South Beach



  • Teleri
    Teleri Posts: 32
    1 week... 227.3
    2 weeks.. 224
    3 weeks.. 221

    I had lost 3 more lbs this last week. It does feel good to write it down and see it.

    I think a good goal for the week might be to make sure to fill in our food charts and stay under our calories every day,what do you think???\

    TAMMIE don't do it!! You just have to keep thinking "If i eat the cookies, ice cream and soda, I won't be where I want to be on my wedding" You can make it... its just one time of the month!
  • SW:229
    1 week... 227.3
    2 weeks.. 224
    3 weeks.. 221

    I had lost 3 more lbs this last week. It does feel good to write it down and see it.

    I think a good goal for the week might be to make sure to fill in our food charts and stay under our calories every day,what do you think???\

    TAMMIE don't do it!! You just have to keep thinking "If i eat the cookies, ice cream and soda, I won't be where I want to be on my wedding" You can make it... its just one time of the month!

    Great job! I lost 3 lbs as well. I think South Beach is really paying off.
  • CCH410
    CCH410 Posts: 47 Member
    So I haven't done a very good job at logging in this week and I missed the weigh in yesterday. I lost another pound since last Thursday. I know the scale is moving in the right direction but it is discouraging that taking the weight off is so difficult for me. That's a total of 3 pounds during phase 1. Anyway, I have had many doctors appointments lately and with all the tests they ran found a couple of things. 1. My thyroid is not normal and 2. I have insulin resistance. What does this mean, I asked him. He tells me that the thyroid contributes to weight gain and the feeling of fatigue and lethargy. The insulin resistance does not mean I'm diabetic... which is good.... because my blood sugars are fine but it does mean that it also attributes to weight gain and making it hard to lose it. With that said, I have a new meal plan following basic principles of the SBD but I am out of phase 1 a little early. I will still keep posting with you all if nobody minds. Here's hoping that with treating these things, the weight loss will become a little easier!
  • So I haven't done a very good job at logging in this week and I missed the weigh in yesterday. I lost another pound since last Thursday. I know the scale is moving in the right direction but it is discouraging that taking the weight off is so difficult for me. That's a total of 3 pounds during phase 1. Anyway, I have had many doctors appointments lately and with all the tests they ran found a couple of things. 1. My thyroid is not normal and 2. I have insulin resistance. What does this mean, I asked him. He tells me that the thyroid contributes to weight gain and the feeling of fatigue and lethargy. The insulin resistance does not mean I'm diabetic... which is good.... because my blood sugars are fine but it does mean that it also attributes to weight gain and making it hard to lose it. With that said, I have a new meal plan following basic principles of the SBD but I am out of phase 1 a little early. I will still keep posting with you all if nobody minds. Here's hoping that with treating these things, the weight loss will become a little easier!

    I'm really sorry to hear about your health problems. I hope that it's comforting to find the problem, though. I'll be praying for you.
  • CCH410
    CCH410 Posts: 47 Member
    So I haven't done a very good job at logging in this week and I missed the weigh in yesterday. I lost another pound since last Thursday. I know the scale is moving in the right direction but it is discouraging that taking the weight off is so difficult for me. That's a total of 3 pounds during phase 1. Anyway, I have had many doctors appointments lately and with all the tests they ran found a couple of things. 1. My thyroid is not normal and 2. I have insulin resistance. What does this mean, I asked him. He tells me that the thyroid contributes to weight gain and the feeling of fatigue and lethargy. The insulin resistance does not mean I'm diabetic... which is good.... because my blood sugars are fine but it does mean that it also attributes to weight gain and making it hard to lose it. With that said, I have a new meal plan following basic principles of the SBD but I am out of phase 1 a little early. I will still keep posting with you all if nobody minds. Here's hoping that with treating these things, the weight loss will become a little easier!

    I'm really sorry to hear about your health problems. I hope that it's comforting to find the problem, though. I'll be praying for you.

    Thanks MaryBeth! I'm more relieved than anything to know there is something wrong and to be able to treat it. I just needed to vent...
  • tammietifanie
    tammietifanie Posts: 1,496 Member
    Teleri that's a great idea!!!!!

    For the challenges let do

    1.) Keep the Mini goals of getting up and do a workout for at least 15-20 minutes a day.....

    2.) Make sure to stay below our calories and make healthy choices

    3.) Positive thinking !!!! Each day or week right one Positive thing about why you want to lose weight and what your looking forward too
  • Teleri
    Teleri Posts: 32
    I had an AWFUL day today... i overate by 300 calories and was over in every category.... fail
  • CCH410
    CCH410 Posts: 47 Member
    I had an AWFUL day today... i overate by 300 calories and was over in every category.... fail

    Its ok! We all have those days! Just jump back on the wagon. You are doing such a great job that an occasional day like that won't hurt your weight loss goal. I hope yesterday and today are better for you! :)
  • coronalime
    coronalime Posts: 583 Member

    TOM IS TAKING OVER ME... I AM CRAVING COOKIES, ICE CREAM AND SODA!!!!! How do you get through your TOM without blowing your diet??????

    Oh girl you and me BOTH. and I am "locked" in for the weekend. We had snow and in the south that means shut down. I could just eat and eat...I have been working out but I am going over and today I am off to a bad start already.
  • coronalime
    coronalime Posts: 583 Member

    TOM IS TAKING OVER ME... I AM CRAVING COOKIES, ICE CREAM AND SODA!!!!! How do you get through your TOM without blowing your diet??????

    Me agian. DH is reading a book Sports Nutrition. and she talks about menstrating and food (it was a great dinner topic). Anyways. She stated that we can eat an extra 100-500 calories a day of anything we want. Because during menstration womens matabolic rate increases. Plus it will decrease the urge to binge. I have no idea if this is a load of crap. But it is making me feel better as I am devoring my whole bag of mini york patties in 1 day.
  • tammietifanie
    tammietifanie Posts: 1,496 Member
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: I hope that's true about it's okay about going over on calories when TOM is in town.... I did really bad over the weekend and o boy im feeling it my whole body feels like crap and i know it's from all the crap i put in it.. Today im sticking to my meal plan cause i know my body is hating me for eating un-healthy
  • tammietifanie
    tammietifanie Posts: 1,496 Member
    1.) Keep the Mini goals of getting up and do a workout for at least 15-20 minutes a day.....

    2.) Make sure to stay below our calories and make healthy choices

    3.) Positive thinking !!!! Each day or week right one Positive thing about why you want to lose weight and what your looking forward too

    Feb 1st
    today im going to do 30 minutes on my wii fit
    I already logged all my food in for today and it's all Healthy
    Today is One day closer to being happy with who i am :)
  • What do you guys think about exchanging some of our favorite recipes? I'm getting a little bored over here...
  • tammietifanie
    tammietifanie Posts: 1,496 Member
    Same here!!!! Im thinking about mixing things up maybe trying a different diet plan since i have so many bad days and i keep falling off the wagon im not sure if sb is going to work for me since i can't seem to stay on the program very long without messing up lol...
  • This is a Phase 1 Recipe and it's super yummy! You can also put the BBQ sauce on salmon, which is what we're doing for dinner tonight.


    South Beach Barbecue Sauce:

    1 (8-ounce) can tomato sauce
    2 tablespoons white vinegar
    2 teaspoons chopped fresh parsley (I used dried)
    1 teapsoon Worcestshire sauce
    1 teaspoon ground mustard
    1/4 teaspoon salt
    1/8 teasppon freshly ground black pepper
    1/8 teaspoon garlic powder

    Combine tomato saruce, vinegar, parsely, Worcestshire sauce, mustard, salt, pepper, and garlic powder in a resealable plastic container. Refridgerate until ready to use (up to one week).

    Baked Barbecue Chicken
    Serves 4

    4 (6-ounce) boneless, skinless chicken breasts
    1 teaspoon extra-virgin olive oil
    1/2 cup South Beach Barbecue Sauce
    Salt and freshly ground black pepper

    Heat oven to 350 degrees.
    Season chicken on both sides with salt and pepper. Heat oil in a large nonstick skillet over medium-high heat. Add chicken and cook until browned, 2 minutes per side.
    Place chicken, in a single layer, in an ovenproof baking dish and spoon sauce evenly over the top. Bake until chicken is cooked through and sauce is bubbling, 18 to 20 minutes.

    I hope you guys like this as much as Matt and I did! If you try it, let me know what you think. :)
  • tammietifanie
    tammietifanie Posts: 1,496 Member
  • Teleri
    Teleri Posts: 32
    I am still eating pretty well, exercising a few days a week. Still kinda fluctuating in weight, but my body fat % has gone down.. so overall I am doing good.
    We are going out of town this weekend and I am hoping I don't gain too much
  • sparklepants
    sparklepants Posts: 149 Member
    I've heard of the SBD but don't know that much about it. What's the essence of the diet?
  • tammietifanie
    tammietifanie Posts: 1,496 Member
    Weigh in tomorrow!!!! Hoping my scale shows numbers down not up...
  • CCH410
    CCH410 Posts: 47 Member
    Hi everyone! I hope you all are having a great week! I won't be able to weigh in tomorrow because I will be up before dawn and out the door for an interview (fingers crossed!!). I weighed in today though and am so excited about my results. Since my visit to the doctor last Thursday, I have lost 2.2 pounds!!! woooo! :) That is a total of 4.7 pounds in three weeks and although I'm not thrilled with the total weight loss, the fact that it is picking up and headed in the right direction is great! Good luck to everyone tomorrow!
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