Am I Evil????



  • StyxxandStones
    The walking with your kids as they trick or treat will be plenty of exercise for the night. Especially if they're like mine and so wound up that they run from house to house!

    W out all the candy in one big bowl, and they get one piece each day after dinner. Ssme rule for mommy and daddy. They get tired of it In a few weeks and forget about it. They we toss or donate the rest. Pretty easy answer.
  • shelbyfrootcake
    shelbyfrootcake Posts: 965 Member
    You are the devil incarnate. Very seasonal. :devil:
  • gordenwh
    I agree with the others. You need to go trick or treating with your kids. It’s once a year and a wonderful night. Plus, if you make candy seem like a bad thing, they will want it even more and will over indulge when they finally get some. Trick or treat with them, get some quality time with them, and get a good walking at the same time. Good luck.
  • Rawr1978
    Rawr1978 Posts: 245 Member
    God, I hope you're just kidding.
    You can't take halloween from children. I'd get effin lynched if I told mine i wasn't taking them out.
  • IntoTheSky
    IntoTheSky Posts: 390 Member
    I agree with others. Let your kids go ToT'ing!

    Let them keep a portion of the candy, and donate the rest to something like this:

    This is a great idea! Or, allow yourself one piece a day out of a small bag you set aside for you. It is not a bad thing to have a couple. But, you also don't want to make stuff SO off limits that they grow up to gorge on it when they are on their own just because they CAN...... Don't be THAT mom!
  • _Bob_
    _Bob_ Posts: 1,487 Member
    you could break your jaw and have it wired shut. then you would have no choice, you wouldn't be able to eat there candy.

    but what we do is take them to the rich neighborhoods where the houses are far apart and they give the good stuff. they don't get as much candy and they are not willing to share it :grumble:
  • tinamartinson
    tinamartinson Posts: 13 Member
    I don't think you are evil. I don't plan on buying candy this year and won't be home to hand it out because I plan on being at the gym for a TRX/cycle class. My ex will be taking the kids out on his own. Maybe you can get someone else to take the kids while you are at Zumba?

    One rule we always did was the kids got to eat all they wanted Halloween night. Not healthy but one night a year of candy binge doesn't bother me. In the past, I would take the excess candy to work and leave it in a breakroom. It would disappear pretty quickly. However, after I stopped working I would just sit and eat the candy on my own. It still disappeared quickly but all by me!

    My current philosophy is to throw out the extra after the binge night. No one needs as much candy as they bring home. The kids are pretty used to this. I instituted a "sugar detox" a few summers ago and now that it is part of our daily routine they accept that sugary treats aren't a daily event.
  • amy32lynn
    amy32lynn Posts: 157 Member
    you are kidding right? .....if not then yes i think you are evil!!!!!
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    why are you depriving your kids from a staple of childhood, because you lack self control?

    if you don't want to take them trick or treating because of zumba, then you can find a neighbor or friend with kids that is taking them out, and have your kids go with them.
  • Bethie_B
    Bethie_B Posts: 292 Member
    Hunh. I'm confused. Not by the question, but by the choice of word. Evil? I can think of a lot more accurate and descriptive words.
  • RosaC773
    RosaC773 Posts: 126
    I don't have kids, but yes, you are evil! lol

    These are the holidays kids look forward to!

    Let them TOT, give them a small bag of candy and give the rest away.
  • DontStopB_Leakin
    DontStopB_Leakin Posts: 3,863 Member
    Evil, no. Incredibly selfish, yes.

    Seriously, you're going to deprive your children of the joys of Halloween, something that ONLY comes once a year, so you can go to a frickin' Zumba class? And, because you lack self control????

    You must be joking. This has to be a joke....
  • 76tech
    76tech Posts: 1,455 Member
    It's OK mom. You go do Zumba. I don't need to trick or treat this year.

  • DontStopB_Leakin
    DontStopB_Leakin Posts: 3,863 Member
    It's OK mom. You go do Zumba. I don't need to trick or treat this year.

    If you were my mom, this is what I would do if you picked Zumba over Trick or Treating.
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    Everyone has already said it, but I would not make the kids skip trick or treating for Zumba. How would you feel if your kids told you they were not coming to your birthday dinner because they wanted to play hide and seek, something they could do any time? It is also likely to teach them an unhealthy relationship with food and exercise. As you struggle with your own food issues, which could be what is driving this need to go to Zumba, I'm sure you don't want them to go through that.

    Kids do get a lot of candy on Halloween. If you don't want them to keep it all, tell them (before they go) that they are trick or treating for two reasons tonight: to have fun for themselves, and to help collect for people in need. Let them know that you as a group will take part of what you collect to a worthy cause: a soup kitchen, a child respite home, a nursing home, a child hospital if allowed, homeless shelters, you name it.

    I really do get where you are coming from--when you have food issues, you can become desperate not to derail yourself in any way, even by missing one workout. But in the long run, the negative consequences (guilt, shame, resentment from the kids, judgment from others) you experience from that will be worse and will likely contribute to some kind of sugar binge anyway.
  • Barbellerella
    Barbellerella Posts: 1,838 Member
    Here's a compromise (sorry if someone else said it)... how bout you let them go with a classmate, neighbor, or a cousin trick or treating, and you can still go to your mighty Zumba class? Win win.
  • fishgutzy
    fishgutzy Posts: 2,807 Member
    I used to bring excess to work and put it in the break room for my co-workers. That always made it disappear fast.
  • KickassAugust
    KickassAugust Posts: 1,430 Member
    Evil - no...!

    But why don't you just run their *kitten* off while Trick or Treating?

    Then tell them to have at the candy that night... anything they don't eat wont be there in the morning... then toss the candy in the trash?

    Sure they will puke... but with all the walking, the heavy candy lifting, the trash taking outing, and the Cinderella like scrubs you'll do cleaning up vomit - you wont even miss the Zumba!

    Cheers and Happy Samhain...
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    OP! You very recently said that Halloween is your favorite holiday AND your birthday. Do not have your children always associate your birthday with a day they were hurt and angry with you. :(
  • skullshank
    skullshank Posts: 4,323 Member
    seems you've already picked your costume...a selfish *****.
    here's a better costume idea...go as an adult with self control.