Black Team Week 2 Challenge Thread!!!-



  • Girlmom282109
    Girlmom282109 Posts: 2,643 Member
    I am fairly close to that weight now (less than 20 lbs) and although I add a little "boosted walking" (gentle jogging) to my outdoor walks, I've never run for more than 60 seconds at a time before I bring it back down to a walk. And I dont AT ALL on the treadmill. I watch others run/jog as Im doing my fast walk (4.2 mph is fast for me lol) and I WANT to try it but I have this image in my head of myself losing my balance and rolling aff the back of the treadmill in front of everyone:ohwell:

    I envy all the runners on here. I read their posts about their runs and I think "I REALLY want to do that!" Then I think about how much smaller they are than me and think I cant do it.

    I've been really challenging myself alot lately (maybe its something in the water?:laugh: ) And now you have inspired me to "think more" (:blushing: ) about trying to start to run. Oh, these fears of mine!!:grumble: By the way, where the heck is Marla with her SNAP OUT OF IT smiley thingy?? Oh yeah, I think its a Jets day?:wink:

    Anyway, thank you for sharing that Jan.:flowerforyou:

    Roni when I started out on the treadmill I started out walking at 3mph I think I started jogging at about 200 pounds but only at like 3.5. I really started slow. Now after about a year I can do 1 mile at 8 miles per hour. SO I'm still kind of slow but If you just keep at it you WILL be able to do this!!!
  • Nonibug
    Nonibug Posts: 1,214 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    Tanya--Hope you have a great time with all the kiddos at the parties today!

    Shuntae--Wow, what an awesome run girl!:drinker: You certainly earned a great dinner out:flowerforyou: By the way, I count all those point whatevers in my miles too. We did em, they count!:happy:

    Donna--How was your dinner out with the family? I love those. I wish my family didnt all live so far away so I could have some of those too. Im from Kentucky and thats where all my sisters and cousins and my parents and everyone lives. (Thats around 6 hrs away). I see them alot throughout the year, but not as much as I'd like to:frown: Treasure those times!:heart:

    Marla--I am so happy that you got to spend some time with the MIL. I know how much you love her and that it breaks your heart to not have her there with your family:brokenheart: I'm praying that the situation changes soon:flowerforyou:

    Tammy--Good for you on making it to them gym!!:drinker: :drinker:

    Oh, one more thing Marla....way to go on kicking butt on that old Taebo Abs video!!:drinker: Its a great feeling to try those "old" workouts and see how much easier they seem to get as we get stronger isnt it?:happy:

    Well guys, today is normally my rest day from the gym and "structured" exercise. But I missed this past Wednesday so Im making it up today. Not gonna go crazy though, just a light workout. Today is my legs day (YAY!!) so other than my pullups and my pushups it should be a good day at the gym:laugh: :wink:

    I mentioned back at the start of this weeks challenge that I dont have a scale for weighing my food. Well, Im looking into getting one. Is there anything I should know before deciding on which one to buy? I cant go to expensive, but I dont want it to be crappy either. Is the main thing that its digital? What do you guys use?

    Have a beautiful Sunday everyone!:flowerforyou:
  • Nonibug
    Nonibug Posts: 1,214 Member
    I am fairly close to that weight now (less than 20 lbs) and although I add a little "boosted walking" (gentle jogging) to my outdoor walks, I've never run for more than 60 seconds at a time before I bring it back down to a walk. And I dont AT ALL on the treadmill. I watch others run/jog as Im doing my fast walk (4.2 mph is fast for me lol) and I WANT to try it but I have this image in my head of myself losing my balance and rolling aff the back of the treadmill in front of everyone:ohwell:

    I envy all the runners on here. I read their posts about their runs and I think "I REALLY want to do that!" Then I think about how much smaller they are than me and think I cant do it.

    I've been really challenging myself alot lately (maybe its something in the water?:laugh: ) And now you have inspired me to "think more" (:blushing: ) about trying to start to run. Oh, these fears of mine!!:grumble: By the way, where the heck is Marla with her SNAP OUT OF IT smiley thingy?? Oh yeah, I think its a Jets day?:wink:

    Anyway, thank you for sharing that Jan.:flowerforyou:

    Roni when I started out on the treadmill I started out walking at 3mph I think I started jogging at about 200 pounds but only at like 3.5. I really started slow. Now after about a year I can do 1 mile at 8 miles per hour. SO I'm still kind of slow but If you just keep at it you WILL be able to do this!!!

    Thank you Sam. That really gives me encouragement!!:flowerforyou: Can I ask you...when you started jogging, did you just start jogging at your top walking speed? Im sure this is going to sound silly, but did you hold on to the side bars at first? I ask that because I am really scared to "let go". Even when Im walking at 4.2, I am holding on to the top part of the treadmill (up where the gym has the TV attached to it). I have a huge fear of letting go:frown:
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    Happy Sunday everyone...Going to do a quick Shred DVD and then off to church. Hope everyone has a good day. Weighed 173 this morning, which is down 16 pounds from when I first started last November. I lost a few pounds before I joined MFP so I didn't count them.

