Breastfeeding pics - Curious



  • Ashley_Panda
    Ashley_Panda Posts: 1,404 Member
    Gasp! A woman naturally feeding her child! If my kid is hungry, you bet your *kitten* I'm going to whip my tit out and feed it. That's all there is to it. I wouldn't care about anyone else's comfort except for my child.
  • kooltray87
    kooltray87 Posts: 501 Member
    I think exposing yourself in public is kinda gross, even if there is a cute baby involved. If you think about it, a lot of things are natural but you shouldn't do it in front of the world. Would you change the baby's diaper on the table at a restaurant? NO So why are you whipping out your breasts?....Just common decency to me....

    Oooh, I see, so a poopy diaper is like breastfeeding?

    Yep, they're both inappropriate in public.
  • marsviolet
    marsviolet Posts: 79 Member
    My friends have posted photos of breastfeeding and my only thought was that they were beautiful.
  • impyimpyaj
    impyimpyaj Posts: 1,073 Member
    I think exposing yourself in public is kinda gross, even if there is a cute baby involved. If you think about it, a lot of things are natural but you shouldn't do it in front of the world. Would you change the baby's diaper on the table at a restaurant? NO So why are you whipping out your breasts?....Just common decency to me....

    Oooh, I see, so a poopy diaper is like breastfeeding?

    Yep, they're both inappropriate in public.

    A poopy diaper is inappropriate in public because poop carries germs that can make people violently ill. Breastfeeding does not.
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    I think exposing yourself in public is kinda gross, even if there is a cute baby involved. If you think about it, a lot of things are natural but you shouldn't do it in front of the world. Would you change the baby's diaper on the table at a restaurant? NO So why are you whipping out your breasts?....Just common decency to me....

    Oooh, I see, so a poopy diaper is like breastfeeding?

    Yep, they're both inappropriate in public.

    Oh, so why is spreading fecal matter possibly carrying disease, bacteria, etc. the same thing as breastfeeding a child, when breast milk actually carries healthy bacteria, antioxidants, etc. and, uh... won't be spreading across a restaurant table?
  • SeamsSewWright
    The originator of this topic and the critics against b'feeding must not have been breastfed, otherwise the topic would remain holy.
    Keep those comments and questions to Facebook. This is a website where people unite to talk about making wise, healthy choices, to better themselves in the long run. For a breastfeeding mother, the choice has been made to feed their child the best nutrition available- not some formula derived from who knows where.

    Let me go take a look at your food diary- and see where you are eating pure foods and vegetables, and ensuring that you are optimizing your food intake for the day. Chances are you are not because you don't seem to quite understand the concept that this mother, and all b'feeding mothers have chosen.
  • blakejohn
    blakejohn Posts: 1,129 Member
    really a mother feeling her child, these are hi class problems friends. Let a mother feed her children who cares who see it
  • gjulie
    gjulie Posts: 391
    i haver 5 kids and have spent 9 years of my life breastfeeding!Dont see any need to post it on FB or anywhere else but always fed my bed whenever where ever it was needed!People do have issues and it is important to be sensitive to this but Im afraid not at the expense of a small child,discretion is the key!
  • pascale485
    pascale485 Posts: 173 Member
    I don't like seeing it when I'm having dinner at a restaurant.

    Yes I can look away, but it's the crash scene effect where you sometimes can't help, but look.

    I think it should be kept between her and the child, but it's not my call to make as I'm 99% sure it's legal thing to do anywhere.

    As for the facebook picture, yeah I don't know why she would post that and think her friends would want to see it... ?

    I agree, I don't like seeing people breast feeding. I have a sister that does it in a way that you can see her breast and I think it's not appropriate!

    I think that if you want to breast feed it,s your choice but make it that it's comfortable for everybody. I know people don't like my opinion, but it,s my opinion.

    Nobody should be showing their boobs to strangers in malls, restaurants... etc... There are ways to do it that you don,t show anything!!
  • Chapter3point6
    If everyone was this passionate about their fitness as they are arguing on an internet message board, there wouldn't be an obesity problem in the world. Take a break from this debate and take a jog around the block.
  • HunterKiller_wechange
    does snorting cocaine off of them count?! ;)

  • Faintgreeneyes
    Faintgreeneyes Posts: 730 Member
    I just think its funny that people get offended by a women breast feeding- and when doing it all you can see is maybe the top and side of her breast.... which is more modest than lets say, most women's bikini tops at the beach- but some how that is allowed and not questioned?

