South Beach



  • CCH410
    CCH410 Posts: 47 Member
    Hi Everyone!

    I saw this thread and thought I would join in. I am starting SBD Phase 1 on Sunday 1/17/10. I did it about a year ago and lost about 10 pounds during the first 2 weeks. I am praying that the results are comparable this time around.

    If anyone is starting on Sunday or Monday and would like to be my buddy that would be awesome!

    I am down to do or die. I am getting married in a little less than 3 months and am about 23 pounds heavier than what I would like to be. I certainly don't expect to lose 23 pounds in 3 months, but I need to lose enough so my dress will fit!! I'm also going to start the 30 Day Shred on Sunday too. I'm scared about that one! :)
  • kimber607
    kimber607 Posts: 7,128 Member
    Morning all
    still sick but recovering
    Hit the store this am for some stuff to keep me going over the weekend
  • kimber607
    kimber607 Posts: 7,128 Member

    Tried looking on line to find out how much stevia is comparable to splenda used in a recipe but couldn't find anything
    If anyone can help me out...plese let me know

    this is what I found

    One half tsp. of stevia extract provides the same sweetening power as a cup of sugar.

    1 cup of SPLENDA® Granulated is equal in sweetness to 1 cup of sugar.
    go to that link though because it depends what kind of stevia you have. if it has a filler i is equal parts

    Thanks so much!
    I don't know why I have some issues with finding info on the net :)
  • byHisgrace
    I Was able to stay away from soda and get all my water in but didn't get any crunches in yesterday.. So today i will see how many crunches i can do :) Hope every one is doing great and has a wonderful weekend....

    Has anyone tried any of the Sb recipes and loved them??? I need some new recipes and never know which one's will turn out good.. I tried the mocha ricotta cheese last night i had to throw it away it was nasty :sick:

    I threw out the lemon souffles I made too. I like the lemon ricotta cremes so I thought the souffles would be a hit, they were NOT.

    I'm going to try these tonight: South Beach Peanut Butter Cookies
    1 egg
    1 cup of natural peanut butter (tons less sugar!)
    1 cup of granulated Splenda

    Mix together very well, and drop teaspoon sized balls on a greased cookie sheet. (The smaller you make them, the more you get!) Bake at 325 for about 10 minutes.

    You should keep these in the fridge, as they can get crumbley.

    I have done these with sugar and they are goooddd!!!!
  • byHisgrace
    Hello all.

    I did not stay away from soda, in fact I think I am throwing the towel in on that challenge. Sorry but life is insane right now and I need something to give me the rush and energy diet coke does, and have not found a good replacement yet.

    I still hope to start 30 day shred soon. I am too sore and too exhausted right now. Since our 2 year old had the flu last week, her autistic behaviors have sky rocketed and she's become violent like she never was in the past. She's trying to hurt herself mostly but keeping her safe is really challenging for me right now. I probably burn a couple hundred calories a day between doing her gross motor skill routine with her, doing her sensory therapy exercises and battling her when she's in a rage. Today, I probably burned 1000!

    I am getting my water in though. No crunches for me yesterday but I have it on my to do list for tonight. I do need some kind of release after today.

    My dh did say how proud he is of me for sticking with this through the week that we've had and not breaking down and binging. I'll be honest, last night I could have REALLY gone for a big slice of pizza and some pasta and a slice of apple pie with ginger ice cream melting into it, lol. It sucks that that kind of food really does make me feel better when the world is falling apart. It's so not fair, lol.

    Hope everyone else is having a fabulous Friday.
  • kimber607
    kimber607 Posts: 7,128 Member
    I Was able to stay away from soda and get all my water in but didn't get any crunches in yesterday.. So today i will see how many crunches i can do :) Hope every one is doing great and has a wonderful weekend....

    Has anyone tried any of the Sb recipes and loved them??? I need some new recipes and never know which one's will turn out good.. I tried the mocha ricotta cheese last night i had to throw it away it was nasty :sick:

    I threw out the lemon souffles I made too. I like the lemon ricotta cremes so I thought the souffles would be a hit, they were NOT.

