South Beach



  • CCH410
    CCH410 Posts: 47 Member
    Weigh in! Woo! I've lost 2.8 pounds since last weigh in! It feels good to see the pounds coming off and the measurements getting smaller. Although, I wish my hips would lose a few inches too. Anybody have a suggestion to help that problem area along?
  • kimber607
    kimber607 Posts: 7,128 Member
    Hi all

    Sorry I have been MIA..had a really bad were sick/out of school
    Anyway, I am bac on track 5 full day and going strong

    Does anyone know if low-fat refried beans and grabanzo beans are OK for phase 1

    Thanks..hope everyone is doing well

    Day 6 and I am feeling a little delirious

    It seems refried fat free were newly added, Refried use to be a no no. There is a list and link below.

    BEANS/LEGUMES (Vegetables/Carbohydrates)

    (Start with 1/3 - 1/2 cup serving)
    Adzuki Beans
    Black Beans
    Black-eyed peas
    Broad Beans
    Butter Beans
    Cannellini Beans
    Chickpeas or Garbanzo
    Great Northern Beans
    Italian Beans
    Kidney Beans
    Lima Beans
    Mung Beans
    Navy Beans
    Pigeon Peas
    Pinto Beans
    Refried beans fat free canned - Added
    Soy Beans (also known as edamame)
    Split Peas
    White Beans
  • kimber607
    kimber607 Posts: 7,128 Member
    Weigh in! Woo! I've lost 2.8 pounds since last weigh in! It feels good to see the pounds coming off and the measurements getting smaller. Although, I wish my hips would lose a few inches too. Anybody have a suggestion to help that problem area along?

    Great job!
    Sorry no suggestions..I am narrow and hold me weight in my tummy
  • pepper06
    Does anyone know if turkey franks are allowed in phase 1? I see hot doges mentioned inl phs 2, but don't see mention of turkey franks. I have been doing a good job exercising and feeling good!
  • coronalime
    coronalime Posts: 583 Member
    Does anyone know if turkey franks are allowed in phase 1? I see hot doges mentioned inl phs 2, but don't see mention of turkey franks. I have been doing a good job exercising and feeling good!

    I dont know much about them. DO they have alot of carbs or sugar? I would imagine if they have little to no carbs they would be OK on Phase 1.

    I started over and will do Phase 1 for the week to get back on track. Let the fun begin....again :) Yummy jello
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    Does anyone know if turkey franks are allowed in phase 1? I see hot doges mentioned inl phs 2, but don't see mention of turkey franks. I have been doing a good job exercising and feeling good!

    You should be able to eat hot dogs or turkey franks in phase 1 or 2. However, you should try to find ones that are minimally processed, meaning no nitrates (preservatives).

    I get all beef franks that are fresh made from my grocer deli and they are the best in the world!!! However, due to the fact that they have no preservatives, they must be consumed really quickly.
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    Hi all.

    Can I join your group with you? I am doing a low carb plan, but not South Beach. I am doing a plan called the Primal Blue Print.

    I would like to offer my knowledge and learn from you ladies as well.

    Hope to be chatting with you all soon!!!
  • tammietifanie
    tammietifanie Posts: 1,496 Member

    We would love for you to join us... Im very interested in this Primal Blue print your doing? What foods are you allowed to eat on this plan and have you lost weight from doing it.... Im having such a hard time losing weight right now !!!! My scale keeps going up :( and would maybe add the Program your doing to what im doing to see if it jump starts my weight lost...
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member

    We would love for you to join us... Im very interested in this Primal Blue print your doing? What foods are you allowed to eat on this plan and have you lost weight from doing it.... Im having such a hard time losing weight right now !!!! My scale keeps going up :( and would maybe add the Program your doing to what im doing to see if it jump starts my weight lost...

    Well, you can check out for more information............

    What you can eat:
    Protein (meat, eggs, fish, seafood)

    What you cut out:
    Grains of all forms (bread, pasta, cereal, rice, crackers, etc.........)


    Here is the Food pyramid that I adhere to:

  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member

    We would love for you to join us... Im very interested in this Primal Blue print your doing? What foods are you allowed to eat on this plan and have you lost weight from doing it.... Im having such a hard time losing weight right now !!!! My scale keeps going up :( and would maybe add the Program your doing to what im doing to see if it jump starts my weight lost...

    I started out doing South Beach in 2003 and was not successful with it for very long as Phase 2 is just too lenient for me. After 4 months of being on South Beach and gaining and losing the same 5 or 6 pounds and my blood sugar not getting under control, I switched over to Atkins.................

    With Atkins, I had GREAT success, but I fall victim to my own vices (seasonal depression causes me to fall off the wagon in the fall and winter and have a hard time maintaining or keep losing). However I did lose 98 pounds in about 6 or 7 months with Atkins, following it by the book using the 2002 edition. I felt GREAT, was healthier than I had been since a teenager and was off my high blood pressure meds and diabetic meds too.................

    That winter gained a bunch of the weight back due to my depression..................

    I tend to yo-yo during the fall and winter months................but can lose fine in the spring and summer. Fresh fruits and veggies are so much more appealing when it is nice outside!!! I think it is all in my head, LOL

    Anyway, I was on Atkins last year and I was doing well, working my way up the carb ladder. I noticed that when I got to the part of the carb ladder where you start adding in higher carb veggies and grains, I started retaining water really, really bad.

