10 in 9, part 2



  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Hello everyone! I hope your Sunday is going well! I'm logging on late today b/c I went to the 10 am showing of Tyler Perry's "Why Did I Get Married Too" and then headed to the mall to begin shopping for my L.A. trip w/my girlfriends. The movie was alright and the shopping did not go as well as I had hoped. I wasn't able to find any outfits that really helped me get my "sexy on" so it looks like I'll be doing some online shopping.

    Since today is my rest day I decided to complete 2 1/2 miles of walking w/the Leslie Sansone dvd.
  • porterbaby38
    porterbaby38 Posts: 1,401
    hi ladies.
    choco: have fun in LA with your girlfriends.
    nolachick: have fun at the store. good job on your workout and plan on getting healthy foods.
    i sure can feel the workout i've been doing. i clean and clean for the last four or five days. i just got done using the push mower.
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    Choco: i saw that movie on friday night and I liked it but maybe the first one was better. it definately had a LOT of unexpected scenes like the very end with Galvin and Patricia. I didn't really like that ending. like cud they reallly not try to solve that problem? ai don't even know what the real problem was. anyhooo it was definately not a typical movie that u cud expect what's coming. I also saw The Last Song with Miley Cyrus, sorry but I think Liam Hemsworth is HOT HOT HOT and he was soooo sweet that made me love the movie. Sorry you didn't have any luck shopping, I have found that whenever u are just window shopping u get a lot more stuff than when u are actually shopping for some specific event. I hate when that happens. anyhoo I'm so excited for you! LA sounds awesome, and I've never been there so I can't even begin to imagine what thats like.

    Porterbaby: feels good when u are working on cleaning ur house its a huge sense of accomplishment and for me it really helps to blow some steam and clear my mind so great for you!

    Dawna: I bet u have been realy busy with your family in town but I hope you have had fun and don't worry if u have indulged in food or haven't had time to workout. Family time is more important.

    Well ladies I did go get groceries and I think I made some healthy options but the only bad thing is I'm really not into cooking anymore so I'm hoping I can pull this off on as little cooking as possibe. Oh and I ordered a bikini from Victoria's Secret and I'm hanging it up in my room as motivation! I really wanna do this this time and I really wanna go to the beach this summer so this has to work.

    Hope everyone had a great weekend. I'm sorry I've been MIA all week but please know that this website and more specifically this thread is what keeps me going everyday! I feel like I not only let myself down when I mess up but that I let down my 10 in 9 ladies too!
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Happy Monday all! Today is week 6 day 1 of the Insanity program which means its Max Cardio Conditioning day. I really paced myself this morning and as a result I don't feel as beat and I didn't take AS MANY breaks. I'm still taking and NEEDING the breaks but its good to know that I can now do a few extra reps before its needed.

    I have to begin my work day so I have to get going but hope to check in on everyone later.
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    Good Morning ladies!
    It was a great weekend, and I really enjoyed seeing my family. Although it was kind of stressful on my sister who was graduating, so her stress kind of effected the whole weekend, as she wasn't very cheerful and was constantly scowling & making rude comments. She's not sure what she's doing with her life, but I tried not to let it bother me. I understand its a hard time for her, but her family traveled so far to see her, and she couldn't even appreciate it. Oh well. Nonetheless, it was a great weekend to see my parents and to get to dress up & take pictures with my good lookin hubby. Friday I took a rest day since we had the graduation festivities that evening. And Saturday morning I did cardio/strength training intervals while everyone in the fam had decided they wanted to sleep in.

    I stepped on the scale Saturday morning and I had lost 2 pounds since my last weigh in. I thought maybe it could be a fluke, so I stepped on the scale again on Sunday & today ( i usually don't do multiple days in a row, but I had to be sure!) ....and I'm still about 2-3 pounds down!!! Yippie! I think that getting up early at 5am to workout has really helped, I can feel a difference.
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    Dawna: I told u already but congrats again on losing those lbs.
    Choco: great job on sticking to it girl.

    Today is a more relaxed day @ work - FINALLY! I don't feel so stressed and i have planned out today's meals so hopefully that means I wont be going overboard. I think I will start this week back up with turbo jam. I'm not sure I'm ready to be shredding again - I almost passed out Saturday literally. wow I was really out of shape.

    well hope everyone's week is off to a good start.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Dawna: Congratulations on busting through your plateau. I'm really happy for you b/c I know how hard you've been working. Keep at ms. thang.

    Nola: Glad the work week is starting off well, hopefully it will continue. Get your exercise in ms. lady. The bikini is CALLING YOU.

    I purchased 3 cute dresses and 2 short rompers from Macy's so I'm really excited. I hope they arrive by the end of the week so I can try them on and start getting these LA outfits together. I know i'm 6 wks early but for trips like these I like to know that everything fits and ensure that I have outfits for the day and night along w/the right shoes and accessories.
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    wow choco! 6 weeks early? girl I admire you! I wish I was so organized and disciplined as you. In my case nothing EVER works out when I try to plan things out and take precautions, etc, they always blow up in my face! grrr! anyhoo so excited for ur trip and I wish I cud find a nice romper that wasn't too short on me. I think they are so cute but my booty and hips are so big they make it even shorter. haha

    Dawna: can't wait to see pics of u all dressed up.

    oh and in case anyone wanted to see here is a pic I took at my friend's wedding :)

  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Nola: YOU'RE A HOT CHICK....LOL You look just fine to me but I know how we are the worst critics and it's how you feel about yourself that's most important. You go girl. I can't wait to take pictures.

    Regarding organizing 6 weeks early: I'm the opposite of you, meaning if I wait to the last minute I'm bound to forget something. I don't actually pack the clothes. I think of an outfit, pull it out the closet, try it on and if it looks as good as I though I toss it on the suitcase to be packed at a later date. Now I do usually pack about 3 days before the trip so I guess I'm an organizer. I just hate rushing b/c it usually causes me unwanted stress and then I'm more likely to eat b/c I'm definitely an emotional eater.
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    woohooo! I'm back in the game! did turbo jam cardio party for about 45 mins and burned 400 calories!
    stuck to my calories and had a healthy dinner even tho I had unhealthy snacks today. But it's my first day back and overall and I'm off to a good start.

    THANX for the compliment CHOCO!

    Hope everyone's day was great!
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Happy Tuesday all! Today is week 6 day 2 of the Insanity program and I was suppose to complete Max Interval Circuit but I got a late start to my morning and knew I would be unable to complete a 55 minute workout and still get to work on time so I opted for the Plyometric Cardio Circuit dvd instead. So, 40 minutes later the workout is complete and I've made it to work on time.
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    Good morning ladies!
    Yesterday morning I got my run on and then last night I did ChaLean Extreme-- we did mostly shoulders, back & inner thighs. holy cow! I was feeling it this morning on my little jog at the gym. I got up and hurried to the gym, but I could only run 20 minutes because I got a really upset stomach, which forced me to sprint to the bathroom. Not sure what thats all about, its happened to me a few different mornings, but usually at the end of my workout. So, my workout was cut short. I think part of the reason was last night we had dinner with some friends and afterward they served us pie. I had like 2-3 bites of the slice beacuse I just wasn't feeling hungry, but they really wanted me to try it. And I think all the sugars just went all crazy up in my stomach. But, tonight we're doing laundry, and my husband really wants to do more cardio--as do I, so I think we are going to rock out with some Burn Intervals. I also increased my daily calorie intake (pre excercise calories) up by 50 calories last week. I've just noticed that with all of my exercising & strength training I am much more hungry each day. So, I've upped my calories in hopes to satisfy my hunger without feeling too guilty about going over my daily calorie goal. I think that also helped me drop those pounds.

    Nola- way to go on getting the Turbo Jam workout in and watching what you eat. The first 2 days of getting back on track are always the hardest-- you are doing great! I didn't get a chance to look at the picture last night (as my work has pictures blocked) but I can't wait to see it! Your progress is so motivating!

    Choco- way to adjust your workout this morning! so many people would think that they didn't have enough time so they'd just skip it altogether, but not you!! You are always so determined and it definitely motivates me!

    BTW, it snowed here today...ughhhh! I want SUMMER already!! I can't wait to move once my husband is done with school...its driving me crazy! Luckily we're going out of town this weekend to a warmer climate.
  • porterbaby38
    porterbaby38 Posts: 1,401
    good afternoon ladies.
    nolachick :you look hot and very beautiful. wow you go girl.

    kicklikeagirl: great job on your workout. i hope you and your husband enjoys tonight workout.

    choco: good job on getting your workout and still made it for work.

    after he left for work, i started my workout. what i had to do today was HIGH AND TIGHT 35min. and TUMMY TUCK 20min.
  • porterbaby38
    porterbaby38 Posts: 1,401
    good morning ladies.i have alot to do today. my workout today is doing BUM BUM 35min. p90x chest,shoulders and triceps. it feels great, to be losing alot of inches and then losing pounds. i know it's going to take me awhile to reach my goal, but i feel great that i'm accomplishing something on my own here, but with the help on here. i know i will eventually keep on losing alot of inches before the pounds on the scale will show. i wanted to try on a smaller size of pants to see if i can fit into them at walmart. because the sizes i wear now is getting loose. i don't want anyone get upset because i'm okay bragging, but i've never ever felt this wonderful in a very very long time. i also weigh myself and i finally got into 160's and i can't remember ever being in that number, i don't remember what i was in school, all i know i wasn't popular and i always got picked on. i'm just feel happy and great. i'm sorry for rambling. thanks ladies for being good friends, plus this site.
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    hey ladies, didnt get a chance to post last night but I did go home and worked out to Turbo Sculpt + a little bit from the 20minute workout as a warm up. I can tell when I haven't worked out in a while cuz I feel every move in the Turbo Sculpt. Towards the end there's a part that she says "If your legs are shaking, you are normal..." Well I guess I'm very normal cuz my legs were really shaking hahah. Before I thought it was an ok workout and didnt break a sweat, I was eventhinking about upping my weights from 5 to maybe 8lbs. But I will stick to 5 for now and then reconsider later.

    Well hope everyone had a great day yesterday. Today I started off my day with a blended coffee - I really needed coffee and I hate hot coffee so it was either that or an energy drink. Hopefully tonight I'll get to go for a ride on my bike and work those calories off.

    Porterbaby: thnx for the compliment and I hope u are enjoying ur brazilian butt lift workout! sounds fun. what are the moves like?
    Dawna: I'm glad u were able to find a way to break through and I'm sorry your stomach got upset. hope u feel better:

    Choco: where are u this morning girl? Hope ur morning is going good and u just didnt have time to check in with us. Will check in later to see how u doing.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good morning and Happy Hump day! Today is week 6 day 3 of the Insanity program. I completed the Max Interval Plyo dvd and it was a killer. I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to complete the entire 8/9 weeks b/c my right knee has been really bothering me during some of these moves. I've tried modifying and jumping rope when possible but today it just didn't help. I'm going to Dig Deeper and stick w/it for the remainder of the week and then really re-evaluate what's best for my body. Overall I really like the program and I love the idea of not having to think about my workouts b/c the wall calendar that's included pretty much spells it out so I'm not sure what I'll do if I don't finish it. I'm thinking about returning to P90X b/c the Plyometrics dvd there's not as much jumping. I still have a few days to think about it but I'll be sure to let you all know what I decide.

    If anyone has any suggestions regarding other workouts or programs that can continue to tone my body please feel free to share.

    Nola: Here I am ms lady. I'm glad you're back in the game and giving it your all during your workouts.

    Dawna: Upping your calories was probably a good thing especially since you've gotten over the plateau. You workout very hard and your body definitely needs the food for fuel. Are you still using your hrm b/c I know you thought it might be overestimating your caloric burn? I've decided to use my hrm and mfp's calculater and divde the their total.

    Porterbaby: It seems like P90X is working for you b/c your losing inches. You're right the scale will catch up eventually.

    Ladies, as you know I began shopping for my L.A. trip and did not have a lot of success in the mall this past Sunday so I ordered 3 dresses and 2 rompers from Macy's.com. Well they arrived yesterday and I was super excited. I tore through the box as if I was a child on Christmas morning only to be disappointed b/c of the 5 items only 1 fits the way I want. I absolutely love 2 of the dresses but one is too big. I ordered a small and the small is too big and I don't even know if an extra small is an option. The 2nd dress looked a lot better online than it did in person. It did fit nicely but it wasn't the color I thought and the design just seemed crazy in person. Nonetheless I will be heading to the mall this Sunday in hopes of returning/exchanging and continuing the search. I can't believe that a small is TOO BIG, how crazy is that. It's mainly too big in the chest/back area.
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    Good Morning ladies!
    Last night I got home and decided to bust out the Burn Intervals because my early morning run was cut-short due to an emergency stomach issue :sick: gross! i know... But, the workout was great and I burned about 475 calories in about 50 minutes. This morning I got up early and did a round of Turbo Kick, and completely kicked some bum!! My body was kind of sore after last night's workout, so it was nice to just get some cardio in and then take a long time and stretch afterwards. I need to work more on my flexibility, so I'm going to make it a goal to stretch for 10 minutes after my exercises. Especially my hamstrings, yowzers!

    Porterbaby- don't feel bad about braggin girl...we LOVE hearing about success, that's what we're all here for--- to lift eachother up when we go through struggles and to be there to applaud when we've had some success in this journey. So, keep informing us of your joys, because it makes us happy as well! We're all in this together, working individually- but towards the same goal to be more healthy, fit, and feel good about ourselves.

    Choco-- I'm so excited for you to go shopping-- man, a small is too big? Thats so fun! I've always noticed that the really small sizes & the really big sizes are always the ones left on the clearance racks...haha.. so you could have a hay-day now!! I bet you are a solid brick--I'm positive you are so ripped that you probably don't realize it yourself! Way to work hard girl!! As far as the HRM thing--- I talked to a lot of people who said that they thought based on my weight/age & what activities I was doing, it didn't sound like my HRM was off by much. So, I've been sticking with it. I was mostly worried about Turbo Kick because there isn't a direct MFP entry for that. But, I know that when I'm done I am more worn out than if I run for 40 minutes. So, for now I'm going to keep entering my calories in as they say on my HRM. I think the waking up early thing has really helped me break through the plateau. I'm hoping to see some more results by the end of the month! I looove waking up early now-- thanks for the encouragement to do it!

    Nola--- I checked out the picture last night...and HOLY SMOKES, you look amazzzing! I loved that dress, it was so darn cute! The confidence in you is glowing! My legs shake a ton as well...its insane!! It feels so good afterwards, but in the moment I feel like my legs are going to collapse. I should do Turbo Sculpt again soon. I've been doing ChaLean Extreme so much that I forgot about that workout. Another thing I like is when Chalene goes "if you're sweating right from the warmup, you are normal, and your body is efficient at cooling itself". When I first heard her say that I thought "whew, at least I'm normal". I'm a sweating machine. I don't know what it is exactly but I look dissssssgusting after a workout! Haha! I hope you get to go on your bike ride tonight... I wish I had my bike here--although apparently summer is never going to come!
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    Good morning and Happy Hump day! Today is week 6 day 3 of the Insanity program. I completed the Max Interval Plyo dvd and it was a killer. I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to complete the entire 8/9 weeks b/c my right knee has been really bothering me during some of these moves. I've tried modifying and jumping rope when possible but today it just didn't help. I'm going to Dig Deeper and stick w/it for the remainder of the week and then really re-evaluate what's best for my body. Overall I really like the program and I love the idea of not having to think about my workouts b/c the wall calendar that's included pretty much spells it out so I'm not sure what I'll do if I don't finish it. I'm thinking about returning to P90X b/c the Plyometrics dvd there's not as much jumping. I still have a few days to think about it but I'll be sure to let you all know what I decide.

    Hey Ms. Lady glad to know ur morning went well. I know u usually are the first to post so I had to worry a little when I didn't see ur post this morning. and I usually sit down to read ur posts first thing in the morning when I get to my office :bigsmile:
    Wow girl, can't believe a small is too big for you! that is crazy! I am still struggling to get back into a M hehe. but so happy for u.

    Concerning the knees, I dunno if you are taking anything but when I started doing the shred I found my knees to be killing me so I did some research and got some "Glucosamine Sulfate" tablets. They REALLY help and I can tell the difference between my workouts when I take them and when I don't. You just take 2 daily and that's it!
    The one I have is "Spring Valley - Glucosamine Sulfate for Joint Health" . The bottle explains that it is a key ingredient in cartilage and plays an important role in good joint health. It shouldn't be more than $10 - $15/ bottle at your local drugstore, walmart, walgreens, etc. And mine brought 120 capsules so that shud last 2 months.
    Lemme know if you decide to try it! You can also do your own research on the topic but I would highly recommend it.
    Also, if there is a workout or warm up u can do before insanity - do it. There's nothing wrong with adding extra warm up time. I usually pop in turbo jam 20minute workout before anything I do (especially the shred cuz I don't think she warms u up enough) and do as much as I can afford to do (sometimes only 5mins) and that's a huge help for my knees and joints.

    Porterbaby: you are not bragging at all! I think it's awesome that you are losing inches and to be perfectly honest I RATHER lose inches than pounds because wearing smaller sizes really boosts your confidence more than the scale sometimes. This is how you can truly tell your progress because it shows in person and it shows in pictures, etc. so GREAT JOB!
    and wooo hooooo! for getting back into 160's. I can't wait til I get back there.

    Thnx for the compliment. and believe it or not I got the dress at the very last minute after I had tried out a zillion of them. I like the colors and the plus side is it has pockets so I was able to keep my lipstick in there. hehe.
    I'm glad you were able to make up for your not so great workout in the morning. and I'm glad you are enjoying waking up in the morning for your workouts I used to like it too but when the cold came it got so hard, perhaps now that its warmer it won't be so hard to get out of bed in the morning. Will definately try to move my workouts to the AM too. it also helps that I can come home and prepare dinner right after work instead of having to eat later at night after working out.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Dawna: sorry to learn you're still experiencing stomach issues, hopefully it will get better soon but you really kicked but if you burned that many calories in 50 minutes. Great job! You may have told me this before and if you did I apologize in advance for you having to repeat yourself but what is the "burn interval" workout that you do?

    Btw, I'm not nearly as toned as I would hope especially in my ab area. Since I have arthritis in my lower back doing ab exercises can be very difficult at times. I do my best. I am beginning to see definition in the upper abs but the lower abs and the obliques definitely need work. I don't want you all thinking I'm stacked or anything b/c I still have a long way to go

    Nola: I'm glad I can be your morning paper while you drink your coffee...LOL I try to get to work early so I can have time to log my food and post on the many threads that I participate in. I'll admit I make my post general so I can post the same thing on all the threads and then I usually read what everyone says and respond accordingly. Today I arrived to work on time so got a late start posting. Anyhoo, I put the knee information into my Blackberry so hopefully I'll be able to pick some up this weekend. Are these big pills?
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    ms. lady I read ur posts while I drink my water haha, don't ask me how but I've given up coffee cuz i can only drink it with cream and sugar and I figured I don't need the extra calories/sugar from that. plus I find that when I workout and eat healthy I get a lot of natural energy and don't suffer from the usual pm drowsiness/laziness.to answer ur questions I don't think the pills are too big but the nice thing is that they are capsules with that plastic like covering so they don't taste like anything. I have some Vit E pills that are tiny but not coated and taste like crap. haha.