What is the nicest thing you've done for anyone?



  • Dub_D
    Dub_D Posts: 1,760 Member
    I took a little person in a wheel chair to prom.
  • mingecrackers
    When I was jobless, I sold all my jewellery to buy my boyfriend something special for his 21st birthday.
  • wildflower0872
    I've given two cars to my family members when I upgraded
    I have worked at the winter shelter and done the shifts no-one else wanted (xmas night! and new years eve)
    I've organised a collection for a volunteer who had her purse stolen just before christmas
    I've set up a crisis food bank for people who have nothing
    I left all the material possessions and house with my ex husband when our relationship was over
    I bought clothes for a friend who didn't have a job so he could go to interviews
    Let my mum and dad move in with me for months when they were going through a bit of a crisis

    I'm a good egg... thanks for reminding me :flowerforyou:
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    I would have to say:

    Loving people
    Listening to people
    Praying for people
    encouraging people
  • AmyW125
    AmyW125 Posts: 303 Member
    I gave my car to an older man that I would see riding his bike back and forth to work everyday. It was about 15 degrees out and I stopped and asked him if he needed a ride. He said NO but thanked me for caring. I was going to use the car for a trade in and knew I couldn't get much for it anyway. I couldn't stop thinking about this man. I waited for him the next day with the keys and the title. That was about 6 years ago....he is still driving it and smiles and waves to me everyday. :smile:
  • mingecrackers
    Sometimes I like to cruise through random people's Amazon Wishlists and anonymously buy them a little something off the list
  • spikesmom
    spikesmom Posts: 441 Member
    I try to do things for others all of the time ( like cooking for a friend diagnosed with bone cancer, giving a yorkie puppy to a girl that couldn't afford one, buying coffee for the same homeless man I saw at Starbucks and cat food for his pet) but ultimately I do it for myself. It makes me feel like a better person :) I think that we all come out ahead when we do for others..
  • fitwithin
    fitwithin Posts: 210 Member
    This is a wonderful thread and we have some real givers on here. Thanks to everyone for sharing.

    One that comes to mind for me is hiring one of my daughter's drill team moms as a receptionist. The first day at the office she asked if she could have a ride home. When I asked where her car was, she didn't have one. I drove her back and forth to work for three years. When I had one of my networking buddies get her a car, she gave it to her teenage daughter so I continued to drive her. She was having a tough time and was evicted from her home. She stayed with a friend and I surprised her with a Thanksgiving dinner and they were very grateful.

    My last act of kindness was bailing my daughter's boyfriend out of jail when they came to visit. He didn't think anyone would bail him out and cried and thanked me. He said no one from home would have the money and he thought he would be in there for three months. We told him not to worry about paying us back, but he left part of the money on the desk after their last visit.

