Movies that scarred you for life! (Most Disturbing Film)



  • kimcalica
    kimcalica Posts: 525 Member
    I blame Stephen King for my hatred of scary movies and CLOWNS


    tim curry is the best! lol
  • lucycaz
    lucycaz Posts: 191 Member
    'Irriversable' there is a really disturbing rape scene although the premmis of the film that starts with the ending of the story was great.

    and Baise Moi another truly disturbing film mainly becouse it plays like real life.....

    Lucy x
  • KeltaRose
    P*** movies scare me the most "MUM,MUM look what that guy is doing :O" hehe

  • trophywife24
    trophywife24 Posts: 1,472 Member
    I'm the biggest creep I know and am horribly morbid. My favorite job was in a funeral home, seriously.

    The only thing that ever made me twitch was the part in The Hills Have Eyes when they lit the woman's alive husband on fire in front of her. That's pretty messed up.

    Other than that? Pssssh. :)
  • kimcalica
    kimcalica Posts: 525 Member
    You guys are giving me some great ideas for movies to watch this weekend! I LOOOOOVVVVEEEE Horror films! :love:

    we should have done this before halloween! lol
  • gomisskellygo
    gomisskellygo Posts: 635 Member
    Faces of Death (the whole series). I still feel queasy when I remember some of those scenes, and it has been 18 years or so since I last saw one.

    I forgot about those. They were freaky!
  • mensasu
    mensasu Posts: 355 Member
    The Prophecy. Walken at his evil best.

    Whatever happened to Baby Jane was also disturbing - just seeing Bette Davis and Joan Crawford as old biddies was creepy.
  • BeingAwesome247
    BeingAwesome247 Posts: 1,171 Member
    The Exorcism of Emily Rose. I still wake up at 3am. Look at the clock and say "fu-k........."

    OK another I have tried to forget....and I do the SAME thing lol
    For like a solid month I was waking up at 3am....and freaking myself the fu-k out!
  • Lane1012
    Lane1012 Posts: 211 Member
    Killer Clowns From Outer Space ... damn evil popcorn
  • stacyhall79
    alright, ya'll...the one movie that freaks me the hell out is ... ET! I can't stand him, creepy! and of course It....hate clowns!
  • kimcalica
    kimcalica Posts: 525 Member
    I'm the biggest creep I know and am horribly morbid. My favorite job was in a funeral home, seriously.

    The only thing that ever made me twitch was the part in The Hills Have Eyes when they lit the woman's alive husband on fire in front of her. That's pretty messed up.

    Other than that? Pssssh. :)

    there's some worse ones than that... when you get into the foreign ones...
  • KeltaRose
    For me it was Nekromantic... it was a german film and it was just... i should have known.. but it was an art film and they really tried to add beauty and relevance to this subject matter.. movies that make you think eh?

    Is that anything like Necromentia? Cause that's my choice, seriously F'ed up film....

    i'm not sure.. maybe.. i guess i missed that one.

    Nope, looked it up, completely different....
  • fitmom_pam1976
    fitmom_pam1976 Posts: 1,192 Member
    The Exorcist!!!! I can not even hear the music that I start to shake!!! had nightmares for the longest time!!!
  • mruntidy
    mruntidy Posts: 1,015 Member
    The one I found of my Mum n Dad - that **** stays with me like luggage
  • kimcalica
    kimcalica Posts: 525 Member
    Killer Clowns From Outer Space ... damn evil popcorn

    aah that shower scene.. where the popcorn is in the hamper!! aah i know!!!
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    The only thing that ever made me twitch was the part in The Hills Have Eyes when they lit the woman's alive husband on fire in front of her. That's pretty messed up.
    Watched this movie with my now-husband the first Halloween we were dating. He thought it was really 'cute and funny' how scared I was....till I woke him up in the middle of the night with nightmares...LOL!
  • kimcalica
    kimcalica Posts: 525 Member
    The one I found of my Mum n Dad - that **** stays with me like luggage

    sick sick film!
  • trophywife24
    trophywife24 Posts: 1,472 Member
    I'm the biggest creep I know and am horribly morbid. My favorite job was in a funeral home, seriously.

    The only thing that ever made me twitch was the part in The Hills Have Eyes when they lit the woman's alive husband on fire in front of her. That's pretty messed up.

    Other than that? Pssssh. :)

    there's some worse ones than that... when you get into the foreign ones...

    I havent watched a lot, I'll admit! I'd rather read horror than watch it :)
    I overhead a conversation not too long ago about 'Hostel' being so disturbing, blah blah blah.. I was thinking wow... I either have no soul or everyone on this planet is a total sissy.
  • stacygayle
    stacygayle Posts: 349 Member
    arachnophobia. Spiders are the only thing that give me nightmares
  • KeltaRose
    alright, ya'll...the one movie that freaks me the hell out is ... ET! I can't stand him, creepy! and of course It....hate clowns!

    I hate ET because he looks like a turd... I said it when I was 5 and still stand by it...