South Beach



  • CCH410
    CCH410 Posts: 47 Member
    Marybethbeech, I am also under my calorie goal for the day when I plug my food intake into the food diary here. I'm not really paying attention to the calories though. I figure if I'm full and I'm getting my needed nutrients then its fine for 2 weeks while we are in phase 1. The other thing that eases my mind about that is that this diet was created by a heart doctor so I don't think he would have created something that would be damaging to the body.

    Tammietifanie, Thanks for the website recommendation. I will definitely check that out!
  • coronalime
    coronalime Posts: 583 Member
    I could kill someone for a Pepermint Patty right about now.
    Anyone having issues working out? My runs have been sucking lately and I seem to stay sore for much longer then before.
  • kimber607
    kimber607 Posts: 7,128 Member
    I could kill someone for a Pepermint Patty right about now.
    Anyone having issues working out? My runs have been sucking lately and I seem to stay sore for much longer then before.

    I think my energy is def. down/low
    I am jonsing a big bowl of raisin bran cereal with sliced banana
  • tammietifanie
    tammietifanie Posts: 1,496 Member
    I haven't been able to get any work outs in all week and it sucks.... I do notice my energy is very low but i think that's not due to the diet but my sleeping and having to run around after my sons and the baby is waking up during the night so that's sucking the life out of me... Do you still drink coffee???? I know the sb book says limit it to 1 to 2 cups a day but im sorry i drink about a pot every morning so i can function and chase my kids....
  • tammietifanie
    tammietifanie Posts: 1,496 Member
    WEIGH IN TOMORROW ALSO A NEW CHALLENGE...... Any one have any idea's for a challenge that we all could do as a group???
  • marybethbeech
    I still drink coffee but I'm down to about a cup a day. I was drinking 3-4 cokes a day so this is a HUGE improvement for me. I miss them though. That's been the hardest thing for me so far.
  • byHisgrace
    I am down to 20oz or less of diet coke, so that's an improvement. Working my way there.

    How is everyone doing today? I totally blew it last night, and it wasn't accidental. We had a horrible day with our daughter and everyone was just upset so we decided to have pizza, and the kids had some ice cream, which I had some bites of. I also had cheese and crackers. I felt horrible this morning. Not only for falling off, again, but I felt hungover, sick, just icky!

    So, I am just going to start day one again, until I get through two weeks! My hubby is being super supportive, especially after I yelled "and I am just too stressed to eat healthy right now" as I was taking my frustrations out on him yesterday morning. Thankfully he took it well and decided to get involved instead of angry. He's been making me lunch and snaks since and helping with dinner, which helps me a ton!!!

    So, day one for me again today. I'm not thrilled but honestly, this morning I was considering just giving up on it and I am not going to do that.

    We'll see how much damage I did tomorrow :(
  • CCH410
    CCH410 Posts: 47 Member
    I'm sorry to hear that yesterday was so rough. Hang in there though! I think it's wonderful that your hubby is being so supportive and helpful when it comes to eating healthy. I know you will be glad that you stuck with this and didn't just give up on it. I hope today and tomorrow are better days for you!
  • coronalime
    coronalime Posts: 583 Member
    I dont drink coffee. I drink 1-2 cans of diet soda/day. After this pack (only 2 left) I am trying to drink none unless out somewhere or as a treat. I will try and drink green tea and I bought some V8 fusions since I cant get regular V8 down. DH and I are still clashing on food. He is doing it too and seems to think we can eat the same amount of food. He's lost alot in 2 weeks and really doesnt need to lose anymore. So tonight we did the salsa chicken and he had a mound of sour cream on top of my chicken..Its ok for him since he can eat 1000 more calories then me....
  • marybethbeech
    At least he's doing the diet... Matt isn't. I'm having a very, very weak moment. We're having steak with roasted tomatoes and asparagus (one of the recipes from Taste of Summer) and he tried to talk to me into having a piece of cinnamon toast after dinner! I almost gave in, but I think I'm going to be able to resist. He's making me some sugar free jello... If only I can hold on 4 hours until it's ready to eat.
  • marybethbeech
    2lbs lighter when I weighed in this morning! I'm glad I didn't have that bread last night.

    Although I did dream about food all night long...
  • byHisgrace
    Weigh in........167 lb, so I gained just a bit. My time of the month also hit last night, so that tiny bit may not be from my slip ups, at least that's my hope :) So, if I can maintain this week and stick with it, next week's weigh in should be fantastic!!!

    I have discovered that if I plan all my food for the day and enter it into food diary either the night before or even early in the morning, I stick with it better, come in way under my calories and feel fuller. I think I am going to try to do a lot of freezer cooking and menu planning this weekend. Since my family is gluten free, planning entire south beach meals, with the kids still getting things like brownies and cookies once in a while, will work.

    Anyone else feeling some pain in their pocketbook with the diet? I used to coupon and shop sales and could REALLY save money on groceries. Even when we went gluten and casein free for Ava's sake, a bag of brown rice pasta and some sauce at Trader Joe's is under $5 for the 6 of us. SBD is killing me! I've spent $640 on groceries since I first started, January 9. The produce is what is really doing me in. Almost half of my grocery spending has been fresh produce. In the summer we have a garden, hit the farmer's market a couple times a week and get a CSA share, and in the winter, we just usually eat less fresh stuff. However, that isn't an option right now. I don't care much for frozen foods. In fact, I keep a spreadsheet to keep track of my spending and the only frozen thing I've purchased this month were popcicles for the kids when they were sick, lol. Any ideas? Any tricks you guys have to keep spending down?
  • byHisgrace
    2lbs lighter when I weighed in this morning! I'm glad I didn't have that bread last night.

    Although I did dream about food all night long...

    That's WONDERFUL!!!!
  • marybethbeech
    Weigh in........167 lb, so I gained just a bit. My time of the month also hit last night, so that tiny bit may not be from my slip ups, at least that's my hope :) So, if I can maintain this week and stick with it, next week's weigh in should be fantastic!!!

    I have discovered that if I plan all my food for the day and enter it into food diary either the night before or even early in the morning, I stick with it better, come in way under my calories and feel fuller. I think I am going to try to do a lot of freezer cooking and menu planning this weekend. Since my family is gluten free, planning entire south beach meals, with the kids still getting things like brownies and cookies once in a while, will work.

    Anyone else feeling some pain in their pocketbook with the diet? I used to coupon and shop sales and could REALLY save money on groceries. Even when we went gluten and casein free for Ava's sake, a bag of brown rice pasta and some sauce at Trader Joe's is under $5 for the 6 of us. SBD is killing me! I've spent $640 on groceries since I first started, January 9. The produce is what is really doing me in. Almost half of my grocery spending has been fresh produce. In the summer we have a garden, hit the farmer's market a couple times a week and get a CSA share, and in the winter, we just usually eat less fresh stuff. However, that isn't an option right now. I don't care much for frozen foods. In fact, I keep a spreadsheet to keep track of my spending and the only frozen thing I've purchased this month were popcicles for the kids when they were sick, lol. Any ideas? Any tricks you guys have to keep spending down?

    First of all, thanks so much for the encouragement!

    I try to only shop for produce that's in season. That makes it a little cheaper. But it is super expensive for us too. There are only two of us in the household and between all the produce and lean meat we're spending $150 a week on breakfast and dinner alone, which is almost double what I was spending before I went on South Beach.
  • Teleri
    Teleri Posts: 32
    At least he's doing the diet... Matt isn't. I'm having a very, very weak moment. We're having steak with roasted tomatoes and asparagus (one of the recipes from Taste of Summer) and he tried to talk to me into having a piece of cinnamon toast after dinner! I almost gave in, but I think I'm going to be able to resist. He's making me some sugar free jello... If only I can hold on 4 hours until it's ready to eat.

    Did you wait and eat the Jello instead?!
  • byHisgrace
    Weigh in........167 lb, so I gained just a bit. My time of the month also hit last night, so that tiny bit may not be from my slip ups, at least that's my hope :) So, if I can maintain this week and stick with it, next week's weigh in should be fantastic!!!

    I have discovered that if I plan all my food for the day and enter it into food diary either the night before or even early in the morning, I stick with it better, come in way under my calories and feel fuller. I think I am going to try to do a lot of freezer cooking and menu planning this weekend. Since my family is gluten free, planning entire south beach meals, with the kids still getting things like brownies and cookies once in a while, will work.

    Anyone else feeling some pain in their pocketbook with the diet? I used to coupon and shop sales and could REALLY save money on groceries. Even when we went gluten and casein free for Ava's sake, a bag of brown rice pasta and some sauce at Trader Joe's is under $5 for the 6 of us. SBD is killing me! I've spent $640 on groceries since I first started, January 9. The produce is what is really doing me in. Almost half of my grocery spending has been fresh produce. In the summer we have a garden, hit the farmer's market a couple times a week and get a CSA share, and in the winter, we just usually eat less fresh stuff. However, that isn't an option right now. I don't care much for frozen foods. In fact, I keep a spreadsheet to keep track of my spending and the only frozen thing I've purchased this month were popcicles for the kids when they were sick, lol. Any ideas? Any tricks you guys have to keep spending down?

    First of all, thanks so much for the encouragement!

    I try to only shop for produce that's in season. That makes it a little cheaper. But it is super expensive for us too. There are only two of us in the household and between all the produce and lean meat we're spending $150 a week on breakfast and dinner alone, which is almost double what I was spending before I went on South Beach.

    I usually shop in season as well, but it's January in Michigan and snow is the only thing covering our crop fields, lol. Seriously, nothing has been priced great lately. I can't wait for my garden!!!
  • CCH410
    CCH410 Posts: 47 Member
    Weighed in this morning and I'm down 1 pound... I don't know why I feel disappointed... I have only been at it for 4 full days and this will be day 5. I guess I was hoping for better results. Oh well.
  • marybethbeech

    Did you wait and eat the Jello instead?!

    Yes I did! And I was craving fruit this morning so I had some for breakfast too lol
  • tammietifanie
    tammietifanie Posts: 1,496 Member
    Do you have a Henry's market near your house???? On wednesdays it's double ad day so you get the sales from the last week and the new week on that day... I always shop there on wednesdays, also i look to see who has chicken on sale i eat tons of chicken. And the best thing right now that's cheap is SOUPS.... i love soups and they are so darn cheap and easy to make... You can do bean soup , cabbage soup, broccoli soup with low fat cheese, chicken soup with tons of yummy veggies

    That site has wonderful soup idea's and much more
  • tammietifanie
    tammietifanie Posts: 1,496 Member
    Starting weight 157

    Todays weigh in 152

    Down 5 lbs :bigsmile:

    Hoping for more weight lost next week this week i had a lot of bad days....

    *****NEW CHALLENGE*******

    1. keep going with the water challenge 64-70 oz daily

    2. Take 15 minutes to just get up and move either it's jumping jacks, dancing with your kids, running up and down stairs, sit ups, jumping rope anything you can think of to just get up and get your heart rate up...

    3. Set Min goals for each day Example : Today im going to do 10 jumping jacks and 10 squats or today im going to get all my water in... Little mini goals like these will help your weight lost so much