MyFitnessPal Newbie says: Rum & Diet Coke? Gimme A Break!!



  • I drink Diet Pepsi or Pepsi Max, so I am more of a pepsi and rum type of girl if I want to water the drink down, but if I drink it is straight up Wild Turkey
  • baptiste565
    baptiste565 Posts: 590 Member
    Why bother with the coke at all :drinker:
    yes THIS
  • Hi I just joined the site a couple days ago and looking for people to befriend.

    Well, this would be a good start until:
    I am stunned that anybody actually bothered to make a Rum & Diet Coke and frankly i have a hard time believing it. You're kidding, right? If you use Diet Coke in your Rum & Cokes, maybe we shouldn't be friends.

    I think it's more sad that you come online, state that you are trying to make friends, then make fun of someone that is trying to make changes in their life in some manner. It may not be the way you would think it's best to go about it, however you making it the topic of your first post shows how insensitive and oafish your actions are,
  • UG77
    UG77 Posts: 206 Member
    Why bother with the coke at all :drinker:

    Good point :)

    I actually think Crown mixed with Diet Coke tastes better than it does with regular Coke, but do not like the flavor of Diet Coke otherwise.

    Either way its irrelevant because neither is good for you, I do miss soda. 9 days and counting.

    Additionally, I don't see the appeal in having someone added to your friends list who rates people based upon their mixer of choice.
  • seventieslord
    seventieslord Posts: 59 Member
    6oz of cola 70 calories. shot a rum 70 calories. total 140kcal
    60z of diet cola 0 calories. shot a rum 70 calories. total 70kcal.
    you can easily save 350 kcal in a night of drinking.

  • I couldn't give a **** what anyone thinks. I drink captain and diet coke with a twist of lime. I really don't give a **** about calories when I'm going out to party. Nor do I give two ****s about the amounts of sugar in it. Most good rum is made from SUGAR CANE anyways so wtf?!?! You're gonna get a hangover anyways, drink up! I just happen to like the taste of the diet coke over the regular coke when it's mixed with rum. It tastes a little like vanilla coke and I ****en like it!
  • chosengiver
    chosengiver Posts: 1,462 Member
    Why bother with the coke at all :drinker:
    Tortuga Rum Straight, babi :drinker:
  • Jacole18
    Jacole18 Posts: 716 Member
    This HAS to be one of the dumbest posts I have ever read on here.....OP, how judgmental are you?? WTF. SMH
  • Oh yeah one more thing. The only time I'll drink rum and coke is after I've already ran the bar out of Johnnie Walker Black on the rocks. That is and always will be my favorite.
  • The original post totally reminds me of this guy

  • capriciousmoon
    capriciousmoon Posts: 1,263 Member
    Regular coke tastes like syrup.. I think the real problem is people that combine alcohol and food. What's the point of that?
  • maddiec1989
    maddiec1989 Posts: 144 Member
    Hm, I logged whiskey and diet coke today. Frankly, I hate regular pop and haven't drank it in years, even when I was overweight. I don't see what's ridiculous about enjoying alcohol with diet pop.

    Your post is a little silly.
  • mlynnea03
    mlynnea03 Posts: 41 Member
    I don't understand why some are being so sensitive.This was funny. I used to laugh at the diet coke drinkers with junk on the side, but now that I'm keeping a record of my intake, I now understand. Even during my so called off days, I'm rough calculating. BTW, pizza is my weakness and when I treat myself, I get the real thing, so I get it. :smile: Bottom line is to do what you feel will help you regardless of how others feel.
  • MikesterAZ
    MikesterAZ Posts: 67 Member
    Because it's just absurd. Drinking is not supposed to be healthy, and it doesn't exactly taste good to begin with either so why make it worse with a diet soda? And since when is carbonated synthetic chemicals any healthier because it includes fake, instead of real, processed sugar? I hate to tell you this but either one can be used to fry the acid off your car battery cables. So it's just ridiculous that I type in "Rum & Coke" to the search feature and get this big list of all these drinks with Diet Coke and have to totally scroll down to get the real thing. Like you have to be kidding me. THAT MANY PEOPLE have ruined a perfectly good drink in desperation to get thin? Gimme a break!! Who drinks that often, anyway?!?!
  • MikesterAZ
    MikesterAZ Posts: 67 Member
    Oh please!!
  • TheRealParisLove
    TheRealParisLove Posts: 1,907 Member
    There are a lot of people from the UK on here and drinking is a much bigger part of their culture than it is in the states. Personally, I prefer red wine, even though white has fewer calories.
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    Coke zero is pretty good with rum. Just makes you sad to waste all your hard earned calories on soda when that means you can have a 2nd or 3rd shot of rum!
  • TheRealParisLove
    TheRealParisLove Posts: 1,907 Member
    If you think that is crazy, breast milk is in the database, so apparently a member logged it into his/her diary at some point.

    Kind of makes the whole diet coke thing seem tame. :bigsmile:
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    Ugh rum and anything is disgusting.

    ...and diet coke and anything is disgusting.

    No friends of mine shall drink either of those sad beverages!

  • MFPfriend
    MFPfriend Posts: 1,121 Member
    Because I'm allergic to the high fructose corn syrup in regular Coke, so Diet Coke is my only option, unless I want to spend the night with an upset stomach, vomitting, and rashes from regular Coke (and not the alcohol, haha).
    Why do you care, anyway?