

  • MariSama44
    MariSama44 Posts: 340 Member
    Yay! My Christmas and New Years pounds are off!

    LilDebbie .87%
    Coloradogirl 0 for a 0%
    momoftwo29: What percentage is that?
    jlb123: 1.30%
    snowflakes: .98%
    momma2four: .79%
    mstahl .5%
    MariSama44 1.57%
    jennbarrette .97%
    hajohnson24: 0%
    Stephanie08: -3 = 1.42%

    MariSama44 still in the lead!

    1.42, Great job! I think I just got lucky, my TOM has left me today so the bloating had something to do with it :laugh:
  • Rororosie
    Rororosie Posts: 113 Member
    oh my friends I didn't lose anything this week... I am very sad. But determined. I had two weeks - Christmas week and New Years where I had some trouble recording my food and my calories were up and down. Apparently my break from journalling my food was not good for losing weight! In case anyone else wants to try it... NOT! :frown:

    My plans are:
    Record my food more carefully -- this will help me stay within calories EVERY DAY
    take my Thyroid - low thyroid can keep one from losing weight
    Work on my digestion - bad digestion doesn't help losing weight either
    Drink more water - need to solve the problem that the work water tastes TERRIBLE
    Exercise more - I know how to do this it will be:
    * set exercise breaks at work
    * plan hikes
    * go to dance class
    * exercise before and/or after vocal practice - stretching, weights, belly dance drills
    Ask new guy I'm dating to help me -- kissing burns calories :love:
    but also with fun dates like hiking and working out at the gym together?

    Tonight my new guy asked me to a party for a friend, it happens to be at Sweet Tomatos so it will be easy to eat healthy there!
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    I'm down 3.0 pounds from last week, yay! Weighed in at 226.8. :smile:
    There was no snow. Maybe it flurried a little overnight but nothing on the ground this morning. :frown:

    Weigh in for Friday 1/8/10
    LilDebbie .87%
    Coloradogirl 0 for a 0%
    momoftwo29: What percentage is that?
    jlb123: 1.30%

    sorry I don't know how to do that percentage thing, I am not very good at that.
  • MariSama44
    MariSama44 Posts: 340 Member
    I'm down 3.0 pounds from last week, yay! Weighed in at 226.8. :smile:
    There was no snow. Maybe it flurried a little overnight but nothing on the ground this morning. :frown:

    Weigh in for Friday 1/8/10
    LilDebbie .87%
    Coloradogirl 0 for a 0%
    momoftwo29: What percentage is that?
    jlb123: 1.30%

    sorry I don't know how to do that percentage thing, I am not very good at that.

    give me your weight from last friday and your weight this friday.
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    Calories- over, all I have wanted to do all day is eat, not sure why
    water- also not good
    exercise- no
    proud- that I logged in and told the truth I guess
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    I'm down 3.0 pounds from last week, yay! Weighed in at 226.8. :smile:
    There was no snow. Maybe it flurried a little overnight but nothing on the ground this morning. :frown:

    Weigh in for Friday 1/8/10
    LilDebbie .87%
    Coloradogirl 0 for a 0%
    momoftwo29: What percentage is that?
    jlb123: 1.30%

    sorry I don't know how to do that percentage thing, I am not very good at that.

    give me your weight from last friday and your weight this friday.

    last Friday- 257.0
    This Friday- 256.0
  • snowflakes
    snowflakes Posts: 640 Member
    Thanks everyone! :bigsmile: Who would ever have guessed that being overweight was a goal to cheer about! :drinker: You all are doing fantastic and will be there in time. This group is seeing super results, keep on keepin' on...:heart:
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    I think that I've been part of this group for about a month now, and I've learned TWO amazing things!

    1. Just HOW MUCH I can do to lose weight! I honestly had no idea people over 200 lbs could run:tongue: ! Exercising for 90 minutes a day:noway: ? I had NO idea! Granted I don't watch TV - but even if I did - you are each a real person, not some trumped up 'reality show'. While walking with the guys at lunch, one said "I'm going snowshoeing this weekend" and I said "Oh, I have a friend (snowflakes :flowerforyou: ) that does that!" :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: I would never have considered someone in our weight range could do that.

    there is so much INSPIRTATION here!

    Which brings me to number two

    2. How to keep going when the going seems pointless and I've messed up and I'll start next week and NO EXCUSES! Witnessing the tremendous amount of SPIRIT each of you has, and how brave and determined you all are has given me so much strength!

    I can't fall off the weight loss wagon because together we aren't on one, we're walking the path together and the occasional pauses and even some backtracking is just part of our journey forward!

