10 in 9, part 2



  • porterbaby38
    porterbaby38 Posts: 1,401
    dang choco. you look wonderful and hot. keep it up girl.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    I completed the P90X fit test today. It's not nearly as intense as Insanity so today truly feels like a rest day. The fit test consists of the following components:

    1. Taking your resting heart rate.....that was real easy...LOL

    2. Pull ups - I completed 1 which is the minimum for a female, whew, glad I passed that

    3. Vertical Leap - Not sure I completed this correctly especially since there's no one here to assist but I jumped as high in the air as possible. I got pretty decent height.

    4. Push ups - I completed 10 but I realized afterwards I was suppose to go to failure so I'm sure I could of rocked out a few more (although my shoulders are still sore from the Insanity workouts so not sure how much more)

    5. Toe touches - This was to measure your flexibility. Basically you sit on the floor w/your legs extended in front of you. You bend at the waist (never bending your knees) and try to touch your toes. I was able to get about an inch past my toes so I guess that's pretty good.

    6. Wall squat - You stand against the wall and go into a squat position and hold the position for a minimum of 1 minute. I was able to hold it for 1 minute 10 seconds before my knee started hurting.

    7. Bicep curls - Women needed to use a minimum of 8 lb weights and complete at least 10 reps. Since 8 lb weights are the biggest I currently have in my collection (I'll have to invest in 10 lbs) I use them and was able to complete 40 reps before my arms started to burn.

    8. In and outs - Its an ab test and you needed to complete at least 25 reps and I was able to complete 30 before the lower back started hurting.

    9. Heart rate maximizer: I had to do jumping jacks at a steady pace for 2 minutes and in the last 30 seconds are at a rapid pace. Then I had to immediately record my heart rate and then continue to record it in 1 minute intervals. Not sure why I had to monitor the heart rate. I was able to rock out well over 100 jumping jacks in that timeframe though so I'm happy.

    It looks like I have successfully passed the P90X fit test and I will begin w/chest and back tomorrow. I've also decided that on P90X cardio days I'm going to head to the gym instead (whenever possible) to use the elliptical, treadmill, stairmaster and spin bike.

    Porterbaby: Thank you soooo much for the compliment. I must admit I feel very sexy these days.
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    Choco: great job on the p90x fitness test! u are a strong and fit woman! and AWESOME PIC! looks like all the hard work is really paying off! keep it up girl. So I'm guess u're laying off insanity and going back to p90x now?
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good morning all! I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend and is ready to "Bring It" this week. After 7 weeks of Insanity I decided to give my poor knee a break (I have arthritis in the right knee and lower left back) and head back to the P90X program. While I will incorporate some Insanity workouts in here and there especially on P90X cardio days if I am unable to make it to the gym but my knee just couldn't bare it any more b/c of the constant jumping. Anyway, today is week 1 day 1 of the P90X program and I just completed Chest and Back. This dvd has always been a killer for me b/c my upper body strength just sucks. Today was particularly hard b/c my upper body is still sore from all the Insanity drills but I rocked it out as best I could. I can tell I have gotten stronger b/c I used 8 lb weights for all of the back exercises and they were too light. The 8 lb weights are the biggest I have right now so I'm going to have to invest in some heavier ones or find a way to use my resistance bands.

    I hope everyone has a great day!

    Nola: Thank for the compliment. I have to take a break from Insanity b/c my knees couldn't take it anymore. I will incorporate a few of the workouts here and there especially on days when I can't make it to the gym.
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    hey ladies! today was a quiet day with the exception of choco's post. hope everyone had a good start to their week.
    i made the big mistake of not having my PM snack and was starving by the time i got home and with a headache. i pushed thru my workout but i know my body didnt have much fuel so it wasnt a great workout. atleast i did and i was glad. i was so tired after that i fell asleep and didnt even eat only to wake up a few hours later starving. I had a small serving of red beans and rice and a couple spoonfuls of ice cream as a little treat. now its time for bed. will check in again tomorrow.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good morning everyone! I hope everyone's Tuesday gets off to a great start. My day started at 5 am. I got up and dressed ready to hit the gym to complete my cardio. Today is week 1 day 2 of the P90X program and it's a cardio day. Instead of completing the Plyometrics dvd I headed to the gym to complete a HIIT. I found this 30 minute sprint workout on about.com and decided I want to try it out. Since this was the first time I ever did a HIIT I was a bit nervous and unsure of how fast I really would be able to run on the treadmill especially since I've not been on one since December 2009. Anyway, the workout was broken down like this:

    5 minutes - warm up - moderate pace (my pace: 4.0)
    5 minutes - moderate pace (my pace: 4.8)
    1 minute - sprint as fast as you can (my pace: 7.5)
    4 minutes - recovery speed (my pace: 5.0-5.4)
    1 minute - sprint as fast as you can (my pace: 7.5)
    and I alternated between my sprint and recovery speeds for a total of 30 minutes.

    Once the HIIT was complete I hopped on the Elliptical for 15 minutes and finished the workout with a 20 minute ab circuit.

    I feel absolutely wonderful after this workout and I will try it again on Thursday. I'm now sipping on a yummy banana/strawberry protein shake and about to start my workout week.

    Where are my 10 in 9 ladies, especially lady di?

    Nola: I'm still searchin for airline tickets to NO for the Essence but the airlines are not relenting and Im still not willing to pay $400 - 600 for a flight that only lasts 90 minutes. I'll keep you posted b/c I really want to attend Essence b/c my girl Mary J Blige is performing and I haven't seen her perform in years. Plus it would be nice if we could hang out while my girlfriend is attending her conference. Glad you got your workout in. Hopefully you have your PM snack today so you're not starving when you get home.
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    Hey choco! I jsut wrote u the longest answer and somehow my computer messed up and lost it.
    I love HIIT workouts cuz they are challenging and effective for when u are short on time. and Damn girl u run on 7.5? I wud land on my face if I ever tried that. Fastest I've gone is 6.5
    about essence fest I was just thinking about that today as I listened to the Stever Harvey morning show.What dates were u planning to come here? I can help you look for cheap tickets. what's ur airport name/code? and are your dates flexible? I find that Wed/Sat travelling is usually cheaper. What about driving? is that an option or is it too long? If u can find someone to drive here with it shudnt be too bad. Last year I drove from new orleans to tampa, fl (12 hrs) and then from new orleans to dallas,tx shortly after (12 hours I t hink) not too bad when u are not pressed for time and when u are able to make a few stops and take a break.
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    Happy Tuesday all!
    My weekend didn't end quite like I expected. We all ended up with the flu by Saturday evening, not so fun! But, Saturday before we got sick I did find some cute casual tops for summer. I was also on the lookout for some new shorts/capris since all of my ones from last summer are too big. But, shopping was pretty successful and mostly fun. On Sunday I wasn't feeling the greatest, but I needed some fresh air so I went on a light walk just to get up and moving and get some fresh air. Last night I was feeling 100% back to normal and decided to go for a nice 3.5 mile jog once we got home from the trip. I didn't get up early this morning, but I will work out this evening. I didn't want to push it this morning, just in case. I'm excited to get back to work.

    Choco- way to go on your P90X fitness test as well as your run! I love doing intervals on the treadmill and I find that it helps my endurance. And girl you look GREAT!

    Nola- so glad you got your workouts in...I know how it feels to be tired, and even though it isn't always the most effective, at least you got your blood pumping and exercised your body.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Nola: I surprised myself at my ability to run at a 7.5 speed. The highest prior to that was 6.5. Let's remember it was only for a minute though so I'm no way near being a runner but I must admit the HIIT was very invigorating. I agree that you're able to burn a decent amount of calories in a short amount of time. I'll try it again on Thursday.

    Essence festival. Here's my deal. The earliest I can arrive would be Thursday, July 1, 2010 and the latest would be Monday, July 5, 2010. While I have flexibility w/times (although I prefer early flights) I don't have much flexibility w/dates b/c I'm going home to Boston on Saturday, July 10, 2010 and will be gone for a week so I don't want to take too much time off from work for Essence. Driving in theory wouldn't be a problem b/c it's only 6-7 hours but I don't have anyone to drive with and rentals have been expensive lately too so to pay all that money for a rental (b/c I don't have anyone to split the cost) and still have to pay for gas I could just get a ticket and not have to worry about driving there and back. Also, my experience w/driving to events like that is driving there is always cool b/c you're excited but driving back drags b/c you're just ready to get to your destination. Any help you can offer would be greatly appreciated.

    Dawna: Thank for the compliment. Sorry to hear that your family came down w/the flu. That's not a good way to end a mini vacay. Glad your shopping trip was more successful than mine.
  • porterbaby38
    porterbaby38 Posts: 1,401
    good morning ladies.
    kicklikeagirl: i'm glad your feeling better. just take it slow.

    nola: i bet it feels good to get a workout in.

    choco: great job on your workout.
    sorry ladies i'm kinda depressed today. some of my family and my man is giving me a hard time about my weight lose.they said i need to stop losing weight, that my face is getting to skinny. but i'm still have my stomach, thighs, butt to worry about. no matter how much more i want to work on those problems, i'm still going to lose weight every where else. because i want to be able to fit in my bikini. plus the more i keep losing weight my man thinks i'm going to leave him. but i love him way too much. i know i'm losing weight for me, but i like once to feel great,strong and have confidence for me. plus i like my man to look at ME and realize what he has beside him. i'm tired of being pretty,or cute. i want to be gorgeous, hot, sexy, beautiful or a knockout.
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    Porterbaby: that must be tough not having the support of your family but let them know that this is important to you and how much this will help boost your confidence. let them know that there are other areas of your body you are trying to work on and that you can't choose where the weight comes off from. As for your man, reassure him that you are only trying to look good for him and that in the long run he will be happy with the results :wink:
    Don't give up now, but I would reconsider your final goal of 120lbs. That seems very very low, but just go with how you feel. It's important for you to not only look good but feel good and also set your goal to something that will be easy to mantain.
    Hope that helps :flowerforyou:

    Dawna: Glad you are feeling better :smile:
  • porterbaby38
    porterbaby38 Posts: 1,401
    nola: i think you' re right about having my goal set to low, so i decided to see how i feel at 140lbs. hopefully i would have a nice small stomach and my thighs and perky butt, if i keep using the dvds i have. thanks
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    glad u reconsidered your goal weight porterbaby.

    As for me I took off a lil early from work so i cud do my workout without feeling tired or hungry. I gave it my all and what a difference!
    L1D3 complete!

    Good night ladies
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Today is hump day, so, happy Wednesday everyone! Today is week 1 day 3 of the P90X program so I rocked it out w/the Shoulders & Arms dvd. I can tell I'm getting stronger b/c the 8 lb weights that I used when I first attempted the program back in February 2010 where light so I'm going to have to really get some heavier weights. My shoulders and arms are still a bit sore from all the push ups from Monday but overall my body is feeling good.

    Porterbaby: Sorry to learn your family especially your man is not being very supportive. I wish I had some good advice regarding this situation but I truly don't. I don't have the patience for that type of craziness, so, I tend to stop people right in their tracks if they have something to say about the amount of weight I've lossed. Bottom line: It's about me and when I feel i've achieved the body/goal that I've set for myself then I'll stop/slow down but until then everyone else can kick rocks. Now the man situation I'm sure is difficult but it's hard to make someone feel secure about their position in your life. Hopefully he'll come around soon but you need to be comfortable w/your body. Good luck.

    Nola: I'm glad you're rockin it out!

    I'm off to begin my work day. Hope everyone has a great day.
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    Hellloo ladies! Today was so hard to get out of bed early, probably because it had been since Thursday that I've gotten up early. I'm hoping the rest of the week gets a little easier. But, I did complete 55 minutes of Turbo Kick and an additional 5 minutes of Ab exercises. It felt great. Last night the hubby and I went on a nice 3.5 mile jog...it was a killer. We ran up and down the foothills of the mountains on this bike path. Our heart rates were sky-rocketing. We ended up climbing about 300 feet within 3/4 of a mile...it was crazy! It felt good afterwards, not so much during the workout.

    So, ladies I've been having this problem with my early morning workouts. I have noticed it frequently over the past 2 1/2 weeks as I've been getting up early. Towards the end of my workouts (which last about 45 minutes) I get a sudden pang in my stomach and then the instant urge to need to run to the bathroom immediately. Do any of you have this problem in the early morning workouts? I usually don't eat anything right when I wake up because otherwise I can feel the food bouncing around in my stomach. Even last week I tried just eating a slice of an apple before I hit the gym...but all I could taste was a nasty aftertaste of the apple while I was exercising- and I kept burping. Weird, and gross..I know. It's not too huge of a deal, I figure its getting everything out of my system from the night before, but it can be very inconvenient when I'm sprinting on the treadmill. :blushing:

    Choco-- so glad to hear you are getting stronger! I'm excited for you to do the P90X program again. Are you doing the whole program again for a round 2?

    nola- way to give your workouts your all!

    porterbaby-- My family isn't very supportive of me losing weight either. They haven't made any comments really about my weight loss and they think I'm crazy for choosing healthy choices. Or that I'm too picky when I go out to eat and I ask for my food cooked/prepared a certain way. They think I have an eating disorder because I like to watch my portions. They call me obsessed, desperate, you name it. But, I just don't let them get me down. A lot of it is that they are all overweight and haven't made lifestyle changes. I've always been the healthy one in my family and they just don't accept that at all. My husband is supportive, luckily. Although he doesn't have the drive that I do, and the willpower to want to workout as much. So, I've just had a good heart to heart chat with him and said, "you know, as I'm working out I'm feeling more confident about myself...and when I can feel good about myself, I can be a better partner because I have confidence in who I am. I know that you love me the way I am, but sometimes I look in the mirror and I just want to feel good about me." Assure him that your weightloss would never have any affect on loving him less, and that you'd never leave him. And point out that by losing weight and having confidence in yourself, it will help you to feel more confident in the bedroom :wink: My husband has noticed a huge difference from 8 months ago. :blushing: Just make sure to constantly communicate with him about the real reasons you want to lose weight & be healthy. Good luck!!
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Dawna: Other than slight hunger pains I don't have any early morning workout problems. i stopped eating prior to working out b/c it seemed like I never waited long enough for my food to fully digest. If I'm starving in the morning I'll eat a banana prior to the workout otherwise I complete it on an empty stomach. I hope you're able to figure out what's going on w/you soon. By the way, excellent advise you gave to porterbaby. I don't have a husband or boyfriend at the moment so really didn't know how best to put it.
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    Dawna: great advice. u always know what to say and how to help. I wish I had advice for your stomach/pain issues but it sounds to me like u might wanna see a doctor. I can't figure out what the problem is except maybe u have some kind of allergy u might not know about, i know u have IBS but i dunno. sounds weird. I usually don't eat before my workouts in the morning I feel like I already have energy to finish lol and I don't get hungry till after I'm done. hope u figure out what the problem is.

    Choco: I didn't get a chance to go online last night as I stayed with my bf and he doesn't have a computer. Will do so tonight tho.

    Porterbaby: hope u get to talk to ur man and clear things up and maybe then he will be more supportive. what about asking him to workout with u sometimes when u do things like walk/jog outside? I know he won't be a bit interested in doing turbo jam or brazil butt lift lol but maybe by u making him a part of ur routine he will feel less insecure. It will also be extra time for u guys to be together and even if u don't talk that much during ur workouts, I've found that working out with ur partner makes you guys bond. hope that helps!

    well last night i didnt work out cuz i met up with my boo for sushi. today is his bday but i cudnt wait, i wanted sushi lol. this morning i got up early and made him breakfast and he was really grateful cuz we usually run out of the house without breakfast or anything and today we were able to sit down and have bf together. i'm definately going home tonight and getting my workout in tho. I made it thro 3 days of the shred and today I think I'll do Turbo Jam instead.

    Happy Thursday everyone
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Happy Thursday everyone! I only have a few minutes b/c I'm in a training today and the trainer only gave us a 15 minute break. Today is week 1 day 4 of the P90X program. I'm suppose to complete Yoga X but I'm just not feeling yoga so I decided to make it a cardio day. I hit the gym this morning and completed another 30 minutes of HIIT on the treadmill and 15 minutes on the elliptical. My legs are very sore from Tuesday's workout but I feel great after having completed the HIIT. I pushed myself a little bit more today. My recovery speed was 5.4 on Tuesday and it was 5.6-5.7 today and my sprinting speed was 7.5 on Tuesday and 7.7 today.

    Well training is about to begin shortly. I did not have a chance to read the posts so I hope to catch up a little later. Have a great day.
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    Hi ladies!
    I didn't wake up this morning because I was up from 2-4am- I just couldn't sleep. I think I have a stomach bug that is still lingering from this past weekend with the in-laws. (But, I still haven't solved the early morning exercise stomach emergencies..haha. But, I will, and if it gets out of control, I will see a doctor.) So, I tried to get some rest this morning. I will get my workouts done tonight. I would have preferred to get up this morning as it gives me so much energy, but I just couldn't do it with only 4 hours of sleep. Choco, I don't know how you do it girl with your restless nights, and you still get up in the early morning! Tonight I'm planning on doing some cardio and strength training. I haven't yet decided, I'll probably do my Burn Intervals since that is a combination of both and I can burn a good 450 calories in about 50 minutes. I also wanted to do some ab works tonight.

    Choco- You are one speedy girl! 7.7mph! Thats amazing! Were you a track runner back in the day?? And you were saying you do that speed for a whole minute?! Man, I would be crashed. Haha. My run speed is usually 7mph, the very highest 7.5. Look at you go! Thats great. Those HIIT workouts are amazzzing, and usually my favorite morning activity. It really gets the heart pumping and the calories burnin! Are your knees doing okay on the treadmill? I find that I have slightly less knee pain on the treadmill than I do outside. Also, one tip as to avoid knee pains-- if you are planning on increasing your distance, the most you should increase it is 10% each week. If you go more than that you can get some pretty irriating knee/joint pain.

    Nola- also great advice! working out with the significant other is always a favorite of mine! definitely some great bonding time, and helps keep them healthy & fit as well! Sushi sounds so great! He is a lucky man- especially that you care so much you couldn't wait to take him out for some b-day fun! And woke up to make him breakfast! What a treat! You know, sometimes its those acts of service that can mean more than any gift. I know when I came home the day before my birthday and my husband had a candlelit dinner and had spent his afternoon preparing it for me, that meant more to me than his other gifts. It really shows that you care about him!! I hope he treats you just as great!! 'Cause you deserve it! :flowerforyou:

    Porterbaby- I also liked Nola's comment about inviting him to go on a walk with you, or other activities he may enjoy. I've noticed that when I work out with my husband we have some great things to talk about and it really strengthens our relationship. At first he hated running, but now he enjoys how it makes him feel once he's done, and plus we can spend time together! I hope everything goes well for you!! You've worked so hard and I hope that he can see that you are doing this to feel confident and to be healthy, and happier.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member

    Choco- You are one speedy girl! 7.7mph! Thats amazing! Were you a track runner back in the day?? And you were saying you do that speed for a whole minute?! Man, I would be crashed. Haha. My run speed is usually 7mph, the very highest 7.5. Look at you go! Thats great. Those HIIT workouts are amazzzing, and usually my favorite morning activity. It really gets the heart pumping and the calories burnin! Are your knees doing okay on the treadmill? I find that I have slightly less knee pain on the treadmill than I do outside. Also, one tip as to avoid knee pains-- if you are planning on increasing your distance, the most you should increase it is 10% each week. If you go more than that you can get some pretty irriating knee/joint pain.

    Dawna, I don't know how I get up in the morning either especially since I don't go to sleep before 11 pm and I wake up at least once through out the night. I will say that I haven't been as many problems w/my sleep. I guess my body has just adjusted to getting 5 hours a sleep b/c no matter what time I go to bed I will wake up w/in 5 hours even if I have to make myself stay in the bed.

    You think I'm amazing, I think YOUR amazing w/your long distance runs. I don't know if I could run consistently for 6 or 7 miles. I can't believe I can run at a 7.5-7.7 mph speed but lets remember its only for a minute and the HIIT that I found online always me to recover for 4 minutes before I have to increase my speed. I'm not having a lot of knee pain but it is bothering me.

    I hope your stomach problem gets better......u sure u not prego?