10 in 9, part 2



  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member

    I hope your stomach problem gets better......u sure u not prego?

    i don't think so.... i just got TOM late last week. And its not nauseau or vomitting, its the emergency #2 business. I'm thinking (and hoping) that its just the fact that my intestines just have a harder time contracting because of my IBS. Before I used to feel constipated more, and now its the opposite. It seems like there's no win. But, its not a huge deal...I've just been confused. I do remember last year I had some early morning work meetings about once a week for a month...and only on those days where I got up at 6am did I have this same exact problem with an emergency #2 situation. Maybe it has something to do with waking up early...which is weird because during the normal day I am just fine! Its usually only during exercise or right after. (Last night I think my problem had something to do with the guacamole dip I ate, it did not settle well). So, I think I'm going to do some research and then consult my physician if it persists throughout next week.


    oh, and in regards to you running at 7.7 for a minute....still-- that minute is a heck-uv-a loooong time going that fast! haha! I would be making some crazy loud noises on the treadmill. great job!
  • porterbaby38
    porterbaby38 Posts: 1,401
    nola and kicklikeagirl: i've asked him to going walking with me and our dog. but just rather watch tv and be on the computer. i can't get him to anything like that with me. the only thing he likes to do with me once in awhile is go out to eat. i'm sorry ladies, i'm on this on my own on this end. but at least i do have my mfp friends.

    choco: you are fast. i'm know i'm looking good but i still don't feel great about my stomach, thighs and butt. i'll get a new picture of me soon on my profile. that way you and the ladies can see it.

    plus here all this time i thought i was 5'7", i had my sister check to see how my height is. we was using a yard stick. i'm 5'6" and a half. when you lose weight, do you shrink too in height?
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member

    I hope your stomach problem gets better......u sure u not prego?

    i don't think so.... i just got TOM late last week. And its not nauseau or vomitting, its the emergency #2 business. I'm thinking (and hoping) that its just the fact that my intestines just have a harder time contracting because of my IBS. Before I used to feel constipated more, and now its the opposite. It seems like there's no win. But, its not a huge deal...I've just been confused. I do remember last year I had some early morning work meetings about once a week for a month...and only on those days where I got up at 6am did I have this same exact problem with an emergency #2 situation. Maybe it has something to do with waking up early...which is weird because during the normal day I am just fine! Its usually only during exercise or right after. (Last night I think my problem had something to do with the guacamole dip I ate, it did not settle well). So, I think I'm going to do some research and then consult my physician if it persists throughout next week.


    oh, and in regards to you running at 7.7 for a minute....still-- that minute is a heck-uv-a loooong time going that fast! haha! I would be making some crazy loud noises on the treadmill. great job!

    Ok, I for some reason I didn't think #2 emergency and thought nausea when u said stomach problems and if you mentioned it in your post I apologize b/c I've been speed reading these posts lately. My computer at home is not working properly and I only take my work laptop home on Fridays so I try to get to work early so I can read up on the posts and then post my workout for the day. I really need to purchase a new laptop but it seems like everytime I get ready to do so an unexpected emergency arrives and the money has to be allocated elsewhere. Anyway, hope the problem rectifies itself but if it doesn't at least put in a phone call to the dr and see if they recommend you come in for a visit.
  • porterbaby38
    porterbaby38 Posts: 1,401
    actually ladies, even though my man loves me and crazy about me, to me know matter how much more i lose to feel great, i'll always feel like i'm not good enough for him. ladies i love him more than i ever loved anybody else. but he loves his tv and computer and checking out other women, more than workingout with me or doing anything with me. i'm really trying not to feel inscure about myself, even though my man is alot older then me, he looks great for his age. i've lost alot of inches. my body is showing alot of compostition, which that is good, the scale is going down slow. but everyone is telling me not to lose anymore. but i'm still not happy with my three problem areas. (stomach,thighs,and butt), but my butt is starting to look great from doing that brazil butt lift. ladies if it wasn't for you and this site, i would have just gave up long time ago. i've been insecure all my life. i was married before, he left me another woman. then i got in a few more relationships, one was for my family money, then other relationship, was chatting online to other women, and they was sending him pictures. i know i was big all my life but i do have feelings. that's why i think i'll always feel insecure about myself. no matter what. that's why i've just been working out for me. i'm tired of trying to make everyone else feel great, i just once want to be noticed. i'm more upset and frustrated, then i am sad. so that's why as soon as he gets back from work, me and my sister are going to go for walk around a big resevoir. so sorry.
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member

    I hope your stomach problem gets better......u sure u not prego?

    i don't think so.... i just got TOM late last week. And its not nauseau or vomitting, its the emergency #2 business. I'm thinking (and hoping) that its just the fact that my intestines just have a harder time contracting because of my IBS. Before I used to feel constipated more, and now its the opposite. It seems like there's no win. But, its not a huge deal...I've just been confused. I do remember last year I had some early morning work meetings about once a week for a month...and only on those days where I got up at 6am did I have this same exact problem with an emergency #2 situation. Maybe it has something to do with waking up early...which is weird because during the normal day I am just fine! Its usually only during exercise or right after. (Last night I think my problem had something to do with the guacamole dip I ate, it did not settle well). So, I think I'm going to do some research and then consult my physician if it persists throughout next week.


    oh, and in regards to you running at 7.7 for a minute....still-- that minute is a heck-uv-a loooong time going that fast! haha! I would be making some crazy loud noises on the treadmill. great job!

    Ok, I for some reason I didn't think #2 emergency and thought nausea when u said stomach problems and if you mentioned it in your post I apologize b/c I've been speed reading these posts lately. My computer at home is not working properly and I only take my work laptop home on Fridays so I try to get to work early so I can read up on the posts and then post my workout for the day. I really need to purchase a new laptop but it seems like everytime I get ready to do so an unexpected emergency arrives and the money has to be allocated elsewhere. Anyway, hope the problem rectifies itself but if it doesn't at least put in a phone call to the dr and see if they recommend you come in for a visit.

    my bad...i never specified. Haha!! you'd think with how long-winded I tend to be... that I'd insert that little detail. Haha! I'm gonna keep researching online to see what I can find and see if anyone else has experienced this. Thanks choco!
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good morning and Thank Goodness It's Friday! Today is week 1 day 5 of the P90X program so I completed the Leg and Back + Ab Ripper dvd. My legs were already hurting from the HIIT and now they are SCREAMING at me. I am feeling good about my first week back on P90X b/c my body feels strong.

    Something must be going on w/MFP b/c I'm noticing that the quotes and responses are not showing up (at least not on my computer).
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    Good Morning ladies! and thank goodness its friday at last!

    last night I did turbo sculpt and had a pretty good workout. I wanted to stop half way thru but i pushed and pushed myself and about 40 mins later I was done! today i won't get a workout in because after work I have a f unction to go to with my boo. his work is having a crawfish boil so did my hair and rocking my skinny jeans today (which I have received many compliments on and oh yeah it's a size 10! but it's stretch so I'm not getting too excited yet.)

    Choco: I searched for fares last night and they had gone up to about $400. I hope as I check back over the weekend they drop.

    Dawna: hope u figure out what the problem is. I'm not sure if u mentioned this before, but are u eating before ur workouts or doing them on an empty stomach? I cannot eat anything early in the morning before 8 or 9am cuz as soon as I do, I head straight to the bathroom for some reason, only I don't get any pain like y ou do. usually anything that's dairy, coffee, even pancakes or fruits and especially eggs have this effect on me. try workout out on an emptry stomach or trying different foods to see if they help. for example instead of fruit have a piece of protein bar or a slice of toast - solid food usually goes well with my stomach when its early.

    Porterbaby: I don't know what to tell you about ur man. have u tried talking to him and letting him know how he makes u feel? not complain that he doesnt spend time with u, but actually explaining that he makes u feel less important than his tv etc and that those things u explained make u feel insecure? sometimes it helps when they know specifically how u feel cuz sometimes men are so dense and cannot pick up on hints u have to spell it out to them. Also, I know this is probably not good, but I've always found that the more u love a guy and the more u try to be good for them, the less they appreciate you because they take u for granted. I'm not sure this is good advice but when I feel like my man is not appreciating me enough I stop doing nice things for him and I start being indifferent. that way he'll notice the change and start putting in some effort. Weird I know but reverse psychology always works for me. lol. i'm not saying be completely mean just kind of slow down on the nice things u do for himor say to him and he'll notice it and start missing your nice ways. and keep with it girl till u are happy with yourself!
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    :bigsmile: Hi ladies! I was going to post earlier but there was an error with the system not showing posts. But, Mike fixed it now! yippee! Last night I changed my mind and did the ChaLean Extreme Lean phase, it was a killer. It was a lot of legs/chest/shoulders and incorporating abs into each workout. I loved it! I also did a 25 minute "warmup" of Turbo Kick to get my muscles loose so I could do a nice long stretch beforehand.

    This morning I woke up and hit the gym for a nice 3.5 mile jog, and then I had a bathroom break. I jumped on the bike for 15 minutes to really loosen up my legs a little more. It was a great morning for exercise! Ate a yummy breakfast, which has become my new early morning favorite after a good workout. I'll share :)
    1 TBSP chopped onion, 1 TBSP chopped green peppers, 1 TBSP mushrooms all sauted on the stove. Then I add 1 egg white whisked with about 2 TBSP skim milk. Once its cooked (like scrambled eggs) I top it with 1/2 oz of mozzarella cheese to melt. Then I toast a sourdough english muffin and put the egg mixture on the muffin with a TBSP of salsa. Its DELISH!! And its only like 275 calories. YUM!:love:

    Choco- You are workin so hard girl, its no wonder you lost weight again this week .. :bigsmile: that ticker is wayyy off the page! Haha! Someday maybe I'll be like that..haha!

    Nola- thanks for the advice girl. I usually work out in the morning on an empty stomach, otherwise I feel like I have food jiggling around in my tummy while I'm working out. This morning I tried to have a 1/2 slice of bread, thinking it was because my stomach is usually empty, but I had the same problem. I'm going to keep experimenting, and maybe I'll ask on the message boards. Also, great man advice :wink: I do the reverse psychology thing occassionally too, when my man is being a punk....I haven't had to do that in a while though...haha whew!

    porterbaby- so glad you have your sister to go for a walk with you and to rely on to help you "fill your bucket", and by that I mean to be able to get out and just re-fuel yourself by energizing your physical/emotional/spiritual well-being. Sometimes we give so much of ourselves that we don't have time to focus on refueling our body/mind/spirit. You go girl, I hope things start to look brighter for you! Keep communicating with your man :):flowerforyou:
  • porterbaby38
    porterbaby38 Posts: 1,401
    good afternoon ladies. i went over to my sister this afternoon and had a great workout. we bought three new dvd workouts. we like them. i just kept my mind and heart busy. thanks ladies for everything i appreciate it. i just have work harder to fit in a size 4's better, even though the scale isn't moving, but atleast the inches are slipping away. good night ladies.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good morning and happy Saturday everyone! It is a rainy/dreary day here in Atlanta and as a result I was able to sleep in. Since I get up every weekday at 5 am to get my workout completed the extra rest was definitely needed. Today is week 1 day 6 of the P90X program and Kenpo X has been completed. I'm still pretty sore from the weight lifting and the HIIT so I'm looking forward to relaxing the rest of today and completing the stretch X dvd tomorrow.

    I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend and I'll check back in later.

    Porterbaby: Glad you have the support of your sister. Stay focused and try not to let your man get you down.

    Nola: Thank you for looking for tickets. I'll also look this weekend. It's not looking good for this NO trip but Im keeping my fingers crossed. When I was meeting this same girlfriend in San Diego last year for July 4th I purchased my ticket back in March and didn't even pay $400.00. What a difference a year and a festival makes.

    Dawna: Hope you had a great Friday evening w/your hubby.

    No plans for me today. It's a rainy/gloomy day here in Atlanta and I'm so happy b/c I don't feel any pressure to get out the house. I don't want to do anything other than watch the NBA playoffs, read and chill. Tomorrow I head to another mall in hopes of finding some grown and sexy attire for this LA trip. Can I just say that as much as I'm looking forward hangin out w/my girlfriends I really want this trip to be over with. The fact that I haven't found any sexy clubbin clothes yet is starting to stress me just a little. I love to travel and I usually don't have a problem finding night time outfits but this year is different and i'm not sure why. Anyhoo, I plan on hitting the mall tomorrow and the outlet on Monday since we have the day off from work.
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    Happy Saturday everyone! Last night I zonked out really fast and got a TON of sleep! It felt great, so today I am feeling energized and got a lot of things done. I woked out for about 2 hours today. I just had a lot of energy so I went on a really long run and then I got on the bike to help loosen my legs again. Its feeling great! I thought maybe I'd try loading some pictures up today...it takes a lot longer than I was hoping...grr! Hope you are all having a great weekend! I'll be sure to check in again!!

    Before, sorry its a little weird because grandma was sitting in front of us...and she looked weird and I didn't want her head randomly in the picture. But, this is me at 179 pounds, my heaviest EVER! August 1 2009.


    This is me a few weeks ago at my sister's graduation at 159. I've actually lost 3 pounds since this picture! I'm starting to enjoy taking pictures!! Yippee! April 9, 2010.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Dawna, YOU LOOK AWESOME! I must admit you don't look 179 in the first pic and you damn sure don't look 159 in the second. I guess that's what 159 lbs of lean muscle looks b/c you look really good. I can't imagine you trying to lose more weight. You look so toned. GREAT JOB! Keep up the great work.

    Btw, you and hubby look very cute together......very cute couple.
  • porterbaby38
    porterbaby38 Posts: 1,401
    this what i look now at 169.2lbs. sorry it's kinda of blurry.

  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    It is a Sunny and comfortable Sunday morning here in Atlanta and I got up early to complete my workout so I can relax a little bit before I hit the mall. Today is week 1 day 7 of the P90X program so it's suppose to be a rest or stretch day. I decided that in addition to completing 30 minutes of the Stretch X dvd I would also do a final Insanity Fit Test. I completed the fit test first and then the stretch dvd and oh how happy my body was. Here are the results of the Insanity Fit Test

    Test 1: Test 2: Test 3: Test 4:

    Switch Kicks: 50: 70: 80: 105

    Power Jacks: 57: 70: 80: 91

    Power Knees: 80: 95: 110: 121

    Power Jumps: 32: 44: 62: 78

    Globe Jumps: 8: 10: 12: 12 (no improvement)

    Suicide Jumps: 12: 18: 21: 18 (slight decrease)

    Push up Jacks: 20: 32: 40: 45 (slight improvement)

    Plank Oblique: 40: 54: 60: 67 (slight improvement)

    The first few exercises really took a lot out of me which is why my numbers began decreasing but overall I'm really happy w/my progress.

    Porterbaby: Although the pic is a little blurry I can see that you're looking fit. Great job.

  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    hey ladies so sorry I been MIA all weekend. will catch up on posts and check in tomorrow morning!
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    Porterbaby: I would take inches over lbs on the scale anytime! hahaha ...what are ur new DVD's called? Also great pic. you can tell a big difference in your before and now pics.

    Dawna: you look awesome girl! you surely don't look 159 in that pic, I agree with Choco that must be all muscle hahaha. you look 120-130 at the most! funny how numbers can make u think crazy. I wanna get down to 150 eventually and my friends keep telling me they can't even imagine me being that "skinny" since I've always be around 170-ish. Guess I'll know when I reach my goal weight by how I feel and look in the mirror as opposed to what the scale says.

    Choco: I had a gloomy Saturday too but my bf and I decided to go ride our bikes anyway! it looked like rain but we managed to get back home without getting wet. that was fun. sorry your shopping isnt going well but i'm sure u will find something soon. try going to new stores you usually don't go to, u might be surprised. also, great job on the insanity fit test, I can see that your numbers have vastly improved, for example in your switch kicks and power jumps you have almost DOUBLED your numbers! woo hoo!

    well i had a great weekend. I was bad bad bad with food but I had to do it to keep my sanity. I know this is bad but sometimes I have to binge before I go clean again. and it wasn't even really binging just giving in to my cravings and having them in moderation. crazily enough this morning when i got dressed for work, i noticed my top slipped right on (usually the arms are tight) and my pants which were already loose before were falling down when I walked from the parking lot to the office. hehehe.
    today is back to doing soome hard work and with May right around the corner, I know I need to push this into 3rd gear and push hard. Have a great day ladies!
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good morning and happy Monday! Today is week 2 day 1 of the P90X program and I have just completed the Chest and Back dvd. I don't particularly like this workout b/c of the amount of push ups required and the fact that my upper body strength still sucks. I know I'm getting stronger but not close to where I would like to be.

    Today I incorporated a little bit of the Insanity program into the workout. I swapped out the P90X warm up for the Insanity one and it definitely made a difference w/the calorie burn. My heart rate was elevated and I felt pretty good.

    Now that the workout is complete I can begin my day. Since I don't have to work I'm hitting a different mall in hopes of putting the final touches on my L.A. wardrobe. I'm happy to report that yesterday's shopping trip was a huge success. I was able to purchase three "club" outfits (2 dresses and 1 bustierre type top w/shorts) and a cute casual outfit (cargo style capris w/matching jacket) for the plane ride. Now that the outfits have been identified I have to purchase some sandals, accessories (belts, bracelets, necklaces, hand bags) and undergarments. You never know who you might run into in L.A. so I want to ensure I'm lookin my best...LOL.
  • porterbaby38
    porterbaby38 Posts: 1,401
    dancing with the stars, biggest loser 30 day jump start, my sister has the with valerie in it. the one who lost all that weight on jeeny craig. as soon as i get done here, i'm going to start exercising.
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    Good Morning ladies!
    Thanks for all the compliments. I need to have my husband take a full body shot so I can see the results better as I go throughout this process. But, thank you all so much for the compliments! This weekend I realized that I have come a long ways, even if it has taken me 7 months to lose 23 pounds. It still feels great and I'm hoping the summer and nice weather will jump start my motivation to get down to my goal. Yesterday was my "rest" day, so we just went on a nice walk. After church I was too hungry to actually make a meal so me and my hubby made some quick homemade nachos. And..yikes my tummy didn't like that- but it was sooooo good! I also ate a delicious vanilla cupcake with chocolate frosting. Its nice to know that my stomach doesn't really enjoy that kind of food anymore...but I ain't going to lie...it tasted very very good.

    Choco- so happy you found some fun outfits for your trip! How fun to go shopping for accessories! I find that I'm usually more successful in finding those than clothes. I loooove accessories!

    Nola- I kind of do the same thing with eating my "bad" cravings. Occassionally I have to have food that usually I "ban" because otherwise I'd go crazy! I know what you mean about the numbers...When I saw your picture that you posted a while back I thought you looked so tiny You look way good!

    Porterbaby- I can definitely see your progress in your picture, way to go! You are doing great and have come so far!
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    holy freaking chocolates! Ugh... someone brought some mini chocolates (twix & milkyway) and they have gotten the best of me today! I used to have a "candy jar" for clients, but I got rid of it due to the fact that on weak days it was tempting me. Well, this lady had a ton of easter candy left over and asked if she could fill up my jar so she could get rid of it. I politely told her I don't use the candy jar anymore and have put it in the storage closet, but she insisted and said that I shouldn't be so ungrateful. (whatever). She sure thinks she's way more superior to me than she really is. Ugh, so instead of arguing with her any longer, I just let her do it. I ate a handful during a weak moment about 20 minutes ago. So, I'm going to put them on someone else's desk. Haha...argggg...I have to laugh because this lady is crazy and her insanity, I SWEAR, drove me to eat the chocolates..haha.. ok maybe its a bad excuse. Anyways, just laughing it off for now and going to snack on my apple for the afternoon!! Ok, mini chocolate vent over...no more for me. Its a good day from here on out... :bigsmile: