

    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    awestfall - Like your new pic :)

    Me too, very good pic
  • Stephanie08
    Stephanie08 Posts: 1,023 Member
    awestfall - Like your new pic :)

    Yes me too, it's a very good pic
  • Stephanie08
    Stephanie08 Posts: 1,023 Member
    checking in -

    calories - under 1564
    exercise - 20 min couch25k week 3, 20 min Biggest Loser Upper Body workout (309 calories burned)
    water - 72 oz
    proud - I have logged my food 5 days straight (I wasn't logging for a while...after almost a year I am getting tired of it!)

    You rock! Keep logging! That's what works :)
  • Stephanie08
    Stephanie08 Posts: 1,023 Member
    That's funny I didn't even see MOMOFTWO29's post! I think we all like your new profile awestfall :smile:

    checking in:

    Calories: within range
    Water: a little short at about 48oz
    Exercise: Zumba! Love Zumba!
    Proud: did Zumba and then walked the dogs for 50 minutes
  • MariSama44
    MariSama44 Posts: 340 Member
    Okay gals, since i'm the biggest loser this week, I guess I have to come up with a challenge for everyone. This one was kind of hard, since i'm a little nervous and I dont really know what everyone's capeable, but I had kind of a good idea.

    When I was in high school I was addicted to soda. I have been on and off for the past few years. I find that when you stop taking in processed sugar for a long time, you'll lose the taste for it eventualy and it will be easier to make healthier choices when you eat/drink.

    So my challenge will be for everyone to stop eating proccessed sugars. This week, instead of a granola bar with high fructose corn syrup (my precious fiber one bars), reach for an apple or a pear, or bring some pineapple with you to work. Try veggies too, they make a great snack. No sodas, but if you must get a diet soda. If you have to have sugar in your coffee, try to find some splenda. Cut out the sugar and see if it helps you lose more!

    I hope thats okay for everyone. If theres too many problems with it I could think of another. =( I caved and ate half a donut this morning and it gave me this idea.
  • Stephanie08
    Stephanie08 Posts: 1,023 Member
    I love the new challenge!
  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member
    awesome.. I am up for it! I think that is a great idea! I think it will help me give myself that push to finish getting the holiday "crap" out of my system :smile:

  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Good Challenge. I just gave up diet soda this last week(for awhile):frown: I am drinking water or crystal light (generic version)
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Calories 1600 barely under I ate my exercise calories today, I need them because I was hungry
    Exercise: Yes
    Water Yes

    I am proud that I chose not to go to the Buger King for lunch and instead made myself a sandwich
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    I think it's a great challenge! Thanks! I need it. I've been logging my sugars, and wowsa, well, it ain't pretty!
    awestfall - beautiful pic! You look like a model!!!

    check in:
    cals: in range
    water: 64
    exercise: bike 40 mins plus arm work
    proud: I did not eat everything in the house today since I was home from work! :tongue:

    My right knee is getting worse. It is so painful at night that last night at 3am I had to get up and dig out the old vicodin I had from a previous injury. :frown: The pain is shooting down my leg and up my leg, indicating unfortunately a torn meniscus. Ugh. I guess I'll go the doc in a box tomorrow. But I am NOT letting it get me down. I will conquer this beast!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Good challenge.

    I drink soda, diet only, but i have cut down drastically. I used to drink lots all day long...i have cut back to not drinking any after lunch until dinner (that was a big cut for me).

    I have been eating lunch a grilled cheese and chips...then went to grilled cheese and an apple...now I am on this pasta dish, 200 cals and low sodium and grilled chicken.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Check in 01/08/10 -

    Cals - under 1335
    Exericse - 55 minutes betwen wii fit at lunch and ea active just now...let me know tell ya that ea active is kicking my rear., but i will take it. It says for the both of those i burned 436 cals, may be more as i don't know how accurate that is,
    Water - started off good today but got sidetracked and didn't get it al in, about 1/2.
    Proud - That I am loosing weight and sticking to it. I think this is the longest i have ever stuck to it. I almost have 25 lbs off...and I will get the others...300's are gone not to be seen again , 290's are gone not to be seen again...and hopefully within another month the 280's will be gone too...see ya .
  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member
    Good challenge.

    I drink soda, diet only, but i have cut down drastically. I used to drink lots all day long...i have cut back to not drinking any after lunch until dinner (that was a big cut for me).

    I have been eating lunch a grilled cheese and chips...then went to grilled cheese and an apple...now I am on this pasta dish, 200 cals and low sodium and grilled chicken.

