Black Team Week 2 Challenge Thread!!!-



  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    thought I would share my newest cake.
    I sure hope my mom likes it. and I hope you all can tell what it is!! hahaha

    okay-- I'll fess up-- I have no clue.
  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member
    thought I would share my newest cake.
    I sure hope my mom likes it. and I hope you all can tell what it is!! hahaha

    A peace sign? Freakin awesome!
  • Girlmom282109
    Girlmom282109 Posts: 2,643 Member
    thought I would share my newest cake.
    I sure hope my mom likes it. and I hope you all can tell what it is!! hahaha

    A peace sign? Freakin awesome!

    It is a peace sign. You all know my mom is a total hippy so I thought I would do a peace sign for her and since tie dye is her favorite color I thought I would try that!!!!
  • Tri_Dad
    Tri_Dad Posts: 1,465
    Sam- The cake is awesome. Love it.

    Marla- I was sitting here before going to the gym and I was rooting for the J E T S Jets Jets Jets. And considering I am a die hard Pats fan, the fact that I was rooting for them is proof of how much I have grown to love ya. lol and Sam, so help me god if you make a pats fan comment I will drive down their and destroy you.

    Michelle- Welcome to the black team, I am lucky enough to run this dog and pony show for 2010 so feel free to reach out to me with any questions. Marla pretty much explained it in a nut shell. Weekly weigh in reported to me by wednesday afternoon so I can post results and try to stick to the weekly challenge. Aside from that just come here for support (and a kick in the rear when you need it.)

    Bobbi-Great Job on the bike, but desperate housewives...BOOOOO. lol

    Shuntae-Glad your feeling better my friend.

    Had a good run and did a full circuit of strength training. By golly I think I am starting to get something that resembles pecks. Fun stuff. lol

    To the rest of my wonderful team, Have a great night. I need to get to bed because I am dead set on getting to the pool before work in the morning.

    Night all!

  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Thanks, Batman-- Jets in the AFC championship game-- whoda thunk?
  • zippy111
    zippy111 Posts: 2,241 Member
    Congrats Marla!!! Wow Great game! I was worried for a while.

    Jeannie - Yeah, I wasn't proud of myself.....but I'm back on track!

    Michelle - welcome. This group is a hoot!

    Good night team.....Good Morning Tanya!
  • Tri_Dad
    Tri_Dad Posts: 1,465
    Thanks, Batman-- Jets in the AFC championship game-- whoda thunk?

    No problem my dear. It's the least I could do, afterall Peyton and the colts are gonna make your rookie QB and his bunch look like a pop warner team next week so I thought I would cheer for them before the hammer falls. lol

    :devil: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :wink:
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Congrats Marla!!! Wow Great game! I was worried for a while.

    Jeannie - Yeah, I wasn't proud of myself.....but I'm back on track!

    Michelle - welcome. This group is a hoot!

    Good night team.....Good Morning Tanya!

    Nahhhhhh-- I wasn't worried for a second-- NailBiter.gif uh, well, okay, maybe a little bit--

    'Morning Tanya!
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Thanks, Batman-- Jets in the AFC championship game-- whoda thunk?

    No problem my dear. It's the least I could do, afterall Peyton and the colts are gonna make your rookie QB and his bunch look like a pop warner team next week so I thought I would cheer for them before the hammer falls. lol

    :devil: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :wink:

    I think so, too (fudgesicles-- this was supposed to be a smiley with a "shhhh" on it-- oh well )

    Don't tell my kids I said that.
  • Girlmom282109
    Girlmom282109 Posts: 2,643 Member
    lol and Sam, so help me god if you make a pats fan comment I will drive down their and destroy you.

    No pats fan comments from me I have come to love ya. I'm just so excited that it won't be the pats or the cowboys. But oh how I love that a new england team lost in 2 different sports.
  • Girlmom282109
    Girlmom282109 Posts: 2,643 Member
    No problem my dear. It's the least I could do, afterall Peyton and the colts are gonna make your rookie QB and his bunch look like a pop warner team next week so I thought I would cheer for them before the hammer falls. lol
    :devil: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :wink:
    I think so, too Don't tell my kids I said that.

    I asked hubs who should I root for out of the two cause I root for both of them and he told me NY cause we like the Giants and they share a stadium and all "he told me they are like brothers" I have to root for NY. Hmm?!?!?! but I think I might root for the Colts!!! :devil: :devil: :devil:
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    No problem my dear. It's the least I could do, afterall Peyton and the colts are gonna make your rookie QB and his bunch look like a pop warner team next week so I thought I would cheer for them before the hammer falls. lol
    :devil: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :wink:
    I think so, too Don't tell my kids I said that.

