

  • Rororosie
    Rororosie Posts: 113 Member
    awestfall hope the breathing improves!!!
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    Or you could cheat like I do because I am lousy at math:blushing: and go to this site.


    I stink at math too, I was never good in math I don't know how I graduated from high school b/c of it.
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    LilDebbie .87%
    Coloradogirl 0 for a 0%
    momoftwo29: 0.39 %
    jlb123: 1.30%
    snowflakes: .98%
    momma2four: .79%
    mstahl .5%
    MariSama44 1.57%
    jennbarrette .97%
    hajohnson24: 0%
    Stephanie08: -3 = 1.42%
    Zorahope: .22%

    UPDATED, added in Momoftwo's % lost. :smile:

    Its really easy to do, I use fractions to help me. I set up x/100 (percent) = current weight/last weeks weight. For mommaoftwo its like this:
    x/100 = 1/257
    Multiply the top of one fraction with the bottom of the other, and vice versa. these two numbers are equal. In this case....
    100 (1) = 257(x) Then you get 100 = 257x
    devide 100 by 257 to give you the solution to x. Then you'll get...
    100/257 = x or 0.3891..... = x. There you have your final percentage!

    Its alot easier if you set the fractions up on top of eachother rather than side to side. Just multiplay and make an X on the paper to match the tops to bottoms. Easy!

    sorry still don't get it, I hope that I can still be a part of this group even if I don't do the percentage. I am a really not good at all when it comes to fractions and math.
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Weight loss calc - just enter numbers/ keys into a calculator in this order:

    Pounds lost
    divide by
    original weight

    The number it spits out is your % lost :)

    I walked at lunch - this means I got the more than the 60 minutes of exercise in today :bigsmile: And they had roasted :heart: asparagus :heart: at the cafiteria today TOTAL WIN!!!! I had a double portion and a little chicken breast - maximum YUM for minimum calories! Oh yeah - life is good:smile:
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    momoftwo29, on Fridays put the weight you were the previous Friday and how much you lost for the week. One of us will do it for you. And of course you are always welcome to this group. Friday weigh in is NOT a requirement it is just a fun little competition that keeps us motivated.
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Wow, lots of good stuff today! I'm happy to report that I'm down a pound ... FINALLY in the right direction again!

    checking in for yesterday:
    calories: hurray, harrah ... finally under on calories .... even if I did eat a lot of my exercise calories - it is still a huge improvement!
    exercise: great - one hour at the Y of step
    water: could have done better - I think I was around 48oz
    proud: that I went to the Y even though the roads were bad, and made some good food choices today!

    I'm also proud that my friend and I walked for 70 minutes at the mall today ... and had lots of fun girl talk, we needed to catch up after the holidays!

    Good job everyone, no matter where your weigh-in was this week ... you are still here and working on it!

    LilDebbie .87%
    Coloradogirl 0 for a 0%
    momoftwo29: 0.39 %
    jlb123: 1.30%
    snowflakes: .98%
    momma2four: .79%
    mstahl .5%
    MariSama44 1.57%
    jennbarrette .97%
    hajohnson24: 0%
    Stephanie08: -3 = 1.42%
    Zorahope: .22%
    Rororosie: 0%
    lstpaul: .5%
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    momoftwo29, on Fridays put the weight you were the previous Friday and how much you lost for the week. One of us will do it for you. And of course you are always welcome to this group. Friday weigh in is NOT a requirement it is just a fun little competition that keeps us motivated.

    thank you, I have never been good in math
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Thanks I needed that mstahl.I have been kind of down this week because I have worked so hard but haven't lost anything.On top of that I feel like I can't breathe today which is freaking me out.I think may have asthma I am going to the doctor Tuesday.

    I have asthma too, and I find that sometimes if I don't have my inhaler that benedryl works well.
    Benadryl works very well for me but it also makes me sleepy and unfortunately I can't just fall asleep with my little ones running around LOL Thanks for the suggestions.
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Wow, lots of good stuff today! I'm happy to report that I'm down a pound ... FINALLY in the right direction again!

    checking in for yesterday:
    calories: hurray, harrah ... finally under on calories .... even if I did eat a lot of my exercise calories - it is still a huge improvement!
    exercise: great - one hour at the Y of step
    water: could have done better - I think I was around 48oz
    proud: that I went to the Y even though the roads were bad, and made some good food choices today!

