Deployment Overeater Support Team



  • gym_rat
    so my husband left a mere 30 days ago and is coming home for R&R in about 12 weeks - soon, but he really had no choice in the matter. So yes, I have 12 weeks to get HOT. Now that is motivation :)
  • timmijop
    timmijop Posts: 86 Member
    sure is gym rat!!! R and R is bitter sweet!!! At least you have an estimated time when he will be home for a bit!!!!
  • holly122677
    Hi Ladies,
    I know its been a long time since I posted...I am such a slacker. Things have been crazy and wild here. I went through an emotional spell that lasted too long. I have finally got my butt in gear now. I have right around 11 weeks before Chris comes home. Less than 90 day WOOHOO!!! He took a new job so I will be staying at Ft. Riley. Just seems like there is so much to do and so little time to do it now.

    I started back on my C25K....I started out on W2D1, we will see how well I stick to it :smile: I really want to look HOT for him when he comes home, even though he swears up and down I am already HOT. ( I think its from lack of having a woman :laugh: )

    Anyways glad all the chocolate holidays are gone. Didn't realize how much Valentines day would hurt without him here.

    Im back on track now and counting down the weeks...Hard to believe in 3 months Ill be married to the love of my life....

    Keep up the great work ladies. Let keep on track...Wont be long now before our guys are home..
  • timmijop
    timmijop Posts: 86 Member
    holly that is so great!!! My hubby should be home with in a month hopefully!! I totally understand about valentines day!! His birthday is the 12 and Talyas is the 21st so this month has been hard for me all the way around!!!
  • gym_rat
    holly that is so great!!! My hubby should be home with in a month hopefully!! I totally understand about valentines day!! His birthday is the 12 and Talyas is the 21st so this month has been hard for me all the way around!!!

    I'm going crazy. It's only been 5 weeks. I can't imagine another 47. It all seems so overwhelming. Most days are okay... and then there are some days where I just get so down.
  • timmijop
    timmijop Posts: 86 Member
    gym rat It will get better just keep yourself busy and set goals!!!

    today was a good day I have been so tired lately though lol!! Talya had her 1 yr apt today and she is doing good she got 4 shots and a toe prick so when got home I made her a strawberry shake (shes the only one in my house who is underweight lol)! Got to talk to the hubby today too so I am in a much better mood than what I have been!! Started off this morning with c25k as well which made me happy :) All in all it has been a good day!!!

    I hope you lovely ladies are having a good day as well!! Stay Strong!!!!

    Holly great job on the dress I knew you could do it!!! where are my other girls?
    Lisa I know your logging on here everyday lol

    Oh yeah and I am in LOVE with Fiber One key lime pie yogurt!!!!!
  • holly122677
    Thanks Timmijo....How exciting your hubby will be home soon. I have butterflies and I still have close to 3 months left LOL. Not sure how I will control myself once he gets home. advice is stay busy :flowerforyou: and count weeks not day...they seem to go by faster, well for me at least.

    Hope everyone has a wonderful evening. :flowerforyou: Check in later
  • timmijop
    timmijop Posts: 86 Member
    hey jamie I just started slim in 6 let me know what you think about them and also if you have any tips. I bought it used so I dont have any of the goodies just the dvd's. But I did alittle online research and the format is alot like 30 day shred
  • holly122677
    Oh Goodness Timmijo...the 30 day shred kicked my Boootaaayyy!!!!!! I was walkin funny after the first workout and it wasnt appealing in the bank LOL. Kinda stinks when your loan officer cant get out her chair to get paperwork :) I might attempt it again before my BF gets home. Good luck with the slim in 6.... are things going????

    Jamie, hope your getting back on track...I know its gotta be tough...R & R is bittersweet!!!

    Hiliari....WHERE ARE YOU!!!! :)
  • tammietifanie
    tammietifanie Posts: 1,496 Member
    Can I join my fiance deploys end of april and will be gone for 6-8 months
  • holly122677
    Welcome tammietifanie, this is a great group of ladies. If you need anything let me know. My fiance has been gone for almost 6 months and should be home in about 11 weeks. Again welcome:flowerforyou:
  • tammietifanie
    tammietifanie Posts: 1,496 Member
    Thank you Holly !!!! This is my second deployment but my fiance third... Im using this deployment also as me time and trying to get healthy and fit while he's gone... Im so glade to find this group!!! Do we weigh in? do you do challenges?? How does this group work
  • Hopey1994
    Hi ladies!
    Timmi and holly- thanks so much for your concern! I'm here and surviving. I was in El Salvador for a week on a mission trip. We got back on Friday, baby girl got sick and I've been trying to recover from a very emotional trip, help her feel better and prepare my house because Thomas comes home in TWO days. :heart: I'm trying to do the housework so we won't have much to do during his 17 day leave. Oh and that plateau I was on for a month? Busted right through it! I'm down 4# from where I was before my trip!!

