Deployment Overeater Support Team



  • leesapeesa
    i wanted to wish everyone a good week. i really hate Mondays. I still feel like I am half asleep. I am 3 oz away from a huge major goal and i am so excited. I dropped 2.4 this week which after 2 weeks of 0.8 i am relieved. Hang tough girls. I hope everyone has been able to talk to their bf/hubby. Good luck this week!
  • timmijop
    timmijop Posts: 86 Member
    Hi everyone!!! Talya and I are feeling a good deal better and we got to talk to Tim the other day and he told me that possibly he will be home mid march which is awesome. The first wave of the homecomings are starting this month and I am jealous that he isnt part of that but it gives me a bit more time to reach my goals!! So 9 months down and about 2 to go!!!!!

    Lisa you are kicking butt!!!!!!!!!

    Holly I am positive that you are going to reach your goal! and that concert sounds amazing!!!

    Hopey you too!!! 4 weeks oh how great is that and only 6lbs till goal! That is so awesome!!!!

    Jamie I know your having a great R and R!!! When Tim came home in October it was so great!!

    Homecoming and R and R are not stress free though. We get into routeens and then they come home and that goes all to crap and there are alot of anxieties and frustrations attatched to it. I have been reading alot about homecomings and keeping a positive marriage during deployment. I am nervious because my husband really hasnt been to experiance what it is like to be a father. Talya was barely 2 months old when he left and nursed. On R and R she was 8 months old and he gave her alot of baths lol (like 3 a day hahah but daddy loved to do it so I wasnt complaining) For myself I am so used to doing it all on my own and its hard to let that all go. The more knowledgable I am about it all the better off I will be!!! Okay I just woke up on the couch lol its 3 am so I need to go back to sleep but you lovely ladies have a great day and Rock On!!

    I have an apt on the 19th of this month and I plan to be firm in 150's by then :)
  • Hopey1994
    Good morning ladies!
    I've been on a plateau all week...ugh! I did manage to move ALL the furniture and steam clean the carpets in the WHOLE house yesterday. My poor arms are sore today, but I went running anyway and now am about to do 30 day shred. Thomas is home in 3 1/2 weeks and I still have 7# before I'm at my 1st Goal weight. I gotta get going (pardon the pun)!

    How is everyone doing?

    Timmi- I'm so glad you and baby girl are feeling better. I know what you mean about the stress of him coming home. I'm concerned about Georgia using us against eachother like she does with me and Grandma. The little master manipulator! I'm sure Tim and Tayla will be fine; they'll just be so happy to see eachother!
  • holly122677
    Good Evening Ladies,

    I have been slacking in posting...Things have been busy, but I have been keeping up with some of you on Facebook.

    Hopey- I know what you mean. I have been stuck all week at the same weight. Haven't moved an inch. UGGGG but then again it is that time of month. I am getting on the treadmill this evening and have kept my calories below my limit. I have wanted to eat myself out of house and home though.

    I am getting both nervous and excited about Chris coming home. I have 3 1/2 months...I know it sounds long but the way the months are flying I know it will be here before I know it.

    Jamie- I hope you are enjoying R&R....I hope you feel better soon.

    Timmi-Jo glad you're feeling better and so is Talya. You are kicking butt with your weight loss. Keep it up girl.

    Lisa- Keep it up you are doing wonderful...I am hoping for a surprise next week on the scale since it seems I have been stuck for the last 2 weeks.

    Hilary--- Where are you????? Hope things are going well for you. Stay Strong!!!!!

    Well its getting late so I better push myself to get on the treadmill...Keep up all the great work will pay off when our guys drool over what hotties we are!!!!! I am so proud of everyones accomplishments. Talk to you all soon :)

    Just remember.....I didn't take a day to put it on...its not gonna take a day to take it off....Baby steps
  • leesapeesa
    hey y'all! will soon be 2 months til vacation. If I do not repeat any of the c25k weeks I should be able to run 5k before I go to Tennessee. I am getting excited bout seeing my boyfriend. I did day 2 of c25k yesterday and I did really well. I feel kind of confident about week 4.. just want to make sure I am not overly confident because I dont want to be disappointed in myself if I have a bit of trouble making all the running parts.

    scale is staying down for me and it is almost TOM so hopefully I don't gain on weigh in day.

    Holly- I tell myself all the time baby steps... just keep moving. We will all get there.

    Timmi- so glad you girls are feeling better.

    hope you are all having a good week. Keep pushing forward!
  • holly122677
    Hi Ladies,

    Thats fantastic about the C25K Lisa. I slacked this week. TOM enough said. I went off my bc pills and been paying for it. decided to go back on them. I will be repeating week 2 starting tomorrow.

    I went over my calories big time today. I hate winter. It puts me in a blah mood and makes me want to eat. I had plans to see Dear John this evening and a huge winter storm came and ruined my plans. This is like 3 weekends in a row I have been stuck at home in the house. I am so ready for Spring.

    Jamie I hope you are continuing to have a wonderful R & R. I know you are dreading the end of it.

    Timmi-Jo not too much longer for your hubby to be coming home too. Such joy and happiness I am sure.

    Hopey-Keep up the good work. You are so close to your 1st goal.

    I have decided that counting the weeks down is alot easier for me than months. I have 14 or so weeks before Chris comes home. I am starting to get nervous/anxious/excited. I am just a mixed bag of emotions. This is not helping my diet at all. I feel its so much to do and not enough time to get it all done. I am trying to get rid of somethings for my Move to Ft Riley in June. Wow!!!!! I haven't been out of VA in over 20 yrs after my father retired from the Army.

    Ok ladies enough rambling. Thanks for listening. I just felt I had to purge my emotions. I need to get back on track. I am not weighing this week because I know I gained and dont want to be set up for disappointment. That will just make things worse and make me want to quit.

    Hope you all have a wonderful weekend. Another week down. YAY!!!!
  • timmijop
    timmijop Posts: 86 Member
    Hilary where are you I agree!!! Hope all is well!!!!!

    Thank you everyone for your get well and wellness congrats!!! HAHAH

    Wow Holly the move will be great though :) your right weeks do go alot faster!!

    Lisa you are doing great with the c25k keep motovated girl! It is going to be so exciting to run your first 5k (on your own or an organized one :))

    Hopey you have got this covered too!!! I have confidance you are going to kick that goals butt too hahah!! 3.5 weeks that is so exciting to see the hubby :)

    You guys are passing me up with the c25k now. WIth the sickness and then the cold weather I havent started week 3 yet :( Hopefully this weather perks up and I can get my butt out htere hahh

    we found out that Tim should be home by the first of April so Talya (as much as a 11 month can) and I made a Christmas chain/ Daddy home chain for up until the 14th of April (because you never really can be sure and I would rather be prepaired for worse and suprised with better!! ) But time is dwindling down and I am so excited!!!!
  • gym_rat
    My husband deployed almost 3 weeks ago so I'm kicking the 'woe to me' attitude I've been holding onto and kicking myself into high gear to lose these last 10-15lbs for GOOD. I'm glad I found a group like this!
  • holly122677
    Welcome Gym_rat.......This is a great group of ladies...Good luck and hang in there :flowerforyou: We are all here for eachother!!!
  • Hopey1994
    Welcome gym_rat! you'll love this group! Sorry to hear about the deployment, but just keep busy and he'll be home before you know it. How long is he gone for?

    How are y'all doing on c25k? I'm supposedly on week 5, and can run 3/4 miles straight, but have been on this week for like 3 weeks now! I ran a total of 2.5 miles today but had 2 breaks in there. I was doing really well and was almost at a mile when my ipod fell off the treadmill and hit the emergency stop button...ugh! I'm hoping to break through this week and run over a mile straight. Keep going ladies, I know you will be running that 5k in no time!!
  • gym_rat
    Welcome gym_rat! you'll love this group! Sorry to hear about the deployment, but just keep busy and he'll be home before you know it. How long is he gone for?

    How are y'all doing on c25k? I'm supposedly on week 5, and can run 3/4 miles straight, but have been on this week for like 3 weeks now! I ran a total of 2.5 miles today but had 2 breaks in there. I was doing really well and was almost at a mile when my ipod fell off the treadmill and hit the emergency stop button...ugh! I'm hoping to break through this week and run over a mile straight. Keep going ladies, I know you will be running that 5k in no time!!

    My husband deployed for a year. Gosh... when this deployment is over, he will have spent a total of 40 months deployed. That's just crazy to me.
  • timmijop
    timmijop Posts: 86 Member
    welcome gym rat!! wow 40 months total!! My hubby is just wrapping up his 12 month deployment!!! Thank goodness!! This is a great bunch of ladies here!!! We deployment suffereres need to stick together haha.

    as for the c25k I am stuck on week 3 with all the sickness that has plagued my house the past month I havent been able to get out of my house and run like I would like!! Hopefully this was the last one!!!!! NOw we are supposed to get snow in my neck of the woods hahah! while you all were gettting dumped on at lejeune we stayed high and dry. we will see!! I would like to see some and it would be fun to take talya out in :)
  • overit
    overit Posts: 273
    well, ladies, DH is gone and I am trying to get back into the swing of things. I can't believe how quickly you get used to them being here and being a whole family again and now it is me trying to get used to him being gone again. Thankfully we don't have too much longer left, still stinks :(
  • holly122677
    Hello Ladies,

    Its been awhile since I posted anything. I hope you are all having a good Valentines Day...I am going to be spending time with the kids today and clean the house LOL. I was so excited to complete my mile in 12 minutes yesterday. Im hoping the snow will be gone soon and I can go for my runs outside. I love having a treadmill but sometimes its just to boring.

    I will check in on everyone this evening.

    One day at a time ladies :)
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    Replace stress eating with exercise. My body actually craves exercise now in the way it used to crave chocolate. If you keep those sweets away from you, you don't even miss them. Get healthy for you and don't put a time-limit on it. Change your lifestyle. Don't look at it as the D word. Weight loss is the nice side-effect of getting healthy.
  • gym_rat
    I hope everyone is doing well today.

    So I ran 11 miles or so yesterday and then proceeded to eat like crap the rest of the day. I was under my calories but my sodium and fat intake was through the roof. I saw that on the scale this morning. Just goes to show you that you can exercise like mad but if you make poor food choices, it will show.

    Happy Valentine's Day :)
  • semperfiwife
    Hello I just joined the site today! My husband is leaving for afghanistan in the summer, leaves for trainging in california in May. He is in the marines, his deployment will be 7 months. This is our 3rd deployment, the first one I lost weight, they second I gained. He hasn't even been back a year and he is leaving again so I am afraid that I will gain. My goal is to lose all that I have gained between now and when gets back which will be like next feb. I figured the sooner I start the better! Anyway nice to meet everyone!
  • timmijop
    timmijop Posts: 86 Member
    welcome semperfiwife!!! Nice to have another Marine Spouse on here!!! But I love all you girls!!! Hope everyone is doing well!! I have really been sucking on the food log lately but have been eating healthy! Spread myself a bit thin lately and not sleeping so much which sucks big time!! Hit a wall today and took a long nap with my wonderful little girl!!! I cant beleive she is going to be one on Sunday!! SO much to do so little time!

    Holly, Jamie, HIlary, Hopey!!! where did u go my dears!! I get to keep up with some of ya on facebook we are all slacking!!! okay gotta go to the food lion and get some much needed milk hahah. Maybe to the commisary tomorrow who knows!!

    How about that weather yesterday North Carolinians!! My truck thermometer said it was 63 in Jacksonville around 3 lol!
  • overit
    overit Posts: 273
    I am here, just having a hard time getting back into the routine. I went to the gym today for the first time since DH left and so far so good on eating. I am starting to look at things to do on block leave and of course they involve bathing suits so I best get my butt in gear.

    It has been cold here. Don't think we've gotten out of the 40s for some time now.
  • timmijop
    timmijop Posts: 86 Member
    jamie what great motovation!!! I feel like a terrible mfp person here I was so diligent for a while but have been slacking :( things are going good here on the home front havent heard from tim in almost a week no email no call :( I miss him alot but this deployment should be over soon!!!!! Thank God!! But my house is crazy getting things ready for his homecoming :) It is going to be great!!!!!!! But I could use some sleep hahah!! Hope everyone is doing okay!