

  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    congrats on your weightloss this week...WTG

    For all of you that lost wTg and for those who didn't (including myself ) we are sticking to this and it will come off..

    Funny thing i got up weighed, it was 284.8, then i got on later it was 283.9..i would of loved to see that 1st thing but i am going to stick with my orginal...the scale has been bouncing around there lately...i can't wait to get under 280....

    My husband laughs at me...i still wear my size 26 pants...they really are too big, but they are very comfy...but when i walk up/down the staris in our house they fall down...lots of time they are on the ground when i come downstairs unless i am holding them up...haha...
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member

    lildebbie: .2 is a loss, I'm happy for you girl. Did you learn anything at your Dr. appt. or are you waiting for test results?

    I just had my yearly exam..oh fun, so just routine bloodwork. They won't let me know anything unless it is off. I am curious thought last time i had blood work my chol was high..i am hoping it is back down since i am eating lots better now...Funny though i look at my results that i had (oct 08) my weight was 297, october 2009 310 , now 285...so only like 12 lb less , but i still think the eating good meals and not fast food all the time should help with that.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Good morning!

    motherofabishai: Welcome. I love your explanation because someday I want a daughter named Kyla. I love that someone else thinks the way I do!

    lildebbie: Regarding your HRM strap, make sure it's snug but not too tight. If it's not snug enough, it will stop reading your heart rate when doing floor work such as push-ups and ab work. Oh, and your story about your pants made me think of "Pants on the Ground" from American Idol. Thanks for the giggle.

    jlb: I saw that you want to lose 8 lbs. before Valentine's Day. I'm with you on that one!

    I've had no change in weight, so I'm at 0% for this weigh-in.

    Stats for yesterday 1/22/2010:
    Calories: 327 left over
    Water: 40 oz.
    Exercise: Cleaning the house for an hour.
    Proud: That I really wanted to snack on junk food yesterday but didn't!
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Good morning!

    motherofabishai: Welcome. I love your explanation because someday I want a daughter named Kyla. I love that someone else thinks the way I do!

    lildebbie: Regarding your HRM strap, make sure it's snug but not too tight. If it's not snug enough, it will stop reading your heart rate when doing floor work such as push-ups and ab work. Oh, and your story about your pants made me think of "Pants on the Ground" from American Idol. Thanks for the giggle.

    jlb: I saw that you want to lose 8 lbs. before Valentine's Day. I'm with you on that one!

    I've had no change in weight, so I'm at 0% for this weigh-in.

    Stats for yesterday 1/22/2010:
    Calories: 327 left over
    Water: 40 oz.
    Exercise: Cleaning the house for an hour.
    Proud: That I really wanted to snack on junk food yesterday but didn't!

    I always wanted to have a daughter named Miranda, I heard that name and fell in love with it when I was 19 yo. My best friend and I were fighting over this name. So we agreed who ever got the first girl could take that name. Well when I was 22 I got pregnant and I told the babies father if it was a girl I wanted to name her Miranda, he said No!!!! I could not bear the thought of not having a Miranda. On my 23 birthday I gave birth to a 4 week premature baby girl who was gorgeous. Her father and I named her Miranda Kae. He listened and did what I asked and we are still together today:love: . I let him name the second girl and he did a good job. Haley Marie. :love:

    Because I claimed that my baby was so gorgeous I put her pic as my profile....:heart::heart: :heart:
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Good morning!

    lildebbie: Regarding your HRM strap, make sure it's snug but not too tight. If it's not snug enough, it will stop reading your heart rate when doing floor work such as push-ups and ab work. Oh, and your story about your pants made me think of "Pants on the Ground" from American Idol. Thanks for the giggle.

    Thanks ...i used it today and it was a bit looser but did feel sometims like it would fall off...it was still reading my hr...maybe someone in the middle.

    I am glad I made you giggle :)

    My vday goal is 279..depending on the minute anywhere from 4- 6 lbs..

