

  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member
    check in for Friday

    Calories.. did very well did not eat most of my exercise calories
    Exercise.. 82 minutes
    Water.. a little shy
    Proud.. I am making better decisions about what and when I am putting food in my mouth!

    I am heading to work this morning.. have a couple of clients, then home to get the house cleaned (my dad and step mom are coming on Sunday) I am so excited!

    Have a great day!
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Lildebbie.............................. 0.07% (.2lbs)
    Coloradogirl......................... 0.76% (2lbs)
    Awestfall............................... 0.0%
    Snowflakes: .........................0.31% (0.6lbs)
    jlb123.................................... 0.80% (1.8lbs)
    bluenote............................... 0.77% (3.5 lbs)
    mstahl...................................2.40 (4.8 lbs)
    Positive................................. 0.46% (1 lb)...happy with that
    Mari.........................................0.24% (0.2lbs)
    cris20056...............................0.73% (1.8lbs)
    jennbarrette............................0.45% (1.1 lbs)
    llowry........................................0.08% (.2 lbs)
    1stPaul....................................0.3% (.8lbs lost) (we count EVERY bit lost:bigsmile: )

    OK folks! Are we ready for this weeks challenge? I have two ideas but I'm going to go with the one that is more weight loss focused:wink:

    :yawn: Studies have confirmed a direct tie between sleep quality and weight loss:glasses: . No matter how great a person might feel after 4 hours of sleep (not this person!) the bell curve on sleep has steep sides and a long flat (edited to add the important FLAT part!) tail - which means that almost all of us need at least seven hours of sleep each night:ohwell: .

    I have sleep apnea and I have to use a CPAP machine (it's cool! I like it now!). I've had multiple sleep studies done so now I know that even when I think I'm laying there awake, I am probably in at least stage one sleep which as pathetic as it is STILL COUNTS AS SLEEPING TO OUR BRAIN! SOOOOO even if you don't FEEL like you're sleeping and it feels like you're just tossing and turning, you're still doing more for your brain than if you watch TV of surf :happy: (honest!) I know what you're thinking(:huh:) but it's TRUE:bigsmile:

    Our Challenge this week is to get SEVEN HOURS OF SLEEP each night. I know - there are kids and there are jobs and there's LIFE but the GOAL is to get into bed so that you will be in a dark room with no TV or reading and your eyes clamped shut 7 HRS BEFORE you're alarm goes off!

    AND on our daily check-ins we'll add Sleep this week! :yawn: To keep us focused!

    How does that sound? I have plan B if you hate it :tongue:
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Lildebbie.............................. 0.07% (.2lbs)
    Coloradogirl......................... 0.76% (2lbs)
    Awestfall............................... 0.0%
    Snowflakes: .........................0.31% (0.6lbs)
    jlb123.................................... 0.80% (1.8lbs)
    bluenote............................... 0.77% (3.5 lbs)
    mstahl...................................2.40 (4.8 lbs)
    Positive................................. 0.46% (1 lb)...happy with that
    Mari.........................................0.24% (0.2lbs)
    cris20056...............................0.73% (1.8lbs)
    jennbarrette............................0.45% (1.1 lbs)
    llowry........................................0.08% (.2 lbs)
    1stPaul....................................0.3% (.8lbs lost) (we count EVERY bit lost:bigsmile: )

    OK folks! Are we ready for this weeks challenge? I have two ideas but I'm going to go with the one that is more weight loss focused:wink:

    :yawn: Studies have confirmed a direct tie between sleep quality and weight loss:glasses: . No matter how great a person might feel after 4 hours of sleep (not this person!) the bell curve on sleep has steep sides and a long tail - which means that almost all of us need at least seven hours of sleep each night:ohwell: .