    I'm also proud that my friend and I walked for 70 minutes at the mall today ... and had lots of fun girl talk, we needed to catch up after the holidays!

    Good job everyone, no matter where your weigh-in was this week ... you are still here and working on it!

    LilDebbie .87%
    Coloradogirl 0 for a 0%
    momoftwo29: 0.39 %
    jlb123: 1.30%
    snowflakes: .98%
    momma2four: .79%
    mstahl .5%
    MariSama44 1.57%
    jennbarrette .97%
    hajohnson24: 0%
    Stephanie08: -3 = 1.42%
    Zorahope: .22%
    Rororosie: 0%
    lstpaul: .5%
    Awestfall 0%
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    awestfall hope the breathing improves!!!
    Thanks !!!:flowerforyou:
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Wooohooo..its the weekend. I am soo glad. 1st weekend my hubby doesn't have to work since before thanksgiving, and looks like no more weekends for a while.

    Momma - Good luck on getting your son into head start. My daughter will go to preschool (she goes to day care now) if she would ever get out of the 2 yr old class. The next class is potty trained so she has to be potty trained before she moves up. she will sit at hom on the potty but not go, but throws a fit at school and won't even go into the bathroom...uggg..why does my house have soo many potty issues...oh yea i woke my 6 yr odl, she wears diapers at night, and usally it is just pee...she won't get up to go...well there was runny poop....i am sooo done with potty issues. HOping she did good at school today, she doesn't doo good, she can she is smart, she just is not wanting to do what she is supposed to and may get held back this year, i don't know..anyway i don't know why I am rabmling.

    Mari - Can't wait to hear our new challenge :)
  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member
    awestfall ... sorry to hear about the breathing.. I too have asthma and allergies.. Do you know if you are allergic to anything specific that could be triggering the breathing issues?

    For me the cold will affect my lungs as do several things I am allergic to. I try and stay away from things I am allergic to example.. cats, birds, dust, pollen.. MOLDs...

    The other thing you can try is Peppermint or Eucalyptus Essential Oil, they are both bronchial dilator. Simply boil some water on the stove and add 3 or 4 drops to the water and breath the steam. In fact I believe there is a herbal tea out there that is called "breath easy" which has some of these components in it to help open the airways.

    I would definitely get into see someone sooner than later so, you don't end up with a ER call at 3am (I have done that before and it is no fun)

    Hang in there and keep us updated! You will be in my thoughts and prayers!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    awestfall - Like your new pic :)
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Wooohooo..its the weekend. I am soo glad. 1st weekend my hubby doesn't have to work since before thanksgiving, and looks like no more weekends for a while.

    Momma - Good luck on getting your son into head start. My daughter will go to preschool (she goes to day care now) if she would ever get out of the 2 yr old class. The next class is potty trained so she has to be potty trained before she moves up. she will sit at hom on the potty but not go, but throws a fit at school and won't even go into the bathroom...uggg..why does my house have soo many potty issues...oh yea i woke my 6 yr odl, she wears diapers at night, and usally it is just pee...she won't get up to go...well there was runny poop....i am sooo done with potty issues. HOping she did good at school today, she doesn't doo good, she can she is smart, she just is not wanting to do what she is supposed to and may get held back this year, i don't know..anyway i don't know why I am rabmling.

    Mari - Can't wait to hear our new challenge :)

    lildeb, I am totally sympathetic to potty issues. This is the longest I have ever gone without someone in diapers. I always potty train my kids while I am pregnant with the next baby. My older children were easy. My 16 yo was 3 and I said, You have to go peepee and poopoo in the toilet, I am putting panties on you and you can NOT go in them. She says Okay Mommy and has been potty trained ever since. My son on the other hand, I worked on potty training him for over 1 yr. he had #1 down for the longest time, but # 2 took almost a yr by itself. Anyways, I got a ton of advice and honestly the only thing that worked was being consistent and waiting for him to decide he was going to do it. Good Luck!!!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Wooohooo..its the weekend. I am soo glad. 1st weekend my hubby doesn't have to work since before thanksgiving, and looks like no more weekends for a while.