    A breast feeding mother should have the right to feed her child when its hungry, where ever she is. The same as a mother who is not breast feeding but giving her child a bottle.

    Where women- we all have breasts, tits, boobs, whatever you like to call them. See one set, seen them all. So get off your high horse about how "I don't want to see some women's tit in a restaurant"- you don't want to see it, than don't look. If you do look, remember that we as a society think its okay for Lil Kim to wear only a nipple tassel and not make a stink about it, but your eyes are apparently bleeding from seeing a child getting nutrients from its mother. Oh, why don't you go kick a puppy while your at it.
  • _Wits_
    _Wits_ Posts: 1,286 Member
    Besides the one lady who was holding a 4 year old and feeding him while trying to return a tv....I have never seen a mother do it without being covered. Of course you know WHAT she's doing and if she's covered and not exposed to anyone, I could care less.
  • summertime_girl
    summertime_girl Posts: 3,945 Member
    It falls under the "I don't give a ****" category. I don't want to see it, but I can skip on by as well.

    My personal comfort level was to go in another room to feed my baby. I wasn't even comfortable with a blanket or cover.

    The only time I've been uncomfortable in public was when I had my 13 year old son at dinner, and a patron in the next table was feeding a child that could easily eat table food (and walk and talk!), and he kept popping his head off to sit up and look around, and my son just gawked.

    I do understand your discomfort with that situation. A teenage boy, an exposed breast, it's expected that he would be interested. But that could have been a great learning tool for you and your son. For one, he could learn that it's bad manners to stare. And for another thing, it would be a good time to talk about nursing, what breasts are made for, the health benefits of breastfeeding, etc. That way, if he grows up and gets married and has children, he has a frame of reference for that. It could be a good thing instead of a shameful thing.

    Not sure how much time you have spent around 13 year old boys, but boobs are at the forefront of their little peanut brains, 24/7. He knows his manners, but breasts that close? He could have been being physically tortured, and I guarantee he couldn't look away.
  • abirkel
    abirkel Posts: 60
    Considering breastfeeding is the normal way (not the "best" way...) to feed babies, I don't really see the problem.

    The more often people see babies eating in the way they were designed to eat, perhaps people will begin to realize that it is normal and won't even think twice about it.

    It seriously never ceases to amaze me that in 2012 people can't wrap their minds around the biological purpose of breasts.
  • Chapter3point6
    So get off your high horse about how "I don't want to see some women's tit in a restaurant"- you don't want to see it, than don't look. If you do look, remember that we as a society think its okay for Lil Kim to wear only a nipple tassel and not make a stink about it, but your eyes are apparently bleeding from seeing a child getting nutrients from its mother. Oh, why don't you go kick a puppy while your at it.

    Excellent point. Probably didn't complain about the Janet Jackson wardrobe malfunction either.
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    I'm not debating and I don't really care about your feelings. I'm not trying to win any hearts and minds. Until you have offspring that are being breastfed by their mother, you're not going to understand and I don't expect you to. Breastfeeding moms involuntarily lactate when they hear a baby cry. They have zero control over it. Fathers have an instinctual need to protect their family. If you want to be a master debator or an e-thug on the internet that's fine, just don't do that in person, or if you do make sure the husband isn't around. I couldn't hold back the urge to beat your *kitten* anymore than I could hold back getting a boner watching porn. With as many people around with CWP's these days, you could very likely get a gun in your face.
    Where do my feelings come in to it?
    More than once I've said I have no worries about it myself.
    I have however questioned the arguments used to justify it by some.

    I would justify it with "I feel no disgust at seeing the human body, so I don't have an issue with women breast feeding in public."

    AS for the rest, which to my mind was rather 'e-thug'ish as you are apparantly not 'debating' (what I thought was the whole point of this thread and participating in it :) ). If I got a gun in my face for debating this topic 'in real life', I'd expect said parent to be in jail pretty quickly. There's certainly no such thing as a 'CWP' over here; I'm not sure how it works in the US, but I'd expect (quite possibly depending on the social standing of both parties) that doing so would even then cause the gun wielder some significant problems - similar with beating someone over questioning whether a specific justification was really relevant; likely to cause all sorts of problems and certainly would be considered 'bad parenting' by a lot of society.