    Roni...Sorry, my scale is the old kind, not digital, but it works.
  • Girlmom282109
    Girlmom282109 Posts: 2,643 Member
    Thank you Sam. That really gives me encouragement!!:flowerforyou: Can I ask you...when you started jogging, did you just start jogging at your top walking speed? Im sure this is going to sound silly, but did you hold on to the side bars at first? I ask that because I am really scared to "let go". Even when Im walking at 4.2, I am holding on to the top part of the treadmill (up where the gym has the TV attached to it). I have a huge fear of letting go:frown:

    I never hold on. maybe you should slow down alittle bit and then let go. does your treadmill have an emergency cord on it. one tht will turn off the treadmill if you pull on it? if so, clip that to your shirt or your shorts and then LET GO!! swinging your arms gets your heart beating faster too.(more calories burned) hahahahaha!!!
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    lots going on here this morning-- be back to read--

    Thanking God this day for his divine intervention.

    Long story short-- very discouraged by the weight gain from the medicine....working my *kitten* off (yes, I said it) doing very well on calories and water intake-- and am up 2.5 today from Wednesday.

    Yes, I know medicines-- weight fluctuation-- but, reallllllllllllllllly feeling frustrated, pissy, crappy, grumpy-- in short, low.

    SOOOOOOO-- I was just at the grocery store cashing some WIC checks with my son. He asked me to buy a bag of day old doughnuts from the bakery. Not only did I put them in my cart, but was planning on enjoying one or two on the way home from the store. What the heck-- doing "right" is only adding pounds, may as well enjoy myself.

    Got up to the cash register and realized I left my debit card on the kitchen windowsill-- couldn't buy the donuts.

    Off to make bacon for the family-- not going to indulge. Sodium, fat-- blech. But, the sale last week was too great, so making the family a treat.

    Later, my team..
  • Nonibug
    Nonibug Posts: 1,214 Member
    Thank you Sam. That really gives me encouragement!!:flowerforyou: Can I ask you...when you started jogging, did you just start jogging at your top walking speed? Im sure this is going to sound silly, but did you hold on to the side bars at first? I ask that because I am really scared to "let go". Even when Im walking at 4.2, I am holding on to the top part of the treadmill (up where the gym has the TV attached to it). I have a huge fear of letting go:frown:

    I never hold on. maybe you should slow down alittle bit and then let go. does your treadmill have an emergency cord on it. one tht will turn off the treadmill if you pull on it? if so, clip that to your shirt or your shorts and then LET GO!! swinging your arms gets your heart beating faster too.(more calories burned) hahahahaha!!!

    Yep, it does have an emergency cord on it. Im going to try slowing the pace some this morning (wow, its almost afternoon already) and not holding on. I usually dont hold on during my warmup thats at a slower pace, but once I get warmed up and increase my speed...I hang on:ohwell: So are you saying that even though my speed will be slower, if I dont hold on to allow me to pump my arms while I walk I will burn just as much or better calories as I do in the faster speed while holding on?
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    I am fairly close to that weight now (less than 20 lbs) and although I add a little "boosted walking" (gentle jogging) to my outdoor walks, I've never run for more than 60 seconds at a time before I bring it back down to a walk. And I dont AT ALL on the treadmill. I watch others run/jog as Im doing my fast walk (4.2 mph is fast for me lol) and I WANT to try it but I have this image in my head of myself losing my balance and rolling aff the back of the treadmill in front of everyone:ohwell:

    I envy all the runners on here. I read their posts about their runs and I think "I REALLY want to do that!" Then I think about how much smaller they are than me and think I cant do it.

    I've been really challenging myself alot lately (maybe its something in the water?:laugh: ) And now you have inspired me to "think more" (:blushing: ) about trying to start to run. Oh, these fears of mine!!:grumble: By the way, where the heck is Marla with her SNAP OUT OF IT smiley thingy?? Oh yeah, I think its a Jets day?:wink:

    Anyway, thank you for sharing that Jan.:flowerforyou:

    Roni when I started out on the treadmill I started out walking at 3mph I think I started jogging at about 200 pounds but only at like 3.5. I really started slow. Now after about a year I can do 1 mile at 8 miles per hour. SO I'm still kind of slow but If you just keep at it you WILL be able to do this!!!

