Barbie on both accounts. You did well my friend!!

    :laugh: I've decided to wash my size 16 slacks in hot water and dry in a hot dryer. Hopefully it will shrink to a size 14!!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Oh the anticipation.
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    I just had the best salad ever at work. It was left over from a luncheon . It was mixed greens with small red /black grapes, diced apples and feta cheese. It was so good it didn't need any dressing. Anyway, back to work for me.

  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,428 Member
    What a busy and productive thread!

    Happy Anniverseries Barbie and Jake! Congratulations!:flowerforyou: :heart: :flowerforyou:

    Happy Birthday Cindy!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Welcome to all the new members, prayers for all in need, thanks for all who post on such informative and helpful topics.

    I had an ultrasound today to check out my failure to stay in menopause. Will see, what they come up with. I am sure everything is fine, I believe my mother was 57 when she had a hysterectomy, which put her into complete menopause. I am 56, Enough Already!!!!! I feel fine, just seem to be riding a rollercoaster.:happy: :frown: :happy: :frown: :happy: :happy:

    Time to start my evening jobs.

    Have great weekends all; :heart: Alice
  • DebbieW
    DebbieW Posts: 187
    Hello everyone!

    Well, today I was faced with the challenge of celebrating a co-workers birthday with...yup...the celebratory birthday cake offering.

    Wow, the challenge, the temptation. What do I do???

    Well, this is what I did and I'm sharing this with anyone who will undoubtedly be faced with this same dilemma.

    I graciously accepted the piece of cake and then proceeded to socialize so much that all I really actually did was move my fork around my plate and into the cake making it "look" like I was in the process of eating cake but I actually never did. Every once in a while I put the fork in my mouth, but there actually wasn't any cake on it. The kicker was that no one actually noticed that I wasn't really eating the cake.

    When the coast was clear and every one finished raving about how yummy the cake was, I discreetly went into the lunch room and discarded the cake into the garbage can.

    Maybe some of you think that this is awful what I did, but let me explain. This morning before work, I googled the nutritional information on the cake and the icing (all name brand ingredients) and guess what, I calculated that my piece of cake was about 600 calories.

    So....that is why I tossed the cake.

    If anyone has any little "tricks" like this, I would love to read about it.

    Well, tomorrow is my weigh in day, wish me luck!
  • sheilajane
    sheilajane Posts: 133 Member
    Found you Barbie what a great group since hitting 50in April and going though the change i have started too gain weight .I am now on Hrt and feel great i feel i can get back to 10 stone again so here i am .
    This is my first day just finding my way around everyone seems so nice and friendly .i shall make sure that i come on site as often as work allows thank you for your support it means a lot Diane

    Welcome Diane.......we love our new members.
  • committed
    committed Posts: 54 Member

    Happy Anniversary Barbie and Jake:flowerforyou:

    Happy Birthday Cindy:flowerforyou:

    Still smoke free and lost 1 lb.:bigsmile: Drinking lots of water:drinker: :drinker: but not having anytime for exercise right now. Too many demands at work requiring working 16+ hours a day. Kind of dragging, but things are looking better. My trip to Georgia has been rescheduled until week after next only this time I'll have to travel on the weekend to be there for a meeting 1st thing Monday. My husband isn't able to work so he goes with me on a lot of my trips. It gives him a break from being at home all of the time and he's company for me. Our son comes over and takes care of the dogs while we are gone son we don't have to worry about boarding them. We plan on going on to Orlando to stay a few days with the twins. Emily seems to be doing a lot better since leaving the hospital, but I will feel better seeing for myself.

    Today we had 50 degree temps. seemed like spring:smile: had me thinking about gardening but I know we aren't past potential cold weather - have to get through March.:smile: Can still make plans though - love the fresh vegetables:smile:

    Have a good weekend

  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Good evening ladies,
    Debbie I dont have a problem with you throwing the cake away. i will tell you why. I grew up being told I had to eat everything on my plate and not to waste food. Well that is one reason I look the way I do now. My new theory is either it is wasted outside my body or it is wasted inside my body. If I eat more than I need I am still wasting food so what difference does it make. Now if someone tells me the children in _____________ are going without food I say well send this to them. so I like your little trick and may even try it. I find most of the time no one is watching what you eat or worrying about it. They are too busy with their own food.
    Good night ladies.
    Vicki M
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,949 Member
    :flowerforyou: Happy Birthday, Cindy,:bigsmile: Good luck with the vinegar....I've heard good things about it.

    :flowerforyou: Shivaun , congrats on getting through a tough time without eating.....that is such a huge step in the right direction:bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Vicki, all your travel sounds great......you have such great skills for eating and exercising when you're traveling I love your positive and practical outlook on life.....I, too, have had to get over years of "the clean plate club"

    :flowerforyou: Barb, thanks for the imaginary stuffed eggplant....give the np's an extra big hug from me.

