Whats wrong with Subway?



  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    I don't think subway is horrible. I enjoy a sub from there from time to time. As an every day occurrence it wouldn't work for me though. That intake of carbs is way too high for me. As a diabetic and a woman with PCOS I know for my own health and ability to lose weight I need to lower my carb intake or at least my bread/starch intake and try to get most of my carbs from fruits and veggies.

    If someone chooses to have a sub every day from their "healthy" options and it works for them I see nothing wrong with it.

    Spinach Salad from Subway = Win. With all the veggies, it's still less than 200 calories. I get the Chicken breast and honey mustard on it and it's still low for meal in MY diary.
  • Crying_In_Color
    Crying_In_Color Posts: 246 Member
    True story; I ate subway and gained 20lbs.

    How much subway did you eat?
  • ahviendha
    ahviendha Posts: 1,291 Member
    I love subway. the meat is processed/salty but it's my go-to food when traveling or in a rush!

    i used to have it more often, but have it 1-2x every 2 weeks now.

    and i've lost 50lbs. so the nay-sayers can keep it to themselves!
  • downinaggieland98
    downinaggieland98 Posts: 224 Member
    The level of sodium in a lot of their stuff turns me off ....
  • NovemberJune
    NovemberJune Posts: 2,525 Member
    I eat at Subway every week and I just wanted to say their sandwiches have more than a little bit too much sodium :wink: It's not healthy but I will continue to eat it in moderation. :smile: I usually still have under 2000 mg of sodium on Subway days (but I get veggie subs so that helps a lot)
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    I like it enough. More of a Jimmy John's person myself, though.
  • turkeyhunter60
    turkeyhunter60 Posts: 319 Member
    Enjoyed 6' Subway sandwich, baked Lay's, and diet Coke yesterday for lunch!
  • NovemberJune
    NovemberJune Posts: 2,525 Member

    There's your Subway.

    Do I still eat there? Yes, but I probably shouldn't if I'm trying to really be healthy. Usually I end up there when I get the feeling I've not had enough vegetables in my life. :-)

    great link! :smile:
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    their bread is HORRIBLE. why do they use such substandard bread? and their meats are school cafeteria quality.

    there are so many decent sub/sandwich places around i dont understand why anyone would go to subway.

    they do have fantastic marketing.
  • emtjmac
    emtjmac Posts: 1,320 Member
    The level of sodium in a lot of their stuff turns me off ....

    The sodium is in the sauce and the cheese. Leave those off.
  • farrari17
    "Any diet that recommends that your intake be 55/30/15 is retarded. Yes, that includes the US government's recommendations. You don't have to be an Atkins fanatic to realize that such a high carb ratio is terrible for you. If anything, carbs and protein should probably be about even at 35/35.

    That said, I used to like Subway, until I started making my own food, and suddenly realized that their's tastes like ****. Eat fresh my *kitten*...pay close attention to their 'fresh' food next time you are there. Granted, every location will be different, but every one of them that I have been to has featured some...less than fresh looking ingredients. "

    Please don't be an idiot and believe this. I'm studying nutrition right now, and can tell you that eating that much protein is just a waste. Carbs provide glucose, the preferred source of energy. Protein is used mainly for repair and growth. If you eat more than you need to do that, you break down the protein to amino acids, and those amino acids get converted into glucose, which you don't need, so ti gets stored as...wait for it...fat! Unless you're starving, you don't use the extra protein for calories really, but it's stored as fat. For the average person, not someone training for an endurance sport or to be a body builder, you only need .8 g of protein per kilogram of bodyweight (weight in lbs/2.2 kg = weight in kilos). MFP already makes your recommended protein intake much higher than it needs to be.

    Subway is fine if you make healthy choices. Everything is good in moderation. Don't listen to jacka**es on here that think they know everything. Go to a nutritionist or dietitan if you have questions. People here think they know everything because they did a google search.
  • ErinBeth7
    ErinBeth7 Posts: 1,625 Member
    I think it's fine, certainly healthier and better tasting than the Golden Arches.

    No matter what you do, some people here feel obligated to slam it. If you can make it work for you.... go for it...!!
    Don't you know!
    i eat subway often , if you want more protein order double or triple meat on your 6 " i get triple meat turkey & only eat 1/2 the bread ,lowers carbs & ups protein
  • kappyblu
    kappyblu Posts: 654 Member
    I also love Subway. Bottom line: do what's right for you. If you like it, go for it.

    I like the egg white sandwiches or the turkey breast myself. I also get spinach, spicy mustard, lots of veggies and usually no cheese. They also have an herb blend they can shake on your sandwich.

    It is up to you whether you want to pay attention to those who dislike it. It's your choice, so choose what you want.

    Tip: Ask them to SCOOP your bread and it will save you some calories!

  • brittaney10811
    brittaney10811 Posts: 588 Member
    I'm just talking regular healthy eating. You know, food-guide style... where the daily recommended intake is 55% carbs, 30% fats and 15% protein along with plenty of vitamins and minerals.

    i go more of a paleo route.... believe it or not, even 'whole grain wheat' breads are bad for you. Grains aren't what they used to be before people started altering everything. it all turns to sugar when it gets into your system, and generally goes straight to belly fat, among other places. Subway salads are ok, add a roasted chicken to it and some italian dressing and you're good. Fat free dressings are worse for you than regular if you are trying to keep to a cleaner eating pallet. sure they're lower in fat, but between all of the chemicals that's pumped into them to keep flavor, they're definitely not the better choice. Cheese isn't good in general.
  • Mathguy1
    Mathguy1 Posts: 207 Member
    Just get one without cheese, mayo, and the oil and vinegar and you'll be okay. I buy a footlong and save half for a later meal. Also, drink a lot of water during that and the following day to help flush out the excess sodium.
  • oregonzoo
    oregonzoo Posts: 4,251 Member
    I like it enough. More of a Jimmy John's person myself, though.

    THEY EFFING DELIVER! oh i love jimmy johns
  • oneworkoutatatime
    Processed meats full of sodium and MSG - gives me a migraine
    Bread - Can't eat it now, but even when I did Subway is just too much bread to meat & veggie ratio to me

    I prefer Potbelly's subs/ sandwhiches they have less soduim , you can ask for thin cut bread, and they have a meal calcutator on their website..
  • waldo56
    waldo56 Posts: 1,861 Member
    If you have a lot of weight to lose, then it's easier to lose weight w/o worrying about macros. But the less fat you have, then more muscle gets burned off with the fat. Therefore it becomes much more important to get plenty of protein in your diet. Unfortunately subway sandwiches have a fairly high carb to protein ratio.

    Best way around that is to get a 6" sub......with double the meat and cheese. ;)

    Its cheaper too.

    I like Subway in moderation. Definitely a fine part of any diet. Eating out in general should be avoided as much as possible, but you sure could do a lot worse than Subway.

    And their White Chocolate Macadamia Cookies are the bomb.
  • love22step
    love22step Posts: 1,103 Member
    I feel guilty eating that much bread, but, occasionally, it's convenient and makes my granddaughter happy.