    How have you all been?
  • Hopey1994
    I'm going crazy. It's only been 5 weeks. I can't imagine another 47. It all seems so overwhelming. Most days are okay... and then there are some days where I just get so down.

    So sorry to hear you're down right now. But just keep busy and try not to think about it. I know that we can't say much to make you feel better, and we're all doing the best we can right now, but we're here for you to vent to and cry with. :flowerforyou:
  • Hopey1994
    Thank you Holly !!!! This is my second deployment but my fiance third... Im using this deployment also as me time and trying to get healthy and fit while he's gone... Im so glade to find this group!!! Do we weigh in? do you do challenges?? How does this group work

    Welcome tiffanie! This group of fine ladies is just here to support each other during deployments and prolonged DOD contractor hubby absences (My hubby is a contractor, so he's not technically deployed but I still hurt and these girls are very understanding of that and love me anyway). We've never done a weigh-in or challenge, except we challenge eachother to stay positive in a very trying time. And to not over-eat or do the emotional eating that we're all guilty of because our accountability partner is on the other side of the world.
  • timmijop
    timmijop Posts: 86 Member
    welcome tammietifanie! This truely is an amazing strong bunch of women and they are alot of help and positive energy!! Deployment is never fun and you know that! We are all in differant stages in out deployments. My husband is a Marine and about to be home with in the month thank goodness he has been gone since April of last year and came home for r and r in october.

    Holly 30 day shred kicked my butt at first too! I thought I was going to throw up lol.

    Hopey it is going to be so great to have the hubby home for that 17 days!! its always hard for them to go back though so it is bitter sweet. My husband was actually considering not coming home at first because he thought it would be to hard to say goodbye again but honestly neither of us would have changed it for the world!
  • tammietifanie
    tammietifanie Posts: 1,496 Member
    What does everyone do when their stress is so high??? Today was just a bad day and i wanted to over eat and cry but i didn't okay i still cried but i didn't over eat or give into any sugar or carbs but was wondering how does everyone deal with handleing kids, house, life with their love one gone.. Mine is gone for ten days which isn't bad and im use to it but on days like this where im stressed out to the max and just want to crawl into a hole what do you do to keep going strong???
  • Hopey1994
    What does everyone do when their stress is so high??? Today was just a bad day and i wanted to over eat and cry but i didn't okay i still cried but i didn't over eat or give into any sugar or carbs but was wondering how does everyone deal with handleing kids, house, life with their love one gone.. Mine is gone for ten days which isn't bad and im use to it but on days like this where im stressed out to the max and just want to crawl into a hole what do you do to keep going strong???

    **hugs** for you Tammie. I know it's hard. And for me personally, God is the only thing that really gets me through. When I can't deal, I just say a little prayer asking for God to lend me some of his strength because mine is all used up. And it always works for me. I will either read a book, watch a movie with my daughter, or we'll bake something to send her Daddy. This website is also a good re-focusing tool. Do you keep a countdown until you see him next? Mine is on my iGoogle homepage, and every day I look forward to seeing that number go down. Hang in there, he'll be home soon!
  • timmijop
    timmijop Posts: 86 Member
    I just think about making my husband proud really! would me wallowing in poor me or eating our money away make him happy? No Not at all! You got this girl! I also like to think women all over deal with this everyday and they are strong, you have no other choice but to push through every day so you might as well make the best of it right?!
  • weezy8150
    weezy8150 Posts: 21
    I would use my alone time to spring clean, organize, watch a movie I have been wanting to see, go to the library and browse topics I have been wanting to learn about, take the kids to library storytime, sit and read in the playplace or park while the kids have fun, write down your thoughts and journal your feelings, write your husband a love letter expressing missing him, try some new recipes, or some new exercises, pamper yourself with a facial, or pedicure. My most important way to recharge and boost my self confidence and gratitude is listening to gospel music in the car or online...that never fails. God will guide you if you ask him to be your companion in times of loneliness.