    I :heart: :heart: :heart: you guys so much!:bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Thanks I needed that mstahl.I have been kind of down this week because I have worked so hard but haven't lost anything.On top of that I feel like I can't breathe today which is freaking me out.I think may have asthma I am going to the doctor Tuesday.
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    mstahl, Well said and Thanks for the uplift.

    awestfall, maybe you should go to the dr. today. That is not a good thing. Maybe you should go NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I just wanted to report something. We went to the library today for preschool reading time. My sons speech therapist was there (my son also has some behavioral issues and does not want to sit still or listen when someone reads to him, he becomes extremely definant in learning situations) I always feel bad for him and want him to behave like the other children and today I sat with him on the floor and he was being a little defiant but he obeys me. So after class his speech therapist gave me a thumbs up and said she thought he did fantastic. I so wanted someone to tell me that. I would really like to get him into preschool. I can't afford the "day care type preschool" but we also have the "head start " program and we make too much money for that. My speech therapist suggested I go down there and apply any way. So I did in Oct. They said because he has these issues he would qualify based on that, then they put me on a waiting list:cry: School gets back in session next Mon. I am praying an opening will come up soon, Lord willing
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    OK girls, I finally lost that one pound that was lingering from the holidays!!! Now I can honestly say my ticker is correct! :laugh: I am a little disappointed because I really watched myself and I added extra exercise, but it's all good. It will come off next week. :happy: I know it will! Congrats to everyone this week! Why? Because you came here and were accountable! We are doing this, peeps! Yes, we are!!! :drinker:

    loss this week: 1 pound

    LilDebbie .87%
    Coloradogirl 0 for a 0%
    momoftwo29: What percentage is that?
    jlb123: 1.30%
    snowflakes: .98%
    momma2four: .79%
    mstahl .5%
    MariSama44 1.57%
    jennbarrette .97%
    hajohnson24: 0%
    Stephanie08: -3 = 1.42%
    Zorahope: .22%
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    I am praying with you Momma2four! Don't give up! Keep going to HeadStart and asking. They will eventually accept him. You are doing a great job advocating for your son. I am so proud of you and honored to know you!
  • MariSama44
    MariSama44 Posts: 340 Member
    LilDebbie .87%
    Coloradogirl 0 for a 0%
    momoftwo29: 0.39 %
    jlb123: 1.30%
    snowflakes: .98%
    momma2four: .79%
    mstahl .5%
    MariSama44 1.57%
    jennbarrette .97%
    hajohnson24: 0%
    Stephanie08: -3 = 1.42%
    Zorahope: .22%

    UPDATED, added in Momoftwo's % lost. :smile:

    Its really easy to do, I use fractions to help me. I set up x/100 (percent) = current weight/last weeks weight. For mommaoftwo its like this:
    x/100 = 1/257
    Multiply the top of one fraction with the bottom of the other, and vice versa. these two numbers are equal. In this case....
    100 (1) = 257(x) Then you get 100 = 257x
    devide 100 by 257 to give you the solution to x. Then you'll get...
    100/257 = x or 0.3891..... = x. There you have your final percentage!

    Its alot easier if you set the fractions up on top of eachother rather than side to side. Just multiplay and make an X on the paper to match the tops to bottoms. Easy!
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Or you could cheat like I do because I am lousy at math:blushing: and go to this site.

  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Zora, Thanks again!!! I am not giving up on my little guy!! I really consider your advice highly, I know that teachers know a lot more than some speacialist because they are with kids all day long:flowerforyou: .

    MariSama44, Congrats on being the biggest loser this week. Give us our punish, I mean challenge for the week:tongue::laugh:
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    mstahl, Well said and Thanks for the uplift.

    awestfall, maybe you should go to the dr. today. That is not a good thing. Maybe you should go NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I just wanted to report something. We went to the library today for preschool reading time. My sons speech therapist was there (my son also has some behavioral issues and does not want to sit still or listen when someone reads to him, he becomes extremely definant in learning situations) I always feel bad for him and want him to behave like the other children and today I sat with him on the floor and he was being a little defiant but he obeys me. So after class his speech therapist gave me a thumbs up and said she thought he did fantastic. I so wanted someone to tell me that. I would really like to get him into preschool. I can't afford the "day care type preschool" but we also have the "head start " program and we make too much money for that. My speech therapist suggested I go down there and apply any way. So I did in Oct. They said because he has these issues he would qualify based on that, then they put me on a waiting list:cry: School gets back in session next Mon. I am praying an opening will come up soon, Lord willing
    I can't get out today to go to the doctor.I am one of those people who are snowed in lol.Its not as bad as I made it out to sound but it is irritating me and I suffer from panic attacks so I know that I triggering panic attack if I worry too much about it
  • Rororosie
    Rororosie Posts: 113 Member
    Hi GROUP you ROCK!

