Count bites not calories



  • lanapoo
    lanapoo Posts: 57
    Yes it is in the guidelines.

    No Promotion of Unsafe Weight-Loss Techniques or Eating Disorders
  • sweetchildomine
    sweetchildomine Posts: 872 Member
    Am I the only one who finds this thread incredibly funny? LOL

    I just ate an apple and I'm pretty sure I took more than 20 bites eating it. DAMN IT! I'm done for the day!!
  • kenazfehu
    kenazfehu Posts: 1,188 Member
    OP, do you not understand that most foods are not 50 calories per bite? The 1000 calories you are estimating you get in 20 bites could be far off the mark.
  • homerjspartan
    homerjspartan Posts: 1,893 Member
    I am doing this on my cigarettes as well. I allow myself 50 drags a day....
  • funkyspunky872
    funkyspunky872 Posts: 866 Member
    So back in May you were trying the "No s diet" which obviously didn't work out for you and now you are eating 20 bites of food a day. Why are you even on MFP if you aren't tracking your calorie in take?

    Woah, wait... No s diet? Please tell me that's not something along the lines of not eating anything with a letter s in the name??
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    Take it from someone who only 2 days ago realized just how much they were under eating for the last 8 months.... it's NOT going to sustain you. 1000 cals is NOT healthy at all. You have about half the weight to lose then I already have to get to my goal weight & only 4" smaller. You are going to do more harm than good to your own body & there is NO WAY in hell you are getting all you need out of 20 bites. You didn't say bites of what at all..... could be 20 bites of pizza for all it matters. I cant even do a carrot in less than 5 bites & there is no way that is 250 cal.
  • cappri
    cappri Posts: 1,089 Member
    Am I the only one who finds this thread incredibly funny? LOL

    I just ate an apple and I'm pretty sure I took more than 20 bites eating it. DAMN IT! I'm done for the day!!

    This thread is keeping me highly amused while my husband watches football. I just ate a cup of baby carrots, each carrot took me 3-4 bites so I think I ate about a weeks worth of bites!
  • mandy0688
    mandy0688 Posts: 335 Member
    To everyone that is telling me this is horribly wrong, are you at your goal weight? How long did it take you to get there? Are you maintaining it and for how long? Thanks :smile:

    I am a month in and I probaly take over 100 bites a day and I am down 11 pounds. Am I at my goal weight no. Am I gonna be a future patient at the eating disorder clinic. Not me. Dumb idea i am trying to be nice here but i am sorry I am losing weight SAFELY and check out the tickers and you can see how far ppl have come
  • Cranktastic
    Cranktastic Posts: 1,517 Member
  • oregonzoo
    oregonzoo Posts: 4,251 Member
    Whether you like it or not MFP IS here to support each other, whether good ideas or bad.

    I disagree. There are site rules against supporting bad/unhealthy weight loss techniques.

    ABSOLUTELY NOT! If she thought it was a good idea to run on train tracks in front of a train because the fear makes her run and nothing else does do you support it? NO I DONT THINK SO! You dont support crazy crap!
    Agreed. And if somebody is going to get behind a poster and cheer on bad choices... well I question their sanity as well.
  • emmalouc93
    emmalouc93 Posts: 328 Member
    but since you sound like you know what you're doing

    wow...whack attracts whack
    No, I am not whack...And I don't fully agree with this system, I am just trying to be a little supportive when other people are shooting her down. I know it is not healthy to count by bites, but I understand that she is trying to downsize meals. I did say already that as long as you are meeting everything, and you feel ok with what you are doing, then do it. Don't twist my words, I just feel bad for a lady that came here for advice, and instead of gently suggesting it is bad, people just decided to be rude.

    Don't call me 'whack' without knowing what I do. Thank you.
    I don´t think the people have been rude. The lady didn´t come for advice, she came to boast of her new diet and almost everyone (me too) knows that is a stupid idea.

    I didn't see a hint of boasting. In that case, no one should be allowed post anything here about how well they done or what methods they are trying out, or how far they have come. Everyone should get off their high horse and either tell this woman WHY you think it is wrong, or try and help. As I said, if everyone here was PERFECT, they would not have come here to improve their lifestyle. We are all in one boat, and it's the same one.

    You are completely so kind and read it again. A lot of people have written she should eat more...and have given some advice...but she is still convinced this is the right way because it´s fast and so easy....

    And shooting her down without thought or support is going to help that? This site gets worse daily...While I don't think anyone should support unhealthy ideas, it is still a community to support each other.

    There is a fine line between honest and mean. A VERY FINE LINE. I'm the first person to support honesty, but when it goes so far to mock and belittle someone because they have made a mistake, that is the day I get fed up of the attitudes on this site by people that think they have a place to instruct everyone else what to do. There are people commenting on this thread that look like they have gone to far with weight loss, yet think they can judge a woman's method. Everyone needs a reality check, and I ask, you don't make me repeat one more time that I said in the beginning I don't support this method.
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    What happened to simple HELP in the 'General Diet and Weight Loss HELP' section.

    the original post did not ask for help or ask for anything. In effect she stated "here is what I am doing".

    The comments that followed were offered as guidance for this absurd and potentially harmful method.
  • Coming4U
    Coming4U Posts: 93 Member
    I just take normal size bites and don't overthink it. When I'm done, I'm done. I posted this on here because I thought this was also a support group, obviously I'm wrong about that and it's just a calorie counting website. I do want to say that I have tons of energy and I sleep very well. Everything I eat tastes amazing.

    It is a support group...but not support of anything goes...esp when we can see what a bad idea it is.
  • emmalouc93
    emmalouc93 Posts: 328 Member
    Whether you like it or not MFP IS here to support each other, whether good ideas or bad.

    I disagree. There are site rules against supporting bad/unhealthy weight loss techniques.

    ABSOLUTELY NOT! If she thought it was a good idea to run on train tracks in front of a train because the fear makes her run and nothing else does do you support it? NO I DONT THINK SO! You dont support crazy crap!
    Agreed. And if somebody is going to get behind a poster and cheer on bad choices... well I question their sanity as well.

    I give up. I was cheering her as a person, not on her choices. If people won't bother to read how many times I have said that then yes, I totally give up on even trying to fight my corner. Good night.
  • mandy0688
    mandy0688 Posts: 335 Member
    what if you were to chew gum? ..just a plain, bad idea.

    well **** i am done for the day. Sigh...
  • lanapoo
    lanapoo Posts: 57
    Judging from all the responses on this topic, OP maybe you should reconsider your "diet" strategy,
  • Tommy
    Tommy Posts: 127 Member
    Dear Posters,

    The staff of MyFitnessPal is actively reviewing our stance on topics that recommend or promote dieting methods that run counter to our site's own weight-loss recommendations.

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