Am I Evil????



  • deniseblossoms
    deniseblossoms Posts: 373 Member
    I just wanted to add, no not evil, was just going with the words in your post. I do feel for's hard to struggle with these things every day. I don't know you or your struggles...I hope you find a way to deal with this that can make everyone happy in your household. Just try to not be that crazy woman on the tv commercial and the punch line from the kids is mom is dieting again.

    Not sure the age of the kids but perhaps you could talk to them, I know there are programs where dentists will buy back candy, maybe let them keep a set amount each. Have them pick their pieces and do a candy weigh in...bribe them with a movie night or family a haunted hay ride or forest....

    Sorry if I came across mean or judgmental I just really don't think exorcising Halloween from the kids is "fair" to them. Doesn't really solve the problem.

    Stay Strong:)
  • Saree1902
    Saree1902 Posts: 611 Member
    How about doing all the dressing up and fun stuff minus the sugar? So costumes, maybe some Halloween themed cartoons and some silly games like apple bobbing. If it's not too short notice, get some of their friends round for an hour or so?

    I tend to agree with not having excess sugar around the house. My stepchildren are overloaded with chocolate every Easter and Christmas and it's never finished...because letting them have too much turns them into hyperactive little monsters!! Plus they forget about it as they're only with us once a fortnight.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Why are people so against children having fun these days?
  • Erisad
    Erisad Posts: 1,580
    I'm considering not letting my kids trick or treat at all (when I do have kids) because it's too unsafe to have them walking around at night, all for candy that will just make them fat anyway.

    They aren't alone, you are with them. In regards to candy, I do not let my children gorge on candy never have never will. They get to eat 2 pieces when they come home and get one treat a day for a specific amount of time and that is it. You control what they get don't kill it for them. being an adult is ****ty and no more innocent fun. Let them enjoy being kids.

    Even if I'm there with them, they can still get hurt. There have been so many kids shot and killed on Halloween night in my area because of stupid gang fights and such. I would rather have my kids live and be healthy than have ****ty candy and increase the risk of them dying.

    That sounds like a lovely idea...if I can get the father to cooperate and not sneak them candy when I'm not looking. Training him to eat well will be harder than getting the kids to eat right. *sigh*

    You know what ruins your childhood? Getting really overweight when you hit puberty and no one wants to be your friend because of it. I don't want my kids to go through the same thing as I did. :(
  • jeleclekat
    jeleclekat Posts: 124 Member
    Did you trick or treat as a kid? If so, you should remember how big a deal it was. I agree with most of the other posters.

    Limit the time out t-o-t if you absolutely just HAVE to go to zumba that one night. Can you go earlier in day if you HAVE to go? This is a night for the kids, once a year, and only for a few years. Some organizations have alternate t-o-t events, maybe you can partner with a friend or neighbor on one way carpooling. If zumba is a must, can your kids go out with friends or family members willing to take them for their night of fun? Do they have a babysitter you could pay to take them?

    If you don't want all the candy, divide and donate. My mom used to go through our bags and pick out several pieces she'd like to have, and we got the rest. "Back then" we have TWO nights to go out. Think of all the loot we had.

    Give the kids their night of fun - you had it, and it doesn't last forever. I wouldn't tell mine no because I couldn't control myself. Keep it out of your sight, and let them have their fun.
  • dansls1
    dansls1 Posts: 309 Member
    There is a dentist by us who will buy the candy you don't want.
  • Lift_hard_eat_big
    Lift_hard_eat_big Posts: 2,278 Member
    Am I evil for telling my kids I'm not taking them trick-or-treating because I want to go to zumba that night? Oh, and I don't want all that tempting candy all over the place (I lack the self-control and also addicted to sugar). Last year they got so much candy it filled half a garbage bag (5 kids). Who ended up eating most of it???? Me! I was doing pretty good until my sugar relapse. Any suggestions on what to do besides go on a sugar binge?

    You'd probably get a better burn walking with your children than doing Zumba.
  • belladonna786
    belladonna786 Posts: 1,165 Member
    I'm considering not letting my kids trick or treat at all (when I do have kids) because it's too unsafe to have them walking around at night, all for candy that will just make them fat anyway.

    They aren't alone, you are with them. In regards to candy, I do not let my children gorge on candy never have never will. They get to eat 2 pieces when they come home and get one treat a day for a specific amount of time and that is it. You control what they get don't kill it for them. being an adult is ****ty and no more innocent fun. Let them enjoy being kids.

    Even if I'm there with them, they can still get hurt. There have been so many kids shot and killed on Halloween night in my area because of stupid gang fights and such. I would rather have my kids live and be healthy than have ****ty candy and increase the risk of them dying.

    That sounds like a lovely idea...if I can get the father to cooperate and not sneak them candy when I'm not looking. Training him to eat well will be harder than getting the kids to eat right. *sigh*

    You know what ruins your childhood? Getting really overweight when you hit puberty and no one wants to be your friend because of it. I don't want my kids to go through the same thing as I did. :(

    ah yes husbands…
    Sorry I wasn't aware that your area was so dangerous, that is terrible!
    Remember this for when you become a parent, you control what your children eat, give them healthy foods and they will always make healthy choices. I am so sorry you had a rough childhood :(
  • pullipgirl
    pullipgirl Posts: 767 Member
    You can go Trick or treating and donate the candy to the troops
  • Rubyayn
    Rubyayn Posts: 433 Member
    Why are people so against children having fun these days?

    I genuinly do not understand why most people (not you specifically) are convinced the fun has to include the candy and unhealthy treats though. We had a lot of fun at the healthy Halloween event yesterday. In fact, it is all my daughter has talked about. I think it is all in finding the alternatives.
  • hotpot83
    Please do not make food an issue for your kids... I wasnt allowed treak or treating, sweets, chocolate and my weight was monitored from the age of 7 even though i wasnt overweight back then.... they were so paranoid that I would become fat.... and look what happened-I did!