    Thank you Sam. That really gives me encouragement!!:flowerforyou: Can I ask you...when you started jogging, did you just start jogging at your top walking speed? Im sure this is going to sound silly, but did you hold on to the side bars at first? I ask that because I am really scared to "let go". Even when Im walking at 4.2, I am holding on to the top part of the treadmill (up where the gym has the TV attached to it). I have a huge fear of letting go:frown:

    Roni, I think that is confidence in your body. I did the same thing, then as Sam mentions I used the rip cord....still had my hands by the bars the whole time, at 3.8 (short legs)

    Once I worked my way up the that...I let go with the rip cord and found my body had better balance with my hands free to move naturally. If you see the Biggest Losers on their marathon runs....there hands are lose with elbows bent....I swear this helps me with speed. Arms down, slow.....hands holding...slow...........move arms....WHOOSH!!! (:laugh: oh whizzzz is more like it at 4.5)

    Point is I worked my way up to it!

    Good luck! I am so proud of you for trying new things! We ROCK dont we!!????
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Hey guys I just popped in for a minute to report to Lori:wink: I tried out the assisted pull up machine at the gym today. I set the resistance (is it still called resistance when it offsets your weight?) anyhoo...I set it to where I was actually only lifting about 60 lbs of my body weight. And I did 20 yes TWENTY!!:drinker: Ok, so it wasnt all my body weight, but its a start:wink:

    Oh yeah, and I didnt fall off of it but I did bump my head on one of the bar thingys at the top:ohwell: I dont think anyone saw it though, I looked around and didnt see anyone looking at me:blushing:

    Have a great night guys:flowerforyou:

    RONI DID IT! RONI DID IT! I'm so happy you tried and cranked out 20! Just think when you weigh 60 pounds, you'll be pull up queen. :noway: :laugh: Ok, maybe not. But you'll get stronger as you do it and eventually be lifting 70 pounds, then 80.....

    I'm so happy for you! I can't stop smiling! I love that the accomplishments of others are as satisfying as my own.

    Speaking of... I have to do a few more pull ups today. :huh: I was so busy I forgot until just a bit ago. Did 3 this morning, than 2 before I ironed, so 2 more to make my goal. I think I'll do 'em now and call it a day. I'm exhausted!


    Thanks Lori! Im pretty proud of me too:blushing: :blushing: I felt like I was walking the plank or something as I was walking up to that machine and it kept getting bigger and bigger in my mind the closer I got to it!!:laugh: But Im like that. Im sort of a creature of habit and anything new or different makes me nervous lol. Hopefully when I try it again today, I wont be so clumsy and nervous!! Plus, I will pay attention to exactly what I have the weight set on:blushing:

    Thank you Lori:flowerforyou:

    P.S. Did you get those last pullups in last night?:wink:

    The trainer told me to always remember it is the opposite of all other machines.

    On other machines you start light 10 pounds or whatever and work your way up
    On that one you start heavy and get lighter. So she had me put it on my weight the 1st time to show me how it nothing because it was counter acting all of my weight.

    So every week I went down 10 pounds and now I am at 80 I think. I do 3 sets of 15 so I am at a heavier weight and more reps.

    I LOVE that machine!! :blushing:
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    lots going on here this morning-- be back to read--

    Thanking God this day for his divine intervention.

    Long story short-- very discouraged by the weight gain from the medicine....working my *kitten* off (yes, I said it) doing very well on calories and water intake-- and am up 2.5 today from Wednesday.

    Yes, I know medicines-- weight fluctuation-- but, reallllllllllllllllly feeling frustrated, pissy, crappy, grumpy-- in short, low.

    SOOOOOOO-- I was just at the grocery store cashing some WIC checks with my son. He asked me to buy a bag of day old doughnuts from the bakery. Not only did I put them in my cart, but was planning on enjoying one or two on the way home from the store. What the heck-- doing "right" is only adding pounds, may as well enjoy myself.

    Got up to the cash register and realized I left my debit card on the kitchen windowsill-- couldn't buy the donuts.

    Off to make bacon for the family-- not going to indulge. Sodium, fat-- blech. But, the sale last week was too great, so making the family a treat.

    Later, my team..

    I had a friend once tell me that she had NEVER experienced a miracle in her life, and was jealous that I had. I explained it is all in how you view it, many small miracles happen all the time.

    We went into a jewelry store, where she was NOT supposed to be, and she didnt have her credit card. MIRACLE> ! boom!
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Ok, so besides that wonderful Philly Cheesesteak I had last night, I have the food thing under control. I am going down to 1200 tomorrow to force me to work out. I love how I feel when I work out, but have been overly attached to this little box in my lap to go and do it!

    I figure if I only have 1200 like I did when I first started long, long ago................I will " Work for food"

    I promise to work out M-W-Fr and either Sat or Sun this one week. Will not look anyfurther..........

    The water is up, the food is down, now I need my C25k on!!

    Have a great day Team!
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Indeed, Jeannie-- (pardon the following Christianity-- ahem) since I believe in a sovereign God, I believe that there is no coincidence-- all is by His hand. I wanted to do something today that wasn't right for me, and couldn't-- I'll give him the glory for it.