    I dunno, I don't make the laws :).
    Here in the UK it's not only allowed, but there is actually 'protection' for people that do it - owners of restaurants etc do not have a choice and can be prosecuted if they do not allow it.
    I would presume places that don't like it in the US don't like it for the same reason they don't like seeing an exposed female nipple when there isn't a baby present.
  • jg627
    jg627 Posts: 1,221 Member
    I'm not debating and I don't really care about your feelings. I'm not trying to win any hearts and minds. Until you have offspring that are being breastfed by their mother, you're not going to understand and I don't expect you to. Breastfeeding moms involuntarily lactate when they hear a baby cry. They have zero control over it. Fathers have an instinctual need to protect their family. If you want to be a master debator or an e-thug on the internet that's fine, just don't do that in person, or if you do make sure the husband isn't around. I couldn't hold back the urge to beat your *kitten* anymore than I could hold back getting a boner watching porn. With as many people around with CWP's these days, you could very likely get a gun in your face.
    Where do my feelings come in to it?
    More than once I've said I have no worries about it myself.
    I have however questioned the arguments used to justify it by some.

    I would justify it with "I feel no disgust at seeing the human body, so I don't have an issue with women breast feeding in public."

    AS for the rest, which to my mind was rather 'e-thug'ish as you are apparantly not 'debating' (what I thought was the whole point of this thread and participating in it :) ). If I got a gun in my face for debating this topic 'in real life', I'd expect said parent to be in jail pretty quickly. There's certainly no such thing as a 'CWP' over here; I'm not sure how it works in the US, but I'd expect (quite possibly depending on the social standing of both parties) that doing so would even then cause the gun wielder some significant problems - similar with beating someone over questioning whether a specific justification was really relevant; likely to cause all sorts of problems and certainly would be considered 'bad parenting' by a lot of society.

    I dunno, I don't make the laws :).
    Here in the UK it's not only allowed, but there is actually 'protection' for people that do it - owners of restaurants etc do not have a choice and can be prosecuted if they do not allow it.
    I would presume places that don't like it in the US don't like it for the same reason they don't like seeing an exposed female nipple when there isn't a baby present.
    I said if you walked up to someone in real life and said you were offended by them breastfeeding in public... and it would be a an instinctive response, no different than a mother responding to a baby crying by lactating. Just don't do it and you'll be fine.
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    I said if you walked up to someone in real life and said you were offended by them breastfeeding in public... and it would be a an instinctive response, no different than a mother responding to a baby crying by lactating. Just don't do it and you'll be fine.
    I don't see where you've said that?
    And I don't see why you'd quote my post when saying that, as I've never said that's something I would do, I've actually suggested my feelings were the opposite of that?

    Oh and to add more 'debate' - I don't really like the argument "If you haven't got kids...", purely because that too can be reversed to "if you've got kids, your view is going to be biased...". And far, far too often it seems people justify bad choices with that sort of thing - ie "oh yes, we don't let little johnny outside for more than half an hour a day because of all the dangers; you'd understand if you had kids!"
  • jg627
    jg627 Posts: 1,221 Member
    I said if you walked up to someone in real life and said you were offended by them breastfeeding in public... and it would be a an instinctive response, no different than a mother responding to a baby crying by lactating. Just don't do it and you'll be fine.
    I don't see where you've said that?
    And I don't see why you'd quote my post when saying that, as I've never said that's something I would do, I've actually suggested my feelings were the opposite of that?

    Oh and to add more 'debate' - I don't really like the argument "If you haven't got kids...", purely because that too can be reversed to "if you've got kids, your view is going to be biased...". And far, far too often it seems people justify bad choices with that sort of thing - ie "oh yes, we don't let little johnny outside for more than half an hour a day because of all the dangers; you'd understand if you had kids!"
    Nice job removing the quote and saying you don't see it.

    "Fathers have an instinctual need to protect their family. If you want to be a master debator or an e-thug on the internet, that's fine, just don't do that in person, or if you do make sure that the husband isn't around."

    It's very easy for fathers to lose control when they are protecting their family. I've seen it happen. Someone could easily just snap when it involves their kids.