    Just go trick or treating for a little while... get them small bags/plastic pumpkins to carry their goodies, so that they cant come home with too much-just explain that if they get too much they'll get bad teeth or something :)

    trust yourself and your own will power- you can do this :)
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member

    Even if I'm there with them, they can still get hurt. There have been so many kids shot and killed on Halloween night in my area because of stupid gang fights and such. I would rather have my kids live and be healthy than have ****ty candy and increase the risk of them dying.

    You know what ruins your childhood? Getting really overweight when you hit puberty and no one wants to be your friend because of it. I don't want my kids to go through the same thing as I did. :(

    When you have kids, tell them each year you are going to go on an adventure and take them to a safer neighborhood. Kids don't get fat from one night. You can always go with the ideas given to this woman--tell the kids ahead of time that the majority of their trick or treating will be to help out with a good cause. Let them keep some of the candy and then take them in their costumes to a nursing home or a children's home and dole out the rest.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Why are people so against children having fun these days?

    I genuinly do not understand why most people (not you specifically) are convinced the fun has to include the candy and unhealthy treats though. We had a lot of fun at the healthy Halloween event yesterday. In fact, it is all my daughter has talked about. I think it is all in finding the alternatives.
    It's a tradition. It's fun. And IT'S ONE NIGHT A YEAR. Halloween is not the cause of the obesity problem in this country.

    I loved trick or treating as a kid. I loved taking my daughter when she was little. I miss being able to do it. It isn't the candy I miss. That was just part of the fun. Now everyone wants to take it away. It's not just Halloween falling prey to this thinking, but it's a big part of it. Sad. Very, very, very sad.

    And for the record, I got and ate candy every year. And on Easter, too. And I wasn't overweight until I was 29 years old.
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member

    I genuinly do not understand why most people (not you specifically) are convinced the fun has to include the candy and unhealthy treats though. We had a lot of fun at the healthy Halloween event yesterday. In fact, it is all my daughter has talked about. I think it is all in finding the alternatives.

    Because that is a huge part of the holiday for Halloween for kids. It was a joy as an adult just to hand out the candy. The kids were so excited and fun. I worry about the eating habits of children and how much junk they are exposed to, but the solution isn't to banish the holidays, it's to change the regular days. You can do whatever you want with your own kids, but this particular OP asked a specific question, and it was all about her needs, not the health of her kids.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    I just don't understand why your children should have to sacrifice a childhood tradition for the sake of your lifestyle change. It sucks to be the only kid left out of the traditional festivies. How are you teaching them self-control if you don't possess the ability to demonstrate it?
  • jenTjenTjenT
    jenTjenTjenT Posts: 10 Member
    Take them trick or treating. All that walking is still exercise! Then get them a little box with a lock on it and tell them never to let you have the key, even if you beg.
  • AngryDiet
    AngryDiet Posts: 1,349 Member
    I don't think the OP had spared a thought to whether the candy would be good for her children. That's not what motivated her post.

    It seemed to all be about her inability to not steal her children's candy resulting in her denying them a happy and fun night because she sucks.
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member
    I agree with the others. Go to Zumba another night. Your kids are only young for a short while.
  • KellyKAG
    KellyKAG Posts: 418
    My kids' school takes donated candy and sends it to the troops over seas. I let my kids keep a few pieces of their favorite to be given out over a period of time and donate the rest. They have one night a year. Zumba is how many times a week. let your kids have a little fun.
  • Erisad
    Erisad Posts: 1,580
    I'm considering not letting my kids trick or treat at all (when I do have kids) because it's too unsafe to have them walking around at night, all for candy that will just make them fat anyway.

    They aren't alone, you are with them. In regards to candy, I do not let my children gorge on candy never have never will. They get to eat 2 pieces when they come home and get one treat a day for a specific amount of time and that is it. You control what they get don't kill it for them. being an adult is ****ty and no more innocent fun. Let them enjoy being kids.

    Even if I'm there with them, they can still get hurt. There have been so many kids shot and killed on Halloween night in my area because of stupid gang fights and such. I would rather have my kids live and be healthy than have ****ty candy and increase the risk of them dying.

    That sounds like a lovely idea...if I can get the father to cooperate and not sneak them candy when I'm not looking. Training him to eat well will be harder than getting the kids to eat right. *sigh*

    You know what ruins your childhood? Getting really overweight when you hit puberty and no one wants to be your friend because of it. I don't want my kids to go through the same thing as I did. :(

    ah yes husbands…
    Sorry I wasn't aware that your area was so dangerous, that is terrible!
    Remember this for when you become a parent, you control what your children eat, give them healthy foods and they will always make healthy choices. I am so sorry you had a rough childhood :( cousins don't even trick or treat anymore because of it. Then again the youngest just turned 12 so she's about the right age to grow out of it. I think it's illegal for people over the age of 12 to trick or treat in certain areas.

    Right. Hopefully my bf assimilates to my eating style without too much struggle but considering he's a beer and wings kind of's gonna be hard. >.<

    It's okay. It's bad enough to have Aspergers but to be fat too? People avoided me like the plague. It got better in college where the people were smarter in general.
    When you have kids, tell them each year you are going to go on an adventure and take them to a safer neighborhood. Kids don't get fat from one night. You can always go with the ideas given to this woman--tell the kids ahead of time that the majority of their trick or treating will be to help out with a good cause. Let them keep some of the candy and then take them in their costumes to a nursing home or a children's home and dole out the rest.

    ...yeah, good luck finding a safer neighborhood. The neighborhoods that used to be safe no longer are.

    Hmmm...hopefully they'll go along with that. >.<