    Great job lildebbie looks like you are a rockstar! Great improvements! keep up the awesome job!!
  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member
    I think it's a great challenge! Thanks! I need it. I've been logging my sugars, and wowsa, well, it ain't pretty!
    awestfall - beautiful pic! You look like a model!!!

    check in:
    cals: in range
    water: 64
    exercise: bike 40 mins plus arm work
    proud: I did not eat everything in the house today since I was home from work! :tongue:

    My right knee is getting worse. It is so painful at night that last night at 3am I had to get up and dig out the old vicodin I had from a previous injury. :frown: The pain is shooting down my leg and up my leg, indicating unfortunately a torn meniscus. Ugh. I guess I'll go the doc in a box tomorrow. But I am NOT letting it get me down. I will conquer this beast!

    hang in there Zora.. you can do it.. my husband is going through the same thing right now.. In fact he goes in for his MRI this morning. My thoughts and prayers are with you!
  • llowry
    llowry Posts: 144 Member
    I know that it is not good to weigh everyday but, I can't seem to stop! anyway I have been staying under my calories for the better part of seven days now and I lost one pound in a couple of days and gained 6/10 of a pound this morning.:grumble: So, what is up with that? Why am I not doing any better than I am?
    It's probably water:tongue: - look at your sodium intake and what about your TOM? Also - I check my weight every day at work, and track the five day average. I tell myself that the ups and downs don't matter as long as my five day average is either holding steady (I'm building muscle) or going down. :wink:

    Checking in:
    Calories - under by about as many as I was over yesterday :wink:
    Water - better but short a glass (the night is young!):happy:
    Exercise - 40 minutes on the elliptical and 45 minutes walking:bigsmile:

    Proud- that I am getting up at 5 and getting on that evil elliptical machine! :bigsmile: And I'm proud that I'm feeling so GOOD about exercising and that I'm here with all of you! :bigsmile: (or maybe that's just what I'm GRATEFUL for?:huh: )

    Ok, I looked at my sodium and it is not bad and TOM doesn't visit me anymore:wink::laugh: :love: . I guess I'm gonna have to excercise and drink more water :sad: Thanks for the advice
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    Good Morning everyone. I love the new challenge. I don't drink soda at all anymore, I drink water all day long and that is all.
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Thanks Gals for all the sweet comments on my pics.I was feeling down yesterday and decided to doll myself up so afterwards I took a few pics and posted the one I liked the most on here.Thanks again it was nice hearing that I look good.Thanks Zora for saying I look like a model that really lifted me up.
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    by they way I love the new challenge.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Good morning all!!!!

    WOke up to water all in the bathroom and leaked downstairs. One of our sinks doesn't have any cold water coming to it at all, and the others did last night, so we had the one dripping. THis morning woke up and the one that was dripping had water all on the floor by it, and downstars water on the table. Doesn't seem to be a busted pipe or anything cause nothing is still leaking...i think something happend and the sink overfilled or something and leaked downstaris...anyway i hope it warms up and whatever is frozen thaws outt....ugggggg

    My hubby did the ea active last night and he is sore....well so am i ...but it is a good sore :) i really love/hate this thing. I feel like i get a good workout but at the same time it kicks my but. THe one thing am a little upset about is the leg strag barely fits my big fat legs....hoping to loose some in my thighs and it will fit alot better.

    I am thinking that i may get a knee brace, i am wondering if it will make some stuff better...I just know if i loose more weight that it has to be make my knee feel better.
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    I :heart: LOVE:heart: the new challenge! I don't drink sugar stuff but I do eat some of those processed foods and it's a GREAT way to make me go and take another look at the ingredients! FYI - Original Fiber One Bran Cereal doesn't have any corn syrup in it :tongue:

    I drink a diet soda a few times a week but my main beverage is Green Chai from Stash. I get the teabags from Amazon.com - a six pack of twenty. At work we have a hot water tap on the water cooler so I make tea all day. There isn't much caffeine in it but due to my hot flashes I've ordered some decaf lemon and ginger tea - I'll let you know how that turns out :smile:

    At home we make 'sun tea' by using one of those big jars you get a WalMart with the spigot on the bottom. We use 5 green chai tea bags and 2 chamomile in cold water and just leave it on our counter for a few hours (taste test) then put in in the refrigerator. The chamomile slows down the speed in which you absorb sugar into your blood stream (I'm not saying that right) - if my diabetic husband drinks this while he eats he doesn't get the spikes in his blood sugar. We sweeten the tea with Stiva (can't spell that) or splenda, and its good hot or cold!

    I'm heading out to hunt - last weekend of deer season and this is "Primitive Weapons" so I'll be using a muzzle loading riffle like they used in the revolutionary war times :laugh: One more deer will give us enough organic free range red meat to get through the year. My husband doesn't hunt at all - just me and a younger sister now that my dad doesn't go out either. I cry when I kill them but the "farm girl" in me always keeps me going back. Plus - have you looked at how much free range organic beef costs? :noway: Grass finished?

    We would get our own beef cow to run out back with the horses (we live on 8 acres) but then we'd name him and he'd end up living here forever :tongue:

    awestfall - you are BEAUTIFL:love::love: :love:

    Also - hunting is at my parents farm in centeral Ohio - so no internets for me until we get back on Sunday!:frown: