Daily Exercise Journal - October



  • clover5
    clover5 Posts: 1,640 Member
    Welcome archangel, ****hiaterry, AZwen. Glad to have you with us.

    Nareenathgypsy - glad to hear you are starting to feel better.
  • jesusislove1526
    jesusislove1526 Posts: 442 Member
    10/1- 2 mile walk [42 min], line dancing [10 min], Sweating in the Spirit- Gospel Aerobics, Pilates DVD [35 min]
    10/2- walking [35 min], strength training [30 min], Sweating in the Spirit 2- Walking in the Spirit DVD [20 min]
    10/3- walking [25 min], Body Gospel-Body Revival DVD [32 min], line dancing [10 min]
    10/4- 2 mile walk [41 min], Body Gospel- Power 7 Praise DVD [25 min], strength training [10 min], boxing [5 min]
    10/5- walking [20 min], Body Gospel- Body Gospel Live DVD [30 min], Sweating in the Spirit- Walking in the Spirit [10 min], line dancing [15 min]
    10/6- walking [20 min], Body Gospel- Strength & Spirit DVD [52 min], boxing [7 min]
    10/7- cleaning [20 min], Sweating in the Spirit- Gospel Aerobics, Pilates DVD [38 min], Sweating in the Spirit 2- Walking in the Spirit [20 min]
  • LJCannon
    LJCannon Posts: 3,636 Member
    55 Minute Walk Before Church
    30 Minutes Treadmill
    30 Minutes Recumbent Bike
    36 Minute Walk to 7-11

    :drinker: Total Steps = 16,227
  • Elbee1
    Elbee1 Posts: 2,178 Member
    Oct. 1 - Walked 14 minutes, back exercises (including crunches) & did push-ups.
    Oct. 2 - Rest Day
    Oct. 3 - Back exercises (including crunches) & did push ups.
    Oct. 4 - 30 min. dancing, 1 hour aerobics class
    Oct 5 - Push ups
    Oct. 6 - Rest Day
    Oct. 7 - 1 hr. Zumba class
  • wgn4166
    wgn4166 Posts: 771 Member
    10/01 rest day with lifting 15 pound weights
    10/02 walked 15 mins
    10/03 aerobics for 60 mins
    10/04 aerobics for 37 mins
    10/05 walked for 30 mins
    10/06 55 minutes of Walking
    10/07 4 mile walk w/ Walk Away the Pounds
    10/08 Rest day
  • retta717
    retta717 Posts: 35 Member
    10/6 & 10/7 - Worked 12 hour days - got a good workout - but no 'real' exercise.
    10/8 - Back at it - 20 minute treadmill & 10 minute stationary bike
  • GIAngel222
    GIAngel222 Posts: 227 Member

    12 min HIIT on Treadmill 4.8 MPH to 7.5 MPH warmup

    1) Side Lateral Raise - two 10 lbs
    2) Front Dumbbell Raise - two 10 lbs
    3) Flyes (sp? Flys?) - two 5 lbs
    4) Shoulder Shrugs - two 25 lbs
    5) Standing Military Press - two 30 lbs
    6) Standing Palms-In Dumbbell Press - two 10 and 15 lbs

    125 Stability Ball crunches

    Elliptical Machine - 15 min on Level 7 at 7 mph

    12 minute Jump Rope warmup
    1) Barbell Dead Lift - 50 lbs
    2) Bent Over Barbell Row - 50 lbs
    3) Assisted Pull ups - 64 lbs
    4) Backwards Push ups - own weight
    5) Seated Cable Row - 40 lbs

    125 stability ball crunches

    30 minutes of jump rope with three 30 to 60 seconds rests. Kept heart rate between 130-171.
  • dgismotivated
    dgismotivated Posts: 4 Member
    Saturday 10/6 - walked 3 miles fast paced included hills and steep inclines.
    Sunday 10/7 - 1 hour Jazzercise and then 45 min body sculpting
    Monday 10/8 - 1 hour Jazzercise
  • clover5
    clover5 Posts: 1,640 Member
    Welcome dgismotivated!
  • NareenaTheGypsy
    NareenaTheGypsy Posts: 475 Member
    Ok I was sick and just switched my exercises for the month but let's see how I can do with the rest of the month:

    Mon 1 Oct- 54 mins of No More Trouble Zones (circuit training) = 878 cals burned
    Tue 2 Oct- 53 mins of Banish Fat Boost Metabolism (circuit) = 773 cals burned
    Wed 3 Oct- 55 mins of NMTZ = 804 cals
    Thur 4 Oct- 0 Sick and in bed most of the day :(
    Fri 5 Oct- (still sick but feeling mildly better) 30 mins of Light cleaning = 127 cals
    Sat 6 Oct- (back to work, still bleh) 45 mins of walking = 191 cals burned. Total 5.83 miles today

    Sun 7 Oct- back to workouts! NMTZ + 75 squats w 3 lb weights (59 min total) = 856 cals
    Mon 8 Oct- BFBM + 80 squats w 3 lb weights (56 mins) = 819 cals
  • nemrut
    nemrut Posts: 398 Member
    10/1 - 55 min. walk, 3.5 mph
    10/2 - 30 min. walking on treadmill - 15 min. at 3.8 mph and 15 min. at 4.0 mph
    10/3 - 55 min. walk, 3.5 mph
    10/4 - 55 min. walk, 3.5 mph
    10/5 - rest day (went shopping for some new clothes that fit instead of walking)
    10/6 - 2 hours of hiking steep trails and 10 min. walking
    10/7 - 55 min. walk, 3.5 mph
    10/8 - 70 min. walk, 3.5 mph
  • KenSmith108
    KenSmith108 Posts: 1,967 Member
    10/1 20 min treadmill, 20 min ex-bike, 20 min treadmill :heart: 110 or 68%
    10/2 20 min treadmill, 20 min ex-bike, 20 min treadmill :heart: 109 or 67% 35 min weights
    10/3 20 min treadmill, 20 min ex-bike, 20 min treadmill :heart: 108 or 67%
    10/4 20 min treadmill, 20 min ex-bike, 20 min treadmill :heart: 110 or 68% 35 min weights
    10/5 20 min treadmill, 20 min ex-bike, 20 min treadmill :heart: 112 or 69%
    10/6 Tried out Endomondo on my new phone. My daughter said I'm learning, but we walk not run. :laugh:
    At least the coffee I brought back was right.
    10/7 Early coffee walk :wink: 20 min treadmill, 20 min ex-bike, 20 min treadmill :heart: 120 or 74% more incline
    35 min weights
    10/8 20 min treadmill, 20 min ex-bike, 30 min treadmill :heart: 108 or 67%
  • ummommyme
    ummommyme Posts: 362 Member
    10-1 41 min walk jog
    10-3-16 min circuits
    10-5-21 min circuits
    10-8-49 min walk jog
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    chest and arm workout today...

    dumbbell chest press 70# 6,6,5,5
    dumbbell incline 65# 4,3,4,4 (increased weight by 5# from last week!)
    dumbbell fly 40# 6,6,6,6
    arm curl 40# 5,5,4,4
    hammer curl 40# 3 30# 6/40# 3 30# 6/40# 2, 30# 5
    weighted pull up + 20# 5,4,4,4
  • LJCannon
    LJCannon Posts: 3,636 Member
    I'm in. Today my family and I went down town for the annual "Crusin the Coast". It is a yearly car show that comes through town and all the classic and chromed out cars set up in the down town area and cruse up and down the beach on Hwy 90. We walked around today from about 1pm until 3pm and I pushed my son in his stroller. It was a nice way to catch up with the family and to get out of the house. Sometimes it is hard to get out of the house with a baby.

    :heart: Sounds like a Great, Fun way to spend Quality Time with your Family AND Burn some Calories!!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,131 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    October 1----100 minutes walking with dogs---100 minutes walking with a friend
    October 2---2 hours walking with frisky poodles---45 minutes walking with hubby
    October 3----3 hours walking with my darling poodles----30 minutes line dance practice
    October 4--90 minutes walking with dogs---2 hour line dance class---1 hour walking with a friend
    October 5---30 minutes at the gym at the hotel----enough walking around inside and out to equal more than 22,000 steps
    October 6---60 minutes stationery bike---20 minutes treadmill---enough other walking to equal 24,000 steps
    October 7--40 minutes treadmill----20 minutes stationery bike--enough walking to equal 24,000 steps
    October 8---80 minutes walking by myself----100 minutes walking with the frisky poodles

    every day
    100 warrior 3 poses and a timed plank
  • LJCannon
    LJCannon Posts: 3,636 Member
    40 Minutes Walking at Work
    30 Minutes Treadmill At Anytime Fitness
    30 Minutes Recumbent Bike At Anytime Fitness
    50 Minute Workout At Curves
    32 Minute Walk to 7-11
  • wgn4166
    wgn4166 Posts: 771 Member
    10/01 rest day with lifting 15 pound weights
    10/02 walked 15 mins
    10/03 aerobics for 60 mins
    10/04 aerobics for 37 mins
    10/05 walked for 30 mins
    10/06 55 minutes of Walking
    10/07 4 mile walk w/ Walk Away the Pounds
    10/08 Rest day
    10/09 Walk Away the Pounds DVD 55 mins
  • GIAngel222
    GIAngel222 Posts: 227 Member
    Monday, October 8th:

    7 minutes - Elliptical Warm up - Resistance Level 7

    28 reps - Leg Press 210 lbs - 250 lbs
    40 reps - Walking Lunges (80 steps total) - 44 lbs total
    40 reps - Goblet Squats - 30 lbs
    35 reps - Bulgarian Squats - 24 lbs
    34 reps - Front Barbell Squats - 40 - 50 lbs
    40 reps - Hamstring Machine (no clue what this is called, lol

    300 Stability Ball Crunches

    25 minutes on Elliptical on Random , Resistance Level 10, ranged from 5 - 7 mph
  • woops! went home for the weekend and didn't get a work out in. Getting back into it this week

    10/01 3.1mi run
    10/02 5mi run
    10/03 Off day
    10/04 6mi run
    10/05 Off day
    10/06 Off day
    10/07 Off day
    10/08 3mi run