South Beach



  • tammietifanie
    tammietifanie Posts: 1,496 Member

    I hear ya on getting stress under control while the hubby is gone. Mine is deploying for seven months starting end of april and im a stay at home mom of three active little boys and some days i just want to sit in my pantry and eat every single junk food but i know after i eat it all i think about is o great now i feel really fat. Im also going to start working out and see if that helps my stress level. I have a few dvd's and since the weather is bad i figured now would be a great time to stay in side and workout.
    O diet coke :heart: :drinker: if i do drink something besides water i love diet coke and i have tried so many times to stop drinking it but sometimes i don't want water so i will buy a small bottle of diet coke and tell myself once it's gone that's it... The best way is just don't have it in the house and when your out shopping then use it as a treat but only buy one of those 20oz bottles and that's it..
    When is your hubby planning on leaving to Afghanistan??? I have set a goal that during the time my finace is gone i want to be come a new women so when he walks off that plan or bus he will be so proud of me that i changed myself into that girl i always wanted to be. Plus i'll be fit enough to keep up with the kids :)
  • tammietifanie
    tammietifanie Posts: 1,496 Member
    Weigh in thursday !!!!!! :bigsmile: Crossing my fingers i get my butt in shape and stay on track this week.... Hope everyone else has a wonderful monday and a great weigh in... Also i'll be posting a new challenge on thursday also... I was able to kick the soda , got most of my water in but the crunches im still working on i think i got up to 50 a day so that's one thing i need to workout big time
  • byHisgrace

    I hear ya on getting stress under control while the hubby is gone. Mine is deploying for seven months starting end of april and im a stay at home mom of three active little boys and some days i just want to sit in my pantry and eat every single junk food but i know after i eat it all i think about is o great now i feel really fat. Im also going to start working out and see if that helps my stress level. I have a few dvd's and since the weather is bad i figured now would be a great time to stay in side and workout.
    O diet coke :heart: :drinker: if i do drink something besides water i love diet coke and i have tried so many times to stop drinking it but sometimes i don't want water so i will buy a small bottle of diet coke and tell myself once it's gone that's it... The best way is just don't have it in the house and when your out shopping then use it as a treat but only buy one of those 20oz bottles and that's it..
    When is your hubby planning on leaving to Afghanistan??? I have set a goal that during the time my finace is gone i want to be come a new women so when he walks off that plan or bus he will be so proud of me that i changed myself into that girl i always wanted to be. Plus i'll be fit enough to keep up with the kids :)

    We aren't sure when hubby will be leaving, he spoke with the recruiter for AECOM last week. Last time it was about three weeks from initial contact, so it could be fairly soon.

    DH was on active duty for 8 years so I remember thinking exactly what you are right now. I never really "got there" when he was an AD, but then I wasn't nearly as overweight as I am right now. When he went to Iraq last year, I did lose 23 lb in 12 weeks. It felt so good!!! This time I am even more determined. He's planning on staying a lot longer, probably 18 months, so that we can set ourselves up to be a one income family. The very least I can do is give him something nice to look at when he comes home on r&r, lol.

    I've only worked the past three years and I have to say, I didn't realize how good I had it, nor did I do everything I should have when I was a SAHM. It's much more stressful, IMO, to be a SAHM, but also SO much more rewarding and better for the family as a whole. Not only am I going to lose weight this time around, I am going to do things differently, prioritize differently, like you said, be that person I wish I were. Only thing that has been stopping me all along is me.
  • marybethbeech
    So, this is my first day on South Beach Phase 1 and so far I think it's been going well. I did have coffee this morning, but if I don't have some kind of caffeine I get a terrible headache around 2 PM.

    Right now I've got the South Beach Diet book, The South Beach Diet Quick & Easy Cookbook, and the South Beach Diet Taste of Summer Cookbook. I found some great recipes so far. Do you guys use any South Beach cookbooks? Which ones do you recommend?

  • tammietifanie
    tammietifanie Posts: 1,496 Member
    Cold weather making it hard to diet??? I was reading about the cabbage soup diet but i don't want to only eat cabbage soup so i was thinking on the cold and rainy days like today a nice warm soup would be the perfect thing to fill me up but keep me on track.. So i made a giant pot of cabbage soup and it really doesn't have much calories to it and very healthy and wow is it filling... I highly recommend making soup on cold days!


    WELCOME TO DAY ONE OF PHASE ONE :bigsmile: :flowerforyou:
    remember it's only 2 weeks and if you fall don't get down on yourself just simply start right back and if you ever need to vent we are all here for you ..Weigh in's are on thursday
  • kimber607
    kimber607 Posts: 7,128 Member
    Weigh in thursday !!!!!! :bigsmile: Crossing my fingers i get my butt in shape and stay on track this week.... Hope everyone else has a wonderful monday and a great weigh in... Also i'll be posting a new challenge on thursday also... I was able to kick the soda , got most of my water in but the crunches im still working on i think i got up to 50 a day so that's one thing i need to workout big time


    Back on track far so good....hope I can stick it out this time and y weigh in Thurday isn't too bad...LOL
    Good luck all
  • coronalime
    coronalime Posts: 583 Member
    Just finished Phase 1 and moving to Phase 2. Kinda nervous. Today I almost went over in calories and cant have a snack tonight. Added in rice to dinner. DH is doing it with me but we eat opposite things and we are clashing. I like Phase 1 and would stay on that forever if it wasnt for the no fruit.
    My goal is to phase out sodas. I still had my diet soda on Phase 1. Maybe 1 can a day...When I am out of this pack I wont buy any more and will try to drink tea instead for caffeine (unsweet of course)
  • tammietifanie
    tammietifanie Posts: 1,496 Member

    Did you lose weight on phase 1??? Also if you like doing the phase one you could always keep going with it just add a piece of fruit back in instead of carbs and see how that works out for you
  • CCH410
    CCH410 Posts: 47 Member
    Today was day 2 on phase 1. All in all I'm feeling pretty good about things but dinner tonight was extremely disappointing... that's what makes it really difficult to stay on a diet. I made the turkey meatloaf with beans and mushrooms. It wasn't bad but it was so-so I thought. What made it more disappointing was the amount of work that went in to making a meal that was just so-so. What recipes have you all found that are really good? I don't mind the work so long as it produces a good end result. Thanks!
  • tammietifanie
    tammietifanie Posts: 1,496 Member
    YUMMY Dinner recipe

    Ground beef or turkey
    chopped up lettuce, tomatoe, onion, black olives, a dash of sour cream, little pepper , reduced fat cheddar cheese

    step 1 )

    Ground the meat with a little pepper

    step 2) in a bowl place lettuce, Tomato, onion,

    Step 3) Tops with Meat, black olives, sour cream and sprinkle cheese over it.....'s just like a taco bowl without the extra fats, carbs and calories... YUMMY you could also add black beans on top also
  • tammietifanie
    tammietifanie Posts: 1,496 Member
    I was wondering in your goals are you doing 1 pound per week or two and do you do it where the computer figures it out for you or do you custom yours ????? Im not sure if im doing this right
  • coronalime
    coronalime Posts: 583 Member
    I've lost about 8 pds during the 1st Phase. I ignored calories and didnt put in my food at all. I just started back up today b/c I figured now that I can start wine or fruit or whatever I need to watch calories and I am glad I did.
    I figure I should lose at least 1 pd a week. I work out everyday and working out has not been the issue but my caloric intake is a PROBLEM. I figure I cant stay on Phase 1 forever. I need to eat a normal diet somehow.
    Today was 2 scarmbled eggs with salsa, snack Sargento light cheese stick, lunch salad and rotissiere chicken and SF jello., trail mix snack, dinner was 1/2 cup rice with Trader Joes frozen shrimp, scallops and calamari mix with Steamers broccoli cheese veggies with 8 oz wine. The TJ's frozen seafood I overpoertioned and that alone was 480 calories. Wine was almost 300
  • tammietifanie
    tammietifanie Posts: 1,496 Member
    I love wine :) it's my weakness and i hate how high in calories it is... why can't they make a yummy light wine like they do with beers lol....

    I need to stick to phase 1 maybe two more weeks i don't care about eating bread again, fruit i do miss a little my problem is sweets, and junk food and drinking and i feel like im not ready yet to move on to phase 2 until i kick those habits for good
  • marybethbeech

    I just started Phase 1 as well. Today is my second day.

    Did you have a lot of trouble meeting your calorie requirement? I had three meals and two snacks straight off the meal plan then I was hungry after dinner so I had 15 smoked almonds, and I was still 800 calories under my daily goal.
  • tammietifanie
    tammietifanie Posts: 1,496 Member

    My calories are always around 600-1200 depending on how much chicken i eat that day... You have low calories cause veggies don't have that much in them .... Don't go by calories !!! You know your eating very healthy and that's a good thing.. When you eat carbs, sugar and bad stuff that's when your calories are sky high... If your eating lean meats, veggies and low fat cheese's your fine.... As long as you have energy and feel great then i wouldn't worry so much about the calories
  • tammietifanie
    tammietifanie Posts: 1,496 Member
    Found this site

    It gives a great meal plan for the week... Im thinking of following it to make shopping easier and so i know what im having that day and next... Hope this might help everyone if they have question on what to eat that day


    2 MORE DAYS UNTIL WEIGH IN...... :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • kimber607
    kimber607 Posts: 7,128 Member
    Hi all :flowerforyou:

    Back on track, just not sure how the scale will respond on Thursday since I had a few 'bad' days followed by a few good days
    I'm bumping up my time on the treadmill....45min and some light weight stuff every other day

    Have a good day everyone!
  • Teleri
    Teleri Posts: 32
    AAAAAAHHH! I am having a hard time. PMS is not a friendly time to diet. I am just having one of those days and really wish I could have a drink and a chocolate cake.
  • marybethbeech
    I'm having kind of a weird day. I had some family stuff going on that drug out much longer than it should have. Long story short, I wasn't home in time to eat lunch. I know I should have packed a lunch and all that jazz, but it truly was unforseeable that I wouldn't be home in time for lunch. If I had ANY idea how long it would take, I would have brough something with me.

    I just skipped it today rather than eat unhealthy (which the rest of my family was doing). By the time I got home it was 3:30 and I like to have dinner ready when Matt gets home around 5:30 so I had a snack instead of an entire meal.

    My question is: In the future, when it is absolutely unadvoidable, should I eat a lunch that deviates from South Beach or skip it again? I know to pack a lunch, but what about on days when you get held up completely unexpectedly?
  • kimber607
    kimber607 Posts: 7,128 Member
    I'm having kind of a weird day. I had some family stuff going on that drug out much longer than it should have. Long story short, I wasn't home in time to eat lunch. I know I should have packed a lunch and all that jazz, but it truly was unforseeable that I wouldn't be home in time for lunch. If I had ANY idea how long it would take, I would have brough something with me.

    I just skipped it today rather than eat unhealthy (which the rest of my family was doing). By the time I got home it was 3:30 and I like to have dinner ready when Matt gets home around 5:30 so I had a snack instead of an entire meal.

    My question is: In the future, when it is absolutely unadvoidable, should I eat a lunch that deviates from South Beach or skip it again? I know to pack a lunch, but what about on days when you get held up completely unexpectedly?

    I always keep a snack in my pocket book....right now doing S B, phase 1, makes it pretty tough..... I have a decent bag of mixed nuts though with me all the time.....other than that since I can't have any granola/protein bars it's hard to pack stuff
    BUT what about trying to eat out when u really really need to, but stay as close to SB eating as possible...a salad, some cheese, chicken or meat minus the bun (can't see why u can't get any of this at a restaurant, diner or even fast food)?
    I don't think skipping meals once in a blue a big deal, but it can (at least for me) cause me to over eat later in the day