    I asked hubs who should I root for out of the two cause I root for both of them and he told me NY cause we like the Giants and they share a stadium and all "he told me they are like brothers" I have to root for NY. Hmm?!?!?! but I think I might root for the Colts!!! :devil: :devil: :devil:

  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    the quotes are all screwy tonight-- sheesh.
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    I don't watch sports on tv so I have no idea what you are all taking about. I am sorry! :laugh:

    Finally went to the doctor today for my foot, been trying to stay off of it all week and as a result my eating has sucked. I will have another week of gaining but at least I recognize these lovely cycles. Anyway, because I have no insurance, the doc and I decided not to x-ray it and wait it out. She only charged me a nurse call, which was very cool of her. I appreciated it. So heat and then ice and take it easy. SIGH! I want to go running. I finally get into something and can't do it. The funny thing is I have no idea what I did to it to hurt it in the first place.

    Sam, I :heart: d your cake.
  • mumsanutter
    mumsanutter Posts: 3,068 Member
    Morning (or should I say night??) all, well blew my calories yesterday, I would of been fine if I hadn't of drank any wine but had a good time and 2 of my little men are a year older.

    Got up with a headache - self induced so no sympathy wanted, and had to fight to get the boys up and now have 2 off ill! So plans for today have had to be rearranged and I am now homebased. Managed to walk to school, and 'extra' little miss has just dozed off so I am going to do 10 mins on the rowing machine while ds4 watches his programs. Will go on the bike later and might try to do a little longer as I can't do the school run walking this afternoon with a sick child :huh:

    Have a very happy hubby that woke me up last night to tell me that the Jets had won. He was so excited and has changed his facebook picture to a jets one - much like Marlas on here.

    Well done everyone on the exercising, and the cake looks great and very yummy. Will check in later
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    thought I would share my newest cake.
    I sure hope my mom likes it. and I hope you all can tell what it is!! hahaha

    You have GOT to be the coolest daughter EVer!!

  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Any suggestions to help me get back on track would help. and I was thinking that maybe if we had one person that we had to answer to each day maybe we could better stay on track. I know that It would help me. I guess I just need someone to say hey what are you doing and whats going on when I don't show up for a day or something or if they see that I am eating things that AI should not. Thanks group

    Hey Jess..........yes in the beginning it is easy to get lost in the shuffle! I will send you a respond and it will start a chain-ok?

    PMS weight is a much discussed topic on MFP. It can be discouraging to lose 5 pounds in a month only to see that freakin number on the scale for a week............but not to worry...........keep up the calorie deficit and drink your water and when that bloat goes, so will another pound!!

    And if you go into the pre-pms eating stuff like sugar and salt, it will make matters much worse on the scale........but again only temporary.

    Hope this answers your questions and hope you have a great day!!

    :heart: jeannie
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    Happy Monday black team...I have to type about 10 hours today since I didn't work on Saturday, but that was my only day off this week and I took it! Today is C25K day, too sore to do the Shred again. Believe it or not, my right arm is terribly sore from Wii bowling! Sad, huh? Hope you all have a great day. Will check in tomorrow.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Happy Monday black team...I have to type about 10 hours today since I didn't work on Saturday, but that was my only day off this week and I took it! Today is C25K day, too sore to do the Shred again. Believe it or not, my right arm is terribly sore from Wii bowling! Sad, huh? Hope you all have a great day. Will check in tomorrow.

    Gday Tammy! Have fun with all that typing....blech.......LOL on the sore arm! Serously, you need some push ups woman!! :laugh:
  • ksproston
    ksproston Posts: 6,938 Member
    Happy Monday! It was a wonderful, but busy weekend. Didn't log a single thing. Blew the challenge for those two days, but I'm back at it this morning.

    Stupid cowboys. Got their *kitten* handed to them. :grumble: Maybe next year.....We're also Packer and Favre fans in our house. It was hard to root against him yesterday but man was I wishing he would have had an off game. No so luck. He was rockin' as usual. There are some great teams still in and the big game is shaping up to be great, no matter who plays.

    Took me an hour to get caught up. Haven't been on since Friday afternoon. Need to switch laundry and get back to picking the house up.

    Have a good morning!