    Just finished frying 4 pounds of bacon. I have some happy kids right about now. Shoulda taken pictures-- the sight of Caleb and Joshie, mouths full, hand greasy, beaming from ear to ear......bliss, my friends.

    Jets game today-- J-E-T-S, Jets, Jets, Jets!!!
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Ok, so besides that wonderful Philly Cheesesteak I had last night, I have the food thing under control. I am going down to 1200 tomorrow to force me to work out. I love how I feel when I work out, but have been overly attached to this little box in my lap to go and do it!

    I figure if I only have 1200 like I did when I first started long, long ago................I will " Work for food"

    I promise to work out M-W-Fr and either Sat or Sun this one week. Will not look anyfurther..........

    The water is up, the food is down, now I need my C25k on!!

    Have a great day Team!

    I'm gonna join you, Jeannie-- rather thought about it on Wednesday after weigh-in-- and popped back to one pound per week by Friday morning, which gives me 1500 calories.

    Not very hopeful that much is gonna make a difference right now. I need to get in touch with the doctor and see if there is any other course of treatment with less bloating and gain. STILL-- need to try.

  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Ok, so besides that wonderful Philly Cheesesteak I had last night, I have the food thing under control. I am going down to 1200 tomorrow to force me to work out. I love how I feel when I work out, but have been overly attached to this little box in my lap to go and do it!

    I figure if I only have 1200 like I did when I first started long, long ago................I will " Work for food"

    I promise to work out M-W-Fr and either Sat or Sun this one week. Will not look anyfurther..........

    The water is up, the food is down, now I need my C25k on!!

    Have a great day Team!

    I'm gonna join you, Jeannie-- rather thought about it on Wednesday after weigh-in-- and popped back to one pound per week by Friday morning, which gives me 1500 calories.

    Not very hopeful that much is gonna make a difference right now. I need to get in touch with the doctor and see if there is any other course of treatment with less bloating and gain. STILL-- need to try.


    I think some of the meds I am on has the effect of holding me in place. Sux, but thank goodness for modern medicine or we would be tied up screaming in the barn, ya know:wink:
  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member
    Afternoon Team!

    Had a fairly productive morning today -couple loads of laundry, some straightening up, and BF and his dad installed our new light fixture in the kitchen. It's rainy out and TOM decided to pay me a visit (:grumble: but not really, if you know what I mean), but for whatever reason I'm not feeling super lazy. On my way out to hit the gym for some light cardio and weights ...and thanks to Roni and Lori, I am going to use the pull up machine. Trying something new never hurt anyone, right? I'll let you know how it goes. Best part -I still get to watch football, because they put it on one of the TVs there. Double awesome!
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Dh is happy. cuz of youall I got my booty up and cleaned the bathroom, kitchen and took out the garbage. Move Jeannie, MOOOOVE!:laugh:
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Happy lunchtime from across the pond..... been tidying up and getting things sorted and while the boys had lunch I went on the bike and turned up the resistance. Still burnt 500 calories in 30mins but my thigh muscles are feeling it and I am so hot an sweaty. Going to go and grab a shower before the guests arrive and hopefully I can have this one alone!

    Marla (or any other Jets fans), what time is the game on today?

    Hi Tanya!!
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    4:30 game EST Tanya.
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,760 Member
    Hey guys, got my groceries, got them put away, made homemade vege soup and some banana bread. Now I have to do laundry and try out my steam mop that I felt the need to purchase.

    My vege soup was good, so much better for me than store bought stuff, just wish it came with a I used london broil for the meat, so fairly low fat beef, a bag of mixed veges, a can of crushed tomatoes and a can of tomato sauce, oh and about half a head of cabbage. That can't be so bad, right? I could roughly figure out the calories of the whole crockpot, but even then it would be hard to know how many servings are in there.

    Um, Sam, you said you are running slow at 8 MPH? Yeah, whatever. I am a snail at my comfy pace of 5.3ish then. I can run a 6 MPH mile, but I would rather not. :bigsmile: I am happy going slower. I have had the treadmil to 7.5 MPH I think and it's fast. I'm afraid to crank it anymore. Too scary. I can't hold that pace for very long, that's like a sprint.

    I don't walk very fast, usually I set it on 4 MPH, sometimes only 3.8. My legs are not that long and it's hard to move that fast. I do set the incline to about 4% and I do not hold on. My HR gets up there. You actually don't have to work as hard if you are holding on, so leave go, swing those arms and move!
  • mumsanutter
    mumsanutter Posts: 3,068 Member
    Marla, thank you mate thats 9.30pm, and as I am responding to you Rob is programming SKy so that he can watch it later.

    Will say good night all, busy day with party for boys and now need to tidy up..... see you tomorrow all, t xx