Count bites not calories



  • emmalouc93
    emmalouc93 Posts: 328 Member
    I think you're all taking this a little too seriously. It's not as if she sits and writes down how many bites she has taken, I just see it as a kinda of 'leave some food on your plate system'. Maybe I am receiving it wrong, but in any case, none of these comments are supportive. Whether you like it or not MFP IS here to support each other, whether good ideas or bad,. No one here is in a position to judge what other people do, because if you're here, you likely had terrible eating habits some point in your life. A little help and compassion wouldn't go astray.

    Only a fool condones and supports ideas they know are bad.

    Only a fool takes words out of context and twists them. I already said, both to this lady in private, and on this thread that I don't think ACTUALLY sitting and counting your bites is good, and that maybe she just worded it wrongly. We all eat smaller meals than before (in a majority) if we are trying to lose weight, she has done this, just worded it in an overly organised way that yes, may become unhealthy, but who are you to say she cannot take care of herself and recognise what is too far and what isn't?

    Feel free to read my posts properly before jumping on the bandwagon.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,098 Member

    I have honestly never been on a site where the people are as mean and nasty as here.

    This from the woman who started the "No S diet" thread....

    .....and who suggests that to eat 1200 calories, one should fill their plate one time, three times a day.

    Really? Do you have any idea how weight loss actually works? Because a majority of people don't post nonsense like you do.
  • bulbadoof
    bulbadoof Posts: 1,058 Member
    I eat 20 bites in one meal and they're definitely not all 50 calories' worth. :O Good for you, but I couldn't do it.
  • Thomasm198
    Thomasm198 Posts: 3,189 Member
    I think you're all taking this a little too seriously. It's not as if she sits and writes down how many bites she has taken, I just see it as a kinda of 'leave some food on your plate system'. Maybe I am receiving it wrong, but in any case, none of these comments are supportive. Whether you like it or not MFP IS here to support each other, whether good ideas or bad,. No one here is in a position to judge what other people do, because if you're here, you likely had terrible eating habits some point in your life. A little help and compassion wouldn't go astray.
    Being supportive doesn't mean saying "Yay! Do whatever you like!"

    Nobody is judging anybody. They're saying that is a terrible idea.
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    I think you're all taking this a little too seriously. It's not as if she sits and writes down how many bites she has taken, I just see it as a kinda of 'leave some food on your plate system'. Maybe I am receiving it wrong, but in any case, none of these comments are supportive. Whether you like it or not MFP IS here to support each other, whether good ideas or bad,. No one here is in a position to judge what other people do, because if you're here, you likely had terrible eating habits some point in your life. A little help and compassion wouldn't go astray.

    I disagree. I will not support an unhealthy method of weight loss. In my opinion, being honest is much better and more caring than blindly pretending to agree with every silly idea people get to lose weight.
  • cmcollins001
    cmcollins001 Posts: 3,472 Member
    I think you're all taking this a little too seriously. It's not as if she sits and writes down how many bites she has taken, I just see it as a kinda of 'leave some food on your plate system'. Maybe I am receiving it wrong, but in any case, none of these comments are supportive. Whether you like it or not MFP IS here to support each other, whether good ideas or bad,. No one here is in a position to judge what other people do, because if you're here, you likely had terrible eating habits some point in your life. A little help and compassion wouldn't go astray.

    Actually...she stated that she IS sitting and writing down how many bites she has taken...she has even assigned a generic calorie count to eat bite.
  • tumblyweed
    tumblyweed Posts: 416 Member
    What about liquid calories? Do you count each sip of Dr. Pepper as a bite toward your daily goal? How do you differentiate between a sip and a gulp?
  • itsjustdawn
    itsjustdawn Posts: 1,073 Member

    one bite!

    Crap, I am laughing so hard I'm crying.
  • twinketta
    twinketta Posts: 2,130 Member
    What ever floats your boat, sounds crazy to me!!

    Give it a couple of weeks then go to the MFP plan???
  • dsjohndrow
    dsjohndrow Posts: 1,820 Member
    I used to count sheep, but I fell asleep before I could eat them.
  • delilah47
    delilah47 Posts: 1,658
    I guess it would depend on what you're eating. If you are eating Hershey bars, I bet you'd gain weight.
  • toomuchbootyindapants
    To everyone that is telling me this is horribly wrong, are you at your goal weight? How long did it take you to get there? Are you maintaining it and for how long? Thanks :smile:

    Well, I've lost 70 lbs and now am focused on body recomp by lifting heavy weights and eating enough. Initially, this was my goal weight...but a scale number says nothing when you consider body fat and how you imagined you'd look at a certain weight. I never thought I'd be a size 6, yup, I'm happy. I started as a size 18 (pushing 20) and 220 lbs. I lost the bulk of the weight in a year's time. But this year - I've only lost about 10 lbs but went from a size 10/12 to a size 6 (small 8 in some brands). And I did it by eating 1500-1900 cals a day (some days much more too!) including pizza, cheeseburgers, cookies, cake, and ice cream. It can be done and it IS hundreds of people on this site....every day. As they say - all in moderation.

