South Beach



  • kimber607
    kimber607 Posts: 7,128 Member
    Starting weight 157

    Todays weigh in 152

    Down 5 lbs :bigsmile:

    Hoping for more weight lost next week this week i had a lot of bad days....

    *****NEW CHALLENGE*******

    1. keep going with the water challenge 64-70 oz daily

    2. Take 15 minutes to just get up and move either it's jumping jacks, dancing with your kids, running up and down stairs, sit ups, jumping rope anything you can think of to just get up and get your heart rate up...

    3. Set Min goals for each day Example : Today im going to do 10 jumping jacks and 10 squats or today im going to get all my water in... Little mini goals like these will help your weight lost so much

    GREAT JOb!
    I broke even this am
    I had 2 crappy dys followed by 4 good days
    was hoping to loose at least something.....hopefully next Thursday will turn out better
  • marybethbeech
    I'm having one of those days when I just want to eat EVERYTHING. This is my first day to try to go completely caffeine free, and on top of being sluggish I have a huge compulsion to snack. I'm not even hungry...

    I've been trying to keep my snacks South Beach friendly and I'm still doing ok with calories, but still... I've even had high protein snacks to help with satiety, but it doesn't matter. I'm not eating because I'm hungry, I just really feel the need to snack today.

    What do you guys do to combat the munchies?
  • kimber607
    kimber607 Posts: 7,128 Member
    I'm having one of those days when I just want to eat EVERYTHING. This is my first day to try to go completely caffeine free, and on top of being sluggish I have a huge compulsion to snack. I'm not even hungry...

    I've been trying to keep my snacks South Beach friendly and I'm still doing ok with calories, but still... I've even had high protein snacks to help with satiety, but it doesn't matter. I'm not eating because I'm hungry, I just really feel the need to snack today.

    What do you guys do to combat the munchies?

    Good luck
    I seriously try to stay out of the house and/or as busy as possible
  • coronalime
    coronalime Posts: 583 Member
    The only grocery tip I have is buy frozen! We dont follow the diet plans menu to the T. I know the only problem with the frozen is that alot have carrots or corn but we use the mixed peppers/onions in EVERYTHING and I buy alot of the stir fry veggies. I know you should have variety but if we have to eat 3 days of califlower mashed pots b.c it was on sale so be it. I did make a crock pot of a soup which was about 4-5 servings and I made a bean chili which DH ate alot of days either as a side or main course.
    Phase 2 you can do rice so we made a big batch and seperated it out in servings and have been eating on that this week.

    I had a BAD day today. Earth Fare salad bar. Went in with veggies/protein in mind...Walked out with 500 calories in mozzarella balls alone. The salad is easily 1200 plus calories. Not good. It pisses me off to lose it on something like that. I rather would have had cheesecake. I had no dressing no was cheese and protein it seems. UGH.
  • Teleri
    Teleri Posts: 32
    Last week... 227.3
    Tonight.. 224

    Hurray! 3.3 lbs Every bit helps right?!
    I have been trying on the challenge last week, but not good enough. I'm pretty sure I never hit the water mark (its hard in the winter) I did crunches probably 1/2 the time. And I had 2-3 sodas the whole week.

    I am going to try much harder drinking the water, and I can definitely do the 15minutes of random cardio a day.
  • Teleri
    Teleri Posts: 32
    The only grocery tip I have is buy frozen! We dont follow the diet plans menu to the T. I know the only problem with the frozen is that alot have carrots or corn but we use the mixed peppers/onions in EVERYTHING and I buy alot of the stir fry veggies. I know you should have variety but if we have to eat 3 days of califlower mashed pots b.c it was on sale so be it. I did make a crock pot of a soup which was about 4-5 servings and I made a bean chili which DH ate alot of days either as a side or main course.
    Phase 2 you can do rice so we made a big batch and seperated it out in servings and have been eating on that this week.

    I had a BAD day today. Earth Fare salad bar. Went in with veggies/protein in mind...Walked out with 500 calories in mozzarella balls alone. The salad is easily 1200 plus calories. Not good. It pisses me off to lose it on something like that. I rather would have had cheesecake. I had no dressing no was cheese and protein it seems. UGH.

    Oh well as long as it was still on the diet, it says eat if your hungry you aren't really suppose to be counting calories.
  • Teleri
    Teleri Posts: 32
    Weighed in this morning and I'm down 1 pound... I don't know why I feel disappointed... I have only been at it for 4 full days and this will be day 5. I guess I was hoping for better results. Oh well.

    Its ok you will drop more this weekend, just stay strong!
  • byHisgrace
    Good morning ladies!!!

    Well, I think I was right about yesterday's weight being a bit off by my monthly water retention. That first day always seems to make me swell like a balloon. I weighed myself again this morning, feeling much less bloated and I'm at 164. So, even with not working out and some very bad days, and starting over twice, I've lost 8lb in 11 days. I'm wearing jeans I haven't worn in months today and it feels good!!!

    Happy Friday, hope you are all enjoying it :)
  • coronalime
    coronalime Posts: 583 Member
    Today was my last Diet Mt Dew..Rest in Peace soda. I will always love you.
    I am actually up 2 pounds :( 160 is my number I have not been able to surpass in years. I get close to it and then I bounce back up.
  • angelwife27
    I'm going t be starting South Beach with a friend next week. I lost 40 lbs in 3 months on it a few years ago. My big problem is CARBS and my husband. I love carbs and he thinks they ARE diet food. I'd love to join the group. :smile:
  • marybethbeech
    I'm going t be starting South Beach with a friend next week. I lost 40 lbs in 3 months on it a few years ago. My big problem is CARBS and my husband. I love carbs and he thinks they ARE diet food. I'd love to join the group. :smile:

    Best of luck! I've been doing South Beach since Monday, and my best friend is starting next Monday as well (she wanted to wait until after her big birthday dinner). I'm sure you'll do great!

