Pooping and farting - question



  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    No way, just pooping and farting gross me out and no matter how much all of you glorify it im never gonna be down for thinking its a nice thing we should enjoy doing together. And before you all start with the its natrural blah blah blah its impolite and thats it! Didnt anyone parents teach them that?? Am I on another planet?!

    No, you're not. My parents raised me the same way - it would be considered impolite and unladylike.
  • PetulantOne
    PetulantOne Posts: 2,131 Member
    I have NEVER done that stuff in front of my boyfriend, but we have only been together a few months.

    How long do you have to be together before feeling comfortable enough to do that stuff in front of each other? haha

    Probably about the time you realize you fart on them in your sleep all the time anyway. lol
  • gertudejekyl
    gertudejekyl Posts: 386 Member
    This is very interesting.....I am stunned by the casual attitude of these women - really. I'm glad to know that it seems to be ok :indifferent: My sister does not fart in front of anyone. She does not eat raisins because they cause farts.....:indifferent:
  • Bridget0927
    Bridget0927 Posts: 438 Member
    No way, just pooping and farting gross me out and no matter how much all of you glorify it im never gonna be down for thinking its a nice thing we should enjoy doing together. And before you all start with the its natrural blah blah blah its impolite and thats it! Didnt anyone parents teach them that?? Am I on another planet?!

    No, you're not. My parents raised me the same way - it would be considered impolite and unladylike.

    Thank You Paige!!!! apparentkly we are not the majority here :-(
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    No way, just pooping and farting gross me out and no matter how much all of you glorify it im never gonna be down for thinking its a nice thing we should enjoy doing together. And before you all start with the its natrural blah blah blah its impolite and thats it! Didnt anyone parents teach them that?? Am I on another planet?!

    No, you're not. My parents raised me the same way - it would be considered impolite and unladylike.

    Thank You Paige!!!! apparentkly we are not the majority here :-(

    Apparently! I'm kind of shocked. To each his/her own I guess but, for me, just...no....:noway:
  • Brianna72994
    I have NEVER done that stuff in front of my boyfriend, but we have only been together a few months.

    How long do you have to be together before feeling comfortable enough to do that stuff in front of each other? haha

    Probably about the time you realize you fart on them in your sleep all the time anyway. lol

    That is what I'm most afraid of! Thats why I havent slept over his house yet lol
  • mingecrackers
    Define 'around you'. If it was in the middle of the living room I might take objection. If she literally waddled around me encircling me in a ring of excrement then words would probably be exchanged.

  • sylvuz323
    sylvuz323 Posts: 468 Member
    I have stage fright, can't poop with him in the bathroom at the same time. I don't have a problem peeing say if he is in the shower or vise versa...but not pooping. Farting no way can't do that in front of him either, I'll go use the bathroom to let one out. He doesn't want to do that in front of me...maybe cause we are too new of a couple. In time that might change.
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    Farting is OK, setting light to your farts in front of your wife and Mother in law is (apparently....) not OK.
  • jaleungs8
    I have no problem farting around my husband, sometime I'd tell him I need to fart and walk away to the other room. But, he always gets a warning....it's up to him if he wants to stick around and take in the sent. Pooping in front of him, well that's different...my poop gets shy, and I really need to focus ha ha ha
  • CarmenSRT
    CarmenSRT Posts: 843 Member
    No way, just pooping and farting gross me out and no matter how much all of you glorify it im never gonna be down for thinking its a nice thing we should enjoy doing together. And before you all start with the its natrural blah blah blah its impolite and thats it! Didnt anyone parents teach them that?? Am I on another planet?!

    No, you're not. My parents raised me the same way - it would be considered impolite and unladylike.

    Unfortunately women are often raised to restrain themselves to the point of pain and/or injury for the sake of being "ladylike". I cannot count the number of times I spent hours in pain and misery rather than pass gas in front of other people in situations where I couldn't get away to do so.

    With age came the realization that inflicting pain on myself for the sake of other people's perceptions was not ladylike, it was abusive and unhealthy.
  • magj0y
    magj0y Posts: 1,911 Member
    There are a few things in this world a person should have sanctuary and solitude for. One of those things is pooping. (Until you have kids, then all bets are off).

    Couldn't agree more. My kids are in their teens and for some reason still like to talk to me through the door. "do you mind? I'm taking a sh! T" works for a few weeks. Any man who pulls that dutch oven thing or purposely farts on my face ( a friend's ex did) is getting kicked to the curb. Thankfully I'm not a gaseous person unless the food is really bad. Funny, when my husband or I are super gaseous, I sleep on the comfortable couch. Sorry, not my thing to be gassed in bed
  • homerjspartan
    homerjspartan Posts: 1,893 Member
    I've been dating my boyfriendfor 7 years, and I've never farted in front of him--only when I'm sleeping and he tells me about it the next day! He doesn't care though. If I have to poop, I will tell him I have to...he never makes a big deal out of it, he just stares at me like I'm kidding hahaha.

    7 years and you've never farted in front of him? That is... odd.

    No it isnt
    My hubby and I have been married ten years and we do not fart in front of each other either. I think it keeps your relationship "fresh" :-) to still try. If you start pooping and farting in front of each other you may as well be brother and sister. Kills the attraction.

    Gess do you still wake up before your husband to rush and get your makeup on before he sees you?

    No way, just pooping and farting gross me out and no matter how much all of you glorify it im never gonna be down for thinking its a nice thing we should enjoy doing together. And before you all start with the its natrural blah blah blah its impolite and thats it! Didnt anyone parents teach them that?? Am I on another planet?!

    Hold on, pooping is impolite? Nope, I missed that lesson. Listen, I don't think anyone is advocating firing crap nuggets at each other like we are monkeys (that is a My Fecal Pal, totally different website). But, there is no reason to go completely out of your way hiding it. No one is asking you to fart so much you are scooting around your house like you are on a hoverboard, but they are natural body functions and teaching they are wrong or impolite is a lttle extreme. Again, perhaps my tolerance is skewed by the fact that I have cleaned more poop out of tiny vaginas in the last 3 years then I care to remember.......
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    My son's girlfriend sits outside the door and talks to him while he's pooping. I think it's true love. :heart:
  • krislshoe
    krislshoe Posts: 459 Member
    oh my...i live with 4 men...3 boys, hubby, and if you count the dog that would make 5.....poop and fart happen all the time...i will admit i am very immature when it comes to someone farting...i cant help it...i laugh.....really stinks when it happens in church(no pun intended) and someone does it out loud...i usually have to walk out because i cant control my laughter.....(i say this to my shame because i wish i didnt find it sooo funny and the poor person that did it is soooo embarrassed)
  • fit4lifeUcan2
    fit4lifeUcan2 Posts: 1,458 Member
    I've been dating my boyfriendfor 7 years, and I've never farted in front of him--only when I'm sleeping and he tells me about it the next day! He doesn't care though. If I have to poop, I will tell him I have to...he never makes a big deal out of it, he just stares at me like I'm kidding hahaha.

    7 years and you've never farted in front of him? That is... odd.

    No it isnt
    My hubby and I have been married ten years and we do not fart in front of each other either. I think it keeps your relationship "fresh" :-) to still try. If you start pooping and farting in front of each other you may as well be brother and sister. Kills the attraction.

    Gess do you still wake up before your husband to rush and get your makeup on before he sees you?

    No way, just pooping and farting gross me out and no matter how much all of you glorify it im never gonna be down for thinking its a nice thing we should enjoy doing together. And before you all start with the its natrural blah blah blah its impolite and thats it! Didnt anyone parents teach them that?? Am I on another planet?!

    Yup the planet of Denial or is it uptight?. My parents always passed gas around the house. Mom just blamed it on the dog and we would all crack up laughing.
  • fit4lifeUcan2
    fit4lifeUcan2 Posts: 1,458 Member
    Farting is OK, setting light to your farts in front of your wife and Mother in law is (apparently....) not OK.

    OMG this got me cracking up. I saw a show called 1000 ways to die and this guy put a cig in the toilet after he had just passed a big one and it blew up killing him. Sorry but I find that too funny. My kids always joke about it since seeing that episode.
  • supertracylynn
    supertracylynn Posts: 1,338 Member
    Pooping and farting was a way too common thing in my (now ended) marriage. I felt like less of a female and more like one of the guys on the ship. I don't want to hear about poops coming out sideways, I don't want to hear about it swirling around the bowl, I don't want to hear about it being so long it came out of the water, I don't want to hear about "peeing out of your butt". I really really really don't. I don't want my kids to be farted on, I don't think farting is funny, I don't want it waved at me.

    To me, all of that stuff is rude. To subject me to that WITHOUT MY CONSENT, and AGAINST MY REQUEST, tells me I am not respected. To each their own, and that's not me.

    In my current (awesome) relationship, we say we have to use the bathroom. I'll say I'm bloated, he'll say he's uncomfortable. That's that. We limit our flatulence to the bathroom to the best of our ability, and don't say anything otherwise.
    It's a pleasant, respectful give and take.

    As for that TOM? I let him know when it's about my time so it's not a surprise. He'll ask if I have enough protection if we're going on a long trip, but in a caring way so I don't feel weird.
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    No way, just pooping and farting gross me out and no matter how much all of you glorify it im never gonna be down for thinking its a nice thing we should enjoy doing together. And before you all start with the its natrural blah blah blah its impolite and thats it! Didnt anyone parents teach them that?? Am I on another planet?!

    No, you're not. My parents raised me the same way - it would be considered impolite and unladylike.

    Unfortunately women are often raised to restrain themselves to the point of pain and/or injury for the sake of being "ladylike". I cannot count the number of times I spent hours in pain and misery rather than pass gas in front of other people in situations where I couldn't get away to do so.

    With age came the realization that inflicting pain on myself for the sake of other people's perceptions was not ladylike, it was abusive and unhealthy.

    Meh. I've never really been in a situation where I couldn't excuse myself to somewhere more private.
  • BluenoserChick
    BluenoserChick Posts: 106 Member
    Funniest / most embarrassing thing ever happened to my husband was when we were moving x country.

    We have two boys (there's a LOT of poop/fart talk in our house).

    We were at a hotel and they were having a fart war. Luckily for me they held it off from happening in the car.

    My husband was all..... OH YEAH, take THIS. Stuck his *kitten* out and sharted at them. Without meaning too. Still cracks me up, six years later.

    Now he says it was payback cause the oldest shat all over him a week after being born. That was pretty funny too.

    Farts make me laugh. Even when the dog does it. Can't help it -- must have been a guy in a past life. ;-)