Breastfeeding pics - Curious



  • mommamellymac
    mommamellymac Posts: 205 Member
    I love how the biggest debaters on this post are men.

    edit (because i hit enter and it submitted it) but i love reading jg627's responses!

    As a currently nursing mother of a toddler and an infant, I'm not ashamed. I understand others are uncomfortable, so I take it into consideration when I'm nursing in public, but honestly, I just don't care. I carried them, labored for them, pushed them out, and care for them. I'm going to feed them. If its hot outside, you better get used to seeing the outside of my breast because I'm not going to subject my infant to overheating just because you are uncomfortable. I'd rather you be uncomfortable than my child.
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    Nice job removing the quote and saying you don't see it.
    Where does that mention being offended by breast feeding in public? Neither my nor your post does.
    It was written after my quoted post, which talked about the justifications people use for breastfeeding in public and how they may not add up if you take a step back and consider them.

    I've seen plenty of people 'snap' in plenty of situations, regardless of being parents or not - though all too often it does seem that parenthood does help to loosen people's grip on reality unfortunately - but gives me the more respect for those that manage to keep said grip firm.
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    I'm not debating and I don't really care about your feelings. I'm not trying to win any hearts and minds. Until you have offspring that are being breastfed by their mother, you're not going to understand and I don't expect you to. Breastfeeding moms involuntarily lactate when they hear a baby cry. They have zero control over it. Fathers have an instinctual need to protect their family. If you want to be a master debator or an e-thug on the internet that's fine, just don't do that in person, or if you do make sure the husband isn't around. I couldn't hold back the urge to beat your *kitten* anymore than I could hold back getting a boner watching porn. With as many people around with CWP's these days, you could very likely get a gun in your face.
    Where do my feelings come in to it?
    More than once I've said I have no worries about it myself.
    I have however questioned the arguments used to justify it by some.

    I would justify it with "I feel no disgust at seeing the human body, so I don't have an issue with women breast feeding in public."

    AS for the rest, which to my mind was rather 'e-thug'ish as you are apparantly not 'debating' (what I thought was the whole point of this thread and participating in it :) ). If I got a gun in my face for debating this topic 'in real life', I'd expect said parent to be in jail pretty quickly. There's certainly no such thing as a 'CWP' over here; I'm not sure how it works in the US, but I'd expect (quite possibly depending on the social standing of both parties) that doing so would even then cause the gun wielder some significant problems - similar with beating someone over questioning whether a specific justification was really relevant; likely to cause all sorts of problems and certainly would be considered 'bad parenting' by a lot of society.

    I dunno, I don't make the laws :).
    Here in the UK it's not only allowed, but there is actually 'protection' for people that do it - owners of restaurants etc do not have a choice and can be prosecuted if they do not allow it.
    I would presume places that don't like it in the US don't like it for the same reason they don't like seeing an exposed female nipple when there isn't a baby present.

    You answered my question. You don't know why it's illegal.

    Do you know people in the US aren't able to eat legitimate haggis because a congressman in the 70s found sheep lungs to be "disgusting" and got the law passed forbidding lung meat from being sold/cooked/eaten (obviously you could skirt this issue if you lived on a farm)?

    Going topless is not illegal in Canada.

    The gist of these various bits of info is: just become something is illegal does not make the "something" bad... but it can show the law as unjust.

    Don't sit on your laurels and "accept things for how they are"; question and make change.
  • jg627
    jg627 Posts: 1,221 Member
    Nice job removing the quote and saying you don't see it.
    Where does that mention being offended by breast feeding in public? Neither my nor your post does.
    It was written after my quoted post, which talked about the justifications people use for breastfeeding in public and how they may not add up if you take a step back and consider them.

    I've seen plenty of people 'snap' in plenty of situations, regardless of being parents or not - though all too often it does seem that parenthood does help to loosen people's grip on reality unfortunately - but gives me the more respect for those that manage to keep said grip firm.
    Nobody is debating with you that losing control is a good or bad thing. Just don't **** with someone who's hormones are all messed up due to a recent child birth, male or female. I honestly couldn't say if I would be able to control myself or not. I'd rather not be put in that position.
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    The gist of these various bits of info is: just become something is illegal does not make the "something" bad... but it can show the law as unjust.
    I quite agree - while I don't do any illegal drugs, I do think the laws prohibiting a variety of substances are very counter-productive and just plain silly - especially compared with the Dutch system (and I believe some of Canada - even some states in the US are more relaxed than the UK.)

    I can actually understand why there could be some need for laws against public nudity and why a line needs to be drawn somewhere - though not sure it's really that useful. Certainly never found it causing any problems on Italian/French/Spanish beaches etc.
  • oneworkoutatatime
    everyone else is posting pics of there food online why can't ethe baby doint as well?.. lol
  • mycrazy8splus1
    mycrazy8splus1 Posts: 1,558 Member

    I love this!!
  • itsawarinthere
    itsawarinthere Posts: 15 Member
    If a parent wants to post photos of their baby's daily life on FB, then eating is part of that. Would you think twice about a pic of a baby drinking from a bottle? Probably not.

    The problem is not the mother posting the photo, the problem is the OTHER people who cannot think of breasts as anything other than sexual. They feed babies. It's not about the breast. It's about the baby EATING the perfect food for him/her.
  • CassiusKnox
    CassiusKnox Posts: 305 Member
    I love how the biggest debaters on this post are men.

    Well.... it seems to be men with the problem so I'm not sure why you would incinuate that it's none of our business or that we are not entitled to comment.

    If the world only consisted of women do you think ANYONE would have a problem with breastfeeding in public???

    Men NEED to be having this conversation.

    Just my opinion :smile:
  • kelseyhere
    kelseyhere Posts: 1,123 Member
    i kinda agree with you. it's natural and normal, but that doesn't mean it should be on FB.
  • jennajocummings
    Women show half their Tits on fb but someone's going to be offended by a woman breastfeeding???? That's what's wrong with society today.
  • That_Girl
    That_Girl Posts: 1,324 Member
    I see more skin in TV ads and Mall ads. Good lord.

    It's breastfeeding. Get over it.

    If someone told me to feed my baby in a bathroom, I'd tell them to go eat in the bathroom. GROSS!
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    This is a joke right? The Op has a profile photo of a woman wearing a skin colored triangle bra, barely covering her breasts, shorty short shorts, unbuttoned, unzipped and pulled down (not that I have a problem with any of that). But, a woman showing a teensy bit of cleavage while feeding her baby milk is scandalous?

    I'm not being difficult, I honestly do not understand what the problem is? People think breasts are icky and can't stand the risk they might accidentally see them and get booby cooties?

    Everyone here is vegan? Because human milk is gross, but drinking milk from underneath a cow's udder with all the hormones and components intended for baby cows is not gross at all? I do drink cow's milk.

    Is it not ok for a woman to feed her baby expressed milk from a bottle?

    And I find it disturbingly disgusting that anyone would compare milk to poop (or *kitten*). That's a mind I don't want to get inside of.

    Being exposed to a little breastfeeding might make people less uptight.

    Is it the breasts or the milk people don't like? Or just the babies they don't like. What is it?

    Immaturity? Ignorance?

    Should mothers just stay inside all the time and not be allowed out in the world?

    Of all the horrible, horrendous things that happen in this world, people get their man panties in a twist over the risk of seeing a breast?
  • ValerieMartini2Olives
    ValerieMartini2Olives Posts: 3,024 Member
    Breasts are made for one reason - to feed babies.
  • spiregrain
    spiregrain Posts: 254 Member
    I love how the biggest debaters on this post are men.

    Well.... it seems to be men with the problem so I'm not sure why you would incinuate that it's none of our business or that we are not entitled to comment.

    If the world only consisted of women do you think ANYONE would have a problem with breastfeeding in public???

    Men NEED to be having this conversation.

    Just my opinion :smile:

    ^^ This is awesome. Can you please start teaching seminars to guys who *don't* get it?
  • CassiusKnox
    CassiusKnox Posts: 305 Member
    Breasts are made for one reason - to feed babies.

    I wonder if the males of any other species finds mammary glands so attractive??

    Obviously the problem originates from some people's ianability to separate the breast's natural function (ie feeding babies) from their secondary sexual characteristics. This of course is a purely cultural thing. There are many cultures in the world where the breasts are always exposed and are NOT thought of with the same sexual connotations as here in the west.

    Our prudish and (in my opinion) warped cultural mores have created this problem.

    WE need to get over it because it's dumb.
  • ECA67
    ECA67 Posts: 806 Member
    Remembering how I was treated back when I was breastfeeding my babies makes me angry that I allowed society to discriminate me like they did. Breastfeeding has become more accepted these days because people are more educated. For those few with closed minds to how we are created maybe you should go back to school and get an education.
  • FrugalMomsRock75
    FrugalMomsRock75 Posts: 698 Member
    Breast feeding is a natural thing. So is pissing and sh*tting.
    Just because it's natural, doesn't mean it should be made public.

    If you want to breast feed at the restaurant, the family bathroom is over there.

    If you feel that is mean, then fine - I'll start taking a dump on the table in the restaurant and you better hold your tongue.
    Your food is in the toilet. Go eat.

    So you can't differentiate a toilet from a bathroom?
    Wow, I'd hate to clean your house.

    Would you eat your meal in a bathroom? Pretty sure you wouldnt. So why should a baby eat his meal in a bathroom?!

    In every freaking breastfeeding thread, there is some person (I'll keep the descriptive words out because believe you, me--they aren't nice) that wants to compare defecation and urination to eating/nutrition. As soon as your meal consists of a plate of **** with a glass of piss, your argument is valid. Until then, keep grasping that those straws (in your glass of urine)....
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    In every freaking breastfeeding thread, there is some person (I'll keep the descriptive words out because believe you, me--they aren't nice) that wants to compare defecation and urination to eating/nutrition. As soon as your meal consists of a plate of **** with a glass of piss, your argument is valid. Until then, keep grasping that those straws (in your glass of urine)....
    I haven't seen the rest, but as per my previous comments; maybe in others people use "but it's natural" as a justification, which on consideration, I don't think is a very good one. That's certainly how this thread seems to have gone.

    As I've already said something along the lines of; me, I'd justify it with "seeing naked female nipples in public doesn't bother me, so breast feeding doesn't bother me".
  • jg627
    jg627 Posts: 1,221 Member
    More people should find lawyers whenever they're discriminated or harassed for breastfeeding. A lot of lawyers will take your case pro bono, because they love those. It's a cash cow. Hurt people where it hurts them most and they'll get the picture. Unless you live in West Virginia, people are going to be screwed if they mess with you, especially if it's anywhere near a federal building (and that includes West Virginia). Enjoy.