    My man isn't doing South Beach either... We usually have a South Beach dinner together, but he'll make himself some bread. Every morning he has cinnamon toast. It smells SOOOOOO good... I understand how hard it is to stick to the diet with someone flaunting all their carbs in your face lol. If you ever need any support with that, I'm in the same boat.
  • angelwife27
    I'm going t be starting South Beach with a friend next week. I lost 40 lbs in 3 months on it a few years ago. My big problem is CARBS and my husband. I love carbs and he thinks they ARE diet food. I'd love to join the group. :smile:

    Best of luck! I've been doing South Beach since Monday, and my best friend is starting next Monday as well (she wanted to wait until after her big birthday dinner). I'm sure you'll do great!

    My man isn't doing South Beach either... We usually have a South Beach dinner together, but he'll make himself some bread. Every morning he has cinnamon toast. It smells SOOOOOO good... I understand how hard it is to stick to the diet with someone flaunting all their carbs in your face lol. If you ever need any support with that, I'm in the same boat.

    Thanks! I appreciated the support. He was a total pain in the butt last time. Always complaining about what I made for dinner since I tried not to make carbs. We'll see how it goes this time around.
  • marybethbeech
    I don't think I'll meet ANY of the mini-challenges today. For the first time in a long time, I haven't gotten all my water in. This is my second day caffeine free and I've been struggling with my energy level, especially during the afternoon.

    How did everyone else do?
  • CCH410
    CCH410 Posts: 47 Member
    Weighed in this morning and I'm down 1 pound... I don't know why I feel disappointed... I have only been at it for 4 full days and this will be day 5. I guess I was hoping for better results. Oh well.

    Its ok you will drop more this weekend, just stay strong!

    Thanks for the encouragement! :)
  • Teleri
    Teleri Posts: 32
    I don't think I'll meet ANY of the mini-challenges today. For the first time in a long time, I haven't gotten all my water in. This is my second day caffeine free and I've been struggling with my energy level, especially during the afternoon.

    How did everyone else do?

    I forgot to make the mini-goal whoops. I drank a lot of water and i did 10 minutes of exercise, I would have loved to do longer but my daughter was bawling
  • byHisgrace
    Hi M, welcome!!!!

    Angelwife is one of my bff''s, and we work together so we should be able to keep each other on track, esp. since we were usually making runs to the vending machines together. We also freezer cook together, and can hopefully fo that soon to stay on track.

    Hope everyone is having a nice weekend. I have a headache, I think from the weather. So, I broke down and bought a diet coke after mortin failed me. Still, It's 4:30 and I just cracked my first one of the day, so that's some progress, as M can attest to, lol. If I haven't had one by 10:00 AM most days, I am not the most pleasant person, lol.

    My water intake is still going strong and I hope to start working out tonight. We're working on a new visual schedule with our 2 year old and getting prepped to go to Cleveland with her next week, so once again, life is getting in the way. It will happen though, things are getting better every day :)
  • marybethbeech
    One of my friends finalized her divorce on Tuesday, so we had her a little party last night. At the last minute we had to change plans and have the party at my house. Pizza, beer, ice cream cake... Needless to say, I ended up slipping. We're going to the Saint's game this afternoon... I think I'm just going to take the rest of the weekend off and start over on Monday morning.

    I hate slipping up, and I really hate having to start over. I like to think that I have more will power than that, but I guess I don't. Have any of you guys had to start over yet?
  • byHisgrace
    . Have any of you guys had to start over yet?

    Mmmmhmmmm...a couple of times. Honestly, my slip ups have not had as much of an effect on my overall weightloss as I expected.

    Since January 9th, I am on try number 3 to go 14 days straight without slipping. I've still lost 8 lb as of last Friday. Keep your chin up. We all have life to "do" and it does sometimes get in the way :)
  • coronalime
    coronalime Posts: 583 Member
    I made it through the 1st 2 weeks no problem. HOWEVER I do have celiac so alot of the breads and deserts I dont crave as much. I do love my fruit and nuts and I eat alot of salads but not alot of variety of veggies.
    Phase 2 is my problem. We LOVE wine and I mean we LOVE wine. Its killing my calories. I would be over if it wasnt for the working out. My meals are 250 calories or so each and snacks is 500-800 OUCH..
    Day 2 of no soda and I am not drinking wine except on weekends (decided that as I type)

    I think if you keep "meesing up" maybe you need to try another "diet". Maybe a Weight Watchers or something else would be better. It has to fit in your life or you'll just rebound later. May need something with a little more flexibility. Or I wouldnt necessarily start over depending on where your at in the 1st phase. So you cheated 1 day. brush it off and work out the next and stay with it. If your cheating ALL the time..well I cant help on that one
  • CCH410
    CCH410 Posts: 47 Member
    Have any of you guys had to start over yet?
    I made a really strong effort this week and lost 2.3 pounds. I even made dinner for my fiance last night (shrimp, salad, and broccoli) By 9 we were both so hungry that I gave in and had a cheeseburger at mcdonalds... it was so good though! :) And I honestly didn't care last night because I was feeling like the work and deprivation only got me 2 pounds this week... my mom lost 2 pounds and she has just been closely watching her calories and hasn't cut things like I have. I am proud to say that I made it seven whole days without a slip up though. Today I have mostly kept up with it except for the slice of frozen pizza I had for dinner and the blueberries I just ate with my greek yogurt.

    I have to say, the hardest part about this has been the no fruit deal for me... I have seriously considered just adding a little fruit back into my diet so I don't feel so deprived. I think feeling that way makes me more likely to cheat.