    My scale is annoying me (but in a good way)..i admit i am a scaleaholic...but anyway...this morning got up 284.8..okay..i am fine with that 1 hr later i was 293.9 (did go to the bathroom again and such), so i am like okay...I had lunch and a snack and i am down to 282.4...not that i don't like my #'s going down but hello...it would of made more sense for me to higher after lunch...oh well...

    I am getting ready to go get my baby and take her to the speech therapy evaluation. I hope it goes well.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    I am very saddened...a 9 yr bold in my city hung himself in the nurses bathroom at school. It is soo very sad, i can't even imagine what his parents are going through....

    It wasn't at my daughter's school but at another one in town...it just make me soo sad, why a 9 yr old would think of this. 9yr old boys are supposed be riding skateboards, playing video games and do what 9 yr olds do...not this.

    Please keep this family in your prayers, i know they will be in mine.
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    I am very saddened...a 9 yr bold in my city hung himself in the nurses bathroom at school. It is soo very sad, i can't even imagine what his parents are going through....

    It wasn't at my daughter's school but at another one in town...it just make me soo sad, why a 9 yr old would think of this. 9yr old boys are supposed be riding skateboards, playing video games and do what 9 yr olds do...not this.

    Please keep this family in your prayers, i know they will be in mine.

    That is soo horrible, my heart breaks for that family. How sad. I will keep them in my prayers.
  • llowry
    llowry Posts: 144 Member
    I checked in this morning and when I hit pos reply I got an error! So, I'll try again.

    Check in for 01/21/2010
    calories- under (finally)
    water - slightly under
    excercise - 45min on the wii
    proud - that I am losing, not as fast as I would like, but oh well it's going the right direction now.:drinker:

    Weigh in
    254 - .08
  • llowry
    llowry Posts: 144 Member
    I am very saddened...a 9 yr bold in my city hung himself in the nurses bathroom at school. It is soo very sad, i can't even imagine what his parents are going through....

    It wasn't at my daughter's school but at another one in town...it just make me soo sad, why a 9 yr old would think of this. 9yr old boys are supposed be riding skateboards, playing video games and do what 9 yr olds do...not this.

    Please keep this family in your prayers, i know they will be in mine.

    OMG!! oh awful! for him and his family, I am like you what in the world was this child going through to make him even think of doing something like that. And yes, I will be praying for them also.
  • llowry
    llowry Posts: 144 Member
    I checked in this morning and when I hit pos reply I got an error! So, I'll try again.

    Check in for 01/21/2010
    calories- under (finally)
    water - slightly under
    excercise - 45min on the wii
    proud - that I am losing, not as fast as I would like, but oh well it's going the right direction now.:drinker:

    Weigh in
    254 - .08 Am I doing this right? started at 254.2 lost .2 so I am 254 is the percentage .08?

  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Lildebbie.............................. 0.07% (.2lbs)
    Coloradogirl......................... 0.76% (2lbs)
    Awestfall............................... 0.0%
    Snowflakes: .........................0.31% (0.6lbs)
    jlb123.................................... 0.80% (1.8lbs)
    bluenote............................... 0.77% (3.5 lbs)
    mstahl...................................2.40 (4.8 lbs)
    Positive................................. 0.46% (1 lb)...happy with that
    Mari.........................................0.24% (0.2lbs)
    cris20056...............................0.73% (1.8lbs)
    jennbarrette............................0.45% (1.1 lbs)
    llowry........................................0.08% (.2 lbs)

    Lisa - you got it right!!!
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Mine is the 13th of July So we have close birthdays CANCERS RULE!!!! LOL

    My father's is July 13th also! :happy:
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    lildeb - oh how truly tragic. It breaks my heart to hear of such sad news. I have a thirteen yr. old student in my 6th grade who recently tried to commit suicide. He was taken out of school and is in a hospital right now. I am sad every day I see his empty seat, because I never saw any signs. I can't imagine how this nine year old's family must feel, plus the teachers, students, and staff. The frightening aftershock is that quite often children in the school imitate this action, so I pray they all receive counseling.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    lildeb - oh how truly tragic. It breaks my heart to hear of such sad news. I have a thirteen yr. old student in my 6th grade who recently tried to commit suicide. He was taken out of school and is in a hospital right now. I am sad every day I see his empty seat, because I never saw any signs. I can't imagine how this nine year old's family must feel, plus the teachers, students, and staff. The frightening aftershock is that quite often children in the school imitate this action, so I pray they all receive counseling.