    libdebbie - congrats on the lost of 2.4
    Stephanie - congrats on doing the whole program on the bike... I know those thoughts... yay for not listening to them!
    llowry - good job on only eating a small amount of the ice cream!
    jennbarrette (my handwriting is so bad at fist I thought it said jembarbie!) - good job at putting down the donuts, congrats on losing the 2.4
    Momoftwo29 - I think I could use a percentage calculating refresher myself! congrats on losing the pound!
    mstalh - thanks for the good recipe ideas... I need to figure out something instead of tomotoes though because they are a GERD trigger for me, but I love them. I haven't had salmon patties in a while... sounds yummy! I love the wings too. it would be hard to not eat extra...congrats on the 1 pound lost and thanks for the positive :heart: post!
    ColoradoGirl - no doubt low thyroid slows down the loss. I am going to doubt that I will ever lead the pack here in loss's during the week, but I will win if I just stick to it! Sending you good thoughts!
    Momma2four - sorry the scale is not budging... maybe if we talk to them they will budge... well I have found if I don't let it get me down eventually it changes... if I do let it get me down it changes --- THE WRONG WAY...:sad: Glad you lost 2 of the 5 up though... I am reading through my notes in order... I understand about people getting mad online. Sometimes its impossible, people read my posts in ways I did NOT intend! :noway: Some of it I just have to let drip off like down on a duck... I mean... dew on a feather? omg, I do not have my metaphors right today!!! :laugh:
    jib - congrats on sticking the c25k even though I don't know what it is. :smile: WOW CONGRATS on the 3 pound loss as well. I enjoyed your story of you and your bf getting together. :heart:
    zora - thanks a zillion for the comments on singing. I had a great lesson last night. He was just coaching me through the breathing and the accents for the song but I found his coaching helped me immensely! anyway I appreciate the support.... it makes me say awwwwwww! Thanks! :flowerforyou: I am hooked on my teacher right now. He keeps me focused.
    Positively_Me congrats on staying within calories
    Snowflake congrats on getting from the obese category to overweight. That is SUPER :happy:
    MariSuma WOW what a fantastic weight loss, congrats!
    Heather - yay for staying in calories... it will show up soon!
    awestfall - sending you good thoughts for future better results... hope next week we will both show a loss... sometimes it is slow!
    also Momoftwo - YES IT IS VERY PROUD to TELL the TRUTH about calories... it's not that easy to do but it makes a BIG DIFFERENCE in the end! GOOD JOB.
  • Stephanie08
    Stephanie08 Posts: 1,023 Member
    Its really easy to do, I use fractions to help me. I set up x/100 (percent) = current weight/last weeks weight. For mommaoftwo its like this:
    x/100 = 1/257
    Multiply the top of one fraction with the bottom of the other, and vice versa. these two numbers are equal. In this case....
    100 (1) = 257(x) Then you get 100 = 257x
    devide 100 by 257 to give you the solution to x. Then you'll get...
    100/257 = x or 0.3891..... = x. There you have your final percentage!

    Its alot easier if you set the fractions up on top of eachother rather than side to side. Just multiplay and make an X on the paper to match the tops to bottoms. Easy!

    :huh: :laugh: fractions make me afraid!
  • Stephanie08
    Stephanie08 Posts: 1,023 Member
    Thanks I needed that mstahl.I have been kind of down this week because I have worked so hard but haven't lost anything.On top of that I feel like I can't breathe today which is freaking me out.I think may have asthma I am going to the doctor Tuesday.

    I have asthma too, and I find that sometimes if I don't have my inhaler that benedryl works well.
  • Rororosie
    Rororosie Posts: 113 Member
    LilDebbie .87%
    Coloradogirl 0 for a 0%
    momoftwo29: 0.39 %
    jlb123: 1.30%
    snowflakes: .98%
    momma2four: .79%
    mstahl .5%
    MariSama44 1.57%
    jennbarrette .97%
    hajohnson24: 0%
    Stephanie08: -3 = 1.42%
    Zorahope: .22%
    Rororosie: 0%

    Just updated to add myself. To be a "part of" the group!

    Today: within calories so far and I'm not sure about last night. I think I was under, but I have a sneaking suspicion that I ate something and forgot it. But racking my brain I can't think of anything .... I went home, got ready for vocal lesson with warmups and sang some songs and was too busy to eat, went to lesson, came home and ate some rice cakes whilst messing about on Facebook and went to bed. So I think I was under
    Exercise - only singing which is a bit physical so i tend to count it, it's like stretching and working but the main muscles are the diaphram and the vocal chords, so it's a minor expenditure of energy... not a lot.
    Water: No, the water at work is so nasty. I put it on the list to drink ti and I just looked at it and couldn't do it. I'm going to have to truck in bottled water here.
    Proud: that I spent some time and energy responding to why I am not losing rather than beating myself up about it