Black Team Week 2 Challenge Thread!!!-



  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Ha...."mojo" that word.

    Just had to take Faith to the high school....she got a part in the upcoming musical "Guys and Dolls." Just a small part....wouldn't it have been a kick in the head if she'd been cast as "Sarah Brown." (newbs, my eldest daughter is Sarah Brown)

    After I dropped her off, all by myself, I went to get some gas in the van, get a cup of coffee and head to the grocery store.

    I had two calls, "Mom, where did you go?" Muahahahahaha.:devil:

    Later....I'm expecting hell on the scale tomorrow. I was 178 at bedtime yesterday....unfreaking-real.

    However, I'm going to try and get off the naprosyn, again....that's the one med specifically that says it costs water weight gain.

    So...we'll see....

    Later cats.
  • musicmom04
    musicmom04 Posts: 670 Member
    Ha...."mojo" that word.

    Just had to take Faith to the high school....she got a part in the upcoming musical "Guys and Dolls." Just a small part....wouldn't it have been a kick in the head if she'd been cast as "Sarah Brown." (newbs, my eldest daughter is Sarah Brown)

    After I dropped her off, all by myself, I went to get some gas in the van, get a cup of coffee and head to the grocery store.

    I had two calls, "Mom, where did you go?" Muahahahahaha.:devil:

    Later....I'm expecting hell on the scale tomorrow. I was 178 at bedtime yesterday....unfreaking-real.

    However, I'm going to try and get off the naprosyn, again....that's the one med specifically that says it costs water weight gain.

    So...we'll see....

    Later cats.

    that's great about faith getting the part. DH was in guys and dolls in high school and loved it! i wonder if i can dig up a video...
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Ha...."mojo" that word.

    Just had to take Faith to the high school....she got a part in the upcoming musical "Guys and Dolls." Just a small part....wouldn't it have been a kick in the head if she'd been cast as "Sarah Brown." (newbs, my eldest daughter is Sarah Brown)

    After I dropped her off, all by myself, I went to get some gas in the van, get a cup of coffee and head to the grocery store.

    I had two calls, "Mom, where did you go?" Muahahahahaha.:devil:

    Later....I'm expecting hell on the scale tomorrow. I was 178 at bedtime yesterday....unfreaking-real.

    However, I'm going to try and get off the naprosyn, again....that's the one med specifically that says it costs water weight gain.

    So...we'll see....

    Later cats.

    :huh: What in the world were you doing on the scale at bedtime?? If I have learned nothing at all in the past 18 months, it is to only weigh my self naked as a jay bird, after my morning ritual and at 7 am!! Oh and NEVER EVER after Chinese food.

  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Ha...."mojo" that word.

    Just had to take Faith to the high school....she got a part in the upcoming musical "Guys and Dolls." Just a small part....wouldn't it have been a kick in the head if she'd been cast as "Sarah Brown." (newbs, my eldest daughter is Sarah Brown)

    After I dropped her off, all by myself, I went to get some gas in the van, get a cup of coffee and head to the grocery store.

    I had two calls, "Mom, where did you go?" Muahahahahaha.:devil:

    Later....I'm expecting hell on the scale tomorrow. I was 178 at bedtime yesterday....unfreaking-real.

    However, I'm going to try and get off the naprosyn, again....that's the one med specifically that says it costs water weight gain.

    So...we'll see....

    Later cats.

    :huh: What in the world were you doing on the scale at bedtime?? If I have learned nothing at all in the past 18 months, it is to only weigh my self naked as a jay bird, after my morning ritual and at 7 am!! Oh and NEVER EVER after Chinese food.


    Glutton for punishment, I guess-- what can I say? The bloating was so incredible last night, I had to get on the scale to see how awful it was--
  • Nonibug
    Nonibug Posts: 1,214 Member
    Hey!! Welcome back Beth:flowerforyou: How is your Grandmother doing?
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,760 Member
    Ha...."mojo" that word.

    Just had to take Faith to the high school....she got a part in the upcoming musical "Guys and Dolls." Just a small part....wouldn't it have been a kick in the head if she'd been cast as "Sarah Brown." (newbs, my eldest daughter is Sarah Brown)

    After I dropped her off, all by myself, I went to get some gas in the van, get a cup of coffee and head to the grocery store.

    I had two calls, "Mom, where did you go?" Muahahahahaha.:devil:

    Later....I'm expecting hell on the scale tomorrow. I was 178 at bedtime yesterday....unfreaking-real.

    However, I'm going to try and get off the naprosyn, again....that's the one med specifically that says it costs water weight gain.

    So...we'll see....

    Later cats.

    :huh: What in the world were you doing on the scale at bedtime?? If I have learned nothing at all in the past 18 months, it is to only weigh my self naked as a jay bird, after my morning ritual and at 7 am!! Oh and NEVER EVER after Chinese food.


    I always get on the scale at bedtime. Then again as you describe in the AM, which is what I count. It's like a game. See how low I can get at night. I also like to see what the difference is between the two. Yes, I'm crazy. I haven't been on yet tonight, but I already am pretty sure what tomorrow is going to bring for me too. I guess we shall see.
  • iamladibeast
    iamladibeast Posts: 451 Member
    Just got back from the hospital. My 15yr old daughter was rushed to the er on sunday with seizer like symptoms. Drs. are not sure what caused them because there are no family history..all of her labs and blood came back fine, and doing an eeg on thursday..I am exausted...please say a pray for you black team you rock....
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Just got back from the hospital. My 15yr old daughter was rushed to the er on sunday with seizer like symptoms. Drs. are not sure what caused them because there are no family history..all of her labs and blood came back fine, and doing an eeg on thursday..I am exausted...please say a pray for you black team you rock....

    Oh honey.......I pray she is ok. And you.....get some rest. I know I would have been up for the past 3 days.

    Thinking of you, Jeannie:heart:
  • musicmom04
    musicmom04 Posts: 670 Member
    Hey!! Welcome back Beth:flowerforyou: How is your Grandmother doing?

    thanks roni! she is doing ok, i went to visit her in the ICU on sunday night. she looked a little older and weaker than her usual energetic self, but she was still with it and as feisty as ever. i'm hopeful they'll move her to the post-surgical ward soon and i'll be able to call her. i'm just so grateful i got to see her and hold her hand and tell her i love her.