    So, I started researching Primal plans and came across The Primal Blue Print.

    I have more energy with this plan than I did with Atkins and with Atkins I had an explosion of energy!!!!
  • tammietifanie
    tammietifanie Posts: 1,496 Member
    Would you mind giving a example of your daily meals so i have more of a idea ... Im reading up on the Mark's Daily Apple right now and thinking about giving it a try..
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    Would you mind giving a example of your daily meals so i have more of a idea ... Im reading up on the Mark's Daily Apple right now and thinking about giving it a try..

    Yes, I will be happy to provide you with some sample daily meals.............I kind of got mine from the book and I just tweak it to suit my tastes as I go along...........

    And, I forgot to mention that beans, legumes are not allowed either with this plan............

    The goal is to eat the Primal way 80% of the time and the other 20% can be a bit more relaxed. I have lost 8 pounds in the past 10 days and I am starting to feel the difference in the way my pants are fitting again.
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    Here is the "sample" menu thing from Marks Daily Apple.

    I usually have the following, which is very similar to the sample menu:

    2 cups of coffee (plain black)
    3 eggs fried in bacon fat
    3 sausage patties (I make my own sausage) or 3 slices of uncured, naturally smoke bacon

    Big veggie salad with grilled chicken and balsamic vinegar dressing (make my own dressing)
    1/2 cup home made chicken salad with home made mayonnaise
    Green tea with lemon to drink

    Snack on the following:
    Nuts (Almonds, Pistachios, Macadamia, walnuts, pecans)
    Peach or Nectarine
    Occasional Banana

    I do allow myself to have Greek Yogurt. The only brand I like is Fage total, full fat yogurt which has only 7 grams of carbs in a full cup. I usually eat a half cup serving with a 1/4 or 1/2 cup berries mixed in, so sweeteners used at all.

    Meat or fish
    Lots of steamed or grilled veggies
    Green Tea

    I drink water through out the day in addition to the coffee and Green Tea I have with my meals..........
  • coronalime
    coronalime Posts: 583 Member
    Sounds almost like a Raw Food diet. Some authors I read were Mark Bittman and Tosca Reno. You may want to check out some of their recipes. They wont all suit that but alot should. Also the book Raw Food Detox Diet has some recipes that would fit Primal.
    The only thing that scares me is the no dairy. I wont do Soy b.c of the controversey and I need extra Vit D and calcium b.c the rx that I take depletes it as it is. I will ge checking this Primal out. I love anything that keeps grains out since I cant eat them anyways.
  • kimber607
    kimber607 Posts: 7,128 Member
    Would you mind giving a example of your daily meals so i have more of a idea ... Im reading up on the Mark's Daily Apple right now and thinking about giving it a try..

    Hi all

    I'm reading up on it as well since SB hasn't gone so well for me
    So, no dairy and no beans but all fruits and veggies allowed?
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    Would you mind giving a example of your daily meals so i have more of a idea ... Im reading up on the Mark's Daily Apple right now and thinking about giving it a try..

    Hi all

    I'm reading up on it as well since SB hasn't gone so well for me
    So, no dairy and no beans but all fruits and veggies allowed?

    Here are the basic guidelines from here:

    General Guidelines:

    80% of body composition success is determined by diet. Limit processed carb intake (hence, insulin production), and obtain sufficient protein and fat to fuel and rebuild.

    Protein: Average .7 – 1 gram per pound of lean body mass/day – depending on activity levels (more at times is fine).

    Carbs: 50-100 grams/day (or less) = accelerated fat loss. 100-150 grams/day = effortless weight maintenance. Heavy exercisers can increase carb intake as needed to replace glycogen stores.

    Fat: Enjoy freely but sensibly for balance of caloric needs and high dietary satisfaction levels.

    Avoid Poisonous Things: Conventional Wisdom’s dietary guidelines promote fat storage, type 2 diabetes, inflammation and obesity!

    Eliminate: Sugary foods and beverages, grains (wheat, corn, rice, pasta, breads, cereals, etc.), legumes (soy and other beans), trans and partially hydrogenated fats, high-risk conventional meat and produce, and excess PUFA’s (instead, increase omega-3 oils).

    Modern Adjustments: Some modern foods that Grok didn’t eat can still be included in a healthy diet

    Moderation: Certain high glycemic fruit, coffee, high-fat dairy products, starchy tuber vegetables, and wild rice.

    Supplements: Multivitamin/mineral formula, probiotics, omega-3 fish oil and protein powder.

    Herbs, spices and extracts: Offer many health benefits and enhance enjoyment of meals.

    Sensible indulgences: Dark chocolate, moderate alcohol, high-fat treats.
  • pepper06
    2 weeks in to ph1 and lost 4.5lbs:happy:
  • tammietifanie
    tammietifanie Posts: 1,496 Member
    Congrats Pepper06 that's really good!!!!!
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    Way to go pepper!!!
  • tammietifanie
    tammietifanie Posts: 1,496 Member
    Well Ladies once again im going to be starting over on monday but this time doing it 100% no more giving up or saying o i'll just do better tomorrow.. I know i can lose weight it's just i need to focus on myself for once and put me first (even though its hard) so starting Monday i will re-weigh in and do phase 1 for two weekes and keep with it