    I have sleep apnea and I have to use a CPAP machine (it's cool! I like it now!). I've had multiple sleep studies done so now I know that even when I think I'm laying there awake, I am probably in at least stage one sleep which as pathetic as it is STILL COUNTS AS SLEEPING TO OUR BRAIN! SOOOOO even if you don't FEEL like you're sleeping and it feels like you're just tossing and turning, you're still doing more for your brain than if you watch TV of surf :happy: (honest!) I know what you're thinking(:huh:) but it's TRUE:bigsmile:

    Our Challenge this week is to get SEVEN HOURS OF SLEEP each night. I know - there are kids and there are jobs and there's LIFE but the GOAL is to get into bed so that you will be in a dark room with no TV or reading and your eyes clamped shut 7 HRS BEFORE you're alarm goes off!

    AND on our daily check-ins we'll add Sleep this week! :yawn: To keep us focused!

    How does that sound? I have plan B if you hate it :tongue:

    Love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Checking in for Friday-

    Calories - over by about 400 (sneaky calories!)
    Water - under
    Exercise - ZERO (which is why I was over in calories!)

    Proud - I had a pretty good day at work. I was called into a meeting about a computer issue that ended up being a big deal and it was top secret and my boss WASN'T invited in nor given any details *smrik*. I think I'm surviving his attacks and maybe even coming out of it with an improved reputation :bigsmile:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Calories: 1241
    Exercise: Nope... It's officially a habit -- sleeping in 30 minutes on Fridays instead of exercising. Habit will be broken this week.
    Water: 80+
    Proud: When I said I wasn't going to buy another pack of cigarettes many weeks ago, I meant it & I haven't. Not that I was becoming a "smoker" again, but I'm glad to know I can see it beginning to become a habit and stop it before it goes any farther. That lets me know I've got pretty decent control of it even if I do buy a pack or 2 a year. I really don't think it's any worse than drinking socially. You just have to always maintain that same control (and I was starting to lose it).

    I just stuffed myself silly with breakfast. For 450 calories. Man, I can't eat like I used to.
    I'm both excited and dreading my 25 minute run today for c25k. Oh, it's going to hurt (so good)! :drinker:

    I like the challenge in theory, mstahl. But, fair warning, I'm going to fail. On the days I work 2 jobs, it's likely impossible for me to get 7 hours of sleep. But I'll give it a good try anyway! I can't even tell you the last time I was asleep before midnight (I get up at 6.30am). So, it's definitely something I *need* to work on!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    You stay at home moms i don't know how you do it...I love my kids but they are driving me batty today. I am home with them as hubby has to work till 7 :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

    i am trying to clean the house and they destory every thing 2 seconds later...especially the little one....uggg

    I think we are going to go to wendy's...and i will get my grilled chicken sandwich..yummy...maybe a baked potato., then come back and nap time.
  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member
    Love Love Love the Challenge this week! happy0075.gif Should be a bit interesting as my husband who also has sleep apnea and SNORES so loud it keeps me awake many nights is also dealing with the pain in his knee. He is scheduled to have surgery on Tuesday. But, I will give it a go! I know I need that sleep! sleepy003.gif
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    I like the challenge. Thanks!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    I always wanted to have a daughter named Miranda, I heard that name and fell in love with it when I was 19 yo. My best friend and I were fighting over this name. So we agreed who ever got the first girl could take that name. Well when I was 22 I got pregnant and I told the babies father if it was a girl I wanted to name her Miranda, he said No!!!! I could not bear the thought of not having a Miranda. On my 23 birthday I gave birth to a 4 week premature baby girl who was gorgeous. Her father and I named her Miranda Kae. He listened and did what I asked and we are still together today:love: . I let him name the second girl and he did a good job. Haley Marie. :love:

    Because I claimed that my baby was so gorgeous I put her pic as my profile....:heart::heart: :heart:

    Your baby Mirada is gorgeous! And I love the name Haley Marie...her daddy did a great job naming her!

    lildebbie: The news about the 9 year old who hung himself is just heartwrenching. I can't help but wondering what drove him to do it. It breaks my heart. For all of you who have kids, make sure you give them extra hugs!

