Am I Evil????



  • shae68143
    shae68143 Posts: 422 Member
    Why are people so against children having fun these days?

    I genuinly do not understand why most people (not you specifically) are convinced the fun has to include the candy and unhealthy treats though. We had a lot of fun at the healthy Halloween event yesterday. In fact, it is all my daughter has talked about. I think it is all in finding the alternatives.
    It's a tradition. It's fun. And IT'S ONE NIGHT A YEAR. Halloween is not the cause of the obesity problem in this country.

    I loved trick or treating as a kid. I loved taking my daughter when she was little. I miss being able to do it. It isn't the candy I miss. That was just part of the fun. Now everyone wants to take it away. It's not just Halloween falling prey to this thinking, but it's a big part of it. Sad. Very, very, very sad.

    And for the record, I got and ate candy every year. And on Easter, too. And I wasn't overweight until I was 29 years old.

    I think the problem is that generally we (Americans especially) celebrate most things (Holidays, Birthdays, Successes, you name it.. etc) with food.

    Yes, only Americans do that.

    And one night of walking around the neighborhood getting some unhealthy candy to eat for a day or two (and you CAN limit what they have) is going to ruin their health for the rest of their lives.

    You're right. What was I thinking?

    I do not think one of us is "right" and the other "wrong". We simply have different views on an issue. People often do, so I thought I would offer my perspective as well as what we use as a fun and healthy alternative for the kids in my family. That way if she wants, Zumba mom can do Halloween with her kids, not have the temptations and still make her zumba class. No sweeping generalization about ruining ones kids health for life, just an alternative if you do not want the candy and unhealthy treats. We do not. I really don't see the issue with that and do not think it is sad at all.

    KUDOS TO YOU AND YOUR HUBBY. Your little girl is one of the most well rounded children (for being almost 3) that I have ever come across. She is allowed to partake in said "Holidays" throughout the year, but that fact that you are teaching and showing her that there are healthier alternatives is to be commended.

    No one poster is right, no one poster is wrong just like you said - but to condemn those who are going with the traditional way of what society says the holiday is about is just plain ignorant in my opinion (like others on here are doing). We are all entitled to raise our children the way we see fit. You can offer your opinion just as any one else can, but when you put someone down for theirs you become the one in the wrong (as others have done to you, not that you did to them :) )

    I can only hope the OP finds a happy medium for her kids, herself, and her family (regardless of what anyone here thinks is appropriate).
  • ZoeLifts
    ZoeLifts Posts: 10,347 Member

    No one poster is right, no one poster is wrong just like you said - but to condemn those who are going with the traditional way of what society says the holiday is about is just plain ignorant in my opinion. We are all entitled to raise our children the way we see fit. You can offer your opinion just as any one else can, but when you put someone down for theirs you become the one in the wrong.

    So which is it? No one is right or wrong, but those that disagree with you are ignorant?
  • Kalebsmommy424
    Kalebsmommy424 Posts: 110 Member
    It's OK mom. You go do Zumba. I don't need to trick or treat this year.


    aha!!! I literally laughed out loud forreal...glad I have a office...and to answer the OP yes you are evil..Because u are a sugar addict you deprive your children from being children..its one day a year for goodness sakes!!...and you evidently already knew the answer to this question which is why u asked it in the first place. Take the kids Trick or Treating and quit being so selfish!
  • TylerJ76
    TylerJ76 Posts: 4,375 Member
    Evil? No.
    Selfish? VERY
  • shae68143
    shae68143 Posts: 422 Member

    No one poster is right, no one poster is wrong just like you said - but to condemn those who are going with the traditional way of what society says the holiday is about is just plain ignorant in my opinion. We are all entitled to raise our children the way we see fit. You can offer your opinion just as any one else can, but when you put someone down for theirs you become the one in the wrong.

    So which is it? No one is right or wrong, but those that disagree with you are ignorant?

