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What is the nicest thing you've done for anyone?



  • I'm not sure if this is the nicest thing I've ever done, but it's pretty up there.
    My best friend had never been to the snow... her mom drove her through it before, but never let her stop and play in it (wtf??). So myself and our other friends devised a plan to kidnap her for her 20th birthday and drive her to the snow without telling her where we were going. We built a mini snowman, ate snow, had a snowball fight, made snow angels, etc. She cried. :)
  • barbaramitchell101
    barbaramitchell101 Posts: 360 Member

    I also am helping my son, (30 years old) and for awhile his girlfriend, (they recently broke up after being together almost 5 years) letting them live in my home until they were able to get on their feet and get a place of their own...they lost their Jack In the Box employment (they both worked there) and then had no income...I bought their food and gave them tobacco money, and whatever money they asked for, I even gave her the money to get her CPR/First Aid training, because she was looking into employment that required this certification) ,other money as they needed it to keep them going..they finally applied for food stamps and this is helping out (they were actually able to have steak now!!! and did share with me, too...in fact whenever he is cooking for himself, he offers some to me also)....they moved in almost 2 years ago...to save on expenses, because she was making long distance calls to her family out of state...I installed Magic Jack on my computer system, which is wonderful because I no longer have a $65.00 phone bill every month, which helps me to finance other things...it allows unlimited phone service, local and long distance anywhere in the USA and Canada, or anyone else in the world if they also have a Magic Jack setup...it works great, unless the internet is down for some reason....

    I really can't tell if this is for real Tobacco? Steak? Long distance calls?

    WHATEVER they needed...within reason...and the tobacco they bought was usually the rollable kind...they would buy regular cigs, if they managed to get their hands on other money....for awhile, they went out into the local landfill, or into the desert around our small rural town, to find, collect, and recycle metal that they would find...this was good untill the local recycler dropped the price by $70 a ton...it was $170 a ton and is now at $110 a ton...just because they were consistanly bringing it in....they had lost their vehicle, due to major repairs needed, and just sold it for scrap...I also had an old vehicle that I drove for 18 years, and then just parked it because someone had broken all the windows out when I had to leave it overnight where I worked...(on an indian reservation)...I gave that vehicle to them to recycle also...my son took me out to dinner, when they got that $120....
  • I'm not sure if this is the nicest thing I've ever done, but it's pretty up there.
    My best friend had never been to the snow... her mom drove her through it before, but never let her stop and play in it (wtf??). So myself and our other friends devised a plan to kidnap her for her 20th birthday and drive her to the snow without telling her where we were going. We built a mini snowman, ate snow, had a snowball fight, made snow angels, etc. She cried. :)

    aww, that's sweet :)
  • One year my sister had a new baby and was very behind on her bills. I stole a bunch of her bills without her knowing and paid them all up to date. To this day she doesn't know who did it. Another year at Christmas I spent dollar for dollar as much on gifts for charity as I did on the gifts for my family and friends.

    That's really nice!!
  • I paid for my neighbor to go to ESL classes. She really wanted to learn English, but didn't have any money to attend classes.
  • StinkyWinkies
    StinkyWinkies Posts: 603 Member
    More awesome people...how wonderful!

  • I gave a family in need my car..( I bout a new one)
  • Alex_is_Hawks
    Alex_is_Hawks Posts: 3,499 Member
    In the spirit of "what is..." posts:

    I had flowers delivered to my best friend at her job for her 38th birthday because she had told me no one had ever sent her flowers, ever, for anything.

    I did this for my best friend, she was at a job where everyone was giving her a hard time about her "imaginary boyfriend" who was very real....he just didn't think to ever show her through flowers or anything....

    so I did...i sent her one dozen "anonymous" golden (the symbol for friendship) flowers to her work.....she assumed he sent them and glowed all day.....

    she came home and (we were roomates) and i admitted what I did.....she was thrilled...the girls at work shut up, and her boyfriend realised that if he didn't start sending her flowers, someone else would....

    so yeah.....i've done that....oddly enough I've never gotten flowers....but i'm not sweating it...it'll happen i'm sure....

    My daughter and I also register to "adopt" a less fortunate family every Christmas and give them a Christmas of their own....we LOVE that....we have SO MUCH fun planning and shopping and doing that....

    thanks to my ex and how garnishment is now set up, I may be in too big of a budget deficit/crunch to do that this year....that makes me sad....

    but yeah....i love the anonymous type of giving...it gives me a little smile to know i brightened someone's day and they don't even know it was me.

  • love22step
    love22step Posts: 1,103 Member
    Probably divorcing my ex--he didn't like me much. Oh, but I waited a few extra months so he could get cheap medical insurance and half my retirement pay. That was pretty nice of me.
  • Probably divorcing my ex--he didn't like me much. Oh, but I waited a few extra months so he could get cheap medical insurance and half my retirement pay. That was pretty nice of me.

    very nice of you on the medical insurance.
  • GeneveSparkles
    GeneveSparkles Posts: 283 Member
    Not the nicest thing I've ever done, but around the holidays I get a kick outta paying for the person's order in the car behind me at Starbucks (it was done to me once and I thought it was a great idea.) As I don't have a ton of disposable income, I do make sure there is only one person in the car :)
  • BeeRobin
    BeeRobin Posts: 160 Member
    That is a tough question. When my son died on February 22, 2009 I was devastated. My son had unconditional love for everyone. I wanted to keep his legacy alive. So, on the 22nd of each month I do a random act of kindness to someone who does not know me. I was at McDonalds on 22nd, and there was a family there that (you could tell) had little money. There were several kids. They were going to split kids meals and dollar sandwiches. My heart went out to them. I took the mother up to the counter and said to order everyone their own meal. It was about $30. It was the best $30 I spent. The kids were so happy because they had their own toy, and no one went hungry. I challange each of you to pick a day each month to do a random act of kindness to someone you do not know. Believer me YOU WILL BE THE ONE BLESSED!:heart:

  • brittaney10811
    brittaney10811 Posts: 588 Member
    drove through town this past summer and saw a guy holding one of those 'we buy your gold' signs for a local jewelry store. there was a heat advisory out for the second or third day in a row, and this guy was just completley soaked in his own sweat. He had a bottle of water next to him, but it was about 3/4 full and had no condensation. my guess was that he refilled it and it got hot so he couldn't drink it. What went through my mind is.....

    "this guy could be sitting at home in A/C sucking up unemployement or welfare... but no, he's out here in these AWFUL conditions working. maybe he's got a family, maybe he doesn't. either way, he definitely isn't taking the easy way out. it's not a glamourous job, but there he is, doing it all the same."

    so i stopped in at the rite aid and bought the biggest bottle of water i could find. it was 32+ ounces and ice cold. when i came out of the store, the guy was sitting on the sidewalk with his back against a lamp post, shading himself as much as he could with the sign. I walked up to him from behind and set down the water. i said 'i hope your day ends pretty soon, i know it's awful out here." and stood back up. he gave me a smile and said thank you, looking surprised yet relieved. I got back to my car and looked over, and the guy already had half of the bottle gone, and then started to splash some of it onto his face. My hart sank for him, but I knew he wouldn't forget the random act of kindness. I just hope he remembers it and passes it along somewhere down the road when he sees an opportunity. :flowerforyou:
  • Wonderwoman2677
    Wonderwoman2677 Posts: 428 Member
    I do like to help people, but I have to give a cosmic shout out to the one person that has helped me so many times over the years. At different times she's been a great listener and problem solver. She loaned me money and never rushed me about paying it back... the first time was $900 to fix my POS car, then before I had paid that off my grandmother passed away. She paid for plane tickets for my whole family to go to the funeral. I wouldn't have been able to go without her. It took 2+ years to pay her back. She still brings stuff to me that "she doesn't need", but I think she just knows I need it...food and sometimes clothes.

    One for me... when I was 8 mos pregnant my boss and I were leaving at the same time to go home, around 11PM. Her car had a flat tire and she didn't know how to change it. I changed it myself :)
  • julieh391
    julieh391 Posts: 683 Member
    I stayed with my grandmother at her home for 8 days until she passed away and refused to let my dad and his sisters do her physical care. She was almost completely unconscious the entire time except when she would make it known that she was in pain. I administered meds, changed her, bathed her.. The works. I just couldn't let her children do those things. I wanted them to remember their mom as the spunky lady she always was. It was a really hard but really loving time for our family. We are all a lot closer now. :heart:
  • sevsmom
    sevsmom Posts: 1,172 Member
    Wasn't (and still am not) a complete witch to my exhusband. We weren't good spouses to each other, be we are FANTASTIC exes!!! LOL We actually joke about it all the time. Some of his cousins actually wondered if I was going to be at his wedding this past summer. We get along that well.

    I've done nicer things for other people, but I prefer not to talk about it. I get laughs out of being an EXCELLENT ex-wife!! :-)
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    I decided to still run the NYC marathon even though it will be completely surrounded by suffering and despair...

    ...but I'll be helping the local economy which will help everyone recover more quickly (or something like that), so what I'm doing is actually the nicest thing possible.

    Maybe I'll grab an extra cup of water from one of the many tables full and throw it to some of the nearby residents who don't have any water. Oh, and I'll try to run really fast so the 1000 law enforcement officers can get back to the areas where people are being robbed and buildings looted as soon as they can.
  • MissAnjy
    MissAnjy Posts: 2,480 Member
    When I was 17, I worked at Wendys for minimum wage. I was dating a guy who was 23 but who still lived at home. His dad was in and out of work, and so was he. The majority of the bills fell on his mothers shoulders & his father (and him) drank away a lot of her funds. She called me one day, desperate & asked if I could loan her a couple hundred dollars for bills & asked if I would never say anything to her son or his father because he would come down hard on her. I gave her the money, no questions asked, and never asked for it to be returned. I also never told him or his dad about that day.

    I've often paid for the car behind me in line at Tim Hortons. It's the least I can do. If I'm having a hard day, it makes me feel better to do something nice for someone else.

    About a year ago now, I sent my ex-boyfriend (from 4 years prior) flowers to his work after I heard that he was having a tough time in life. He was stressed, still single and really down on himself. I sent a large yellow vase with a happy face on it & yellow and white roses. The card read "Smile!" & I never left my name with the flower shop.
  • Crookey21
    Crookey21 Posts: 311 Member
    first thing that comes to mind....

    in highschool we took a trip to the State Fair of Texas. i was hanging around with a group and one of the girls tore the thong of her flipflop. i gave her my shoes so she didnt have to be barefoot and went barefoot instead. Needless to say...my dogs were barking by the time i got home.
  • julie781
    julie781 Posts: 221 Member
    I provided a young single mother with money to go to college as she danced for me on stage.

    ya you did! thanks ♥ jk