    I'm going to try these tonight: South Beach Peanut Butter Cookies
    1 egg
    1 cup of natural peanut butter (tons less sugar!)
    1 cup of granulated Splenda

    Mix together very well, and drop teaspoon sized balls on a greased cookie sheet. (The smaller you make them, the more you get!) Bake at 325 for about 10 minutes.

    You should keep these in the fridge, as they can get crumbley.

    I have done these with sugar and they are goooddd!!!!

    PB cookies sound good, but too much splenda for me
    I tried the ricotta/lemon thingie with a touch of stevia and it wasn't too good..but did hit the spot....felt a little like dessert
    I'm till going strong....might weigh in tomorrow
  • WatchMeLose
    WatchMeLose Posts: 4 Member
    I am also on Phase 1. Started it about 2 weeks ago, but relaxed last weekend so I started over again on Monday. I've done South Beach many times and I find that the best way to do it is to stay in Phase 1 until you're half way to your goal, then start phase 2. I've already lost 8 lbs, 45 to go now! Lol, sounds a long way away, but I had a my second kiddo about 4 months ago so I keep telling myself that it took me 9 months to gain the weight, I need to give myself 9 to lose it. My goal weight is 165 because I've never in my adult life been below that. I wish you luck, just know that the first couple days are the hardest so eat as much protein as you want so you don't feel deprived and you'll be able to cut back easily after the initial period.
  • tammietifanie
    tammietifanie Posts: 1,496 Member
    I don't blame you for not wanting to kick that habit.... If you need a little pick me up and go for it... It's better to have something help you relax then be stressed out all the time..
  • tammietifanie
    tammietifanie Posts: 1,496 Member
    Yay we have new members Joining us ... Welcome !!!!! If your starting phase one or almost going on to phase 2 we would love to have you here and join us on our weight lost journey. We have posted some great recipes, and challenges. We also weigh in on thursdays.
  • byHisgrace
    Good morning everyone! Happy Saturday :)

    The weekends are going to be the toughest for me, with all the kiddos home. I love having them home, but we have two teenaged girls and this week one is pms'ing and the other just finished pms'ing (fun, fun times, lol). So they made a chocolate cake last night, and I am sure there will be lots of temptations to come.

    Hope everyone has a great weekend! If you are in the same boat I am, stay strong, the results will be worth it!!!

  • tammietifanie
    tammietifanie Posts: 1,496 Member

    Hope your weekend goes smooth and the chocolate cake doesn't get you..... I lived with all girls growing up and i could never lose weight cause we always had Pms food in the house . But just remember they are teenagers they don't have a metabolism like ours.. There's still can break down cake and not make it stick straight to their butts :tongue: :laugh: :laugh:
  • marybethbeech
    I'm starting Phase 1 on Monday and I've been pigging out on all my favorites all day. I split a bottle of champagne with a friend while we watched the Saints game. We just got home and Nelso is heating up a Mrs. Smith's Cinnamon Apple Crumb Pie for us to eat right now. I'm 1,000 calories over my daily goal, and I burned 300 calories on the elliptical this morning, if that gives you any idea how terrible all this stuff is. I know I should feel bad, but I really want this one last hoorah before I give it all up.

    Did any of you guys have a weekend like this before starting Phase 1? Were you counting calories then? Am I the exception or the rule in this case?
  • tammietifanie
    tammietifanie Posts: 1,496 Member

    I did that and to tell you the truth it was so hard to stay with the diet.... I did the southbeach diet a few months back and did wonderful and lost 12 lbs in the first two weeks but i also started a week doing sb and slowly stopped drinking, eating crap and did light workouts so when i was fully ready to start the sb diet i was already use to not having certain things and it was easier for me to stick it with cause i didn't crave so much.. This time around im having big time issue's wanting to stick with my diet... Like right now im craving chocolate so bad and of course my kids jusy had to have left over chocolate in the pantry but im telling myself no... I do find it so much harder to stay focused since i over did it the night before starting and i had to re-start phase 1 already... My best advice is stop tonight and start eating healthy and keep with it that way your ready to put 100% into the sb diet..
  • byHisgrace
    Hello everyone,

    How's the weekend going? I'm looking through cookbooks for new recipes, getting tired of looking at the SBD ones. I found a chicken and cilantro pesto in a Sandra Lee cookbook that looks awesome and only has 2 carbs, and 41 grams of protien.

