10 in 9, part 2



  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    Dawna you are making my mouth water! ughhhh I went downstairs with a coworker and we usually get candy in the afternoon. well today she offered to buy me some and I politely declined and she kept asking if I was sure.....oh how i would love some chocolate but NO! i won't give in. I had enough sugar yesterday alone to keep me away from candy for the rest of the week!
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    Dawna you are making my mouth water! ughhhh I went downstairs with a coworker and we usually get candy in the afternoon. well today she offered to buy me some and I politely declined and she kept asking if I was sure.....oh how i would love some chocolate but NO! i won't give in. I had enough sugar yesterday alone to keep me away from candy for the rest of the week!

    Haha- sorry about making your mouth water! Great job on resisting the chocolates today! :flowerforyou: I also had enough sugar today from these stupid minis (which I thought initially- hey it won't be bad, they are mini...well yeah...until I ate like 12 of them! :noway: ). I've got a major headache now...pretty sure its from the large amounts of sugar I just consumed..haha..dang it! If I don't have a sugar crash by the time I get home, I'm hoping to do a nice long round of Turbo Kick to burn these suckers off! Its sad that I will workout for 60 minutes to SOLEY burn off the chocolates I just ate. Sooo not worth it today. Oh man, how I wish a Monday workday didn't exist! I would function better if a workweek started on Monday at noon and only lasted until Friday at noon. I would be so much more productive... No much left of today's workday...whew!

    Hope you all have a fabulous Monday night!
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good morning everyone! I hope everyone's Tuesday gets off to a great start. I didn't sleep well last night. I went to bed early but was up by 1 am and could not get back to sleep until after 3 am YET I was up at 5 am so i could hit the gym. The alarm clock sounded way too soon but I got up and got dressed to hit the gym to complete my cardio. Today is week 2 day 2 of the P90X program and it's a cardio day. Since I was pretty successful last week w/HIIT I decided to try it again today.
    Here's how I completed the routine today

    5 minutes - warm up - moderate pace (my pace: 5.0)
    1 minute - sprint as fast as you can (my pace: 7.7)
    4 minutes - recovery speed (my pace: 6.0)
    1 minute - sprint as fast as you can (my pace: 7.7)

    I alternated between my sprint and recovery speeds for a total of 30 minutes.

    I pushed myself a little harder today. Last week my recovery speed was btwn 5.0-5.4 mph and the sprints were at 7.5 mph. I'm hoping I can do it again on Thursday.

    Once the HIIT was completed I hoped on the elliptical for 15 minutes and then completed a 15 minute ab circuit.

    Dawna & Nola: I hope you all are doing better from the sugar consumed over the last day or so. I have no doubt that you all are or will be right back on track and rocking out the workouts like always.

    I have been trying to increase my protein intake so i can really focus on re-building the muscles. I soooo want to see some real definition by the time we leave for our trip so I've been trying to stay away from the candy too. Some days are definitely more successful than others. Thankfully this weekend and yesterday was a good day. When I do give in I try to stick to the weight watchers brownie or the 100 calorie chocolate covered pretzels. Usually i'm pretty good after eating one of those. Even though they are small they have been satisfying the chocolate cravings. It's all about the baby steps right. We can do it ladies b/c we are strong, focused and determined.
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    Good Morning ladies!
    Well, last night I got home from work and decided I needed to burn off the chocolate, so I decided to tie the laces and hit the pavement for a nice long run. I ended up getting a 5 mile jog in (half of it was uphill...holy cow!). It was pretty windy so I was really pushing hard against the wind. I ended up doing 5 miles in 50 minutes, so I had a good average pace of 6mph. Not too bad for how windy it was and that I was doing half of it uphill. Its SOOOOO sad that I had to run that long and that far in order to burn off the stupid chocolates I ate. I was talking to my husband afterwards when I was stretching how it was totally not worth it. I love running, but I hate running when its "punishment". And last night thats what it felt like for eating the chocolates.

    This morning I tried to get up at 5am (even went to bed early last night), but my body was so sore and tired so I slept for another 2 hours, and it was very worth it. My whole ride side from my neck to my hip is so sore. The other night I was pitching (fastpitch softball) to my husband, and I tried to not do too much, since its been a while. I iced my shoulder and stretched afterwards, but still..I've been soo sore since Sunday! So, my body was screaming for some rest. I WILL get up tomorrow.

    Choco- way to go on your intervals, that is great! And you amaze me with how determined you are to get those workouts done in the morning! Great job on pushing yourself a little harder and increasing your speed! The treadmill is great for tracking your speed and training yourself to get faster. Your hard work is sooo paying off and I'm sure you're going to look fantastic for your trip!! You already look so great!!

    Can't wait to hear from everyone else today!!
  • porterbaby38
    porterbaby38 Posts: 1,401
    good afternoon ladies.
    kicklikeagirl: i do to crave that chocolate too. but i wants in while eat a 3 musk. or i eat dark chocolate. but i'm happy that workout after that.

    choco: i'm very happy for you for getting your workouts.

    nolachick: i'm proud of you for saying no.
  • Crickks
    Crickks Posts: 94

    I'm new here, Dawna told me to stop by so here I am. I new on MFP, which I love. I wish I knew about this site existed prior to all my "did not work diets" lol.

    At the moment I'm doing Chalean Extreme Push Circuit, today was day 2.. I enjoyed the Burn Circuit but I think Chalean is trying to kill me..lol. I'm hanging in there (love the outcome so far).

    I've been working out for ...years. I've done The Firm (I love), Kettleworxs, Cathe (she's hard but good), TurboJam, Billy Blanks and Tony Horton's 10mins... I next project is Insanity.

    Well, that's it for now..

    Hope to hear from you guys...;-)

  • porterbaby38
    porterbaby38 Posts: 1,401
    hi cheryl, welcome to this site. you will enjoy it. good job on your workouts.
  • Crickks
    Crickks Posts: 94
    hi cheryl, welcome to this site. you will enjoy it. good job on your workouts.

    Thank you...;-)
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Happy Hump Day all! I have to make this post short and sweet since my work day has begun and I have to get cracking. Today is week 2 day 3 of the P90X program and I completed the "Shoulders & Arms" dvd. While I'm still little sore from my chest and back workout from Monday I was able to give it my all and I feel pretty good.

    Dawna: I had no doubt that you would find a way to work those chocolate minis off. Congrats on pushing yourself.

    Cheryl: Welcome to the thread. You'll find that the ladies here are very supportive. I'm glad you decided to share your weight loss journey with us. Good luck w/the Insanity program. I completed 7 of the 9 weeks before my arthritic knee became problematic.
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    Welcome Cheryl :flowerforyou: I have heard a lot of good things about Chalean Extreme, one day when I stop slacking so much I will invest in it. for now I'm varying turbo jam, gym, and the shred.

    Choco: I sure am glad it's hump day! woo hooo!

    Dawna: so proud of u for working off that chocolate, I used to be like that, but I have found that I have gone back to my very bad old ways of not caring anymore about what I eat and I really really need to get that in check ASAP.

    Porterbaby: how is the brazilian lift coming along?

    Well have a great day ladies! I
  • Crickks
    Crickks Posts: 94
    Happy Hump Day all! I have to make this post short and sweet since my work day has begun and I have to get cracking. Today is week 2 day 3 of the P90X program and I completed the "Shoulders & Arms" dvd. While I'm still little sore from my chest and back workout from Monday I was able to give it my all and I feel pretty good.

    Dawna: I had no doubt that you would find a way to work those chocolate minis off. Congrats on pushing yourself.

    Cheryl: Welcome to the thread. You'll find that the ladies here are very supportive. I'm glad you decided to share your weight loss journey with us. Good luck w/the Insanity program. I completed 7 of the 9 weeks before my arthritic knee became problematic.

    Morning Choco...

    Sorry to hear about your knee, I have that same problem,... now that you are doing P90X, does that bother your arthritic knee?
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    Good Morning ladies!
    Yay! Glad you came to join the group, Cheryl!! :flowerforyou: I love this group and these gals- they are great!!

    Well ladies, last night I decided to take a rest night. I usually only have one rest day during the week, but my body was screaming at me. So, I did a 40 minutes Pilates workout and then spent the rest of the night getting dinner made, laundry done, cleaning, and grocery list & meal list ready for the next 2 weeks. I also watched Dancing with the Stars...geez I never watch TV, I don't even have cable. But, I was bored and sore so I was icing my shoulder and decided to watch an episode online while the hubby was doing homework.

    Tonight I am planning on getting home early so I can do a good Turbo Kick workout, and then I'm taking a good friend of mine to Zumba tonight! I love that class, its so fun. It doesn't even feel like a workout!

    Choco-- I know I say this like everyday, but you inspire me! Despite being sore, you still got up out of bed and your workout on! I don't know what my problem is this week, but I can't seem to drag myself out of bed. I've gotta do it tomorrow...so keep me in line! Haha! You are going to look great in LA! When do you leave for that trip??

    Nola-- I know what you mean about getting into those slumps. It happens to me every once in a while too. Sometimes they can be a pain to get out of. But, I know you can do it!
  • Crickks
    Crickks Posts: 94
    Welcome Cheryl :flowerforyou: I have heard a lot of good things about Chalean Extreme, one day when I stop slacking so much I will invest in it. for now I'm varying turbo jam, gym, and the shred.

    Thanks Nolachick...
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Dawna: so proud of u for working off that chocolate, I used to be like that, but I have found that I have gone back to my very bad old ways of not caring anymore about what I eat and I really really need to get that in check ASAP.

    Nola, do you know what triggers these slumps. What I'm learning about myself is that I tend to get thrown off course if I get extremely hungry. At that this point I become very attitudinal and likely to eat anything. I said I would start caring a snack in my purse when I head out so if for whatever reason my eating schedule gets thrown off course I have something healthy close by. I also noticed that when I'm really sad I don't care about what I eat. I think beginning to recognize the signs that a slump is impending can help you counteract it or at least get out of it a bit sooner. I really want you to meet your ultimate goal so I don't want you to give up but the only way to get there is to get the booty in HIGH GEAR. Remember you don't want to look back at the start of summer and say SHOULDA, WOULDA, COULDA.....NOW IS THE TIME!