    Checking in for yesterday 1/23/2010:
    Calories: 157 calories left over
    Water: 40 oz.
    Exercise: Over two hours of volleyball!
    Proud: That I tried another new activity and had fun!
    Sleep: 9 hours! I love this challenge because I typically get 8 hours of sleep per night because of LOVE to sleep!

    Hope you're all having a great weekend!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Heather - They are hinting that maybe it was bullying....it was soo hard i wanted to be soo mad at my daughter yesterday, she was in inschool suspsension all day ..but all i wanted to do was hug her.

    Well now hubby is going to eat at work, they are bringing in dinner for them..so i am to fein for my self :( The one thing we had to cook for tonight i don't want to cook just for me...they were pork kabobs and they girls will only partly eat them anyway, and not that good heated up....and besides hubby wants them for tomorrow now...so now my dilema on what to do for dinner. The girls have chicken nuggets and tv dinners they could have...not sure what i am going to have...my 1st thought is i will order a pizza, then thinking about it...do i really want to do that..the only thing else i have is some pasta with no sauce, but that is what i have been having all week long for dinner :(:(
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    I am checking in for today. I have not had dinner yet but we are having Pizza tonight so it is going to put me 50 cals over, not too worried about 50 cals.

    water: I am having a hard time with that one. I have not had any diet pepsi in the house for a while. Decided to get some and guess what that is what I have been drinking. Sorry self it is just for the weekend:frown: .:

    exercise. YES, I did my crazy walk with my hubby, we brought our 4 yo son with us in his stroller. on part of the walk Ry decided he wanted to get out and run. So I ran next to him and we left my hubby in the dust. I was about to throw up one of my lungs but I kept going. I would make him stop for 20-30 seconds and as soon as my hubby got close Ryan would say " Here he comes RUN!! So I would run. I had so much fun but now my feet are killing me.

    I am proud that I ran today. and by the way mhstal, I got 8-9 hours sleep last night. WOW I know I feel great today. Even before you made this challenge I always make sure I get at least 7 hours but usually I get 8. The minute my hed hits a pillow I am out. Maybe it is chasing a 4 yo around all day long. That is why I love your challenge cause I know I will hit it almost every night:laugh:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Calories: 1254 (will be)
    Exercise: C25K w6d3 +
    Water: I'm only at 5 cups right now but I can easily get in another 3
    Sleep: I don't really know... went to bed sometime between 3am and 4am I think. Woke up around 9 but stayed in bed until 11. :embarassed: My back was killing me this morning.
    Proud: I ran for 32 minutes straight -- 2.25 miles (I know, not so far, but I run slow right now). I still can't believe this is happening. I can easily run for over 10 minutes straight without even breathing hard. It's like... I don't know, all I can say is that the whole thing is very surreal.
    My goal for my first 5k (probably in May unless I'm confident enough to run the St. Patty's day one -- and at this rate I may be!) is to run it in 36 minutes or less. :happy: I've totally got this.
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Boy am I exhausted! I took my 8 year old step son to Fanfest here in Baltimore to meet some of the Orioles (baseball players) and just walk around to various activities. My feet are killing me and my back hurts, but I survived! Most importantly while my family endulged in hot dogs, chicken strips and french fries, I did not touch it!

    Here is my check in for yesterday and today:

    Calories: under by 117 :mad: :grumble:
    Water: yup got it all in
    Exercise: nope, took the day off
    Proud: That I am sticking to this even though I am not happy with the weigh loss Ive had so far. I used to do crazy diets that made me lose like 20lbs the first month and not seeing those bg numbers has gotten me down lately but I know that even though I am losing the weight slower it will stay off! All the other diets I gained all the weight back within weeks plus some! I am proud this is a lifestyle change that I can keep up forever
    Sleep: 10+!!!! My mom offered to take my 1 year old for the night so I took full advantage of getting a good night's sleep:blushing: :happy:

    Check in for today 1/23/10
    Calories: not done yet but it looks like I will be under yet again
    Water: nowhere near, water bottles were $2.50 and you couldnt bring your own in, got like 2 16oz bottles in so far
    Exercise: walked all day from 1130-430
    Proud: That I did not cheat, ate healthy all day inspite of all the great greasy food around me. Also SUPER proud that I took the stairs instead of the escalators
    Sleep: will prob get 7+ going to bed at 10 or 11 and will be up with the baby by 7am

    I am going to go relax, I deserve it~


  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Calories: 1254 (will be)
    Exercise: C25K w6d3 +
    Water: I'm only at 5 cups right now but I can easily get in another 3
    Sleep: I don't really know... went to bed sometime between 3am and 4am I think. Woke up around 9 but stayed in bed until 11. :embarassed: My back was killing me this morning.
    Proud: I ran for 32 minutes straight -- 2.25 miles (I know, not so far, but I run slow right now). I still can't believe this is happening. I can easily run for over 10 minutes straight without even breathing hard. It's like... I don't know, all I can say is that the whole thing is very surreal.
    My goal for my first 5k (probably in May unless I'm confident enough to run the St. Patty's day one -- and at this rate I may be!) is to run it in 36 minutes or less. :happy: I've totally got this.

    YOu go girl...I am soo hoping i can run in the future...i run for 3 minutes on my wii games (in place of course) and don't think i am going to make it....hurts my knee...maybe when i am your size it will feel better :) But i do my 3 or so minutes and it is better than not doing anything.

    Well i am not done eating today...but i am very proud of myself....in trying to find dinner looking at pizza websites...i decided not to give in (i know i could eat a piece or 2 but in knowing me today i would eat way too much...I ended up having a laura's lean beef and some baked chips.

    I will definetly be over today but i am okay with it...i will work out some tonight...my lunch was actually much more cals than my dinner oh well....
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Woah, I just slammed back into reality. I started looking at the St. Pat's day 5k website to see what the registration fee was & other information. I looked at the results from last year. The person who won last year ran the 5k in 15:53. :laugh: HA! My 36 minute goal would put me coming in around 1030 out of 1197 runners. As sad as it is, I'd be okay with that for my very first race. :smile: Now, to work on it!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Woah, I just slammed back into reality. I started looking at the St. Pat's day 5k website to see what the registration fee was & other information. I looked at the results from last year. The person who won last year ran the 5k in 15:53. :laugh: HA! My 36 minute goal would put me coming in around 1030 out of 1197 runners. As sad as it is, I'd be okay with that for my very first race. :smile: Now, to work on it!

    Go GO Go ...you can do it.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Woah, I just slammed back into reality. I started looking at the St. Pat's day 5k website to see what the registration fee was & other information. I looked at the results from last year. The person who won last year ran the 5k in 15:53. :laugh: HA! My 36 minute goal would put me coming in around 1030 out of 1197 runners. As sad as it is, I'd be okay with that for my very first race. :smile: Now, to work on it!

    Go GO Go ...you can do it.
  • jennbarrette
    jennbarrette Posts: 409 Member
    check in -
    calories - 450 over...TOM I was just ravenous today, I ate lots of fiber and protein and still never felt full!
    exercise - 50 mins walking
    water - yup
    sleep - 8 hrs
  • Solandra
    Checking in -
    Calories - A-OK
    Water - Over
    Exercise - I cleaned house and baked homemade wheat pitas and bread, laundry still has to come in.

    Proud of - I've accomplished a lot today.
  • llowry
    llowry Posts: 144 Member
    checking in:
    Calories - ate some of my exercise calories
    Water - a little
    Exercise - I'v been working on my wii fit plus off and on today (finally found one today! YAY!!:happy: :happy:
    Sleep - 8.5 hrs. I like this challenge and Thank God for saturdays!:drinker:
    Proud - That I have been logging daily since the 2nd of January. Also, I am sooo glad that I found so much support on here!
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Thank you all!!! and we can do it!!