    Is everyone waiting to weigh themselves until Thursday or weighing more often and just posting on Thursdays? I find myself wanting to weigh myself several times a day, and then getting discourged when I do. I've made it a goal this week to stay off the scale until Thursday.

    I'm also starting a work out tonight. I got some workout videos from the video store, and am going to start out gradually and build up to the 30 day shred. I just don't want to hate working out like I did last time I tried the shred.

    Hope everyone is have a nice weekend :)
  • Teleri
    Teleri Posts: 32
    Hello Everyone,

    This has been a TOUGH weekend. We have been out to eat the whole weekend, and although I ordered according to the diet there was several hiccups. Like my chicken ended up breaded, my salad had a tangerine dressing... stuff like that. And I had a glass of champagne. I am just going to keep trying and hopefully tomorrow will be easier since its a normal workday.

    I binged before starting the cleanse I did before SBD and I regret it MAJORLY. I gained so much weight in that few days that I could have lost a lot more not doing that.
  • kimber607
    kimber607 Posts: 7,128 Member
    SOOOOO mad at myself
    Lost 4 pounds doing SB before x-mas and gained back 2 pounds over the Holidays
    I was doing SB again for a few days so I weighed in this Saturday (was sick all eek so I didn't work out, but ate well) and gained 2 pounds....ugh
    So, to top it off I ate like crap all weekend and some (which irritates me to NO end, because it doesn't make any sense)
    Good news is the junk is out of the house and I am back hard core phase 1 on Monday and will weigh in *GULP* on Thursday
  • CCH410
    CCH410 Posts: 47 Member
    I started phase 1 today and it went well! My starting weight is 161.1. I'm hopeful that the numbers will begin moving in the right direction by Thursday! I also started 30 Day Shred today. I barely finished it and thought I was going to die! Well here's to a good week everyone!
  • tammietifanie
    tammietifanie Posts: 1,496 Member
    :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad:

    I had a such a stressed out evening that i gave it to the last of my champange and chocolate that was in the pantry...... I was doing so well until my stress level went sky high..... I HATE saying i'll start fresh tomorrow cause it's almost a excuse to do bad but i'm going to have to start fresh tomorrow and not give in to Crap when my stress is high.... What does everyone else do when stress is too much to deal with
  • Teleri
    Teleri Posts: 32
    I don't know what to cling to when you get stressed out. I was stressed last night and probably would have done the same thing but the fastest and easiest thing was the splenda peanut butter cookies. They were still a lot of calories but technically didn't make me fall off the wagon. So maybe get yourself some sweet but legal treats around the house.
    I know they say you should find some other outlet like exercise to let the stress out, but I know how hard that can be.
  • byHisgrace
    Good morning all. I am having the same stress issues! My food was ok but I've been slowly creeping back up on the diet coke and drank 2 1 liter bottles yesterday. I weighed myself this morning and I'm up 2 lb!!! I know it's water weight but it's still weight. Getting serious about quitting diet coke again. This is just ridiculous!

    As for stress, I am going to start the shred again, I think working out will help me with stress. My hubby is working on getting back overseas, Afghanistan this time, to work as a contractor and I know my stress levels are just going to get higher for a bit. He was in Iraq for a few months last year, and had to quit and come home when our daughter was diagnosed. Now, we need the money and it's the only way we will ever be able to afford for me to stay home, which she really needs. So, if I don't get my stuff together now, I never will. Being home all day is dangerous enough for me, add him being in Afg. (sans a weapon, which really bothers me) plus dealing with the munchkin and her issues on my own and I could be 300lb if I'm not careful! I am def an emotional eater and I just have to deal with that. I've been reading Thin Within, which is a great faith based approach to dealing with emotional eating. It has helped me some.

    Good luck to everyone this week! We CAN do this!!!