    Momma - Good luck on getting your son into head start. My daughter will go to preschool (she goes to day care now) if she would ever get out of the 2 yr old class. The next class is potty trained so she has to be potty trained before she moves up. she will sit at hom on the potty but not go, but throws a fit at school and won't even go into the bathroom...uggg..why does my house have soo many potty issues...oh yea i woke my 6 yr odl, she wears diapers at night, and usally it is just pee...she won't get up to go...well there was runny poop....i am sooo done with potty issues. HOping she did good at school today, she doesn't doo good, she can she is smart, she just is not wanting to do what she is supposed to and may get held back this year, i don't know..anyway i don't know why I am rabmling.

    Mari - Can't wait to hear our new challenge :)

    lildeb, I am totally sympathetic to potty issues. This is the longest I have ever gone without someone in diapers. I always potty train my kids while I am pregnant with the next baby. My older children were easy. My 16 yo was 3 and I said, You have to go peepee and poopoo in the toilet, I am putting panties on you and you can NOT go in them. She says Okay Mommy and has been potty trained ever since. My son on the other hand, I worked on potty training him for over 1 yr. he had #1 down for the longest time, but # 2 took almost a yr by itself. Anyways, I got a ton of advice and honestly the only thing that worked was being consistent and waiting for him to decide he was going to do it. Good Luck!!!

    THanks momma - I have to be honest i haven't pushed her a whole lot, i have soo many potty issues with my 6 yr old , i just didn't have the energy to deal with her to. I proably need to start being consistent with her. Yesterdya her teachers told my hubby that she was not listening a lot, and they think she is bored becuase all the kids are younger than her., but she can't move up till she can' get potty trained...uggg...It is funny when m y older daughter was 3 she seemed sooo much bigger than her, to me she still seems like a baby, maybe just cause she is my baby i don't want her to grow up :(
  • jennbarrette
    jennbarrette Posts: 409 Member
    checking in -

    calories - under 1564
    exercise - 20 min couch25k week 3, 20 min Biggest Loser Upper Body workout (309 calories burned)
    water - 72 oz
    proud - I have logged my food 5 days straight (I wasn't logging for a while...after almost a year I am getting tired of it!)
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    awestfall ... sorry to hear about the breathing.. I too have asthma and allergies.. Do you know if you are allergic to anything specific that could be triggering the breathing issues?

    For me the cold will affect my lungs as do several things I am allergic to. I try and stay away from things I am allergic to example.. cats, birds, dust, pollen.. MOLDs...

    The other thing you can try is Peppermint or Eucalyptus Essential Oil, they are both bronchial dilator. Simply boil some water on the stove and add 3 or 4 drops to the water and breath the steam. In fact I believe there is a herbal tea out there that is called "breath easy" which has some of these components in it to help open the airways.

    I would definitely get into see someone sooner than later so, you don't end up with a ER call at 3am (I have done that before and it is no fun)

    Hang in there and keep us updated! You will be in my thoughts and prayers!

    Thanks I will definitely try those out.I think it was also a panic attack I was suffering from today too.I tend to get those when I get stressed out
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    awestfall - Like your new pic :)
  • llowry
    llowry Posts: 144 Member
    Checking in

    Calories-under by 5
    water-40oz the same
    Proud-That my husband, kids and grandkids love me no matter what.:love:

    I know that it is not good to weigh everyday but, I can't seem to stop! anyway I have been staying under my calories for the better part of seven days now and I lost one pound in a couple of days and gained 6/10 of a pound this morning.:grumble: So, what is up with that? Why am I not doing any better than I am?
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    I know that it is not good to weigh everyday but, I can't seem to stop! anyway I have been staying under my calories for the better part of seven days now and I lost one pound in a couple of days and gained 6/10 of a pound this morning.:grumble: So, what is up with that? Why am I not doing any better than I am?
    It's probably water:tongue: - look at your sodium intake and what about your TOM? Also - I check my weight every day at work, and track the five day average. I tell myself that the ups and downs don't matter as long as my five day average is either holding steady (I'm building muscle) or going down. :wink:

    Checking in:
    Calories - under by about as many as I was over yesterday :wink:
    Water - better but short a glass (the night is young!):happy:
    Exercise - 40 minutes on the elliptical and 45 minutes walking:bigsmile:

    Proud- that I am getting up at 5 and getting on that evil elliptical machine! :bigsmile: And I'm proud that I'm feeling so GOOD about exercising and that I'm here with all of you! :bigsmile: (or maybe that's just what I'm GRATEFUL for?:huh: )