    Remember, we are here for as much support as we can give via the internet.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member

    Morning Choco...

    Sorry to hear about your knee, I have that same problem,... now that you are doing P90X, does that bother your arthritic knee?

    I decided to not complete the Plyometrics dvd (at least for right now) of the P90X program since there is an awful lot of jumping. I have designated Tuesday and Thursday (Plyo and Yoga) as my cardio days so I go to the gym. For the past two weeks I've been completing HIIT on the treadmills and have done pretty well. I will admit that my knee started bothering me towards the end of the 30 minute jog on Tuesday but not nearly as bad as all the jumping.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Choco-- I know I say this like everyday, but you inspire me! Despite being sore, you still got up out of bed and your workout on! I don't know what my problem is this week, but I can't seem to drag myself out of bed. I've gotta do it tomorrow...so keep me in line! Haha! You are going to look great in LA! When do you leave for that trip??

    Dawna: It's always good to listen to your body. You definitely don't want it shutting down on you later. I'm glad my early morning workouts inspire you but please believe I have those days when I ask myself if getting up this early is worth it. When my alarm goes off every morning at 5 am and it's pitch black outside I often shake my head but if I put my feet on the floor right away I find it's alot easier for me to get going. However, if I decide to watch the morning news are lay in the bed for a little longer I find it's harder to get started. I definitely struggle w/working out.
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    Dawna: so proud of u for working off that chocolate, I used to be like that, but I have found that I have gone back to my very bad old ways of not caring anymore about what I eat and I really really need to get that in check ASAP.

    Nola, do you know what triggers these slumps. What I'm learning about myself is that I tend to get thrown off course if I get extremely hungry. At that this point I become very attitudinal and likely to eat anything. I said I would start caring a snack in my purse when I head out so if for whatever reason my eating schedule gets thrown off course I have something healthy close by. I also noticed that when I'm really sad I don't care about what I eat. I think beginning to recognize the signs that a slump is impending can help you counteract it or at least get out of it a bit sooner. I really want you to meet your ultimate goal so I don't want you to give up but the only way to get there is to get the booty in HIGH GEAR. Remember you don't want to look back at the start of summer and say SHOULDA, WOULDA, COULDA.....NOW IS THE TIME!

    Remember, we are here for as much support as we can give via the internet.

    thanks choco. Trust me the last thing I wanna do is look back yet another year and regret not pushing myself hard enough. and you are right I think I have been moody lately either stressed or sad and that makes me not care what I eat. Also, another thing about my slump is that every once in a while I go thru this phase where nothing satisfies me - Taste wise. you know what I mean? like wether its junk food or healthy food nothing actually tastes good so i keep picking on different things in hope of satisfying my taste buds but I just end up eating crap and not even enjoying it. I'm sure I'll get out of it soon.

    I have decided that I will try the Atkins diet since last time I lost weight is when I was eating few carbs. but lately carbs have been like a trigger for me. I want potato (baked or fried) rice, pasta, bread, etc and I have been not wanting to eat chicken or fish. weird I know, so that leaves me eating high carbs, low protein which I think is contributing to my laziness after work.

    Anyway tonight I will try to read up more about the atkins diet, I bought the book and I heard its very effective so I shall inform myself first and then give it a try.

    Good night ladies!
  • porterbaby38
    porterbaby38 Posts: 1,401
    good morning ladies.
    nolachick: the brazil butt lift is great i can tell my butt is getting perky, lifted and tight. nola, you'll get out of this slump i know you will, you are a workout warrior, like we all are. just take one day at a time. we'll all get to our weight loss goals.
  • porterbaby38
    porterbaby38 Posts: 1,401
    oh i forgot to say this but, i'm losing too much on my face and collar bone is really showing, i just want to work on my stomach and thighs, and butt. everything else looks great. plus just tone my arms. that's all i need to work on. i kinda wish the scale would start showing pounds lost. i really don't need to lose alot more inches unless it's my stomach, butt and thighs.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good morning everyone! I hope everyone's day has gotten off to a great day! I woke up at 4:30 am this morning so I could hit the gym a little early and get to work a little early. While I made it to the gym and got the workout in I stayed in the sauna longer than I should have and as a result made it to work on time (not early like I had intended) but I will say my body is very thankful for the 15 minutes in the sauna.

    Today is week 2 day 4 of the P90X program so I've designated it a cardio day. I attempted to complete the HIIT workout that I completed on Tuesday but the treadmills at the gym were not cooperating. Every time I started jogging the treadmill would read "check system" and then stop. I tried another treadmill and received the same comment so I decided to hop on the elliptical. It all worked out b/c my back and knee were bothering me so to sprint would have been problematic. Forty five (45) minutes and 435 calories later the workout was complete.

    Nola: I don't know much about Atkins so let me know what you learn but please don't look for a quick fix b/c I want whatever wait you lose to stay gone.

    Porterbaby: Glad the Brazilian Butt Lift is working for you. I wish we could spot reduce too b/c my stomach is my biggest enemy. It's not big but it's not as small as I would like it.

    Dawna: Where you at?