    No reread it, I said when you put someone down for theirs, you become the ignorant one. You can offer yours, just as I can mine, but don't make mine any less value of yours.
  • sizzle92
    sizzle92 Posts: 1,015 Member
    Can someone else take them? Personally I would try to overcome your weaknesses so you can be with your children and let them be children, but that's just me. I missed my 2 1/2 hour workout Saturday to take ds to a parade and a carnival. It's called being a parent.
  • sunkissedrn19
    sunkissedrn19 Posts: 2 Member
    I think going to ZUMBA sounds awesome. If you want something to do with the candy you can look into going to an Elementay or local school and some have been donating to the troops overseas or atleast that it here in VA.
  • Kalebsmommy424
    Kalebsmommy424 Posts: 110 Member

    ...yeah, good luck finding a safer neighborhood. The neighborhoods that used to be safe no longer are.

    Hmmm...hopefully they'll go along with that. >.<

    It's hard to believe there is nowhere that has a safer neighborhood. You can even take kids to shopping malls for trick or treating. As a parent, talk to the neighborhood schools about having trick or treat indoors at the school. You can do your part to make that happen. Besides, you don't have children yet. Who knows where you will be living? If children are taught from the start that Trick or Treating is about fun and giving to others, it won't be something to go along with. It will be what they know.

    Maybe not nearby. Who wants to drive for an hour just to trick-or-treat?

    Yeah if I'm having kids where I am or where my bf is currently living, we'd both be hard pressed to find somewhere safe unless we decide to move hours away from both of our families. :/

    The school thing is an idea. Although that might require the teachers to actually stay after hours or give up part of their standardized test prep to let them do it during the school day. It's something to consider though.

    Never have children..they will hate you...yeah that was harsh..but so what..smh@some of these comments
  • ZoeLifts
    ZoeLifts Posts: 10,347 Member

    No one poster is right, no one poster is wrong just like you said - but to condemn those who are going with the traditional way of what society says the holiday is about is just plain ignorant in my opinion. We are all entitled to raise our children the way we see fit. You can offer your opinion just as any one else can, but when you put someone down for theirs you become the one in the wrong.

    So which is it? No one is right or wrong, but those that disagree with you are ignorant?

    No reread it, I said when you put someone down for theirs, you become the ignorant one. You can offer yours, just as I can mine, but don't make mine any less value of yours.

    Ah, I see it now. I did read it wrong!
  • sizzle92
    sizzle92 Posts: 1,015 Member
    I'm considering not letting my kids trick or treat at all (when I do have kids) because it's too unsafe to have them walking around at night, all for candy that will just make them fat anyway.

    They aren't alone, you are with them. In regards to candy, I do not let my children gorge on candy never have never will. They get to eat 2 pieces when they come home and get one treat a day for a specific amount of time and that is it. You control what they get don't kill it for them. being an adult is ****ty and no more innocent fun. Let them enjoy being kids.

    Even if I'm there with them, they can still get hurt. There have been so many kids shot and killed on Halloween night in my area because of stupid gang fights and such. I would rather have my kids live and be healthy than have ****ty candy and increase the risk of them dying.

    That sounds like a lovely idea...if I can get the father to cooperate and not sneak them candy when I'm not looking. Training him to eat well will be harder than getting the kids to eat right. *sigh*

    You know what ruins your childhood? Getting really overweight when you hit puberty and no one wants to be your friend because of it. I don't want my kids to go through the same thing as I did. :(

    Um ever thought of moving your kids out of the ghetto?
  • ZoeLifts
    ZoeLifts Posts: 10,347 Member
    I think going to ZUMBA sounds awesome. If you want something to do with the candy you can look into going to an Elementay or local school and some have been donating to the troops overseas or atleast that it here in VA.

    Ummm, there won't be candy if she goes to zumba. She was going to do that instead of taking her kids trick or treating. Unless I am missing your sarcasm here, then, well played....
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    Even if I'm there with them, they can still get hurt. There have been so many kids shot and killed on Halloween night in my area because of stupid gang fights and such. I would rather have my kids live and be healthy than have ****ty candy and increase the risk of them dying.

    Why not just drive them somewhere more safe?
  • Crucker73
    Crucker73 Posts: 53 Member
    I wouldn't say evil - but a bit selfish. Sometimes you have to sacrifice your for the happiness of the children. Do Zumba earlier or have good old fashioned will power to not eat the candy. Its the little things that our kids remember
  • sizzle92
    sizzle92 Posts: 1,015 Member
    Even if I'm there with them, they can still get hurt. There have been so many kids shot and killed on Halloween night in my area because of stupid gang fights and such. I would rather have my kids live and be healthy than have ****ty candy and increase the risk of them dying.

    Why not just drive them somewhere more safe?

    That would be boring! What's Halloween without gangs and gun shots? Duh!
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    Your are very welcome! :happy:
    But if you really think of smothering your kids like that... dont have any..... :indifferent: sorry I am direct and honest... but just dont....

    So wanting my children to not get shot by gang members and to eat healthy is smothering, then what kind of parent should I be? Suuuuure, eat all the fatty foods you want and then dance in the middle of traffic at night. I wouldn't want someone on the internet to think I'm no fun! :/

    Holy drama queen, batman!
  • Kalebsmommy424
    Kalebsmommy424 Posts: 110 Member
    Your are very welcome! :happy:
    But if you really think of smothering your kids like that... dont have any..... :indifferent: sorry I am direct and honest... but just dont....

    So wanting my children to not get shot by gang members and to eat healthy is smothering, then what kind of parent should I be? Suuuuure, eat all the fatty foods you want and then dance in the middle of traffic at night. I wouldn't want someone on the internet to think I'm no fun! :/

    Okay stop the bull.. I grew up in one of the worst cities in America.. East St. Louis IL..if you've never heard of it Google it...we'd trick or treat in a better neighborhood because my area wasn't the best.. I'm really glad you don't have children..your way of thinking is way off...continue to let your eggs stay on strike.. gangs..poverty..and etc.. was all apart of my childhood but NEVER would my mom had said "no hun I think you'll get shot tonight so we're gonna 86 all holiday traditions and fun things that go on outside our 4 walls" Grow up..and I'm quite sure when you have kids your logic will change (or I hope it does)..when we don't have kids we have a tendency to say what "we're not going to do" but then we realize when we don't have children we really didn't know that the heck we were talking about anyway.
  • Pixi_Rex
    Pixi_Rex Posts: 1,676 Member
    Evil? No. Mean Possibly.

    What my Brother does (not a parent but fairly involved in my nieces life - its a long story) is takes her around the cresent he lives on, and then to a few friends houses, and my house and thats the end trick-or-treating. Then they go home, sort through her candy take everything she loves out and put it in a pile, and then give the rest away. And he gives her a few weeks to eat what she gets and if its not gone it goes in the garbage.

    I lived with them last year and she kept the candy bag in her room - and if I snuck something out (I love mini chocolate bars) she would goe "thats a dollar please" let me tell ya something... it adds up fast and being as I am a cheapo it wasn't worth it. lol

    Take the kids out for a little bit - doesn't have to be long maybe a block, or just a few houses and then go to Zumba after.
  • sizzle92
    sizzle92 Posts: 1,015 Member
    W(here)TH is OP????
  • cgarand
    cgarand Posts: 541 Member
    I usually don't comment on peoples choices with their children. Their kids, their rules. But, I am especially qualified to speak on evil since my nickname is EC (Evil Cheryl). And, you are truly evil for forbidding trick or treating for your children because you want to go to zumba and don't want the temptation. It is a pretty selfish choice and selfishness is nearly essential for evilness to occur. Way to go! Don't worry about shattering your children's fond childhood memories of trick or treating. If they complain tell them to save it for their therapist. :devil:
  • Crucker73
    Crucker73 Posts: 53 Member
    Your are very welcome! :happy:
    But if you really think of smothering your kids like that... dont have any..... :indifferent: sorry I am direct and honest... but just dont....

    So wanting my children to not get shot by gang members and to eat healthy is smothering, then what kind of parent should I be? Suuuuure, eat all the fatty foods you want and then dance in the middle of traffic at night. I wouldn't want someone on the internet to think I'm no fun! :/

    Okay stop the bull.. I grew up in one of the worst cities in America.. East St. Louis IL..if you've never heard of it Google it...we'd trick or treat in a better neighborhood because my area wasn't the best.. I'm really glad you don't have children..your way of thinking is way off...continue to let your eggs stay on strike.. gangs..poverty..and etc.. was all apart of my childhood but NEVER would my mom had said "no hun I think you'll get shot tonight so we're gonna 86 all holiday traditions and fun things that go on outside our 4 walls" Grow up..and I'm quite sure when you have kids your logic will change (or I hope it does)..when we don't have kids we have a tendency to say what "we're not going to do" but then we realize when we don't have children we really didn't know that the heck we were talking about anyway.

    ^^ this!