    I also forgive my ex and the women he had the affair with who he ended up marrying. I did it for my daughter so she would have a dad in her life. It was very painful, but 10 years later, we still talk and he has been a wonderful dad to my daughter.
  • lewcompton
    lewcompton Posts: 881 Member
    I'm not answering for those acts that are done anonymously are truly the best and are not necessary to share with others. The scout motto, "Do a good turn daily" is a great way to live one's life. Turn from what you were doing at least once during the course of your day and do a random act of kindness for someone.
  • bsuew
    bsuew Posts: 628 Member
    I'm not sure right off the nicest thing I've ever done but I'd love to know who these people were! . . .
    My daughter and I are very close, when she left for college. (5 1/2 hours away). We were both having a hard time with the distance. I had been to every soccer game she played since 2nd grade. Lead her girl scout troop from daisy's to 10th grade. Been to every tennis match she ever played in. So her being 5 1/2 hours away was killing both of us. It was her first year in college she'd left 3 weeks early for soccer camp. Then 4 weeks into the school year she wanted to suprise her dad and me by coming home for the weekend. She was so homesick! She missed her exit and drove about 45 minutes out of the way, turned around and got back on track. It was going to put her coming down a bad mountain after dark. She was by herself. She stopped at a gas station at the top of the mtn and got a coffee. When she got back on the road the median wasn't marked and we think she ran over it and burst a rear tire. Going down the mtn the tire went down and she lost control of her car. 3 1/2 hour away from us 2 away from the college. There was a couple that saw some of what happened and stopped to make sure she was ok. They said her car flipped 5 times at least. There was not one piece of metal on the car that wasn't either scraped or dented beyond repair. The top of the drivers door was sitting on the head rest. My daughters knee went out the window and rode the pavement and was really messed up. Other than that she was scratch free. I talked to this man and lady on their cell phone for about 2 hours on our way to the hospital. They left when she got to the hospital and a friend of my bother and sister in law lived about 1/2 hour from the hospital. He went and sat with her until we arrived. She had surgery 2 times on her knee. But, the amazing thing is we have never been able to get back thru to the couple that stayed with her, called the ambulance ... I talked to them on my cell phone and my husbands cell. We tried to call on both of our phones again, our son's cell and her boy friends cell. Every time after that night when we would try to call and tell them thank you we would get a recording that the number we were calling was not an actual number. God sent 2 amazing angels to watch after our angel until we could get to her! I'd love to be able to tell them how much they mean to me watching after her!
  • Crookey21
    Crookey21 Posts: 311 Member
    I stayed with my grandmother at her home for 8 days until she passed away and refused to let my dad and his sisters do her physical care. She was almost completely unconscious the entire time except when she would make it known that she was in pain. I administered meds, changed her, bathed her.. The works. I just couldn't let her children do those things. I wanted them to remember their mom as the spunky lady she always was. It was a really hard but really loving time for our family. We are all a lot closer now. :heart:

    @julieh391 i now have ultimate respect for you. my mother had a stroke 2 years ago so i understand completely administering medications and assisting with physical needs.
  • enigmachik
    I love this thread. It's so important to be reminded how many wonderful, generous people there still are in the world.

    I hope we are all inspired to keep paying it forward! :)
  • StinkyWinkies
    StinkyWinkies Posts: 603 Member

    I've done nicer things for other people, but I prefer not to talk about it. ...

  • StinkyWinkies
    StinkyWinkies Posts: 603 Member
    More awesome people...my life is made ever so much richer for knowing you're out there.

    :flowerforyou: :heart: :flowerforyou: :heart: :flowerforyou: :heart: :flowerforyou: :heart:
  • StinkyWinkies
    StinkyWinkies Posts: 603 Member
    Here's a link to something some more awesome people have done to help a stranger...perhaps not their 'nicest thing' but nice regardless.

    http://thorsmedicalfund.wordpress.com/ (this was posted on twitter and fb by "Henri, le Chat Noir")

    and, no, I do not know how to make the link clickable, sorry.
  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    Married them.
  • JosephVitte
    JosephVitte Posts: 2,039
    I decided to still run the NYC marathon even though it will be completely surrounded by suffering and despair...

    ...but I'll be helping the local economy which will help everyone recover more quickly (or something like that), so what I'm doing is actually the nicest thing possible.

    Maybe I'll grab an extra cup of water from one of the many tables full and throw it to some of the nearby residents who don't have any water. Oh, and I'll try to run really fast so the 1000 law enforcement officers can get back to the areas where people are being robbed and buildings looted as soon as they can.

    Canceled plans.
  • Jamie_Lauren
    Jamie_Lauren Posts: 211 Member
    A few years ago, my friend's father died only a couple of weeks before her birthday. When her birthday came around, I threw a big surprise party for her at my house with all our closest friends. She loved it and it was a good night :)
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    I have a sponsor child in Kenya, Emmanuel :)
  • StinkyWinkies
    StinkyWinkies Posts: 603 Member
    The awesomeness just keeps on coming... :heart: :flowerforyou: