

  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I agree with everyone else, awestfall, you're gorgeous!

    I like the challenge this week though it really will be challenge for me. I used to have a major sugar addiction -- it was really really really bad. I've stopped eating candy completely and I haven't eaten any cookies or cake (other than that tiny slice of bday cake last week) since Christmas. BUT, I do have a bad habit of treating myself with something like a mini ice cream sandwich (110 cals) almost every night. That's pretty much all the processed sugar I eat these days (and yes, MariSama, you're right, I feel so much better! Now if I binge on day, like I did during the holidays, I have a "sugar hangover" and it's *horrible*!). So, I'm going to substitute a sugar free pudding snack for my sweet little snack this week.

    I LOVED what the scale told me this morning! Down 2# from yesterday (which means down 5# from last Friday)!

    Calories: 1,209 (1 under my goal -- so pretty much perfect!)
    Exercise: none :frown: I let my bf sabotage me. I didn't get up 30 minutes early because it was just so cold in my house (excuses excuses excuses) so I had planned on riding my bike for 60 minutes while my bf was at work last night... and then, he didn't go to work... so I didn't do it. :grumble:
    Water: about 8 cups
    Proud: My calorie intake was right on.
  • jennbarrette
    jennbarrette Posts: 409 Member
    I will try my best with this challenge, but I have a pretty bad sugar addiction and am afraid that if I try and cut it out I will just end up binging on it. I think I might personally continue on last weeks challenge.
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    I will try my best with this challenge, but I have a pretty bad sugar addiction and am afraid that if I try and cut it out I will just end up binging on it. I think I might personally continue on last weeks challenge.

    I think you should do what is best for you to do. You do not want to binge. I can understand complete denial makes it all the more desirable. I am not totally cutting it out this week, my plan is to cut back. Lets face it , Special K cereal has corn syrup, I eat cereal a few days a week. I had a bowl this morning.:smile:
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    calories- over a little
    water-64 oz.
    exercise- no day off
    proud- that even though I went over on my calories for the 2nd or 3rd day, that I am still here and logging everything.
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Lisa - I wouldn't put you a day over 29 with that pic. You have grandkids??? :noway: Also, try laying off the scale and just weigh once a week. See if that helps the anxiety. Just try it for one week - it won't kill ya! :happy:

    I didn't make it to the doc today as I had planned. Will go tomorrow - they're open until 8pm on Sundays. I sing until 1pm then have a rehearsal then I'll go. I had another bad night - pain kept me up until 4am. When I ride my bike it doesn't hurt at all. ???

    I am off to broil some steaks. Mmmm.
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Lisa - I wouldn't put you a day over 29 with that pic. You have grandkids??? :noway: Also, try laying off the scale and just weigh once a week. See if that helps the anxiety. Just try it for one week - it won't kill ya! :happy:

    I didn't make it to the doc today as I had planned. Will go tomorrow - they're open until 8pm on Sundays. I sing until 1pm then have a rehearsal then I'll go. I had another bad night - pain kept me up until 4am. When I ride my bike it doesn't hurt at all. ???

    I am off to broil some steaks. Mmmm.

    Sorry to hear about all the pain, I hope it all gets resolved:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • MariSama44
    MariSama44 Posts: 340 Member
    Evening gals. Coming to check in.


    Calories: Not yet
    Water: Yes
    Exercise: A bit of walking, though it was too cold to be out.

    Proud: That I reached my first goal today! WOOO! stepped on the scale this morning and it said 249.2! I'm finaly under 250! HOORAY! :drinker: :drinker: :smokin:

    In other news ladies, olestra's made a comeback i'm sure you've noticed. I'm a frequenter of subway and 75 calories for a bag of chips is a bargain in my opinion! They never used to bother me, but for the past two days I have been paying dearly for eating them. :sad: I vow to never eat olestra ever, ever again! The pain was so terrible last night!

    Also today i broke my own challenge and had a sprite at dinner. :cry: But it was only because I felt like throwing up and I needed something to calm my stomach. Ugh, well, tomorrows another day. I didn't eat dessert afterall (because my mom and my mom's friend ate it before i got back from the bathroom lol) So I'm proud of that!