    :flowerforyou: aisser, congrats on your two pound weight loss...what a great beginning to your journey

    :flowerforyou: Alice, I hope the ultrasound brings you positive and useful information

    :flowerforyou: Debbie, your cake "trick" sounds great..........if you can't just say no, then it is the perfect thing to do:bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: suzyq, congrats on the loss of weight and inches......I wore my Shape-up to line dance two days in a row and they work great for dancing.

    :flowerforyou: Kathy, your weight loss this week is fabulous.:bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: SheilaJane, what I like about my stationery bike is that I don't have to change clothes or set it up and I watch stuff on TV that I recorded on the DVR so it's always ready for me
    in fact, I should be on it right now LOL

    :flowerforyou: Diane (5010), I'm glad you found us......I look forward to getting to know you.:bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: We picked Haifa up this afternoon and got a lesson from the tech about how and when to give Haifa injections. He has to have the injections 12 hours apart and an hour after he eats a specified amount of a high protein, low carb food. So we're feeding him something new and not letting him have the dry food he likes. I had to feed him in a separate room so Bernie and the dogs didn't try to eat his food (I closed in the den with the food, water, and a separate litter box). Since he's used to nibbling throughout the evening and night, he's not used to eating his bowl of food in one sitting so I came in and sat with him and put the food on my fingers and let him lick it off. Then I set the timer so I could give him his insulin shot exactly an hour after he ate his dinner. Hubby had volunteered to do the shots but he had something planned for tonight and I didn't want him to miss it (and I was looking forward to having the house to myself for a few hours) so I said I'd do the shot. I practiced with saline solution at the vet's office and it seemed easy enough. The hard part is that the dose is so small that it's tricky to measure it into the syringe because they don't make syringes meant for such small doses. The good news is that the dose is so small because he responded so well to the insulin the gave him already. He'll go back in two weeks for more testing to see how he's doing.

    I think I have time for one more ride on the exercise bike before hubby comes home........:heart::heart: hugs:heart::heart: Barbie
  • DebbieW
    DebbieW Posts: 187
    Good morning everyone!

    Well, this morning was "WEIGH IN DAY", (cue dramatic music 'dah da dahhhhh.')

    I ever so meekly stepped on the scale this morning.

    I ever so slowly tilted my head to look down at the scale below my feet.

    I ever so nervously sucked in my breath as my eyes adjusted to see the numbers

    I ever so disbelievingly stared in disbelief at what I saw


    I LOST 2 more pounds since last Saturday!

    WOO HOO!!!!

    I hope everyone loses weight for their next weigh in. Good luck everyone!
  • zaza54
    zaza54 Posts: 1,475 Member
    Congrats Debbie!! It was worth throwing out that piece of cake. Great suggestion by the way. I always want everything and that is why I am struggling now. I will think of you and your success the next time I am tempted.
  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,428 Member

    Love the description of the ritual for getting on the scale and checking the weight. As I read it I can hear background music to go along with the scene.:laugh: Wow!! On the 2 pound weight loss, good for you.

    So many made positive progress this week on so many fronts. Gratz to all!

    Barbiecat, glad to see you tackled those shots, and all is going well for Haifa. Did they give you insulin syringes?

    Have a great Saturday all, I am going to tackle the next file of tax papers. Onward and upward! Alice
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Good Morning ladies,
    Quiet rainy morning her in Louisiana. I am getting ready for my Godchild's wedding shower for this afternoon. It is at 3 so i will eat a good lunch before, snack on veggies and eat a good supper later. that's the plan. Barbie what type of exercise bike do you have. I have one but I really dont like it. I love the one at the gym but it is an expensive one. I put mind inside a few months ago but never rode it. I do have my treadmill and elliptical in my living room right now and do use them, but have to change and put tennis on so the bike would be more readily able to jump on and off. Have a good day everyone.
    Vicki M
  • gama1950
    gama1950 Posts: 2 Member
    Hello everyone I am new to this I have a daughter getting married and for once i would like to look good. I am going to try and stay with this. I have only got 2 days in . But it definitely is what I want to do wish me luck and hope to hang in there this is a great program. So much support as i see. Thanks.:love:
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    :flowerforyou: Welcome gama1950! :flowerforyou:
    With the tools and support here, you WILL succeed!:happy:
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Debbie - Congradulations on the continued weight loss!

    Gama - Welcome. This place has helped all of us, so I'm sure your going to succeed in time for the wedding. My only advise is to log EVERYTHING as accurrately as you can. After that each one of us has to find what works for us.

    This is week 1 without a freezer. Our freezer door broke and we were tapping it shut until we emptied it out. One of our (hubby's and mine) 2010 resolutions is not to use a credit card unless it truly is an emergency. So we are not running out and buying a new one. The only premade food I can think of that is worth refriderator freezer space is pizza. More fresh veggies instead of frozen ones. We have to have room for ice cream too. So no more of those packaged meals around here. I told all three of them this means a lot more vegitarian meals! The kids smiled, the hubby frowned. lol

    I'm going to find a smaller freezer that I can get on lay-away and until it's paid for, it's not coming home! The old one is going to be recycled. We found a place that will give us $35 for it.