    Yes i know, it is just tragic. I just can't imagine how his parents feel. I know they had counselors at the school today and some of the kids went home.
  • llowry
    llowry Posts: 144 Member
    Lildebbie.............................. 0.07% (.2lbs)
    Coloradogirl......................... 0.76% (2lbs)
    Awestfall............................... 0.0%
    Snowflakes: .........................0.31% (0.6lbs)
    jlb123.................................... 0.80% (1.8lbs)
    bluenote............................... 0.77% (3.5 lbs)
    mstahl...................................2.40 (4.8 lbs)
    Positive................................. 0.46% (1 lb)...happy with that
    Mari.........................................0.24% (0.2lbs)
    cris20056...............................0.73% (1.8lbs)
    jennbarrette............................0.45% (1.1 lbs)
    llowry........................................0.08% (.2 lbs)

    Lisa - you got it right!!!

    mstahl, Thank you for checking
  • Solandra
    Not the best of weeks, in the end.

    Yesterday: 1-21-10
    Calories - Over
    Water - on the money
    Exercise - none (walkus interruptus, inopportune help desk call at work)

    Proud of - Made it through the day

    Weigh in - 250.2 - zero % lost. Salt and stress on the day before weigh-in isn't exactly the smartest strategy. With work stress (we've been fighting a bad, bad computer virus on our network since Tuesday afternoon, and I'm on the Help Desk, hooray) and the culmination of some stuff around the house, I decided that I wasn't going to lot my food today - what's sad about that is I didn't actually eat much at all - but I'm staying fixed to the original determination from this morning. Doesn't make sense to take a day "off" and then record everything anyway. Better luck next week, more apples, etc. Yay.
  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member
    so.... what is the word on this weeks challenge????
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    I don't remember the last time I was able to check in ... probably Tuesday ... it's been a crazy week at work and at home. I did great with exercise all week ... at least an hour for 1000+ calories every day except Wednesday (took a day off). But I haven't been feeling well all week, and not eating well either (which is probably contributing to not feeling well). But I did got down .8 from last week ... but since I don't think I ever reported that (which was a gain) ... I'm going with 0% loss this week at 239 ... been kind of holding steady right around there for awhile now. I know what I need to do ... change my food habits - it's just not that easy.
    Anyhow checking in for today:
    calories: didn't eat enough most of the day so made the mistake of pigging out on pizza just now .... am under on calories because of exercise though
    exercise: FANTASTIC! turbokick this morning
    water: not so good
    proud: of all the exercise I've been fitting in ... even though it was a very busy week. I fit into a sweatshirt that I bought 3 years ago from my kid's elementary school and it has always been too tight around the belly and hips (made for a man) ... but today I am wearing it and it looks fine ... even though my weight has been staying the same I must be toning up:happy: . I need to get out the measuring tape and see the progress.

    I didn't have time to catch up on everyone's posts but I did see your post lildebbie about the 9-yr old boy in your town ... my heart breaks for that family ... I have a 9 year old and that is really scary, and so sad.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    calories - 1680 - over but under with ex calories ;)
    Exercise - 468 cals burned (i know this with my new HRM :smile: :smile: Doing wii fit + and ea active
    water - nada...i need to work on that
    proud - i am proud that i am back on track...and 270's here i come.
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    check in:

    cals: a wee bit under but the night is still young! (OK not really it is 10:30pm LOL)
    water: 80
    exercise: 40 mins bike
    proud: today another teacher commented on my weight loss. I was walking down on her end of the hall (which I never do because I used to get so out of breath), and she said, "You are just wasting away!" It made me feel good (even though I am sooooooooooooooo not wasting away! LOL)