Pooping and farting - question



  • coolraul07
    coolraul07 Posts: 1,606 Member
    To each his/her own... .as for me:
    #1: no biggie; no special rules except don't flush when someone's in the shower
    #2: I'm in my "Fortress of Solitude"; locked door, and don't talk to me through the door unless the house on fire. That why I bought a house with 3 FULL bathrooms... GO AWAY!

    #0 (flatulence): If at all possible, go to a bathroom, close the door, turn the fan on and fire away. Funny thing, when I'm at work I will go to the bathroom for release. If there's someone else in there I will either wait until they leave or TRY to "put a silencer on the gun". However, if the bathroom's empty, I'm "Guns of the Navaronne" trying to get ahead of the game. For those familiar with "Dragonball Z", I look like I'm "powering up". :explode:

  • Brianna72994
  • Lift_hard_eat_big
    Lift_hard_eat_big Posts: 2,278 Member
    My guy friend at work gets so grossed out when I talk about pooping or farting. It's pretty hilarious, he will sing really loud and plug his ears to drown me out. He said he will end a relationship over a girl farting freely.

    My boyfriend on the other hand could care less. We laugh about it.

    So guys, do you care if a girl farts or poops around you? Girls, do your boyfriends care?

    ETA: she is not pooping on your desk, you are in the bathroom doing your hair and she comes in to poop kinda thing.

    Your guy friend at work is a weirdo! I love how my baby doll and I crack jokes about farting ????and pooping ????
  • parys1
    parys1 Posts: 2,072 Member
    I've been dating my boyfriendfor 7 years, and I've never farted in front of him--only when I'm sleeping and he tells me about it the next day! He doesn't care though. If I have to poop, I will tell him I have to...he never makes a big deal out of it, he just stares at me like I'm kidding hahaha.

    7 years and you've never farted in front of him? That is... odd.

    No it isnt
    My hubby and I have been married ten years and we do not fart in front of each other either. I think it keeps your relationship "fresh" :-) to still try. If you start pooping and farting in front of each other you may as well be brother and sister. Kills the attraction.

    Gess do you still wake up before your husband to rush and get your makeup on before he sees you?

    No way, just pooping and farting gross me out and no matter how much all of you glorify it im never gonna be down for thinking its a nice thing we should enjoy doing together. And before you all start with the its natrural blah blah blah its impolite and thats it! Didnt anyone parents teach them that?? Am I on another planet?!

    Hold on, pooping is impolite? Nope, I missed that lesson. Listen, I don't think anyone is advocating firing crap nuggets at each other like we are monkeys (that is a My Fecal Pal, totally different website). But, there is no reason to go completely out of your way hiding it. No one is asking you to fart so much you are scooting around your house like you are on a hoverboard, but they are natural body functions and teaching they are wrong or impolite is a lttle extreme. Again, perhaps my tolerance is skewed by the fact that I have cleaned more poop out of tiny vaginas in the last 3 years then I care to remember.......

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • sandrinamsilva
    sandrinamsilva Posts: 651 Member
    I have NEVER done that stuff in front of my boyfriend, but we have only been together a few months.

    How long do you have to be together before feeling comfortable enough to do that stuff in front of each other? haha

    Probably about the time you realize you fart on them in your sleep all the time anyway. lol

    That is what I'm most afraid of! Thats why I havent slept over his house yet lol

    My boyfriend and I split up September of last year and got back together New Year's Eve Night. That night I woke up farting on his naked leg. :embarassed: I forgot all about that till now.
  • Ocarina
    Ocarina Posts: 1,550 Member
    I fart in front of my husband. Why? Because humans fart and because my dad used to let it rip in the living room ALL THE DAMN TIME with us around like nobody's business. And my grandmother (his mother) never wigged out when I accidentally farted... Always considered perfectly natural. I don't treat like something disgusting or unnatural. It smells bad obviously.... but around my husband it's kind of like, "Sorry but plug your nose!"

    Around work or other places though I try to avoid farting because I don't want to be known as the stinky person lol. Just weird.

    We have had pooping conversations but tend to avoid those because it's kind of annoying trying to take a dump while having a conversation, LOL! It takes concentration. Plus it's REALLY gross when you get to the toilet paper part. haha Yuck. He has seen my poop though... I am too scared to squash a turd with the plunger............... :tongue:
  • CarmenSRT
    CarmenSRT Posts: 843 Member
    No way, just pooping and farting gross me out and no matter how much all of you glorify it im never gonna be down for thinking its a nice thing we should enjoy doing together. And before you all start with the its natrural blah blah blah its impolite and thats it! Didnt anyone parents teach them that?? Am I on another planet?!

    No, you're not. My parents raised me the same way - it would be considered impolite and unladylike.

    Unfortunately women are often raised to restrain themselves to the point of pain and/or injury for the sake of being "ladylike". I cannot count the number of times I spent hours in pain and misery rather than pass gas in front of other people in situations where I couldn't get away to do so.

    With age came the realization that inflicting pain on myself for the sake of other people's perceptions was not ladylike, it was abusive and unhealthy.

    Meh. I've never really been in a situation where I couldn't excuse myself to somewhere more private.

    Car and bus rides, church, assemblies where you are onstage, classroom with one of THOSE teachers, you've never been trapped like that? Lucky you. :happy:
  • brevislux
    brevislux Posts: 1,093 Member
    I don't like people farting freely, men or women. It's ok if one slips, we're all human, but I'm not fine with just letting one rip when you're with other people. It's only respectful to go in the bathroom and do your business there.

    Also no, I don't want to see my boyfriend poop or to poop next to him. Same with urinating.
  • PBsMommy
    PBsMommy Posts: 1,166 Member
    Frequent things said in our household regarding the subject:
    "OH, YEEEEAAAAAHHH, that stinks. You smell it?"
    "I gotta brown snake playing peek a boo!"
    "I wouldn't go in there a while if I was you."
    "What the hell did you eat?!"
    "I gotta go drop a deuce"

    And my personal favorite:
    1."Hey come in here and look at this!"
    2. "What?"
    1. *Giggles like a little school girl*
    2. "WHAT?!"
    1. *Continues to giggle* "You see it?" *Giggles more*
    2. "OMG, what died in your *kitten*?!"
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    [Car and bus rides, church, assemblies where you are onstage, classroom with one of THOSE teachers, you've never been trapped like that? Lucky you. :happy:

    I guess I'm lucky, then. I've never had a problem that was so bad I was in mortal pain. And I've never felt like I was being oppressed as a woman because I don't let 'em rip whenever and wherever. I actually enjoy being ladylike.
  • CarmenSRT
    CarmenSRT Posts: 843 Member
    [Car and bus rides, church, assemblies where you are onstage, classroom with one of THOSE teachers, you've never been trapped like that? Lucky you. :happy:

    I guess I'm lucky, then. I've never had a problem that was so bad I was in mortal pain. And I've never felt like I was being oppressed as a woman because I don't let 'em rip whenever and wherever. I actually enjoy being ladylike.

    Uh huh.
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    [Car and bus rides, church, assemblies where you are onstage, classroom with one of THOSE teachers, you've never been trapped like that? Lucky you. :happy:

    I guess I'm lucky, then. I've never had a problem that was so bad I was in mortal pain. And I've never felt like I was being oppressed as a woman because I don't let 'em rip whenever and wherever. I actually enjoy being ladylike.

    Uh huh.

    I'm sorry you feel the need to disprove my own feelings. That's kind of weird.

    To each his own. I'm certainly not judging.
  • Brianna72994
    Some people were just raised to think that doing all that stuff is impolite in front of other people. I wish I was comfortable enough to do that stuff around my boyfriend but I'm just not, its awkward to me. Once you have been brought up that way, its hard to change
  • CarmenSRT
    CarmenSRT Posts: 843 Member
    [Car and bus rides, church, assemblies where you are onstage, classroom with one of THOSE teachers, you've never been trapped like that? Lucky you. :happy:

    I guess I'm lucky, then. I've never had a problem that was so bad I was in mortal pain. And I've never felt like I was being oppressed as a woman because I don't let 'em rip whenever and wherever. I actually enjoy being ladylike.

    Uh huh.

    I'm sorry you feel the need to disprove my own feelings. That's kind of weird.

    To each his own. I'm certainly not judging.

    You managed to get an awful lot of content from "Uh huh". "Uh huh" means I read your reply. Any disapproval was generated by you. Reacting to disapproval of you generated by you is unnecessary. And weird.
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    [Car and bus rides, church, assemblies where you are onstage, classroom with one of THOSE teachers, you've never been trapped like that? Lucky you. :happy:

    I guess I'm lucky, then. I've never had a problem that was so bad I was in mortal pain. And I've never felt like I was being oppressed as a woman because I don't let 'em rip whenever and wherever. I actually enjoy being ladylike.

    Uh huh.

    I'm sorry you feel the need to disprove my own feelings. That's kind of weird.

    To each his own. I'm certainly not judging.

    You managed to get an awful lot of content from "Uh huh". "Uh huh" means I read your reply. Any disapproval was generated by you. Reacting to disapproval of you generated by you is unnecessary. And weird.

    Uh huh.
  • CarmenSRT
    CarmenSRT Posts: 843 Member
    [Car and bus rides, church, assemblies where you are onstage, classroom with one of THOSE teachers, you've never been trapped like that? Lucky you. :happy:

    I guess I'm lucky, then. I've never had a problem that was so bad I was in mortal pain. And I've never felt like I was being oppressed as a woman because I don't let 'em rip whenever and wherever. I actually enjoy being ladylike.

    Uh huh.

    I'm sorry you feel the need to disprove my own feelings. That's kind of weird.

    To each his own. I'm certainly not judging.

    You managed to get an awful lot of content from "Uh huh". "Uh huh" means I read your reply. Any disapproval was generated by you. Reacting to disapproval of you generated by you is unnecessary. And weird.

    Uh huh.

  • SageGoddess320
    SageGoddess320 Posts: 2,589 Member
  • california_peach
    california_peach Posts: 1,858 Member
    I chose to keep the door closed while i poop, but my husband is not concerned by the fact that I poop. I fart audibly in his presence all the time and he could care less.
  • hbrittingham
    hbrittingham Posts: 2,518 Member
    I asked my husband about this when I saw this thread. He is the guy who used to let one rip at the grocery store and then blame it on me. He doesn't do that anymore.

    We have been together for 22 years. If we happen to HAVE to pass gas in front of each other, we do, but we don't make a big production about it like cocking a cheek and letting 'er rip.

    As for pooping in front of each other, that's something neither of us have any desire to do. We have always had at least 1 & 1/2 baths, so there has always been another option rather than pooping while someone else is brushing their teeth or taking a shower. Some things are better left undone and that's one of them.
  • _the_feniks_
    _the_feniks_ Posts: 3,443 Member
    As long as its not ON me, I'm good.