Black Team Week 2 Challenge Thread!!!-



  • Nonibug
    Nonibug Posts: 1,214 Member
    Good morning all!

    Sorry I dont have time this morning to reply to everything I would like to. The kids have no school today, so I slept a little later than I normally do. Plus, they were having a sleepover last night. Three rowdy teenagers up til around 1am playing XBox:grumble: Needless to say, Mom didnt get much sleep.

    Jeannie and Lori...yesterday at the gym I did more on the assisted pull up machine. I got off of it a couple times to adjust the weight, and what I finally left it at and did 30 reps on is 145 lbs. So, that means that I was actually pulling up about 55 lbs of my body weight, right? I just know that I sure feel it in my arms:laugh:

    Sam--I took your advice (and Jeannies) and did the treadmill yesterday with NO HANDS!! YAY ME:drinker: I was only able to do a 3.5 speed, which I didnt feel comfortable taking up any higher because that did a really good job at keeping my heart rate up all by itself! WOW WOW WOW is what I have to say about that! I couldnt believe there was such a difference in calorie burn and the way my heart rate stayed up. Thanks for getting me to face a fear and let go!:flowerforyou:

    Well, Im going to have to try and catch up more later. I will never get to the gym if I sit here all morning:blushing: Have a great Monday everyone!
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    I wishing he would have had an off game. No so luck.

    He had all his off-games last year with us-- sheesh.
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,760 Member
    Morning gang! Better mood this AM. Went to the gym, just did cardio. Sweated a lot. Came home, took the dog out for a little walk. Got in a good calorie burn. I'm not really looking forward to our weigh in. I've been good, eating well, working out, but I had such a good number last week (that I haven't seen since) so I am just hoping I can get there again. Fingers are crossed but considering I was up 2 pounds this AM, I'm not feeling totally hopeful, yet stranger things have happened. Ah, the never ending scale battle.

    Need to scoot and get things done, have to take one to Pensacola to a Dr appointment in a bit so that will eat up the entire afternoon.

    Have a good day all!
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Disgruntled this day..... hypocrisy by those in power, who will not be accountable to anyone, who criticize others, hold themselves above all others and are positively clueless and consistently need to be bailed out because they have been irresponsible....and then refuse to admit it..... so sick of bull****.


    Otherwise, a terrific day....:noway:
  • retrobaby
    retrobaby Posts: 613 Member
    I'm looking for a challenge as I'm new to this it too late to join your challenge and what are your requirements?

    Thank you,

    Welcome to the team Michelle. I am a newbie also and just love being a part of a group that cares.:smooched:

  • retrobaby
    retrobaby Posts: 613 Member
    Happy Monday black team...I have to type about 10 hours today since I didn't work on Saturday, but that was my only day off this week and I took it! Today is C25K day, too sore to do the Shred again. Believe it or not, my right arm is terribly sore from Wii bowling! Sad, huh? Hope you all have a great day. Will check in tomorrow.

    That's arm hurt from playing Wii tennis with my 6 year old nephew.

  • retrobaby
    retrobaby Posts: 613 Member
    Disgruntled this day..... hypocrisy by those in power, who will not be accountable to anyone, who criticize others, hold themselves above all others and are positively clueless and consistently need to be bailed out because they have been irresponsible....and then refuse to admit it..... so sick of bull****.


    Otherwise, a terrific day....:noway: your honesty!:laugh:
  • Girlmom282109
    Girlmom282109 Posts: 2,643 Member
    Sam--I took your advice (and Jeannies) and did the treadmill yesterday with NO HANDS!! YAY ME:drinker: I was only able to do a 3.5 speed, which I didnt feel comfortable taking up any higher because that did a really good job at keeping my heart rate up all by itself! WOW WOW WOW is what I have to say about that! I couldnt believe there was such a difference in calorie burn and the way my heart rate stayed up. Thanks for getting me to face a fear and let go!:flowerforyou:

    I knew you could do it!! The more you pump your arms the higher your HR too. once you have found yourself comfy at 3.5 try 3.6. keep going one higher until you have yourself at a nice jogging pace. I think I found my nice pace at 5.2 I can jog for miles at that speed.

    Gotta go get my toes painted by my 3 year old! Have a great day!!
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member

    Roni this is what's all about to me!
    Someone helped ME let go on the treadmill, Me and Sam helped you!!

    That is so wonderful! What Sam said is great. Do what you can and then increase. I think part of the issue sometimes is we try to do too much too soon and either give up or have no place to go!

    My friend started out trying to run 3 miles, got so discouraged she quit completely.

    As for me I WILL go and do my C25k AND my pull ups because you did!!

  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    I don't watch sports on tv so I have no idea what you are all taking about. I am sorry! :laugh:

    me either........when the boys start talking sports.......I saw :smokin: HE'S HOT! and they walk away:laugh:
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Happy Monday black team...I have to type about 10 hours today since I didn't work on Saturday, but that was my only day off this week and I took it! Today is C25K day, too sore to do the Shred again. Believe it or not, my right arm is terribly sore from Wii bowling! Sad, huh? Hope you all have a great day. Will check in tomorrow.

    That's arm hurt from playing Wii tennis with my 6 year old nephew.


    Hi Jan!!
  • Girlmom282109
    Girlmom282109 Posts: 2,643 Member
    I don't watch sports on tv so I have no idea what you are all taking about. I am sorry! :laugh:

    me either........when the boys start talking sports.......I saw :smokin: HE'S HOT! and they walk away:laugh:

    Jeannie that is one of the reasons I watch sports!!!
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    I don't watch sports on tv so I have no idea what you are all taking about. I am sorry! :laugh:

    me either........when the boys start talking sports.......I saw :smokin: HE'S HOT! and they walk away:laugh:

    Jeannie that is one of the reasons I watch sports!!!

  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    I don't watch sports on tv so I have no idea what you are all taking about. I am sorry! :laugh:

    me either........when the boys start talking sports.......I saw :smokin: HE'S HOT! and they walk away:laugh:

    Jeannie that is one of the reasons I watch sports!!!

    Me too-- new quarterback Mark Sanchez is a total cutie. Hubs gets so annoyed about "what you're teaching your daughters." Yeah, yeah-- blahblah1.gif Like, whatever--

    The day I stop noticing a good lookin' hunka man is the day I'm dead--
  • Girlmom282109
    Girlmom282109 Posts: 2,643 Member
    I don't watch sports on tv so I have no idea what you are all taking about. I am sorry! :laugh:

    me either........when the boys start talking sports.......I saw :smokin: HE'S HOT! and they walk away:laugh:

    Jeannie that is one of the reasons I watch sports!!!

    Me too-- new quarterback Mark Sanchez is a total cutie. Hubs gets so annoyed about "what you're teaching your daughters." Yeah, yeah-- blahblah1.gif Like, whatever--

    The day I stop noticing a good lookin' hunka man is the day I'm dead--

    That's right Marla!!! We are human after all!! :bigsmile:
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    I don't watch sports on tv so I have no idea what you are all taking about. I am sorry! :laugh:

    me either........when the boys start talking sports.......I saw :smokin: HE'S HOT! and they walk away:laugh:

    Jeannie that is one of the reasons I watch sports!!!

    Me too-- new quarterback Mark Sanchez is a total cutie. Hubs gets so annoyed about "what you're teaching your daughters." Yeah, yeah-- blahblah1.gif Like, whatever--

    The day I stop noticing a good lookin' hunka man is the day I'm dead--

    That's right Marla!!! We are human after all!! :bigsmile:

    Seriously-- as the guy checks out every pair of hooters within 100 miles-- I can't take hypocrisy ANY MORRRRRE!!!!!!!!!
  • mumsanutter
    mumsanutter Posts: 3,068 Member
    Hello all,

    Looking at the last few posts, I think I'll have to stay up and watch the nfl games with hubby, especially if there are some cuties to watch :drinker:

    Had a better day than yesterday, had a good work out on the bike and rowing machine and did all the school runs walking - makes me feel really good.

    Those with arm aches from the wii, I sympatise as I have managed to put my shoulder out bowling and sprain my ankle running while using the wii, so I leave it to the boys now :laugh:

    I am going to say night all (19.50 here), as have to take ds4 up to bed and can see it taking a longtime to get him to give in :sad:
  • zippy111
    zippy111 Posts: 2,241 Member
    Good Afternoon Black Team- I swear every time I check on MFP, my family comes creeping over to see why I'm laughing..:laugh: :laugh:

    NOTE TO SELF: NEVER PURCHASE THE HOSTESS 100 CALORIE TWINKIE BITES! You cannot eat one packet of 3 and put them away. I had to log the whole box!@!@:embarassed: :frown: :mad: :sad:

    I just love being in 7th grade again. Spent all day with ds on his OUR social studies project:huh:
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    Donna... I know what you mean. My son has a science project coming up in the next couple of weeks and I end up doing most of the work:grumble:
  • retrobaby
    retrobaby Posts: 613 Member
    Happy Monday black team...I have to type about 10 hours today since I didn't work on Saturday, but that was my only day off this week and I took it! Today is C25K day, too sore to do the Shred again. Believe it or not, my right arm is terribly sore from Wii bowling! Sad, huh? Hope you all have a great day. Will check in tomorrow.

    That's arm hurt from playing Wii tennis with my 6 year old nephew.


    Hi Jan!!

    Hey Jeannie!!! How r you?