    I'm glad everyone liked my challenge, I was a little nervous that some poeple wouldnt like it. and those of you who arent cutting it out completely, try sugar free things. The cereal is hard to get around I know, but Kashi makes some awesome cereals too. I like honey sunshine. And with the sweets thing, my sugar free jello pudding does the trick.

    just something on the side that I've been wanting to share. :smile: the other day my scale kept spitting out the same number as the day before at me, so I thought there might be somethin wrong with it. So I picked up the nearby jug of cat litter and hopped on to see if it gave me the same number...so the scale wasnt broken. it registered 17 pounds more with the litter...the number was 269. My heaviest was last january at 278. I could not BELIEVE that I had been carrying the weight that I held in my hands that day on my body, plus more at that point in my life! I can barely lift the kitty litter with my hands! I dont want that weight back on my body!

    I want to encourage you all to find an object that weighs around the same weight that' you've lost so far. Pick it up, and think about how far you've come, and what you can accomplish. I was in awe. I will never go back to being that heavy.
  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member
    MariSama44 that is a great idea for motivation.. I am not sure I want to hold 32 lbs.. wow.. just to think about it like that says something! Thanks for the inspiration!!

    also.. I was sent an email today that included a link to a recipe site... a CROCKPOT recipe site..
    I looked through some of the recipes and was so thrilled.. that I just had to share..
    there are some low fat ones already and with a few tweaks many of the other recipes will also come in handy! I just love my crockpot!

    I hope you all enjoy!

  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member

    I want to encourage you all to find an object that weighs around the same weight that' you've lost so far. Pick it up, and think about how far you've come, and what you can accomplish. I was in awe. I will never go back to being that heavy.

    Oh yes, I do this every time I carry in the groceries. :laugh: I was carrying about 40 pounds of them from my car to the house several days ago & thought how I never wanted to weigh that much again.

    I've been feeling AWESOME today! I have so much energy I don't think I've stopped moving. I rode nearly 20 miles on my bike & I wanted to run, but um... I'm having a lady problem for the first time in several years (:embarassed: ) so I'm not sure that would be so fun. I made a chuck roast stew tonight and it's so good -- hit the spot (which I made in my crockpot, coloradogirl. Thanks for that website).

    Plus, I'll be succeeding in the challenge today -- I haven't had a single thing with processed sugar in it (I think... unless the wine I put in the stew had added sugar, I guess there's no way to know for sure :ohwell: ). And I'll be having a sugar free pudding for dessert. I've had an awful lot of diet soda today though.
  • snowflakes
    snowflakes Posts: 640 Member
    Hi- great chatting going on.

    lildebbie: hope the water problem is something that is easily fixed. What a mess it can cause. Sorry that you have to deal with that.
    coloradogirl: thank you for the crock pot link!
    marisama: what a great reminder of what we have lost. Thanks! I'm with you to never carry that weight again.

    calories: yes
    water: yes
    exercise: very minimal but moving
    proud: that I am logging every day every thing I eat and drink.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    howday ladies

    I have have a great day today.

    Went out to breakfast at a place we have called the cereal bar. YOu can get cereal or oatmeal , and any toppings. I got mine with strawberries, granola .

    Then we came, home we played wii for most of the morning with my 6 yr old....Then i did my wii lunch time for 30 minutes, then lunch then a little more wii...

    Then we were thinking for dinner , we were thinking of what to do since we had no food at home...we decided to go to the grocery store instead of going out to eat and getting something for dinner, so we got stuff for fajitas and came home and made them...They were yummy and mine were about 500 cals. I am still under for the day soo far woohoo. Still may have a snack or so....But then i did my biggest loser workout.

    I feel really good today!!! I got on the scale after lunch , and it read 285.9...i was like no way it is broken...so hubby got on and he said it looked right and then i got on again...that was even more motivation to eat right tonight..that is less than a lbs to 25 lbs loss (since October and )33 lbs since my highest weight in 2009....That is my daughter ... my 3 yr old weighs like 34 lbs.
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    I am so happy for you, lildeb! Your perseverance is finally paying off! :flowerforyou:
    Thanks for the crockpot link, COGirl! I love my crockpot!!!
    Mari, I know what you mean about the olestra - that stuff destroys my stomach! My dad used to use it for a laxative! :laugh:

    check in:
    cals: good
    water: great
    exercise: 50 mins of bike
    proud: 1.) I did great with the sugar challenge today, and 2.) I realized while I was carrying in the heavy cat litter today along with some bags of groceries that I wasn't out of breath like usual. PLUS I did something I NEVER do - I went right back out to the car to get my second round of groceries! Usually I am so tired with one trip that I never go back for the second until the next day (I keep my non-perishables as my 2nd trip). AND I still wasn't out of breath! Ladies, this is nothing short of a miracle! I am actually doing this!!! :flowerforyou:
  • jennbarrette
    jennbarrette Posts: 409 Member
    zora - That is great! It's not just the weight loss, it feels so good to get stronger and healthier everyday!

    check in -
    calories - 1424, barely under
    exercise - nada, but I needed a day off
    water - a little bit under, I am used to drinking a lot of my water well exercising.
    proud - A friend of mine needed some help with a craftly project (invitations) and she came to me. It makes me happy that people think I am creative and crafty :)
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Checking in

    Calories" OVER:embarassed:
    Exercise: YES, hubby took me on 2 walks the first one over and hour and the second 45 mins
    Water: Yes tons

    I am proud that I took 2 walks today.
  • llowry
    llowry Posts: 144 Member
    Lisa - I wouldn't put you a day over 29 with that pic. You have grandkids??? :noway: Also, try laying off the scale and just weigh once a week. See if that helps the anxiety. Just try it for one week - it won't kill ya! :happy:

    I didn't make it to the doc today as I had planned. Will go tomorrow - they're open until 8pm on Sundays. I sing until 1pm then have a rehearsal then I'll go. I had another bad night - pain kept me up until 4am. When I ride my bike it doesn't hurt at all. ???

    I am off to broil some steaks. Mmmm.

    Thank you so much for that complement! :flowerforyou: and yes I do have grandkids.The BIG 50 is getting closer and closer!:sad: :grumble: But, if I keep counting my calories hopefully I'll feel like 29! :laugh: I'm gonna weigh in the morning and then we'll see if I can wait until next Sunday to weigh again. (maybe)
  • llowry
    llowry Posts: 144 Member
    Checking in

    calories-over 197
    excercise-none (cleaned house and napped does that count?:wink: )
    water-none of that either
    proud-that I am still posting even when I am over and it doesn't look good
  • llowry
    llowry Posts: 144 Member
    howday ladies

    I have have a great day today.

    Went out to breakfast at a place we have called the cereal bar. YOu can get cereal or oatmeal , and any toppings. I got mine with strawberries, granola .

    Then we came, home we played wii for most of the morning with my 6 yr old....Then i did my wii lunch time for 30 minutes, then lunch then a little more wii...

    Then we were thinking for dinner , we were thinking of what to do since we had no food at home...we decided to go to the grocery store instead of going out to eat and getting something for dinner, so we got stuff for fajitas and came home and made them...They were yummy and mine were about 500 cals. I am still under for the day soo far woohoo. Still may have a snack or so....But then i did my biggest loser workout.

    I feel really good today!!! I got on the scale after lunch , and it read 285.9...i was like no way it is broken...so hubby got on and he said it looked right and then i got on again...that was even more motivation to eat right tonight..that is less than a lbs to 25 lbs loss (since October and )33 lbs since my highest weight in 2009....That is my daughter ... my 3 yr old weighs like 34 lbs.

    Congratulations!! you go girl!!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Cals - on target (2 cals to spare ) :) ...well + ex calories
    Exericise - 1 hr of wii exercise
    Water - bad, didn't take any in minus a couple diet coke
    Proud - I am proud that I am doing this.

    Hubby has said several times today that he is soo proud of me and that I am looking good. He is always supportive but, it is nice to hear.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Good evening,

    Here are my stats for yesterday, 1/8/10
    Calories: WAY over, but am not going to be too hard on myself considering I was way under the four previous days.
    Water: Close
    Exercise: None
    Proud: That I didn't go crazy on the desserts during the company potluck.

    Stats for today, 1/9/10
    Calories: Back on track with calories to spare.
    Water: Half way there.
    Exercise: Running around the house with the 6 yr. old.
    Proud: That I made it through the birthday party with only one small piece of chocolate cake (it was delicious!).

    Tomorrow we are planning on going snowmobiling and/or snowshoeing. I will probably also chase my horse around the pasture in an attempt to catch her.

    I saw the earlier discussion about carrying around something that weighs the same as the weight loss to this point; this is something that Jillian Michael's suggests for putting things into perspective. Every time my boyfriend and I go hiking, I try to imagine what it would be like to carry a 19 lb. backpack up those hills and am really glad that weight is gone! It's amazing how much easier the hiking gets even with a 5 lb. weight loss!

    Hope you're all having a great weekend!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Calories: 1,391 - 181 over my normal calories but waaaayyyy under calories + exercise
    Exercise: 60 minute bike ride
    Water: not quite, but I'll probably get to 8 before I go to sleep
    Proud: I'm certainly pleased the scale said I lost 5 pounds in 8 days. We'll see if it holds over the next few days, I guess.