    You're getting so much flack from people because a lot of us have been around this block several times....and many of us learned the hard way (after years of yo-yo dieting) that deprivation, hardcore calorie restriction, over-exercising, and other nasty habits (often perpetuated by the media) aren't realistic, healthy ways to lose the fat and maintain. Furthermore - this is the internetz sweetheart - everyone has a pair of brass balls between their legs when they are sitting behind a computer screen. *shrugs* What you should take from all of this is that your method is not a safe way to do this and could lead to regaining all that weight lost or even worse, an eating disorder. Plenty of us here would love to help you do this a healthy way - but oftentimes our willingness to help is clouded by sarcasm and wit. :D (And true, some people are just dbags....but such is life, right?)
  • emmalouc93
    emmalouc93 Posts: 328 Member
    I think you're all taking this a little too seriously. It's not as if she sits and writes down how many bites she has taken, I just see it as a kinda of 'leave some food on your plate system'. Maybe I am receiving it wrong, but in any case, none of these comments are supportive. Whether you like it or not MFP IS here to support each other, whether good ideas or bad,. No one here is in a position to judge what other people do, because if you're here, you likely had terrible eating habits some point in your life. A little help and compassion wouldn't go astray.

    I disagree. I will not support an unhealthy method of weight loss. In my opinion, being honest is much better and more caring than blindly pretending to agree with every silly idea people get to lose weight.

    You can support a person without supporting the idea, and THAT is my point. No matter what the topic, everyone here is VERY judgemental. As I said, I was brought to this site by terrible eating habits and so were most of you. I am not asking you to support the idea, but for god sake, does everyone have to be so holier than thou about being against it? What happened to simple HELP in the 'General Diet and Weight Loss HELP' section.

    Once again, if anyone decided to read thoroughly without jumping on the wagon, you'd see I DO NOT SUPPORT this idea. What I DO support is, people being able to know what is good for THEM. I already said I disagree with the way this could go, and it is not healthy to count obsessively, but at the end of the day, if she is feeling good, it's her choice.
  • Nerdy_Rose
    Nerdy_Rose Posts: 1,277 Member
    Whether you like it or not MFP IS here to support each other, whether good ideas or bad.

    I disagree. There are site rules against supporting bad/unhealthy weight loss techniques.
  • Coming4U
    Coming4U Posts: 93 Member
    I think people mistake being real and honest with mean and nasty. Polite and nice and nobody telling us how things are is why we all got here in the first place. Telling people the truth is the kind way to do things and esp when we see something way out of whack that can lead to further problems with food. We are all adults...lets keep it real.
  • Hadunka
    Hadunka Posts: 59 Member
    but since you sound like you know what you're doing

    wow...whack attracts whack
    No, I am not whack...And I don't fully agree with this system, I am just trying to be a little supportive when other people are shooting her down. I know it is not healthy to count by bites, but I understand that she is trying to downsize meals. I did say already that as long as you are meeting everything, and you feel ok with what you are doing, then do it. Don't twist my words, I just feel bad for a lady that came here for advice, and instead of gently suggesting it is bad, people just decided to be rude.

    Don't call me 'whack' without knowing what I do. Thank you.
    I don´t think the people have been rude. The lady didn´t come for advice, she came to boast of her new diet and almost everyone (me too) knows that is a stupid idea.

    I didn't see a hint of boasting. In that case, no one should be allowed post anything here about how well they done or what methods they are trying out, or how far they have come. Everyone should get off their high horse and either tell this woman WHY you think it is wrong, or try and help. As I said, if everyone here was PERFECT, they would not have come here to improve their lifestyle. We are all in one boat, and it's the same one.

    You are completely so kind and read it again. A lot of people have written she should eat more...and have given some advice...but she is still convinced this is the right way because it´s fast and so easy....
  • Coming4U
    Coming4U Posts: 93 Member
    Whether you like it or not MFP IS here to support each other, whether good ideas or bad.

    I disagree. There are site rules against supporting bad/unhealthy weight loss techniques.

    ABSOLUTELY NOT! If she thought it was a good idea to run on train tracks in front of a train because the fear makes her run and nothing else does do you support it? NO I DONT THINK SO! You dont support crazy crap!
  • itsjustdawn
    itsjustdawn Posts: 1,073 Member
    Holy crap. You need help.
    I know this is hardly something to laugh at, but I immediately burst out laughing when I read that. So true and to the point, love it!

    So did I!!
  • collectingblues
    collectingblues Posts: 2,541 Member
    To everyone that is telling me this is horribly wrong, are you at your goal weight? How long did it take you to get there? Are you maintaining it and for how long? Thanks :smile:

    Are you at goal weight and maintaining it? Do you see yourself maintaining at 20 bites a day?
  • cappri
    cappri Posts: 1,089 Member
    So back in May you were trying the "No s diet" which obviously didn't work out for you and now you are eating 20 bites of food a day. Why are you even on MFP if you aren't tracking your calorie in take?
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